最近收到了一挑戰。。饒舌!!太 not me 了啦 🤣 不過飲料真心好喝!好喝到我不小心喝了6瓶然後發現哎唷影片還沒拍 硬著頭皮把空瓶子拍進去 😂
I received a challenge from Enchanted Cafe to come up with my own rap using their beat track + chorus hook and so I did! 🤣 Do I pass (pls)? 🙊
Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs consists of 8 different flavors of cold brew (4 coffee, 4 non-coffee)🍷1 bottle costs S$6.90 but you can now get a set of 8 at just S$50 + FREE delivery! 👏 My favourite flavour is Rose Chocolate 🌹🍫
💰 抽獎活動 💰
花費SGD$50或以上就有機會參加抽獎唷~ Spend $50 or above at www.mosanco.com or www.mosancocafe.com to enter their weekly Live Draw (from 17 June - 17 July 2020), where you can win up to $5888 cash!
#mosancorapchallenge #mosanco #mosancoenchantedcafe #coldbrew #rap #music #love #singer #sgsinger #sgmusician