Being sworn in for the 14th Parliament. We start the new term of government with a good mix of both experienced and new MPs. We will work closely with all Singaporeans to overcome the challenges of COVID-19, and build a stronger and better Singapore. – LHL
(MCI Photo by Zinkie Aw)
mps type 4 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的最佳貼文
The 14th Parliament was sworn in yesterday at Parliament House and the Arts House. In her opening address, President Halimah Yacob emphasised the need for our new generation of leaders and Singaporeans to work together to overcome COVID-19, and the worst recession we are facing since independence.
She laid out five priorities in this new term of government:
1. Secure jobs for Singaporeans;
2. Build a fair and just society;
3. Strengthen our Singaporean identity;
4. Evolve our politics; and
5. Build a ‘Singapore Together’ spirit in the next phase of nation building.
MPs will debate the President’s speech next week, and I will be speaking in the debate.
These are uncertain times, and we will have to continue adapting to major changes in the world. We must remain united – as one people together with our elected government – to survive and thrive despite these challenges, and secure a brighter future for ourselves and future generations. – LHL
mps type 4 在 觀念座標 Facebook 的精選貼文
※ 2016.09.10 英國 ※
英國國會議員未來將離開國會大廈(House of Parliament)至少六年之久,以作為西敏宮(Palace of Westminster)四十億英鎊的整建修復計畫的一部份。
首相特瑞莎‧梅(Theresa May)宣布西敏宮整建的藍圖,國會議員預定將於 2022 年離開國會大廈六年,以整修、拯救英國一級古蹟西敏宮的建築物。這也將是英國國會在二次世界大戰因為倫敦大轟炸以來,首度必須改變開會地點。
位在泰晤士河畔的西敏宮,建築的年代是 1800 年中葉,也是聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的建築物,近年來面臨許多維修上的問題,包括屋頂漏水、排水系統老舊(維多利亞時代建成)、電線埋管數十年未更新、石棉公害等等。這些問題導致每年的緊急維修預算高達一億英鎊。
經過十四個月的長考,修復委員會的國會議員建議,英國上下議院在 2022 年到 2028 年同時離開西敏宮,改到其他地點開會議政。根據他們的計畫,下議院可以改到健保部目前的辦公大樓里奇蒙屋(Richmond House)開會,此處離西敏宮只距離五分鐘的腳程。上議院則可以改到附近的伊莉莎白二世會議中心開會。
修復工作將在 2022 年開始,以讓 2020 年選出來的國會議員有機會使用原來的會議大廳。然而,《泰晤士報》的消息來源對於修復時間表達懷疑:「修復的時間不可能少於十年。」亦有人對於目前估計的四十億英鎊修復費用表達懷疑:「修復委員會是這麼估計,但是最後一定會遠遠超過。」有些國會議員估計,修復費用最後會漲一倍,達七十億英鎊。