#whenyousaynothingatall #ronankeating #nottinghill #musiconworldoff #lifestyleblogger #fashionblogger #bossbabes
musiconworldoff 在 Vicky Chan Facebook 的精選貼文
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
#hallelujah #leonardcohen #secretchord #acoustic #lyonhealyharps #harpist #hkharpplayer #hkig #bossbabes #musiconworldoff
musiconworldoff 在 堅離地城:沈旭暉國際生活台 Simon's Glos World Facebook 的最讚貼文
較早前收到這款睡眠耳塞,急不及待拆開來用,因為近年待在飛機商務客位的時間愈來愈多,也經常需要在不同國家的陌生酒店中長期旅居,加上時差問題,即使多習慣外遊,有時也會出現失眠困擾。想必,這大概是現代人「不斷遷徙」的新型生活模式導致的「First World Problem」吧?但自然,有人提出相應的「First World Solution」。近來的長途旅程,實在不能不隨身帶備「Bose noise-masking sleepbuds」睡眠耳塞在身,一經戴上,舒緩聲音及內置遮噪技術很快便讓睡意降臨,踏出飛機艙門/酒店房門的那一刻又是精神奕奕,現在只要想起那些每朝早狂飲咖啡提神的日子,便覺得是自己攞苦來辛了。
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