[GIVEAWAY in IG✨] Caring for newborn skin can be as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Recently, my boys and I had such a fun time filming a video segment for @mustelasg! 📽 They first used Mustela Gentle Cleansing Gel when they were both babies, and now, they’re still loving it! ☺️✨
The Mustela team has put together a helpful 3-step skincare routine video to bathe, hydrate and protect your newborn’s skin. Just head to my IG @sugar73 to watch them all! ❤️
Together with @mustelasg, we would love to away ONE Mustela Newborn Essential Set worth $118.60, containing all the items shown in the video 🥳!
To join, simply head to my IG!
P.S. The Mustela Newborn Essential Set is also available on ouimama.sg, for a limited time only. #mustelasg #mustelababy
#mustela #sgkids #sgmotherhood #sgmummies #bathtimesg 🌈✨
「mustela gentle cleansing gel」的推薦目錄:
mustela gentle cleansing gel 在 英式主婦 British Housewife Facebook 的精選貼文
英式主婦Cheer you up 😘之
🎁Aiababy Online BB 展送你一大袋Mustela
法國製造嘅Mustela一向係送比初生BB嘅熱選禮物,所有媽媽都唔會唔識佢,因為出生第一日就可以用,非常溫和,仲有人人都鍾意嘅Mustela BB味!
講到Mustela,我生咗三個當然買過唔少,都收過唔少啦!話說我個醫生係我小學坐我隔離位嘅同學,年輕有為又靚仔,深受姑娘歡迎。最經典係生細細B時,有兩個姑娘攞咗兩大袋BB產品sample比我,其中一大袋就係full size Mustela,同今日送出嘅呢袋不相伯仲。佢哋話:「呀我知道你係醫生嘅同學,所以先攞咁多送比你呀?係呢,佢平時個人點㗎?細個時係咪已經讀書好叻㗎?」..........我明我明,不過我幫唔到姑娘你㗎!😂😂不過好多謝D咁實用嘅禮物,有D都仲未用完真係超襟用!
講番正題,今日要送比大家嘅,係Mustela 初生寶寶護理套裝一共10件連媽媽袋同BB背心,總值HK$964,全set包括有:
- Gentle Cleansing Gel 500ml
- Body Lotion 300ml
- Foam Shampoo for New Born Cradle Cap 150ml
- Vitamin Barrier Cream 50ml
- Facial Cream 40ml
- Soothing Chest Rub 40ml
- Physiological Saline Solution 20x5ml
- Nursing Comfort Balm 30ml
- Cleansing Wipes with Olive Oil Diaper Change Cleanser 50sheets
- Cleansing Wipes for Face, Hands and Body 25sheets
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獎品一份:Mustela 初生寶寶護理套裝一套,一共10件(獎品總值$964)
2. 每人只限參加一次,參加者必須完成like , share 及留言答問題tag朋友三個步驟。
3. 得獎者1名,Mustela 初生寶寶護理套裝一套,一共10件(獎品總值$964)。得獎者名單將於2020年6月20日前公佈,而得獎者亦會於當天稍後時間於facebook收到得獎通知。
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Aiababy Online BB 展訂購網址:
Aiababy Online BB 展仲有好多其他超級優惠㗎:
1. Mustela 初生寶寶護理套裝一共10件$588(原價$964)
2. Mustela護髮沐浴啫喱套裝$284 (原價$355)
髮膚沐浴啫喱 750ml 兩支
送水份潤膚乳 50ml
3. Mustela幼童洗頭水套裝$245 (原價$307)
幼童洗頭水 500ml 一支
幼童洗頭水 200ml 兩支
🎁凡於Aiababy Online BB 展購物滿$1000,即送一系列禮品,其中包括:
Biolane防敏爽身粉液 (15ml)
Mustela Stelatopia cream 40ml
順順兒頂級黃金版嬰兒濕紙巾 70片
Life Nutrition全效益生菌 2 粒裝
My Little One 泡芙 一包
Aiababy Online BB 展訂購網址:
Mustela Hong Kong
Aia baby
#mustela #aiababy #網上BB展 #新生禮物