My baby with the round head, one big eye one small eye and the least hair among the three. No matter what, we always find our babies cute and love them to the moon and back, right? ❤
This was the boy's passport photo, taken when he was barely a month old. It's hard to believe that next year, we have to get a new passport for him already. Yup, time flies too fast.
While I like to reminisce and look at their baby photos, I also cherish the present, bigger version of them. This boy has been telling me "我比较爱你 (I love you more)" whenever I say "我爱你 (I love you)", which is really sweet to hear so we go on for minutes declaring our ❤ for each other and see who can say it longer (the one with more 比较s win). Haha.
#ahappymum #newborn #babyboy #sweetmotherhood #mybabiesaregrowingupsofast #iloveyoumorethanyouwilleverknow