[GIVEAWAY✨] When I was a kid, my “social media” was to go outside and PLAY 😉 Kids in the new age have technology at their fingertips 📲 and personally to me, it’s a double edge sword - on one hand I’m thankful that Elroy can still continue his schoolwork in the form of HBL during the pandemic, on the other hand I’m worried about the excess screen time they are exposed to.
Thankfully for @planoapp, it’s the world’s 🌎 first science-based parental control app that keeps my children safe online and their eyes healthy! 👀
Most importantly, @planoapp is not just a parental control app, the Safe Face-to-Screen Distance Detection feature actually reminds my child to hold their devices at a safe distance, too! 👍🏻 My favourite reminder is the “Eye Break Reminder” - which prompts Elroy to take regular eye breaks every 30 mins of screen time to rest their eyes! 👏🏻
In fact, Elroy will see the reminder and tell me he is taking a “rest”! I’m very impressed! 😉
Together with @planoapp, we would love for THREE lucky winners to choose any (one) item of value capped at $100 before discount on @planoapp’s #planoShop! 🛍
To join, simply :
🌎 Like this photo
🌎 Follow EITHER the @planoapp (IG) or @plano.co (in Facebook), and is already following me
🌎 Leave a comment below why you think Plano will help you or your child in their eye care journey, tagging one friend in each comment. No limits to commenting☺️
🌎 Repost in your IGS tagging us for more chances! Good luck! 🍀 Can’t wait to hear from all of you!
This giveaway will end on 29th June, 2359 hours and winners to be announced by me in this post here. ❤️
Use link : https://golink.onelink.me/MoCa/bbf358d to download the @planoapp and try it for yourself! 😉
#plano #planoApp #planoShop #ad #myopia #screentime #giveawaysg
myopia control 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳貼文
This little dancer is feeling elated today because she doesn't need to wear her specs, woohoo!
It's been over four months since she put on her first pair of glasses and we were told by her optometrist that her degree is increasing too fast, which isn't really a surprise judging by how she reads non-stop. She doesn't get much screen time and is device-free for now, so books are really the main cause of her myopia.
Anyway, we were advised to try to control her progression as early as possible and considering how she doesn't like to put on specs in the first place because of her passion for dance, we have embarked on her Ortho-K journey with @eyesightdotsg.
I had a handful of queries from some of you last night and will be answering them via DM and sharing more info in my highlights too. Basicially, OrthoKeratology, or Ortho-K, is a treatment to stop myopia progression and allows you to have practically perfect eyesight in the day without glasses. You will need to wear a special lenses to sleep at night - which reshapes your cornea - and be committed and diligent in keeping up with the routine.
It's the first day that the big girl is going to be specs free after all these months and we are very excited to see where this journey will bring us. Follow my stories for more updates as we go along, yeah?
Have a great weekend, people, and be safe from the haze!
#ahappymum #orthokforkids #angelsorthokjourney #eyesightdotsg #myopiacontrol #sp #nospecs #fingerscrossed #firstborn #mylittledancer #sheisabookworm #happyday
myopia control 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Part 2 - 眼藥水可減近視??
上一回講到做「眼操」沒有證據能夠減低近視。今集又再翻查學術文獻, 睇睇有咩方法可以成功控制近視進展。
Cochrane collaboration 在幾年前有做過呢一個方面嘅 review:
Walline et al. Interventions to slow progression of nearsightedness in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD004916.
<< Cochrane collaboration 係一個非牟利機構, 也是 evidence based medicine 實證醫學界, 專門做位於證據等級金字塔頂部 meta-analysis 嘅權威。佢個 logo 係一個綜合多個婦產科關於使用類固醇研究嘅 'forest plot'。 ( show off 下先, 我都係一篇 Cochrane review 嘅 co-author ) >>
作者總括了二十三份關於治療兒童近視的研究。其中兩份研究是使用較弱的近視眼鏡 (under-correction)。十二份研究是使用漸進眼鏡, 一份研究使用漸進隱形眼鏡, 兩份研究使用 RGP 隱形眼鏡。一份研究用減低周邊遠視效果的特製鏡片。(香港理工大學眼科視光學院最近贏咗獎嘅研究, 都好似係 similar but opposite idea?)。 有六份研究使用眼藥水。
我平時收 eye-research emails 最多見到嘅研究都係講使用阿托品眼藥水 (Atropine eyedrops), 亦係該 review paper 結論指出對抑壓近視進展最有效的方法。
有趣的是, 我細個聽過話近視配眼鏡唔好配足這個做法, 原來研究結論係會令近視進展稍為變差, 'Under-correction of myopia was found to increase myopia progression slightly'!
阿托品眼藥水原理是減少眼球拉長 (axial length control),從而減輕近視加深速度。用阿托品眼藥水有冇副作用? 當然有! 阿托品眼藥水會影響虹膜括約肌 iris sphincter muscle,令你的瞳孔會被放大, 更多光線可以進入眼內, 所以使用者可能會出現畏光。 除此之外, 睫狀肌 ciliary muscle 亦會被放鬆, 令病人看近距離景象時視力模糊。
事實上在兒童眼科, 我們有時會用阿托品眼藥水於患有弱視的小童, 用來令較強的眼睛視力模糊, 從而令小孩更專注使用另一隻有弱視的眼, 'to make the weak eye work harder'.
印像中, 這些研究的結論通常是當這些使用 atropine 的小孩停止滴眼藥水, 他們的近視進展就會繼續。 所以, 如果讀緊這篇文嘅你已經二字頭 or older, 恐怕眼藥水這類療法已經與你無緣了!
PS. 所謂的 OK 鏡 (ortho-keratology), 有文獻指出用於小孩可以有效減輕近視進度:
Sun et al, Orthokeratology to Control Myopia Progression: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE
< 當然, 要戴幾多年, 係咪要由細個戴到十幾廿歲先有 permanent effect, that's also a big question >
<< also, 戴隱形眼鏡帶有其風險, 例如眼角膜細菌感染 bacterial keratitis, 嚴重甚至有可能導致失明!>>
big thanks to Roy and Kin for their expertise!
myopia control 在 Myopia Control in Children - American Academy of ... 的相關結果
While myopia cannot be reversed, the goal of treatment is to keep it from getting worse. This can protect a child's eye health in the future ... ... <看更多>
myopia control 在 Types of Myopia Control 的相關結果
There are four widely accepted types of myopia control treatments: Orthokeratology (OrthoK aka CRT), Atropine eye drops, Distance-Center Multifocal Contact ... ... <看更多>
myopia control 在 Myopia Control: A Review - PubMed 的相關結果
More effective methods of myopia control include orthokeratology, soft bifocal contact lenses, and antimuscarinic agents. Orthokeratology and soft bifocal ... ... <看更多>