#timefortaiwan #yilan
I'm reading Jimmy’s picture book.There is a place makeing the story real
這裡就是宜蘭!It’s Yilan!
2016-2017 Episode 37 Lanyang Plains one day tour(2)/宜蘭文化之旅
Jimmy is a famous Taiwanese illustrator. His charming picture books have been translated into more than ten languages and are sold all over the world. Yilan Train Station used to have a plain brick exterior, but as if with the magic of Jimmy, it’s been turned into Taiwan’s cutest train station.
I think the passengers waiting here must always get the time wrong, since they are so cute!
The old dormitories on the left side of the station have been repurposed as Jimmy Square. Whether or not you’ve read his books, if you walk into this colorful dream world you’ll be like me, unable to stop moving.
If you have Google translate the name of the park, you will come out like
SE:Du Du Dang
但這是一首傳統的宜蘭民謠,所以我們要用當地人的發音,呿~呿噹~森林~DuDang~沒錯,這裡是呿呿噹森林!~ !
But the name is from a traditional Yilan song, so I’ll use the local pronunciation, Du~Du~Dang~ That’s right! Du Du Dang Forest!
Another unmissable photo opportunity lies across from the train station, where Jimmy’s Starry Starry Night Train hangs 14 meters up in the air under a forest of steel beams. The feeling of being able to sit up there must be different for every visitor.
Speaking of tradition, Yilan has a special drink that’s been passed down for over two hundred years. It’s a type of red cordial called “hungluh chiew”. The Yilan County government holds festivals for the beverage, which it’s even designated as the official county drink. As the first drink in Taiwan to be recognized like that, it’s easy to see that “hungluh chiew” holds a special place in the hearts of the people of Yilan.
紅露酒的原料是紅麴米和糯米,宜蘭人暱稱它為“紅酒”,我 現在就來喝喝看,它跟真的紅酒有什麼不一樣...
The ingredients in an-chiew are red yeast rice and sticky rice. The people of Yilan have nicknamed the drink “red wine.” I’m going to have a drink, to see how it’s different from real red wine.
It’s smooth,mellow and has sweet aftertaste ,Not bad
“hungluh chiew” is the star product of Yilan Distillery, which was built in 1909. The distillery offers a range of delicious drinks to taste in the surrounding of some beautiful Japanese-era architecture. Tourists shouldn’t miss it! For example this building is the distillery’s administrative office, which blends western and Japanese architectural influences. It was even listed as one of Taiwan’s 100 most notable old buildings.
It’s so beautiful, that I almost feel “drunk” looking at it…
Aside from being used in distilling alcohol, red yeast rice is part of many innovative Yilan foods.
I just order several kinds of food,they’re all made out of red yeast,rice cakes,sausage and Hungluh Chiew boild egg,let’s have try…
好多汁。Juicy 這也好吃。Yummy
Or you may have this to cool of in summer,Hungluh Chiew rice cake popsicle, If you have a chance, you should definitely come and try it, I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! Ciao~see you next time.
「name pronunciation google translate」的推薦目錄:
name pronunciation google translate 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的精選貼文
【葡萄牙美食不可少 ~ 馬介休 / 鱈魚餐】
【Typical Portuguese cuisine ~ Bacalhau / Codfish dishes】
來葡萄牙旅遊而沒有吃過馬介休 / 鱈魚的話, 您的葡萄牙之旅肯定是美中不足。 :-)
Your trip of Portugal is imperfect if you haven't had any bacalhau / saltcod dish during your stay. :-)
葡萄牙是美味的馬介休的家鄉。 馬介休其實是一個菜肴的總稱, 指所有經由鹽醃製而成的鱈魚餐/馬介休餐。在葡萄牙各大小餐廳裡, 通常都能見得到馬介休菜式出現在他們的菜單上。
據說, 馬介休已經產生至少500年。馬介休能夠保存多月, 因此在歐洲大航海時代, 它是很理想的食糧。這是因為在當年, 葡萄牙探險家必須長時間乘船出海, 探索新世界; 馬介休為探險家們提供了便於攜帶、他們所需要的營養成份。
記下『馬介休』這個葡語字和到 Google translate 練一下它的發音, 那下次大家來葡萄牙旅遊, 吃飯時就可輕鬆地點一個馬介休餐喔! (還有: 據說在葡萄牙, 用馬介休做的菜多達365種, 每天吃一款, 也需要整整一年才可以全部品嘗過一次)
Portugal is home to the delicious bacalhau, or saltcod. It indeed refers to a variety of fish dishes prepared with saltcod - codfish that has been preserved by drying and salting. One can usually see bacalhau dishes showing on the menu in most restaurants all over Portugal.
Bacalhau is said to have been produced for at least 500 years, since the time of the European Age of Discovery. Bacalhau can be kept for many months and is easily portable too. It was therefore an ideal food for the Portuguese explorers who must sail around the world, as it provided them with preserved nutrients that they needed.
Remember the Portuguese name "bacalhau", and try to memorise its pronunciation (check on "Google translate" to help you), so the next time you come to Portugal, you can easily order a bacalhau dish at a restaurant! (PS: It has been widely said there are as many as 365 recipes for bacalhau dishes in Portugal. So if you have one different dish every day, it still will take you one full year to enjoy all the different ones ONCE!)