1)在下之前都講咗了,根據發行價,譚仔個historical PE係15.51倍至19.42倍之間。Post money嘅book value係大概每股$1.19至$1.40之間,PB嘅話就係2.79至2.97倍之間,喺同行嚟講真係好撚貴;
2)在下喺個網度完全搵唔到關於2017年丸龜(即Toridoll)收購兩壇嘢背後嘅IFA,在下甚至懷疑根本係無IFA團隊,有可能係丸龜自己有條FA team搞。無論如何,19億收購價,最多可以攞谷到56億市值,cap 14億水。4年3倍return,呢個return實在算唔錯。咁丸龜條數都靚啲啦;
3)由2018年到而家,譚仔收入嘅growth CAGR係7.4%,net profit CAGR係20.7%;值得留意嘅係,2018年做15.5億生意,320球係外賣(即20.6%),嚟到2021年,做17.9億生意,890球外賣,即49.6%係外賣。佢2021條頂數頂得住好大程度都係因為有外賣頂住;
4)2021年人均消費$58.4(過去三年都差唔多),屌但係在下真係覺得呢part有水份。如果硬係要問點解嘅話,在下嘅gut feeling覺得應該係關啲小食事,不過就算減少水份之後,high 40s / low 50s應該走唔甩;
5)譚仔三年嘅人工佔收入嘅31-32%,喺餐飲業嚟講算中位數,不過唔好唔記得2021年譚仔攞咗154球政府保就業錢。佢無好似其他公司咁將呢舊數offset人工,所以某程度上佢2021年賺多咗錢都係因為呢舊數,大家唔好俾呢舊數distort咗。扣除政府舊錢嘅話,佢嘅net profit margin其實得7.42%;
6)譚仔一年(2021年)可以收707球operating cashflow,咁點解仲要集資14億?屌佢老味佢兩年都賺到舊錢返嚟啦!如果大家睇Cashflow statement嘅話,佢買嘢嘅Capex都係有限錢(2021年122球),不過公道啲講佢啲租真係交得有小小甘。三年平均數約收入嘅16.5%,唔算特別平;
7)仲有一點值得大家留意,2019至2021年譚仔總共派咗375球股息俾丸龜(未上市之前佢地係佔99.5%股份),仲唔止,2021年3月之後個interim period班架佬再派多咗280球俾自己,即係呢三年幾派咗655球。咦?乜咁撚啱嘅?佢未來三年個expansion plan係估計自己需要675球喎……咦咦咦咦?如果當初架佬唔攞錢咪無撚嘢囉係咪?
8)所以,如果睇佢up to 2021年7月底盤balance sheet數嘅話,其實譚仔係net current liabilities(負156球),屌梗係支不抵債啦,你班HKC都挖撚咗兩百幾球走(佢地係7月21日派股息的),梗係穿窿啦屌你!亦都解釋咗點解exchange會俾佢地上市鳥。
10)佢地俾董事同高管嘅pre-IPO options嘅terms好順攤(起碼好過當初遵理同林溢欣嗰啲先)。大致terms如下——行駛價$0.85,30%可以上市嗰日就行駛,30%係上市之後1年,剩返40%就係上市之後兩年可以行駛。不過得2球8,唔係好多姐,由佢啦。
同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過209萬的網紅レトルト,也在其Youtube影片中提到,この船絶対に乗りたくない。 Return of the Obra Dinn 実況プレイ 次⇒https://youtu.be/GG3ytsVtLoI 再生リスト⇒https://is.gd/IzAra9 Papers, Please⇒https://youtu.be/A-uIDxTo9zY ...
net return 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
這次ADBE在財報後下跌, 主要是兩個原因(如下). 不過個人覺得是瑕不掩瑜:
1. 因為之前已經漲了不少(投資人期望太高)
2. 因為Digital Marketing這部分的業務受到季節性的影響, 所以表現不是很突出(沒有比預期高出很多)
a. net new Digital Media ARR (3% beat vs guide, vs 15% beat in 2Q21 vs 35% beat in 3Q20).
b. 有分析師在問(“Maybe just -- can we double-click on the seasonality commentary in the quarter? Because if we look at the beat versus guidance on net new digital media ARR, it looks, at the same time you had the weakest beat, but then the strongest guide in the last three years, which kind of speaks to and confirm some of those seasonality comments that you made.)
i. 高層對此的回答是, 主要是疫情後, 加上正值夏季, 大家的日子回復到正常&放假外出, 所以這部分的業務有受到影響(I think going into the quarter, we had expected that the consumer with a little bit more return to normalcy as what's happening in the environment.)
ii. 高層又說了一些話, 不過重點就是他不認為這是甚麼大事”So, net-net, I would say that the growth prospects for that particular business and the growth drivers remain intact. But again, very much in line. And this is what we feel good about the insights that we're getting on the business.”
iii. 也提到, Q4通常會是digital marketing業務的旺季(表現會不俗的意思)
另外, 覺得這次令我印象深刻的是, 當高層與分析師提到這些事情:
• 常在一些公司的電話會議中提到omnichannel這個字(疫情後, 更明顯了). 這次高層也有提到. ADBE可說是omnichannel概念股:
o “I mean, a big part of that is more and more companies are thirdly doing the multi-channel omnichannel, whatever they want to call it. And I think that's only going to continue to be a driver of our Digital Experience Solutions. Because today that stable stakes and so we just look at it and say whether you're shopping in-store over they are shopping online. You need a solution that treats you like a customer that we know of.”
• 網路上影片(video)的興起, 以及串流影音, 有提高了Adobe的營收天花板(用句分析師的術語, 就是TAM (total addressable market) expansion.
• 當使用者製作了越來越多的內容, 內容管理(content management)的能力就越顯重要, 內容上的流程管理(workflow)也越顯重要. Adobe的產品能夠幫內容製作者解決這樣的問題.
• 而Adobe各產品間的相容性, 標準化, 整合能力, 是它的競爭優勢之一:
o And one of the things we did really well is what we called our named user deployment and how, you know, when we have these enterprise licensing agreements, we offer enterprises the ability to download and distribute within the companies. And the more we do training and evangelism of the products, that leads to adoption. So, I would say there's an element of standardization, there's an element of more content.
而最近ADBE有個新聞, 引起了我的注意, 就是它即將在自己的平台上, 提供付款服務(payment service). 根據之前研究SHOP的經驗, 這有可能會對股價造成一定的漲幅:
On Sept. 15, Adobe announced that it will add payment services to its e-commerce platform this year to help merchants accept credit cards and other ways of paying. The move will deepen Adobe's rivalry with e-commerce firm Shopify (SHOP).
For the service, Adobe has partnered with PayPal (PYPL), which will process a variety of payment types, including credit and debit cards as well as PayPal's own payment and buy-now-pay-later offerings.
接下來該怎麼辦? 對於基本面良好的公司如ADBE, 我能說的就是buy the dip(逢低買進)了. 供參.
🌻The Facebook Files
一個星期前, WSJ上面有個關於FB的大篇幅調查報導. 有興趣的可以看看.
The Facebook Files
這篇文章挺長, 也沒有看到華爾街中文版本的完整翻譯, 不過可以看看這篇:
🌻我喜歡的Apple TV影集, "Ted Lasso", 是這次艾美獎的大贏家, 很多主要演員都得獎了.
很高興這兩年, 因為有這部戲的陪伴, 讓我撐過了疫情, 家人離世, 以及一些烏煙瘴氣的事情.
前幾天看演員的得獎影片, 一位娛樂記者問得獎的男配角(也是編劇之一)說, 你覺得這部片的核心思想是甚麼. 他說, be curious, not judgemental.
就像得獎的女演員在劇中一開始是很鴨霸很壞心的球隊主人, 但這樣做是因為被前夫傷透了心, 所以想要弄垮離婚後分到的財產(也是前夫的最愛--球隊); 外表看起來永遠陽光燦爛做啦啦隊的男主角, 在青少年時父親自殺, 造成了他心裡永遠的痛&障礙(讓他在球賽時, 會有突發恐懼症).
我們每個人其實都有很多面, 很多個故事. 尤其在社群, 大家都是萍水相逢, 對彼此的了解都是非常片面的; 而有時候在社群裡, 看到有人會因為只看到一個面向, 就去下斷語. 這其實是人之常情很難避免, 所以我們需要常用第二層思考去提醒自己. 社群裡需要更多的同理心.
“Be curious, not judgmental” – Walt Whitman(惠特曼)(美國詩人)
net return 在 林绿 Lynn Facebook 的精選貼文
You were spotted on a bustling highway.
Tiny, ugly, tailless and terrified.
Your little body trembling with fear, a strong urine stench was emitting from your body.
A week later. I woke up to you snuggling in my bed; pillow to be exact, securely, warmly.
Since then new house laws were enforced.
My bed was your bed. I was your mother. I was your favourite human who provides you unlimited food and endless playtime.
You then befriended Twelve and Monkey.
Three of you shared a bed, a blanket, a bowl of water.
But not their food.
You, however, welcomed them to enjoy your bowl of kibbles generously.
My first thought was: what a loving cat.
In hindsight, you probably thought: The human will refill my bowl with fresh kibbles. Two of you can have my leftovers.
You were named Goku for two reasons; too vigorous as a kitten and for a long time I believed you were immortal, just like the manga character.
4 months later we moved.
You grew into a rebellious teenager. Longed for a taste of freedom and the outside world.
Your free and wild spirit wouldn’t keep you home. You broke the mosquito net and habitually left house for wildlife adventure.
Once you didn’t return for one and a half day.
Your picture was up. I canvassed the neighbourhood and called for you.
I thought you were gone for good. You craze for freedom after all.
The second night you returned meowing for food and water and snuggles. I performed a dramatic scene.
I believed you understood my performance, because ever since, you never once spent another night out.
You always come home.
Your freedom didn’t come free. It came with three cat bells.
When the three cat bells jangling they played as a smoothing refrain.They became my lullaby that reassured that you were around, healthily, happily.
And it calmed my anxious heart.
You. My lizard catcher. My life saviour.
My whole life, the relationship between the lizards and me have been fiery.
Shrieking, bouncing, yelling when there’s one.
You appeared to protect me from them.
I felt safe under your surveillance.
Despite some odd days you instinctively showed appreciation by bringing one to bed, at two in the morning, your appreciation is very much appreciated.
But now my lizard catcher is gone.
The walls creaked the night you left.
Lizards paraded in the house, hissed loudly, as if they were celebrating victory their biggest enemy, my lizard catcher has gone forever.
I loathed them for that.
Over the past one month, home has become something else.
It feels empty without your surveillance.
Soundless without your bells jangling.
The bed and pillow feel naked.
The air smells bitter and heavy and icy.
My body and imagination have gone riot.
Every insect I see around the house I suspect that is you come back to pay a visit.
Then my lungs behaving strange. Like a puntured balloon that will never reach a full measure of oxygen.
My heart feels like its sinking one inch deeper into a dark abyss each time I think of you.
A few times the baby at next house cries and I mistaken that is you that came home meowing for me.
Only to be reminded you are gone.
And I feel abandoned.
The day I planted your ashes in the white Morning Glory.
A butterfly dropped by.
Watching me place your Morning Glory on your favourite, regular spot near the gate, carefully, peacefully.
Now whenever my hearts sinks one inch deeper.
I step out of the house and stare at you; your white Morning Glory.
And I see you: your obstinacy, your haughtiness, your delicacy.
Your White Morning Glory, it’s growing free and it’s growing wild.
Just like you.
net return 在 レトルト Youtube 的精選貼文
Return of the Obra Dinn 実況プレイ
Papers, Please⇒https://youtu.be/A-uIDxTo9zY
チャンネル登録よろしくどうぞ!⇒ http://goo.gl/OZrD3u
★スマホ&短編集 再生リスト⇒http://urx.blue/VO7r
★実況part1集 再生リスト⇒http://u0u0.net/lVPJ
net return 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的精選貼文
Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a classic French creamy mushroom soup. (Soupe Aux Champignons)
French mushroom soup is a simple and easy recipe that you can make everyday or on a weeknight. This easy homemade mushroom soup is so comforting, it's hearty, rich and earthy, and it's quite versatile. You can also make it vegan by using vegetable broth, and use coconut milk instead of heavy cream. This recipe just keeps it simple and gluten-free. This will definitely become a go-to recipe! It’s a perfect soup for a chilly fall day. Hope you like this video. Enjoy. :)
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
How to make Classic French Mushroom Soup Recipe
Soupe Aux Champignons Recipe
☞ Yield: 3-4 bowls
✎ Ingredients
☞ For broth
half onion
fresh thyme 2 bunches
fresh parsley 1 bunch
bay leaf 1
carrot 1
celery 1 stalk
black peppercorn Q.S.
water 500ml
☞ For mushroom soup
mushroom 270g, remove the stem, net weight is about 250g
olive oil 15g
unsalted butter 15g
half onion
whipping cream 120g
salt Q.S.
a knob of butter for pureeing
✎ Instructions
☞ For the broth
1. The best way to clean mushrooms is to not wash them, but if they are dirty, you can wash them gently one by one and immediately pat dry with paper towels, don't keep them in water too long.
2. You can cut off the stem or remove the stem by fingers, but don't throw it away, use them to make broth. Place the mushrooms caps on the cutting board and slice them. Set aside.
3. Peel the carrot and trim off the top, cut carrot and celery into a few big pieces.
4. Trim the ends of the onion, cut in half, peel off skin both halves and discard the skin. One halve cuts into big pieces for broth. Another halve chops into small pieces for frying with mushroom slices.
5. Throw onions, carrots, celery, peppercorns and herbs in a pot. Cover with 500ml of water, set the pot over medium high heat and bring it to a boil, then turn the heat down to low heat and cook for 30 minutes. The cooking time depends on how much stock you make.
6. Remove the pot from the stove, and set a strainer over a bowl, pour the stock through, pressing on the solids to extract any extra liquid and discard the vegetables.
☞ For the mushroom soup
1. Cook onions in olive oil and butter in a soup pot over medium high heat, then reduce heat to low and cover to cook for 8 minutes until soft but not browning.
2. Add the mushroom slices and salt, stir evenly, cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes until liquid from mushrooms has mostly evaporated.
3. Pour the vegetable broth and whipping cream and stir constantly, keep the heat on low and cover to cook for 30 minutes.
4. Transfer 3/4 soup to a blender and puree until smooth, creamy and thick.
5. Return soup to pot and stir well. Season with salt and black pepper if needed, and serve in bowls, garnish with mushroom slices or drizzle a few drops of olive oil. Enjoy!
net return 在 translation Youtube 的最佳解答
manufacturer: 1988 Brother industry / TIERHEIT
computer: msx2+FM-PAC
Hardware: AY-3-8910,YM2413 (FM-PAC)
Arranger: Tsun,Ray-net
00:00 01.Takeda Shingen's Chapter / Pagan Land (武田信玄の章 / 異教の地)
04:12 02.Takeda Shingen's chapter / Asura (武田信玄の章 / 阿修羅)
07:02 03.Oda Nobunaga's chapter / Snow's Gojo Ohashi (織田信長の章 / 雪の五条大橋)
10:05 04.Oda Nobunaga Chapter / Fujin・Rijin (織田信長の章 / 風神 雷神)
12:56 05.Toyotomi Hideyoshi's chapter / The castle tower of sorrow (豊臣秀吉の章 / 哀愁の天守閣)
17:08 06.Toyotomi Hideyoshi's chapter / Nue (豊臣秀吉の章 / ぬえ)
20:08 07.Sanada Yukimura's chapter / Ninja House (真田幸村の章 / 忍者屋敷)
23:39 08.Sanada Yukimura's chapter / Tengu (真田幸村の章 / 天狗)
26:55 09.Tokugawa Ieyasu's chapter / slash Edo (徳川家康の章 / 江戸を斬る)
30:38 10.Tokugawa Ieyasu's chapter / evil spirit (徳川家康の章 / 邪鬼)
34:14 11.Fanfare (ファンファーレ)
34:26 12.victory (勝利)
37:10 13.Return (帰還)