《啥玩D咔》Let GO 太空漂浮SPA!
【躺下去就会浮起来的「太空漂浮SPA」来到大马啦!】首次体验只需Rm 130,免费沐浴套装!超舒压超Relax!现在还有10份「漂浮」Free、Free、Free捏!(〃∀〃)~♡
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参赛日期:即日起 至 2017年10月31日
公布幸运儿:2017年11月中 (需在2017年12月31日前redeem)
KL 就出现了全马唯一的「太空漂浮SPA」!就在KL Gateway Mall !不用去到死海就能体验零重力的水上漂呢!漂浮SPA是从国外引进的最新科技!水里加的矿物盐都是英国顶级进口的!就可以提高血液里的矿物质,对于肩膀酸痛、皮肤问题、失眠都有很大的医疗作用哦!而且还可以帮助排毒呢!≧◇≦ 一个水疗间就可以容纳最多两个人,所以可以选择独自享受或约朋友一起泡哦!
这里还有梳妆间让你可以在完成水疗后整理和化妆!洗脸霜、化妆棉、润发油、Lotion 等等都准备好让你使用!超贴心的~ 最后还可以点一杯热乎乎的茶暖暖胃~另外来这里体验太空漂浮Spa,就可以免费得到一套价值RM70的Loccitane 沐浴套!里面就有洗头水、沐浴露和lotion !太赞啦~(♡∀♡)又可以变美又可以边健康,你还等什么?快jio朋友/家人或爱人一起来体验着太空漂浮SPA吧!(ノ≧∀≦)ノ
【Floatation Therapy】
地址:2.21, 2nd Floor, KL Gateway Mall, No. 2, Jalan Kerinchi, Kampung Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur.
联络号码:03-7931 3001
Like 翻转大马吃喝玩乐 Eat Pray Love 以获得更多旅游、美食和免费促销资讯!
newlifefloatcentre 在 HanliBubu Facebook 的最佳貼文
After a long day work, I decided to give this floating therapy that I have been long waiting for 🤗 ! The receptionist was kind enough to bring me through the process step by step. She also provides me a glass of water and FREE Loccitane gift box which consist of shampoo, shower gel and body lotion for me to shower before and after the therapy.
This therapy is a zero gravity floating therapy that last for an hour. It is really effective for muscles relieve and body-ache!! The 600kg of Epsom mineral salts that contains in the pool is also good for our skin 😍 It helps to avoid ultimate dryness and prevents wrinkles and at the same time helps our skin to absorb more vitamins from all the minerals. You will get the best relaxation both physically 💪🏻and mentally. 👀
1 hour of therapy equals to 4 hours recharge💎
You may bring your makeup pouch over as they provide other grooming equipments for you too!
It's great for those who work from 9-5pm daily!
#flaoatingtheraphy #epsommineralsalts #relaxation #peaceful #vitamins #tirednessallgone #iamrecharged #awaken #newlifefloatcentre
📍 2nd floor, KL GATEWAY
📌 Floatation Therapy
Floatation Therapy
newlifefloatcentre 在 SCXKL Facebook 的最佳貼文
"The best cure for your body is a quiet mind"
It's always easier said than done but thanks to @newlifefloatcentre for the invitation to experience the 1st Floating Spa in Malaysia!
With water that consists of 600Kg of Epsom Salt, floating is effortless! It helps me to reduce pain, relieve stress and improve sleep too.
Fit out more & book your first float at www.newlifefloatcentre.com/booking or call: 03 79313001