「袖口鈕」- 女士有好多飾物可以揀,但係男士除咗手錶之外,「袖口鈕」就算是最能夠凸顯其品味的飾物,不要看輕一對小小的袖口鈕,以鑽石及寶石鑲嵌的䄂口鈕,身價足足可以媲美一層細價樓的價值。今日我選了一對我很喜歡的袖口鈕做飾物,你們喜歡嗎?「M · K」
There are plenty of options for ladies when it comes to choosing accessories. But for men, aside from watches, cuff links are a great way to add that extra touch to your outfit. Don't underestimate what adding this little detail can do, cuff links can add that touch of elegance to elevate your outfit to the next level. Today, I've chosen this pair of customized cuff links with my initials, what do you guys think? 「M · K」