Lee388 靚聲推介:
近日聽了這張新發行的SACD:Gary Moore《Still Got the Blues》專輯,碟內第四首Still Got the Blues可以說是Gary Moore的代表作,這首歌曲不止好有味道,而且音效也相當之好,這種結他的聲音,可以觸動心霏,加上Gary Moore的憂怨的歌聲,還有不知道是不是SACD的加持,這首歌曲絕對可以用作試音之選!
聽了這首使我感動的大碟,我自然想了解多一點Gary Moore的事蹟,之後找到了一篇相當詳盡的資料,是來自台灣的【獨立評論】,作者黃怡的一篇文稿,我覺得相當詳細,亦可以使大家更加了解這位結他高手Gary Moore的逸事,所以我引用這篇文章和大家分享!最後,這張SACD是我近期一聽再聽,所以一定要與大家分享!
Gary Moore──我的吉他在空中哭泣
作者 黃怡
蓋瑞摩爾(Gary Moore,1952~2011)逝世已6年了,這些年來,他在流行音樂界的聲望不減反增,從youtube連綿不絕的上傳,無論是單曲或專輯,錄音室灌製或現場錄影,以及閱聽者的熱烈反應,大有凌駕Eric Clapton,成為藍調搖滾吉他王的架勢。
摩爾是聽Eric Clapton長大的,記得John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers嗎?晚近的藍調搖滾迷,很少不是聽該樂團中Clapton的吉他主奏,才開始知道實心吉他如何結合藍調與搖滾。酸民常認為Clapton從不敢與Moore同台演出,Clapton倒一向淡定,只說:「Moore彈奏速度實在太快了,我哪裡跟得上他呀!」這是真話,即使Moore不是流行樂壇最正點的吉他手,至少也是最快的吉他手之一,雖然Moore常強調,快是炫技,只是為了帶給歌迷緊張與刺激,他個人滿喜歡聽Roy Buchanan的慢板藍調吉他。
Moore與 Clapton的歌迷特別喜歡比一比兩人的功力,不比吉他,也要比比歌喉。但歌喉是天生的,要比,只能比感情與技巧,Moore去世那年的5月,Clapton唱起Moore的Still Got the Blues,以鋼弦吉他伴唱,配上單純的電子琴聲做背景音樂,雖不如Moore的原唱那麼扣人心弦,卻還是很有味道。不過,Moore做為一個歌者,過了中年嗓音越渾厚,與他的吉他聲兩相唱和,效果越見不凡,這是歌迷普遍的定論。
感謝啟發他的Phil Lynott
有些樂評家認為,Moore的吉他聲線不僅性感,簡直是淫蕩,才會那麼顛倒眾生。Moore的歌迷應該會十分同意這點。他的彈唱風格,若從8歲最初彈奏的那把吉他算起,整整花了將近30年,直到1990年他自作、自彈、自唱的Still Got the Blues問世,才大致建立。
Moore生於1952年4月4日,北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特人,有一個哥哥、三個姊妹,父母嚴重失和,連累他也提早輟學,15、16歲就到了都柏林,想成為一個音樂家,一年之後父母離婚,北愛暴亂,他無家可回,決定浪跡天涯。1969年加入名為Skid Row的合唱團之後,他認識了人生第一個貴人 Phil Lynott(1949~1986)。Lynott高高瘦瘦帥帥,黑白混血兒,魅力百分百,是個色鬼,據Moore說:「你絕不能把女朋友留給他照顧,幾分鐘都不行。」
Lynott像媽媽般的照顧Moore,早起燒飯給他吃,介紹這個、那個給Moore,開啟了Moore包括吃中國菜在內的各方面味蕾。初進入樂壇的Moore,由於年紀小,大家覺得他是憨憨的鄉巴佬,只把他當成琴藝高超的小弟弟看待,唯有Lynnot認他是音樂上的同道,願意與他同甘共苦,一起成長。Moore在Skid Raw待了2年(1968~1970),樂團嘗試各種搖滾樂風,從放克到重金屬,例如Night of Warm Witch,這是Moore第一個正式的音樂學校,但有很多樂迷認為,團員中只有Moore的彈奏可聽,其他人的演出簡直一塌糊塗。
Moore離開Skid Row之後,1973年自組樂團,推出Grinding Stone,這是Moore歌迷必須珍藏的唱片,當時Moore才21歲,已展現不凡的氣勢。然後他三度進出Lynott組的Thin Lizzy,和Lynott共創的佳績如Waiting for an Alibi、Out in the Field,都是搖滾經典之作。
Lynott以主唱的身份組團,後來才學了貝斯及作曲,Thin Lizzy是少數被歐美樂迷承認的愛爾蘭搖滾樂團,Lynott去世後,他的雕像立在都柏林市中心Grafton Street街頭,可見受擁戴的程度。Lynott的白人媽媽未婚生子,黑人父親屢向她求婚未果,但一直有供給這對母子贍養費,Lynott由外婆照顧,從小過著幸福快樂的生活。他是事業有成之後才嗑藥成癮,最後母親發現他染上海洛因癮,逼他進療養院做勒戒,幾天之後,突然身體狀況直轉而下,死於多重器官衰竭。
2005年8月20日,都柏林市為Lynott銅像揭幕,他的媽媽來到現場,過去Thin Lizzy的老戰友幾乎全數到齊,晚上以演唱會向Lynott致敬(見Gary Moore & Friends one night in Dublin:A Tribute to Phil Lynott)。這場演唱會是Moore促成的,他找來待過Thin Lizzy的三位主吉他手,加上他自己,本來Thin Lizzy就以雙主吉他手聞名,Moore與其他三人分別搭配,唱了10首他們的暢銷名曲。可以看得出來的是,Moore的實力遠在三人之上,當時他已如日中天,許多樂迷甚至認為,他是全球最頂尖的電吉他手。
有意思的是,這個演唱會的前後經過有個紀錄片,片中Lynott老友們講述他的舊事,說他文質彬彬,待人接物顯出教養良好,思想上比較不像是個rocker,而像是個知識份子,尤其對愛爾蘭的歷史了解得鉅細靡遺,是他們每個人的啟發者。不過其中有一人說,Lynott的音樂偶像是Jimi Hendrix、Elvis、Janis Joplin和Brian Jones,這四人個個早死,而且死因都和藥癮有關,也難怪Lynott會步上他們的後塵,提前向閻王爺報到了。
1974年,Moore加入了英國鼓手Jon Hiseman的 Colosseum(1975~1978),是個fusion樂團,即興意味很重,融合了爵士、放克、藍調等,這是1960年代興起的樂風,較偏爵士的例如Mile Davis、Chick Corea,偏搖滾的如Frank Zappa、Caravan、Soft Machine、Spirit等,Colosseum也算是其中佼佼者,既然志在做實驗性的音樂,當然很難兼顧市場。
「比較起來,Thin Lizzy像是打爛戰,大家想到哪裡做到哪裡,起床、喝個爛醉、上台演出等等,相反的,Colosseum的成員很嚴肅,很團結,很專業。」Moore說,「我跟他們在一起的3年,大家搭著迷你巴士,到處住便宜旅館,就為了可以跟歌迷演奏我們想演奏的音樂,不是為了錢。然而很幸運,還是有唱片公司願意幫我們灌唱。」
但Moore並不覺得與Colosseum的合作,使他得到充份發揮。「從他們那裡離開之後,有時單飛,有時再回到Thin Lizzy,我常常感到,自己的適應能力似乎有些太好,好的讓自己四分五裂,不曉得哪個方向才是我應該努力的,而我的歌迷也應該會覺得很奇怪,為什麼我這樣變來變去,哪個才是真正的我呢?下週我會跑去彈爵士吉他了嗎?」
逐漸的,Moore在不工作的時候,或在後台,總是彈奏著藍調,有人就說:「你彈得滿像回事了,該去灌張藍調唱片……」這話說中了Moore的心事,為什麼他鍾意的都是藍調歌手,很少搖滾歌手呢?例如Jimi Hendrix、Roy Buchanan、Peter Green等,為什麼這些人那麼吸引他?
來自Roy Buchanan技法的影響
先說說Roy Buchanan(1939~1988)吧。這位早年演奏時總是穿著一件土土的花格西裝褲,上身隨意搭配的先生,可是包括Moore在內許多樂壇名吉他手在技法方面的導師,也是至今仍受到電子吉他界無限尊崇的吉他手。他那把1953年型的Fender Telecaster,在他的操弄之下,可以發出幾十種聲音。早年,他從模仿Jimi Hendrix和Chuck Berry的歌起家,後來他的音樂類型頗多,有恬靜的Sweet Dreams,也有狂野怪異的You Are Not Alone。
1971年是Buchanan的轉運年,美國公共電視製做了《世界最頂尖的無名吉他手》(The Best Unknown Guitarist in the World)紀錄片,引來披頭四John Lenon和鄉村歌王Merle Haggard的讚歎,也為Buchanan贏來寶麗金唱片公司的一紙合同,那年他已32歲。自此到他48歲去世,出了13張專輯和3張現場錄音。基於他的「存貨甚豐」,去世後又出了17張專輯。
雖然Buchanan有好幾張金唱片,算是成名的吉他手,卻承認每次上台都還緊張得很,並不是大家看見他那樣的悠閒自在。聊到外傳1969年滾石合唱團曾找他去替代Brian Jones,他說確有其事,但他有自知之明:「I don't feel like a Rolling Stone, I don't look like a Rolling Stone, I don't think like a Rolling Stone.」並說,最危險的就是人人都誇你為世界第一的時候。其實並沒有什麼世界第一。
有一次人家問Buchanan,請他評量一下幾個他的年輕崇拜者(大概意指Jeff Beck或 Gary Moore),他只回答:「彈得快又好是一回事,但演奏總是還要回到歌曲的基本面,看看你究竟想表現什麼。你有辦法,就表現得出來,這時無論你被別人如何評價,你都自知是成功了。」
Peter Green的致命吸引力
相反的,Moore承認自少年時代便受到Peter Green吸引,白人吉他樂手中,可能唯有Green真正捉住了藍調搖滾的精髓。Moore曾出過一張專輯獻給Peter Green(Blues For Greeny,1995),他在Green的吉他聲中發現一種溫柔的安慰,Green無論唱歌或彈奏,都令人有滴水能夠穿石的感覺,只要你聽過一次,永遠不可能忘懷,Moore對這種精神境界心嚮往之。這張專輯中,Moore使用的就是當年Green以1,000元美金廉讓給Moore的'59 Les Paul,有別於Moore的其他專輯,他以相當含蓄的演奏法,模仿Green的演奏法,來表現Green的作品。
Green比Moore大6歲,是個英國倫敦東區長大的吉他手,Moore第一次聽到他演唱是在貝爾法斯特一家小酒館,Moore當時才14歲。當然不只Moore為Green著迷,這個猶太小子才氣縱橫,除了給自己的合唱團Fleetwood Mac寫了無數歌之外,可能很多人不知道,Santana聞名世界的Black Magic Woman就是出自他的手筆。
Green出道時被John Mayall帶到他的Bluesbreakers合唱團,頂替Eric Clapton留下的吉他手缺,並預言他的成就會超過Clapton。起先,尤其是Fleetwood Mac氣勢當好時,不知多少人都唱過他寫的歌。然而Green在1971年沾上毒品LSD後,不出3、4年便報銷了,例如Heavey Heart、No Way Out等歌,都可以看出藥物的影響。
1970年代中期,Peter Green常常陷入昏睡,也不時發生譫妄的情形,醫生診斷他因吸食LSD導致精神分裂症狀,他足足在勒戒單位待了2年,才「乾淨」的回到流行音樂界。他算是幸運,雖沒有東山再起,直到今天仍活躍於藍調搖滾界,也不時參與巡迴演出。
Green的吉他琴聲依然美麗動人,繼續保有B.B.King常盛讚他的「甜滋滋」的味道,而且,現在他的「迷幻」是清醒的。人不可能有兩個人生,實相的人生仍值得期待與經歷。他變成一個胖胖的、笑容可掬的70歲老頭兒,接受訪問時常答非所問,聽他嘴裡唱著:「Give me back my freedom.」時,你會哀傷的想到,這是一個我們務必珍惜的、劫後餘生的人。他的悲劇成了我們的享受。
沒有人知道他為何要喝下那麼多酒,事實上,我們對Gary Moore的生活所知不多,他是個非常著重隱私的人。或許他冷硬的臉龐只是一張面具,面具下是個異常柔軟脆弱的男人,唯有他的吉他、他的藍調搖滾,足以負載他易感的魂魄。
Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues (Live):
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Source: https://www.dsogaming.com/news/amazon-announces-a-new-cloud-gaming-service-luna/
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[154380] 21180. RobClemz - Limitations (Partyball Remix) (2018)★★
[154381] 21181. RobClemz - Marco (android52 Remix) (2018)★★
[154382] 21182. Robert Finley - Get It While You Can (2017)★★__Gus Black, Dan Auerbach
[154383] 21183. Robert Finley - Holy Wine (2017)★★__Gus Black
[154384] 21184. Robert Finley - Medicine Woman (2017)★★__Alysse Gafkjen
[154385] 21185. Roddy Ricch - Boom Boom Room (2019)★★
[154386] 21186. RUSSELL! - Headtop (2019)★★__Jack Peros, RUSSELL!
[154387] 21187. S.Kull - Sidechain Depression (2019)★★✚
[154388] 21188. Sad Frosty - Bape Walk (2019)★★
[154389] 21189. Sad Frosty - Elon Musk (2019)★★
[154390] 21190. Saint - A Lovely Bargain (2017)★★
[154391] 21191. Sam Fischer - This City (2018)★★
[154392] 21192. Sarah Mary Chadwick - Confetti (2019)★★__Geoffrey O'Connor
[154393] 21193. Sarah Mary Chadwick - Sugar Still Melts In The Rain (2018)★★__Geoffrey O'Connor
[154394] 21194. Sarah Mary Chadwick - The Queen Who Stole The Sky (2019)★★
[154395] 21195. Sauce Brazy, Sauce Walka, Voochie P & El Train - On Sau (2019)★★
[154396] 21196. Sauce Walka - Where Was You At (2019)★★
[154397] 21197. Saviii 3rd - Trippin (2019)★★
[154398] 21198. SayGrace - Boys Ain't Shit (2019)★★__Mercedes Bryce Morgan
[154399] 21199. Scale$ - Perverted (2019)★★
[154400] 21200. Sean Price & Lil' Fame - Wait For It (2019)★★
[154401] 21201. SeanThomMoney - C.Diddy (2019)★★__Pablo Vasquez
[154402] 21202. SeanThomMoney & TisaKorean - Flex Season (2019)★★
[154403] 21203. Sega Bodega - CC (2017)★★
[154404] 21204. Sega Bodega - hopeless!!! (2018)★★__Bryan M. Ferguson
[154405] 21205. Sega Bodega - mimi (2019)★★
[154406] 21206. Sega Bodega - Nivea (2017)★★
[154407] 21207. Sega Bodega - U Suck (2019)★★
[154408] 21208. Selena Gomez - Look At Her Now (2019)★★
[154409] 21209. Senamo, Seyté & Mani Deïz - Dans Ses Yeux (2016)★★
[154410] 21210. SGE Kash - Trust Issues (2019)★★
[154411] 21211. Shaker - HB Freestyle (2019)★★
[154412] 21212. Shannon & the Clams - Backstreets (2018)★★__Lauren Corden, Loren Risker
[154413] 21213. Shannon & the Clams - Did You Love Me (2018)★★__Ryan Daniel Browne
[154414] 21214. Shannon & the Clams - The Boy (2017)★★__Ryan Daniel Browne
[154415] 21215. Shannon Shaw - Broke My Own (2018)★★__Ryan Daniel Browne
[154416] 21216. Shay Gooph & Skilla Baby - Find Me A Way (2019)★★
[154417] 21217. Shumee & Suff Daddy - Forest (2018)★★
[154418] 21218. Shy Glizzy - Rounds (2016)★★
[154419] 21219. Shy Glizzy - You Know What (2016)★★
[154420] 21220. Sign Libra - Intro / Tropical Plantarum (2018)★★
[154421] 21221. Sign Libra - Mantodea vs Furcifer Pardalis (2018)★★
[154422] 21222. Sign Libra - Sea of Islands (2019)★★
[154423] 21223. Sign Libra - Victoria Amazonica (2018)★★
[154424] 21224. Silas - 98 Freestyle (2019)★★
[154425] 21225. Skilla Baby - King James (2019)★★
[154426] 21226. Skully2Timez - Spaceship Freestyle (2019)★★
[154427] 21227. Slim Jesus - Kalamari (2019)★★
[154428] 21228. Slime Blickii - Ballet Mansion (2019)★★
[154429] 21229. SmokePurpp & Denzel Curry - What I Please (2019)★★
[154430] 21230. Snow Tha Product - Bilingue (2019)★★
[154431] 21231. SOHLHEE - 보라색Purple (2019)★★
[154432] 21232. SOHLHEE - 안읽씹He Ghosted Me (2019)★★
[154433] 21233. Sonny Smith & Angel Olsen - Burnin' Up (2018)★★__Ryan Daniel Browne
[154434] 21234. Space God - Rare Candy (2017)★★
[154435] 21235. SpongeMob - At It (2019)★★
[154436] 21236. SpongeMob - 唔覆機 (2019)★★
[154437] 21237. SpongeMob & Miss Black Tiger - Diamond (2019)★★
[154438] 21238. Still Woozy - Cooks (2017)★★
[154439] 21239. Still Woozy - Goodie Bag (2017)★★__Shawheen Keyani
[154440] 21240. Still Woozy - Habit (2018)★★__Shawheen Keyani
[154441] 21241. Still Woozy - LAVA (2019)★★__Shawheen Keyani, Sven Gamsky
[154442] 21242. Stone Temple Pilots - Fare Thee Well (2019)★★
[154443] 21243. Stray Kids - Double Knot (2019)★★
[154444] 21244. Stray Kids - MIROH (2019)★★
[154445] 21245. String Machine - Eight Legged Dog (2019)★★
[154446] 21246. Stuk & Wolter Kroes - Vannacht (2017)★★
[154447] 21247. Sturgill Simpson - A Good Look (2019)★★
[154448] 21248. Sultan - Wrong Ways (2019)★★
[154449] 21249. Sunny Fritz - Grand Hussle (2019)★★
[154450] 21250. Supergaande - Pardon Doe Normaal (2017)★★
[154451] 21251. SuperSmashBroz, Luke Bar$ & Lord Felix - Knew Dat (2019)★★
[154452] 21252. Swagga - Flow Que Quema (2017)★★
[154453] 21253. Swipey - Instagram Goals (2016)★★
[154454] 21254. Swipey - Netflix (2016)★★
[154455] 21255. T.I. - Sabotage (2019)★★
[154456] 21256. T.Y.E - Unusual (2017)★★
[154457] 21257. T1 - HB Freestyle (2019)★★
[154458] 21258. Tarik - Tin3ashin (2016)★★
[154459] 21259. Taze - No Manners (2017)★★
[154460] 21260. Ted Park - Friend of Mine (2019)★★__Scott Surman
[154461] 21261. Tee Da Supreme - Embarrassing (2017)★★
[154462] 21262. Tegan and Sara - 100x (2016)★★__Jess Rona
[154463] 21263. The Dream Syndicate - The Way In (2019)★★__David Dalglish
[154464] 21264. The Flaming Lips - Nidgy Nie (Never No) (2017)★★
[154465] 21265. The Flaming Lips - We A Famly (2017)★★
[154466] 21266. The Khan - Just Like Me (2018)★★
[154467] 21267. The Kid LAROI. - Blessings (2018)★★
[154468] 21268. The Neighbourhood - Stuck with Me (2017)★★
[154469] 21269. The Opioid Era - As Prescribed (2019)★★
[154470] 21270. The Opioid Era - Bird In the Hand (2019)★★
[154471] 21271. The Opioid Era & Benny - The Foundation (2018)★★
[154472] 21272. The Weeknd - A Lonely Night (2016)★★
[154473] 21273. Tiny Boost - Trenches (2019)★★
[154474] 21274. TisaKorean, Kblast & Huncho Da Rockstar - The Mop (2019)★★
[154475] 21275. Tokyo Wanderer - Hollow Groove (2019)★★
[154476] 21276. Tom MacDonald - Ashes (2019)★★__Nova Rockafeller‒
[154477] 21277. Tom Macdonald - Cloned Rappers (2019)★★__Nova Rockafeller
[154478] 21278. Tom MacDonald - Exposure (2018)★★
[154479] 21279. Tom Macdonald - Fake Fans (2019)★★__Nova Rockafeller
[154480] 21280. Tom MacDonald - Famous (2019)★★__Nova Rockafeller
[154481] 21281. Tom MacDonald - Hang On (2018)★★
[154482] 21282. Tom MacDonald - If I Was Black (2019)★★__Nova Rockafeller
[154483] 21283. Tom MacDonald - I'm Sorry (2019)★★__Nova Rockafeller
[154484] 21284. Tom MacDonald - Mac Lethal Sucks (2019)★★__Nova Rockafeller
[154485] 21285. Tom MacDonald - Politically Incorrect (2018)★★__Nova Rockafeller
[154486] 21286. Tom MacDonald - This House (2018)★★
[154487] 21287. Tom MacDonald - Whiteboy (2018)★★__Nova Rockafeller
[154488] 21288. Tori Kelly - Coffee (2019)★★
[154489] 21289. Towkio & Joey Purp - Playin Fair (2016)★★__Todd Burr, Towkio✚
[154490] 21290. Trafik Music - Gadem Nan Je (2017)★★
[154491] 21291. Trap Manny - Taliban (2019)★★
[154492] 21292. Trap Manny & A Boogie Wit da Hoodie - Alone (2019)★★
[154493] 21293. Travis Thompson - Dropped Babies (2019)★★
[154494] 21294. Trippy Trillz - Beginning (2017)★★
[154495] 21295. Trippy Trillz - It's On (2016)★★
[154496] 21296. T-Spoon & Larry June - Big Money (2016)★★
[154497] 21297. Tycho - Weather (2019)★★__Mathijs Luijten
[154498] 21298. Tyler Childers - All Your'n (2019)★★
[154499] 21299. Tyler Childers - House Fire (2019)★★
[154500] 21300. U.G. - Broken Vessel (2016)★★
[154501] 21301. Undead Papi & SosMula - WarLord (2019)★★
[154502] 21302. VI70 - ម្នាក់ឯង (2017)★★
[154503] 21303. Victoria Monét & Bia - Freak (Remix) (2018)★★
[154504] 21304. Voochie P & Sauce Walka - Inhaler (2019)★★
[154505] 21305. Walter Martin - The World at Night (for Stew) (2019)★★
[154506] 21306. WASTEDJU - E-Girl (2019)★★
[154507] 21307. Wave and So - Meet & Greet (2019)★★
[154508] 21308. Wicca Phase Springs Eternal - I Fell (Darby Allin AEW Theme) (2019)★★
[154509] 21309. Wicca Phase Springs Eternal - Return Year (2018)★★
[154510] 21310. Wrecker - Heart On Ice (2019)★★
[154511] 21311. Yaleesa Hall - Zoe Price (2017)★★
[154512] 21312. YFL Kelvin - Can't Look Back (2019)★★
[154513] 21313. YFL Kelvin - No Tune (2019)★★
[154514] 21314. YFL Kelvin - No Tune Pt. 2 (2019)★★
[154515] 21315. YFL Kelvin - Top Notch (2018)★★
[154516] 21316. YFL Kelvin - Trippin (2019)★★
[154517] 21317. YFL Kelvin & Lil Baby - Pretty Penny (2018)★★
[154518] 21318. YFL Kelvin & YFL Pooh - Used To (2019)★★
[154519] 21319. YFL Kelvin & YFL Pooh - Inside of Me (2019)★★
[154520] 21320. YFL Kelvin, Machine Gun Kelly & YFL Pooh - Front Street (2019)★★
[154521] 21321. YFN Lucci - P.O.E.T. (2019)★★
[154522] 21322. Yo Gotti & Kodak Black - Weatherman (2016)★★
[154523] 21323. Yo Gotti, Megan Thee Stallion & Lil Uzi Vert - Pose (2019)★★
[154524] 21324. Yola - It Ain't Easier (2019)★★
[154525] 21325. Yola - Love All Night (Work All Day) (2019)★★
[154526] 21326. Yola - Ride Out In The Country (2018)★★
[154527] 21327. Young Coco - Motto (2017)★★
[154528] 21328. Young Coco - Sakkaku (2017)★★
[154529] 21329. Young Dolph & Key Glock - 1 Hell of a Life (2019)★★
[154530] 21330. Young Lex - Bego (2018)★★
[154531] 21331. Young M.A & Max YB - Sober Thoughts (2019)★★__Josh Forman
[154532] 21332. Young Paris - No Weakness (2016)★★
[154533] 21333. Young Paris & Yung Joc - Sephia (2016)★★
[154534] 21334. Young Slash - Africano (2017)★★
[154535] 21335. Young Slash - Credi in Me (2017)★★
[154536] 21336. Young Slash - Intro Black Fury (2017)★★
[154537] 21337. Young Stunnaz - Off The Scale (2017)★★
[154538] 21338. You're Dreaming - Sedative (2018)★★
[154539] 21339. You're Dreaming - Soul Eater (2019)★★
[154540] 21340. Youv Dee, Sirap, Mirbla & Lee Kokoro - C'est Mieux (2017)★★
[154541] 21341. YSN Flow - Dirt! (2019)★★
[154542] 21342. YSN Flow - Illegal Guns (2019)★★
[154543] 21343. Yuna - Le Premier Bonheur du Jour (2017)★★
[154544] 21344. Yung Baby Tate - CAMP (2019)★★
[154545] 21345. Yung Bans - Like Wow (2016)★★
[154546] 21346. Yung Hurn - Blumé (2017)★★
[154547] 21347. Yung Hurn - Eisblock (2018)★★
[154548] 21348. Yung Hurn - MHM (2018)★★
[154549] 21349. Yung Hurn - Ok Cool (2017)★★
[154550] 21350. Yung Hurn - Ponny (2019)★★
[154551] 21351. Yung Hurn - Rauch (2019)★★
[154552] 21352. Yung Hurn - Sie will zu mir (2018)★★
[154553] 21353. Yung Hurn & Jonny 5 - Grauer Rauch (2016)★★
[154554] 21354. Yung Hurn & Lex Lugner - Glitzer (2016)★★
[154555] 21355. Yung Hurn & Lex Lugner - Molly Pt. 3 (2016)★★
[154556] 21356. yunggoth✰ - after hours (2017)★★
[154557] 21357. Zachariah & CupcakKe - Hood Rich (2016)★★
[154558] 21358. ZaeHD & CEO - Cookie Shop (2019)★★
[154559] 21359. Zaena x Jason Maek - Being Me / Overtime (2019)★★
[154560] 21360. Zaena x Jason Maek - Chillin' / Freshman (2019)★★
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Credits for the clip we used:
Heckler & Koch, No Compromise
Terminator 2 - Minigun Scene
Best Gun/Recoil Fails 2017!!! (Compilation)
How To Load and Fire Civil War Cannon
The Patriot: Battle of Camden
Fallout 4 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Video Series - Intelligence
Heckler & Koch: No Compromise, 2016
Light & Fast 105mm Artillery in Action • Intense Live Fire Exercises [Compilation]
Mythbusters: The Mythtoons (Finger in a Barrel Myth)
Shiro Amada RB 79K Ball vs Zaku
ISIS fails
IPSC training material
Resident Evil 5 HD - All Bosses and Ending (4K 60fps)
All Operation Chimera Cutscenes - Rainbow Six Siege (All Death/Insertion/Extraction Scenes)
Dual Wielding Mac-10's
MAC 10 & MAC 11 Machine Guns
Nicolas Cage laughing
The Most Powerful Gun in Battlefield 1
Firing a .50 Cal Sniper Rifle in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys
The Kriss Vector!
All videos on this channel are only used for commentary, criticism, research, scholarship, teaching, comment, and news reporting. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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I am 19 years old.
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SONY A5100 & iMovie
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I am from Malaysia and Im an Indian ♡.