手刀! 好久不見Bug價Max Mara Rialto連帽大衣 + 必買BBR小外套(補上實穿照)
各種折扣合集 (哈比人的小屋之可愛照片)
■ 菜湯的telegram頻道: https://telegram.me/vegesoup
■ 菜湯APP: https://summitloop.net/help_tw.html
Rialto camelhair coat 新帳號九折碼: 10FIRST 他家現在折扣碼常常有限制, 這個九折碼就是最好的了, 這是Bug價耶! 台灣定價應該是16萬以上了吧? Max Mara的最經典, 駱駝毛Railto大衣, 駝色跟黑色缺貨一整年, 剛剛補齊所有尺碼, 這件絕對會完售, 一定要把握喔! 顏色拍的有一點深了, 實際上的顏色參考我找的圖喔.
https://bit.ly/3bEQcqP 台灣區 Bug價1493歐元, 結帳預收關稅, 可以疊上新帳號九折碼: 10FIRST
https://bit.ly/3bD1j3A 美國區 官網定價2750美金, 這裡不到兩千, 還可以疊上新帳號九折碼: 10FIRST 結帳收州稅
🥝 https://bit.ly/3wcWgyE Mytheresa的VIP SALE點這裡 持續進行中, 好像更多人可以看到折扣了喔! 本來前兩天就要結束的!
🍧 https://bit.ly/3tTQksQ 童裝也有VIP七折特價 只有三天喔!
https://bit.ly/3wktpbA (白色的AMI大愛心外套很少見耶! 剛上架尺碼齊 而且價格也很好)
https://bit.ly/3hByRmt (墨綠的更少見了! 同樣是好價尺碼齊)
🍍 https://bit.ly/3hEs7US Nordstrom獨家開賣HALLE BERRY X SWEATY BETTY的運動衣系列 ! Halle本人就說他自己每天都穿運動Leggings所以最知道想要甚麼, 這次很高興可以把自己的理念設計出來分享給大家, 我感覺這整系列都不錯喔!
https://bit.ly/2Qu4KSL (運動型內搭褲也是主打款 Halle自己拍廣告目錄就是穿這件)
https://bit.ly/3fweoN5 (Biker Shorts居然意外的顯瘦! )
🌷 https://bit.ly/38x3Byk Cettire點這裡 六折起! 買滿250免國際運費免費退貨關稅也退
https://bit.ly/3bCDcSN (他家真的超適合買Prada 尤其現在歐洲網站大多不寄Prada到台灣跟美國喔! 這個是小尺寸背包非常實用! 美國定價1390美金 這裡便宜兩百多呢! 滿250美金免運費, 免費退貨, 關稅也會退)
🍉 https://bit.ly/2SRlGDy shopbop折扣區超多款式降價買滿100免國際運費
https://bit.ly/3osb3Tr (經典的綁帶馬汀牛津鞋 中國上周熱銷鞋款)
https://bit.ly/3v06Toa (Bala負重手環 這是1磅重的, 防疫在家隨時可以健身, 有多色可選, 香港上周暢銷單品)
https://bit.ly/2Rq2ZXj (DL1961牛仔短褲 仔細看側邊做外翻喔! 香港上週熱銷褲款)
https://bit.ly/3wfkkko (Beyond Yoga針織運動褲 在家可以舒服穿的闊腿運動褲 日本上周熱賣單品)
https://bit.ly/3yl0pCn (Levi's中長度的短褲 不想穿太短的可以看這件 韓國上週暢銷褲款)
https://bit.ly/3uWTwVL (Isabel Marant Etoile紙袋褲有夢幻紫跟百搭的駝色 中國上週熱銷褲款)
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅TràMie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Một Ngày Cuối Tuần Mùa Đông của Jaimie! A Day in My Life ↬ SLEEPWEAR Robe: Purple Sleep Robe - Nordstrom Top: Off White Lace-Sleeved Shirt - Papaya C...
「nordstrom leggings」的推薦目錄:
nordstrom leggings 在 Vegesoup Facebook 的最佳貼文
今天一樣有給大家找了不少好東西喔! photodog說我穿這樣看起來很年輕! (我心想: 因為是童裝啊, 哈哈哈)
各種折扣合集 (哈比人的小屋之可愛照片)
■ 菜湯的telegram頻道: https://telegram.me/vegesoup
■ 菜湯APP: https://summitloop.net/help_tw.html
🥝 https://bit.ly/3wcWgyE Mytheresa的VIP SALE點這裡 持續進行中, 好像更多人可以看到折扣了喔! 本來前兩天就要結束的!
🍧 https://bit.ly/3tTQksQ 童裝也有VIP七折特價 只有三天喔!
✔ https://bit.ly/3bD5BrF 這是大童的Burberry小外套限時特價趕快去買就對了! 肩膀上面作繩索的裝飾 超級好看我之前找很久說!
✔ https://bit.ly/3uTat3z 這件之前早就斷貨又補的, 我之前看到立刻就買了14, 是寬鬆版型喔, 你想要合身一點穿12甚至也可以吧, 真的太推薦, 整個質感很讚喔! 完全不輸大人的
✔ https://bit.ly/3ot4Jeu (最新的BBR童裝菱格紋超好看 我覺得可以買!)
✔ https://bit.ly/3oshEgJ (我也喜歡這件的配色 男孩女孩都可以穿)
🍍 https://bit.ly/3hEs7US Nordstrom獨家開賣HALLE BERRY X SWEATY BETTY的運動衣系列 ! Halle本人就說他自己每天都穿運動Leggings所以最知道想要甚麼, 這次很高興可以把自己的理念設計出來分享給大家, 我感覺這整系列都不錯喔!
https://bit.ly/3oqj0Zq (Cropped length的連帽hoodie 這件很酷! 前面非常短可以露出運動內衣的~~ 我在找這樣的版型很久啦)
https://bit.ly/3tTGJSQ (也喜歡這件運動洋裝, 很性感!)
🌷 https://bit.ly/38x3Byk Cettire點這裡 六折起! 買滿250免國際運費免費退貨關稅也退
https://bit.ly/3wlBop9 (這個Prada的價格也太好 趕快注意一下! 美國官網定價2850美金 這裡特價只要2055便宜超多! 全球免運費, 免費退貨, 連關稅也會退! 這咖是全真皮喔! 有兩種提法 看你要斜背側背還是金屬鍊手提)
🍓 https://bit.ly/2QVO4zS Matches Fashion點這裡 對折起 折扣真的很好一定要看
https://bit.ly/2S3O30X (一看到下面的圖, 我自己就被燒到了!!! 這帽子好好看喔, 緞帶實際上是有一點銀灰色感覺耶! 打對折啊啊啊, 尺碼全齊 我自己有一頂黑色Knedall非常常帶, 很好看)
https://bit.ly/3owH8d0 (酒紅色這頂也非常好看! 我滿推薦買一頂這個色系, 秋冬會超百搭)
🍩 https://bit.ly/2RYvk79 Ssense年中大促開打!
https://bit.ly/3oxlgxZ (很有彈性, 可以拉成不露肩或是露單肩 Nina Ricci的經典上衣我之前有買很好看)
https://bit.ly/2RtQzxF (今年推出粉紫色也超美!)
https://bit.ly/33TUG8W (皺褶襯衫)
https://bit.ly/3wfoRna (還有無袖版本 這件也滿有設計感)
https://bit.ly/3yjSJRa (無袖上衣的粉色)
https://bit.ly/3u2zNmE (無袖上衣的白色)
nordstrom leggings 在 Vegesoup Facebook 的最佳貼文
問了一個在生物實驗室工作的網友: 打疫苗之後有不適, 跟之後會不會有抗體, 兩者之間有正相關嗎?
網友說, 剛好我旁邊坐著一個微生物學家, 讓我來問問...
答案是: not really!
所以說photodog有可能白昏倒了嗎? 不過數據顯示打完兩劑Moderna跟Pfizer疫苗的有效率是94%, 應該大部分人都沒甚麼問題啦!
新文: 必買BBR小外套 + Shopbop最暢銷單品 + 好好看Nina Ricci經典款 + 我愛的TB新款 + 居家隔離很適合的單品
各種折扣合集 (哈比人的小屋之可愛照片)
■ 菜湯的telegram頻道: https://telegram.me/vegesoup
■ 菜湯APP: https://summitloop.net/help_tw.html
🍍 https://bit.ly/3hEs7US Nordstrom獨家開賣HALLE BERRY X SWEATY BETTY的運動衣系列 ! Halle本人就說他自己每天都穿運動Leggings所以最知道想要甚麼, 這次很高興可以把自己的理念設計出來分享給大家, 我感覺這整系列都不錯喔!
🍓 https://bit.ly/2QVO4zS Matches Fashion點這裡 對折起 折扣真的很好一定要看
🥝 https://bit.ly/3wcWgyE Mytheresa的VIP SALE點這裡 持續進行中, 好像更多人可以看到折扣了喔! 本來前兩天就要結束的!
🌷 https://bit.ly/38x3Byk Cettire點這裡 六折起! 買滿250免國際運費免費退貨關稅也退
🍉 https://bit.ly/2SRlGDy shopbop折扣區超多款式降價買滿100免國際運費
✔ https://bit.ly/3bD5BrF 這是大童的Burberry小外套限時特價趕快去買就對了! 肩膀上面作繩索的裝飾 超級好看我之前找很久說!
✔ https://bit.ly/3uTat3z 這件之前早就斷貨又補的, 我之前看到立刻就買了14, 是寬鬆版型喔, 你想要合身一點穿12甚至也可以吧, 真的太推薦, 整個質感很讚喔! 完全不輸大人的
https://bit.ly/2RYvk79 Ssense年中大促開打!
https://bit.ly/3frrAD5 (如果你跟我一樣是帽子控, 你就會欣賞這頂帽子 60年代的風格, 強調頭頂的圓形, 搭配倒過來的碗那樣的帽沿, 總之我很喜歡)
https://bit.ly/3fjHzCY (這頂Maison Michel是這一季最受歡迎的配色, 搭配Virginie版型 一直都是最暢銷單品, 現在特價的價格超好耶! 五四折可以買了!)
下面是我愛的Tory Burch新品
https://bit.ly/2FpVSoH Tory Burch的折扣區點這裡
https://bit.ly/3eSUo8j (不可思議耶! 兩天前才上的新款, 就已經開始缺碼! 看來美國人打完疫苗真的開始準備要回公司上班了! 這件我自己都好喜歡!)
https://bit.ly/3eV2ddT (搭配一套的外套在這裡, 就比較有正式感! 居然已經有人給好評了! 當然也開始斷碼)
https://bit.ly/3hFUCkW (這件紫色的腰帶洋裝也是我的菜耶! 覺得真好看)
https://bit.ly/3hDAq3h (Spiritual Gangster粉色暈染連帽外套 帽子是粉藍, 整套也好看 台灣上週熱銷)
https://bit.ly/3bChpdE (Flora Nikrooz睡衣套裝 正面是U領, 還有粉紫色可選 台灣上周熱賣)
https://bit.ly/3hyziOp (這件墊肩endless rose無袖上衣搭配不同褲型都能搭出不同風格耶! 共三色, 香港上周暢銷衣款)
https://bit.ly/3ynpdtQ (ANINE BING棉T恤 品牌標誌在背面, 正面是素色, 中國上周熱賣款)
https://bit.ly/2QqRm1J (Alexander Wang黑色短袖棉T恤 繡在上面的圖案遠看有點像倒放的美國國旗, 日本上週熱銷)
https://bit.ly/2QpR2Ai (Vince素色短袖T恤 黑白兩色都可以買 韓國上週暢銷衣款)
https://bit.ly/3ydzjgJ (adidas與Stella McCartney聯名運動褲 品牌logo放在後面褲管處, 相當低調 香港上周熱賣單品)
https://bit.ly/2S3kL2m (adidas by Stella McCartney也有聯名短褲 冬夏一起備好 中國上周熱賣款)
nordstrom leggings 在 TràMie Youtube 的最佳解答
Một Ngày Cuối Tuần Mùa Đông của Jaimie! A Day in My Life
Robe: Purple Sleep Robe - Nordstrom
Top: Off White Lace-Sleeved Shirt - Papaya Clothing
PLUGGED IN Curling Iron Wand
DAVINES Oil Absolute Beautifying Potion with Roucou Oil: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b98/
GARNIER FRUCTIS Marvelous Oil: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b89/
GARNIER FRUCTIS Triple Nutrition Shampoo For Dry, Damaged Hair: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b8a/
MATRIX Total Results So Silver Shampoo: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b8f/
AVEENO Daily Moisturizing Body Wash: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b8d/
NEUTROGENA Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b8e/
TOO FACED The Chocolate Bar Eye Palette: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/3479/
MARC JACOBS Beauty Magic Marc'er Precision Pen Waterproof Eyeliner: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b91/
EM Creamy Color Sheer Lipstick (Cupcake Pink): https://www.emcosmetics.com/lip-galle...
M.A.C Viva Glam GaGa 2 Amplified: http://www.maccosmetics.com/product/s...
THE FACE SHOP Power Perfection BB Cream: http://www.thefaceshop.net.my/mdetail...
TOO FACED Bonjour Soleil Limited Edition Summer Bronzing Wardrobe: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b93/
TOO FACED Sweethearts Perfect Flush Blush: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/4f1e/
LORAC PRO Palette 2: http://www.loraccosmetics.com/make-up...
URBAN DECAY NAKED 2 Palette: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/156f/
KAT VON D Tattoo Liner: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b94/
L'OREAL Telescopic Original Mascara (910 Blackest Black - Noir Profond): http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b95/
TOO FACED Better Than Sex Mascara: http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/55f/
M.A.C Creme Cup Lipstick: http://www.maccosmetics.com/product/s...
BAREMINERALS Ready ® Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 20 (My shade: FAIR C10 or R110): http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b97/
Hoodie: Champion
Boots: Snow Boots - Aldo
Beanie: University of Minnesota
Outerwear: Letter Jacket - Forever 21
Scarf: Black Knitted Scarf - Forever 21
Pants: Black Sweat Pants - Forever 21
Necklace: Forever 21
Outerwear: White Coat - H&M
Scarf: Dollar Bill Scarf - Nasty Gal
Top: Grey Cross Cut-out Back Shirt - Nasty Gal
Pants: Faux Leather Featured Leggings - Cotton On
Handbag: Lime Green Saffiano Leather Hamilton Large Tote - Michael Kors
Shoes: Cut-Out High Heels in Black & Beige (CERIWIEL) - Aldo (http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b7d/)
Black Cut-out Bralette (Silence + Noise Front O-Ring Strappy Bralette): http://go.magik.ly/r/JamieAnng/8b87/
Thank you very much for watching this video. I hope you all enjoy it! :)
**Disclosure: This video description may contain affiliate links. This video was not sponsored.
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nordstrom leggings 在 Elaine Hau Youtube 的最佳解答
Please check out my business Luxury Fashion Rentals, a luxury handbag rental e-commerce website: https://luxuryfashionrentals.com
Products Mentioned:
Stuart Weitzman: Elevated Over the Knee Boot: http://shopstyle.it/l/dyda
Oliver Gal 'Closet Purses' Canvas Wall Art: http://shopstyle.it/l/dydx
Murad Perfect Skin Essentials Set: http://shopstyle.it/l/dx6b
Bobbi Brown Bobbi on Trend Pro Brushes Collection: http://shopstyle.it/l/dydL
Alterna Caviar Set: http://shopstyle.it/l/dydV
ILuminate Skin Rejuvenating Pillowcase: http://shopstyle.it/l/dyd0
Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant Duo: http://shopstyle.it/l/dyeb
Gucci GG Marmont Leather iPhone 7 Case: http://shopstyle.it/l/dyei
Nars Angel Pride Cheek Palette: http://shopstyle.it/l/dyf3
Charlotte Tibury Filmstar Bronze & Blush Glow Set: http://shopstyle.it/l/dyf7
Perricone MD Ultimate Health + Metabolism Dietary Supplement Collection: http://shopstyle.it/l/dygj
Perricone MD Skin & Total Body Dietary Supplements: http://shopstyle.it/l/dygq
Perricone MD Super Greens Dietary Supplement Drink Powder Duo: http://shopstyle.it/l/dyet
Slip for beauty sleep Slipsilk Pure Silk Queen Pillowcases: http://shopstyle.it/l/dygx
Hotel Collection Finest Silken Sheet Collection: http://shopstyle.it/l/dygC
Nordstrom At Home Mattress Pad: http://shopstyle.it/l/dygI
Adidas Originals Linear Leggings: http://shopstyle.it/l/dygU
Mario Badescu The Icons Home & Away Collection: http://shopstyle.it/l/dyeE
**This video is not sponsored. I purchased the items with my own money.
Thank you for watching!!
工作電郵: e_style@live.com
For business inquiries: e_style@live.com
記得 follow 我 instagram @littleelainehau
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @littleelainehau
Snapchat: littleelainehau
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/elaine.elaine.hau
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IG Shop: http://instagram.com/jaine_beauty
Elaine Hau
nordstrom leggings 在 Michelle Phan Youtube 的最佳貼文
Watch my other Halloween video!
My new brow liners are here! http://www.emcosmetics.com/arched-defining-brow-liner/3605970514389.html My makeup line that I've been working on for the past 2 years! http://www.emcosmetics.com/
Special thanks to Audible for presenting my new book club Book Bunnies! Sign up to Audible for your free audiobook at http://www.audible.com/michellespicks
I recommend The Graveyard Book: Neil Gaiman, Carrie and The Shining by Stephen King!
♥ Please Subscribe! http://bit.ly/MPsubscribe
♥ My Twitter: http://twitter.com/MichellePhan
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♥ My Instagram: http://instagram.com/MichellePhan
♥ My Blog: http://michellephan.com
♥ ICON Network: http://youtube.com/ICONnetwork
Products in this video.
Star products
- em Waterliner - Black Night http://www.emcosmetics.com/waterliner-intense-color-eyeliner/DW-WATERLINER.html
Support Swoozie's tshirt line! I'm wearing his "Thug Life" tee! :D
Thanks Alonso for being my male model for this video! :D
Finger Ring and Masquerade Mask from eBay. Check out my Nana inspired eBay page! visit Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/gds/Fall-Fashion-Inspired-by-Nana-/10000000177704612/g.html
Music by Mindy Gledhil from her new album "Pocketful of Poetry"
Makeup Forever Intense Color Lipstick in Satin Black http://bit.ly/1p8WpNG
Another great option here http://amzn.to/1mkaZNr
em Intense Waterliner in Black Night http://bit.ly/1mG5eZL
China Glaze Nail Polish in Electrify http://amzn.to/1pWDvpt
China Glaze Nail Polish - Stone Cold http://amzn.to/X01kG8
Ciate Nail Polish - Fashionista Sister #15 http://amzn.to/1qVLcTq
American Apparel Nail Polish - Smoke Dazzle http://amzn.to/1pWDx0G
Bobbi Brown Nail Polish - Black Pearl http://amzn.to/1od08cO
Butter London Nail Polish - Silly Billy http://amzn.to/1ukdip3
Nordstrom Nail Polish - Mossy Green, Discontinued, but similar here http://amzn.to/UTedjM
Green Tea Pocky http://amzn.to/1qSTyGt
Green Tea Kit Kats http://amzn.to/UT8TwX
M and M Minis http://amzn.to/1kEO98b
Marvel Super Heroes Pez Dispensers http://amzn.to/X00eu4
Hello Kitty Pez Dispensers http://amzn.to/1y3buB2
Sugar Skulls Candy Tins http://amzn.to/1kEOOXl
Rubber Gloves http://amzn.to/1st1iSw
Zombie Hand Ice Mold http://amzn.to/1oam5tZ
Devil Horns http://amzn.to/1klv3nj
Cat Ears, found in a store, but these are also super cute http://amzn.to/1s9Be0m
Masquerade Mask http://amzn.to/1s9Buwm
Fake Blood http://amzn.to/UZWbfn
Red Bandana
Leggings from Love Culture (unavailable, but similar) http://amzn.to/1ASMwsg
Skull Sweater http://amzn.to/1ASNbda
Shoes by Ash sneakers http://amzn.to/1oalxUR
Red Bandana http://amzn.to/XBKspa
Long Sleeve Black Shirt http://amzn.to/1kEV0yA
Light Saber http://amzn.to/XBLhi2
Kringle Candle Company - Clove http://bit.ly/UTfh78
Kringle Candle Company - Soothing Cinnamon http://amzn.to/1uked8Z
Purple Skeleton Ring
Amscan Ghost Lights (Similar) http://amzn.to/1qVLTMq
Amscan Spider Webs http://amzn.to/1lxNTCR
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman on Audible http://amzn.to/1lxQ5dD
Amscan Ghost Lights
Amscan Spider Webs
Audible - "The Graveyard Book"
This is not a sponsored video. Partnership with Audible for my book club :)