I know that Staying true to yourself is a huge life challenge..one we all face. No matter who you are- everyone is pressured to fit in and be a certain way..think a certain way and follow the ‘majority’ culture/ways 🤔 BUT As long as you stay true to who you really are..in the end people will respect you for being honest and not faking who you are and being your own person..flaws and all. ❤️ They may not admit it but they do.
Dont lose yourself trying to be someone else you have created in your mind..that person is not real..you are. Celebrate being You. (Its not easy,nothing worth it is).That has been my greatest challenge. My own mind. 😄
#sarimahibrahim #irishmalay #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #pressure #beyourself #nofaking #depressionawareness #nosuckingup #nopretend #genuine #honest #flawsandall