Relevant prevention measures for the upcoming semester of the Office of Academic Affairs
一、110-1學期開學後前三週全面採遠距教學,授課教師應將上課網址及課程相關訊息公告於課程大綱 (有關NTU COOL課程網頁如何設為公開,詳見 https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/2021/09/09/visibility/ )。實驗、實作或人數較少的研究所課程若需採實體授課,須依以下規範辦理:
(一) 落實課堂點名並禁止在教室內飲食。
(二) 上課教室應保持通風良好及定時清消。
(三) 全程配戴口罩,並維持安全社交距離 (1.5米或2.25平方米)。
(四)於110年9月24日前提出申請送教務處核定:申請表詳見課務組公告 https://www.space.ntu.edu.tw/navigate/s/CB679CFFA6134C83B4964E40A30A460AQQY
二、開學後第四週起上課方式,修課人數80人(含)以上課程採遠距教學,80人以下以實體課程為原則,特殊情形請於110年10月12日前提出申請送教務處核定:申請表詳見課務組公告 https://www.space.ntu.edu.tw/navigate/s/CB679CFFA6134C83B4964E40A30A460AQQY
(一) 採實體授課者,仍須依前述防疫規範辦理。
(二)本校鼓勵教師以數位和實體並行的混成方式進行教學準備,詳細資訊請見數習中心網站: https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/2021/09/08/blended-teaching/
(一) 解除擋修、超修及減修申請書: 老師及系主任可親簽或用郵件代替簽名,請同學將申請書及相關同意證明以email寄至所屬教務單位承辦人。
(二) 開學後第一、二週加退選:
2.第2類方式加選(授權碼): 建議老師可用信件傳遞授權碼予學生加選,並記錄學號留存,以利日後查核。
(三) 開學後第三週人工加選及停修:老師及系主任可親簽或用郵件代替簽名,請同學將申請書及相關同意證明,合併成1個pdf檔上傳至教務處。上傳網址將再另行公告。
(四) 因本學期前3週皆採遠距授課,同學在加退選期間若有加簽或聽課需求,請主動聯繫授課老師。
教務處 敬上
Dear NTU community members,
Given the current pandemic situation, the University is asking all academic and administrative units to comply with the following measures regarding teaching and learning for the upcoming semester despite the epidemic prevention measures released by the school:
A. All courses shall adopt distance learning in the first three weeks since 110-1 semester. Teachers shall announce course URL and relevant information on course description.(If you want to set the visibility of your course page on NTU COOL to be public, please see this document: https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/2021/09/09/visibility/ ) If experiments, hands-on course,graduate courses with fewer people,wish to give physical course, please follow the measures listed below:
1. Teachers shall do the roll call, while eating and drinking in the classroom is forbidden.
2. Classrooms shall be cleansed and disinfected regularly, while kept ventilated.
3. Face masks must be worn throughout, while social distancing shall be maintained (e.g., 1.5 meters or 2.25 square meters).
4. Please submit an application form ( https://www.space.ntu.edu.tw/navigate/s/CB679CFFA6134C83B4964E40A30A460AQQY ) to the Office of Academic Affairs before September 24th.
B. In principle, 80 or above people selecting a course shall adopt distance learning from the fourth week of 110-1 semester. Courses under 80 people will be in-person classes. In special cases, please fill out this application form ( https://www.space.ntu.edu.tw/navigate/s/CB679CFFA6134C83B4964E40A30A460AQQY ) before October 12th.
1. In-person class shall comply with the regulations listed above.
2. Teachers are encouraged to adopt a blended teaching approach -a combination of online learning and in-person class - to prepare the courses. For more information, please see the website of Digital Learning Center: https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/2021/09/08/blended-teaching/
C. The flexible measures of this semester for adding, dropping, and withdrawing classes are as follows.
1. The “Unblock Course Request Form”, “Course Overload Request Form”, and “Course Underload Request Form”:
The lecturer and the director may sign these request forms in person or reply by email to these request forms to indicate their approval of the request. Please email the request form and the proof for approval to the contact person in the Office of Academic Affairs.
2. Adding and dropping classes in the first and second week of this semester:
(1) . Adding classes in the first and the third category:
The process is as usual. Students may register for classes online.
(2). The second category (adding classes with a permission number):
It is recommended that the lecturer email a permission number to students and record the student number for future verification.
3. Adding or withdrawing classes in the third week of this semester:
The lecturer and the director may sign the application form in person or reply by email to the application form to indicate their approval of the request. Please combine the application form and the proof for approval into a single PDF and upload it to the Office of Academic Affairs. The website address for uploading the file will be announced separately.
4. Because online teaching is conducted during the first three weeks of this semester, if students want to add or attend the classes during the period, they need to contact the lecturer.
Office of Academic Affairs
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【7/27防疫降級 教務處辦理相關措施】
Epidemic alert level lowered to Level 2 since July 27
Prevention measures of the Office of Academic Affairs
1. 教務處辦理之暑期課程上課方式採遠距教學或線上課程,院系所學位學程自辦暑期課程若需採實體方式上課,每間教室上課人數不得超過50人,學生座位前後左右間距需達1.5公尺以上,師生應全程配戴口罩,並向教務處提出申請 (詳附件或申請表下載網址:http://www.aca.ntu.edu.tw/curri/cur_forms.asp?id=5 )。
2. 基於防疫安全,校屬五棟 (共同、普通、新生、博雅及綜合) 教學館空間暫不開放外借。
3. 109-2學期畢業生領取畢業證書,維持現場領取與郵寄二種方式併行,申請郵寄的同學,請至線上成績單申請系統 ( https://reg71.aca.ntu.edu.tw/transcript/index.php/user/loginG ) 填寫資料,並繳交郵寄及相關費用。
4. 為降低疫情傳染,110-1學期新生現場註冊改採網路方式進行,相關訊息詳見新生暨轉學生入學服務網( http://reg.aca.ntu.edu.tw/newstu )
5. 因疫情考量,110-1學期將繼續辦理安心就學方案。
教務處 敬上
Dear NTU community members:
Given current epidemic slowdown, the enhanced COVID-19 Level 2 measures shall be put into effect throughout, the University is asking all academic and administrative units to comply with the following preventive measures:
1. All summer courses are required to remain remote or online-only instruction. If departments want to offer in-class courses, there shall be no more 50 people indoors and social distancing shall be maintained (e.g., 1.5 meters for indoor activities). Face masks must be worn throughout. Moreover, departments shall submit application to the Office of Academic Affairs beforehand.
2. To protect health of the people, five lecture buildings (including Gongtong, Putong, Xinsheng, Boya, Zonghe) remain closed.
3. For graduates who are willing to receive the Certificate of Diploma, you can take it on-site or have it sent by post. Apply online via this website ( https://reg71.aca.ntu.edu.tw/transcript/index.php/user/loginG )and pay for related costs to send it by post.
4. To reduce epidemic diseases, freshman registration is switched to online for the fall semester of 2021-2022 academic year. For more information, please click: ( http://reg.aca.ntu.edu.tw/newstu.)
5. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, Ease Project for COVID-19 Prevention will remain for the fall semester of 2021-2022 academic year.
Office of Academic Affairs
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【本校防疫訊息 配合防疫警戒降為二級調整各項防疫措施】
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message—Preventive Measures in the Upcoming Alert Level 2
總務處公告:( https://ga.ntu.edu.tw/main_ch/docDetail/55/55/28445/1100513 )
課外組公告:( https://osa_activity.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/2132)
心輔中心公告:( https://scc_osa.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/142 )
保健中心公告:( https://shmc.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/878 )
(1) 8月2日上午8時起恢復開放讀者入館,7月27~30日期間,仍維持現行閉館窗口服務及開放時間。
圖書館公告:( https://www.lib.ntu.edu.tw/node/4052 )
新體公告:( https://ntusportscenter.ntu.edu.tw/#/ )
體育室公告:( https://pe.ntu.edu.tw/?tid=96#/news/2366/news )
人事室公告:( https://ann.cc.ntu.edu.tw/asp/Show.asp?num=82539 )
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
According to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), the current alert level will be lowered to Level 2 starting July 27. In response to this, the University is asking all of you to fully comply with the newly adjusted measures as follows.
1.Starting July 27, the Main Campus will be accessed via the current three to seven gates, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The campus can only be accessed in the evenings through the three gates. Level 3 access control will continue to be implemented to all university premises.
Click the link for more information
( https://ga.ntu.edu.tw/main_ch/docDetail/55/55/28445/1100513 )
2.Summer courses will continue to be taught remotely. If necessary, applications for in-person classes may be filed with the Office of Academic Affairs. To this end, each in-person class should accommodate no more than 50 people. Rental of the University’s lecture buildings remains unavailable.
3. Club events are strongly advised to be held online. In compliance with the regulations during the lowered alert level period (July 27-August 9), in-person events with no more than 50 people indoors or 100 people outdoors may be held (the number is reduced to 20 people indoors and 40 people outdoors for sports events). In-person music club events should not be held if the mask-wearing mandate cannot be enforced. For other types of sports and leisurely events where physical contact cannot be avoided or masks cannot be worn at all times (e.g. accommodation), the organizing clubs will be instructed to strictly abide by preventive measures such as reducing the number of participants and following the one person per room policy.
4. The Student Activity Center will reopen student club offices and open rental of its spaces. However, the food and beverage club will remain closed before resumption of dining-in is announced by the Taipei City Government.
5. The Student Counseling Center (including the Disability Support Services) will resume counseling services and reservation as of the day of the lowered alert level. Click the following for more information
(https://scc_osa.ntu.edu.tw/en/board/detail/sn/144 )
6. The morning Family Medicine clinics at the Health Center will continue. First-time registration is allowed for non-NTU members. Click the following for more information
( https://shmc.ntu.edu.tw/board/detail/sn/878 )
7. Preventive measures at the NTU Library are as follows:
1) The library will reopen to the general public beginning 8 a.m. August 2. From July 27 to 30, it will remain closed and only the circulation service is available.
2) All floors will reopen (including the B1 study rooms). The opening hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon. through Fri. The library is closed on weekends.
3) Criss-cross seating will be implemented in the reading areas and study rooms. The library may accommodate up to 400 people in its reading areas (1st to 5th floors). The reading rooms may accommodate up to 394 people. Click the following for more information
8. The Athletic Department will reopen the outdoor Sports Field, baseball and softball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts and volleyball courts. Indoor ball courts and the fitness center at the NTU Sports Center and the old Sports Center will be reopened to all members of the NTU community. Please wear a mask at all times when you play sports. Clustering in these locations is strictly forbidden. For more information, please contact the Athletic Department or refer to terms of use at every venue.
9.On-campus food locations provide take-outs only; off-campus restaurants will follow the announcements by the Taipei City Government. Talks with the food providers on resuming operation is still ongoing.
10. The current method for delivering official documents will continue.
11. Starting July 27, not more than ½ of all the staff in a given academic/administrative office should work from home. Those that do should have their internet phone set up and abide by the one-hour flextime (clock in 8-9 a.m.; clock out 5-6 p.m.).
For details of other preventive measures, please refer to online announcements of respective competent offices.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
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