1. 登登登登,隆重推介呢篇文。講我搞移民台灣嘅種種。明報文,昨日出,所以我今日先貼。反正亦免費。Link在此,(https://bit.ly/3gwlZdB),最底下我都會貼全文。
2. 咁文中講過嘅不再全部重覆。但想講啲場外花絮。
3. 首先,呢篇文收視係好好嘅,昨日係明報經濟版網上第一。仲要其實我未在呢度貼出嚟的。問返朋友,佢話可能因為上一期個主角係三哥個仔(https://fbook.cc/3BgR),講兩萬蚊人工可以買樓娶老婆,一般讀者就冇乜代入感了。但我呢啲比較真實個案,素人,大家投入到。
4. 留意,其實個訪問好長,好似講咗成粒鐘,我係唔知邊啲部份會出街的(*)。記者朋友本身我都識,當普通傾計咁,結果佢好詫異我居然成個鐘一句粗口都冇講過!話「早知拍段片出街啦」。即係原本其實怕我講到一半太興奮爆粗,雖然唔係直播,但總不能「嘟」咗佢嘛。
5. 我覺得,篇文咁好反應,除咗時機(但其實訪問係七一之前做的),主要係因為個題起得好。先頭部隊固然正,但最重要都係:忠告你,金融人或只「搵得番四分一」。呢個真係一個好好嘅bite
6. 四分一呢個概念,你見我講台灣嘅文必講。仲咁啱大約就係台幣對港紙嘅匯率。我唔止一次識得在港嘅台灣金融行家講,返台灣?人工不變,不過由港幣變台幣。
7. 真的,之前貼過我同事(其實係姐妹公司),台灣女仔,反服貿訪問(https://bit.ly/2VPlKCs),不介意公開自己收入(當然因為高就唔介意),香港就年薪百萬港紙,台灣就百萬台幣都冇。
8. 其他行業可能折讓冇咁多(你搵到的話),但金融業,真係四份一係magic number。冇法,香港就金融業發達,台灣就金融業較弱,一來一回,好係嘢。咁其他工種可能好啲,但,可能都係三份一咁上下?
9. 所以,我就認為,文中有講,香港人「係台灣返工唔係一個Option」,我真係冇乜見香港人走去打工。一係就退休金或有樓收租食過世,一係就可以在台灣做香港嘅freelance收香港客香港錢。創業嘅,就梗係香港人「三寶」:茶餐廳、燒味店、咖啡店。但,固然唔少執笠,最慘係,賺錢嘅,識個朋友間嘢賺到三四皮嘢港紙,但做到PK,朝七晚十星期一至星期七,畀你班文青嚟打卡小確幸匠人精神。咁不如返香港打工算啦。
10. 當然有啲人,我地稱之為 鄧小平粉絲,係包拗項,又會話唏我有個朋友在台灣搵幾十萬港紙個月,唏我個朋友點點點。唔拗,大家都知鄧小平係煙鏟但好長命。但我講in general,我做台資公司時,睇埋啲高層嘅人工(上市公司嘛,邊有咁多秘密),亦見到台灣同香港比,真係四份一都未必有。
11. 另外,你見有個移民開支表(好似網上版睇唔到,我在comment貼),講用咗30萬港紙—原來好多人見到話平!我想講,我已經用得多。要更平都得。原來真係好多人誤解咗,你台灣嗰600萬台幣,係開公司,唔係食咗你的。你搞掂晒護照(當然我唔會叫你一搞掂就執笠),然後公司結業,係可以拎得返大部份。
12. 點解我話我已經係用得多?首先有6皮嘢畀咗移民顧問。固然我都建議你搵,但以前真係亦有唔少人自己搞。係慳返錢的,你諗你。另外,由我地開始搞到埃汾太辭工過去到開業,都用咗啲時間。有啲人係可以好快手的。仲有,我係有租實體舖,亦有請兼職員工—就係用錢買certainty,我間公司完全四正,有實店有貨賣有請當地人,移民官冇可能質疑到我。咁有啲人唔租舖唔請人嘅,又係你諗你(但而家好似唔得了)。
13. 記者朋友仲有問到,「幾時先走」。實在有少少敏感,你想像下我老細見到會點諗?但本人都係選擇光明呂樂,照買。咪且戰且走,在香港有得撈,有份接受到嘅工咪留多陣。冇人要嘅,咪收工走人。
14. 記者朋友話,咁土生土長香港人,在香港金融圈,仲有冇得發圍?冇嘅,睇你點睇。鬼頭年代一樣係冇得你發圍,就係鬼頭執包伏,大陸佬又未玩熟,中間大約有十幾廿年,係香港土炮嘅黃金年代—「亦即係地產霸權年代」。我04年先做銀行,中資添。06年先做股票,當時已經好多中資,就睇你點走位咯。\
15. 但,唔好有口話人冇口話自己。咁你同廿年前三十年前比,土炮當然更加暗淡。唔講政治都好,都話我舊公司啲煙腸,個個中文又好過我,英文都好過我!又勤力過我!但人工係我N份一。優勝劣敗啫,睇你點走位,老咗唔夠人爆,咪踢法經濟啲,食腦。再講白啲,四十幾歲人仲日日開個Excel砌model玩macro玩VBA咩,唔夠人鬥的。「但我識吹水」。咁睇你想做乜咯,你要好巴閉嘅,係難啲。但我又唔係要點巴閉做CEO做乜,搵餐晏仔,一年去幾次日本食幾次米芝蓮供層樓之類,總走到位。當然你唔順超人,就另一回事。
16. 另外有朋友睇咗,話我批評台灣喎。實情你見我都唔少批評台灣。例如文入話「人治」—喂咁的確係咁喎,你睇台灣移民審批,極不透明。永遠都只係傳:呢期乜乜乜專業收,呢期乜乜乜行業唔收,呢期非香港出世嘅全部落閘—但永遠唔話你知。
17. 咁當然,去人地度梗係跟人地玩法。但我亦只係實話實說,我咪跟你玩法,搵移民顧問—其實有冇諗過,呢啲咪rent seeking!(**).真喎,你全部跟制度嘅地方,邊使咁多呢啲乜乜顧問?你見啲腐敗國家(唔係講台灣),咪最多人幫你填form呀教你寫野呀咁咯
18. 況且,幾時都係身體最誠實。你見我成日話台灣,但我都係選擇會搬去住嘛。梗有好處,爭在未必係你估嘅好處。天地良心,埃汾係BNO持有人,我仲要係好多年前已經拎返再續(咁中間係有停過嘅,我在英國回港後,4年先再去旅行),夠晒忠心。但我完全冇諗過走去英國—即使,天地良心客觀睇,我在英國搵到工嘅機會,一定大過台灣—甚至計及在我台灣減一大截人工添。如果我在英國肯拎台灣咁人工,應該好易搵到。始終英國亦係金融業發達,當年出trip都見唔少黃皮膚人睇返亞洲股票 — 「但你要嘈話做唔到最大粒嗰個就隨你」
19. 最後一樣講,你見成日話台灣經濟唔好。但經濟唔好先係好!對外來人嘅好。台灣經濟好就唔得嚟畀你咁爽過去做皇帝啦下話。香港經濟夠好,但你問香港人係咪受惠到?係咪開心?
20. 當然,亦都好睇你在人生咩階段。正如你搵男女朋友就搵件刺激嘅,但搵老婆老公就唔好咁刺激。你要搏殺要上位要搵食嘅,在台灣死得,香港梗係搵錢好。但台灣就生活好。
21. 咁如何在台灣又可以生活好?就梗係,搵香港錢在台灣洗啦!就靠你地啦!收費專欄好快重出江湖!而家玩住收費短片先!
22. 最最最底有明報篇文全文。或者你開link睇又得 (https://bit.ly/3gwlZdB)。
(**)而唔少人真係以為rent seeking就係租間屋畀人。不過咩係rent seeking都有啲深,但到見到嗰時,你就明白。呢度嘅例子,你移民要搵顧問嘅,就好大機會佢地係rent seeking嘅行業。你諗下當中幾多油水幾多勾當?
或者睇置頂 post都得:https://fbook.cc/3BRq
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Hong Kong Stories (香港故事)
大約是中二那年,教練安排隊友前往中國接受訓練,有些只是小學四、五 年班學生,唯獨只有我一人留下,不能跟隨大隊。我感到很不開心,於是向教練查詢,他的理由是我打得太差。因為這一件事情激發起我的鬥志,從那時開始我不斷努力練習,在很短時間我已經可以超越了他們,同時我亦很想為羽毛球這項運動,付出更加多的努力和時間。因為一個挫折,而令到自己獲得今天的成績,感覺很奇妙,所以挫折並不是一件壞事,遇到挫折使到自己改進,願意奮鬥和努力。
I am Pui Yin. I was born and raised in Hong Kong. When I was young, I often took part in extra-curricular activities. My skin color got quite tanned from the outdoor activities so my coach called me ‘Dark girl’. In 2012, I entered the Hong Kong Sports Institute and studied a degree in Health Education. I am a Hong Kong Badminton Team player and a three-time Hong Kong Badminton Olympian.
My personality is rather outgoing. I used to learn soccer when I was young. I also learned basketball and did a lot of running. Of course, I also played badminton. I hail from a poor grassroots family. I once lived in a wooden house for around two years. I later lived in a village house. To support the family, my parents had to go out to work every day. They did not have time to take care of me. I studied in the morning class. When I got off school, I would go to the community care center. There were teachers there to take care of my studying and homework. There was a hall at the center and in the hall there was a badminton court. There were also other leisure activities. For instance, there were chess and table tennis but I was more interested in badminton.
When I was young, I long knew that my family environment was underwhelming. That was why I chose the cheapest shoes and badminton rackets. I chose plain shoes and a regular racket. I am also very thrifty. Whenever I ate out, I would choose hot drinks because I had to pay an extra dollar for cold drinks. As of now, there are lots of children who can easily buy sporting gear. Some may even have private badminton coaches. Possessing good sporting gear is of course good but it was not possible coming from my family background. Although my family environment was below par, it was not important. Many things depend on your will.
When I was in primary school, I also played in the school soccer team, basketball team as well as, the track and field team. But I still loved badminton the most. When I was in Primary four, there was an occasion when the school brought us to the Sports Institute to play badminton. At a professional court, I found that it was very different from the training grounds in school. At that time, I saw a coach teaching a fulltime professional male badminton player. When he served and smashed, he jumped way up high. It was an extremely powerful imagery. I was shocked beyond belief. The action evoked in me a great deal of interest. I wanted to imitate and learn his move. A lot of people feel that when I play badminton, I play like a male athlete. I can say that my playing style today derived from what I witnessed that day when I was young.
During the year of Primary four, I initially had the chance to enter the Hong Kong Sports Institute. I undertook a few months of trial training. I was very happy at that time because there were professional coaches and a professional training environment. However, during my training, my mother felt that my academic grades were not good enough. She did not allow me to continue with the training. I felt it was a bit of a pity but it was true that my grades were suffering. But I did not give up on badminton. From Primary four to Primary six, I still continued playing in the school team.
I then attended Jockey Club Ti-I College. I came across a good and inspiring teacher when I was in Form one. He was a former Hong Kong Badminton Team coach. He felt my skills were not bad and that my school training was insufficient. He hoped that I can receive training at the Hong Kong Sports Institute. He recommended me to the Chief Coach, Chan Chi Choi. He remembered my time when I was in Primary four and my several months of training at the institute. He also remembered that I have eventually quit. Although he was worried about spending time on training me (as I might leave after a period of time), he eventually accepted me into the Sports Institute.
Starting from Form 1, I focused on playing as a youth player. At that time, I was not only focused on badminton training but would also juggle many other different sports. Of course, again, I loved badminton the most. I was rather naughty and outgoing at that time. I often did not listen to my coach’s teaching. I was also short sighted. I only loved playing badminton and could never have imagined that I could represent Hong Kong one day.
While I was in Form two, my coach arranged for me and my teammates to train in China. There were some students who were only in Primary four and five. I was the only who was not allowed to go and follow the crowd. I felt very upset so I checked with my coach. His reason was that I was playing poorly. That incident triggered me to work extremely hard. From then onwards, I trained rigorously. In a short span of time, I was able to exceed them. At the same time, I really wanted to sacrifice even more time and effort in badminton. A setback enabled me to become the person that I am today. It is a very special feeling. That is why setbacks may not necessarily be a bad thing. When you come across hard times, you can improve yourself. You will be willing to fight hard and work hard.
During secondary school, I was a short distance runner and long jumper. My fitness level was very poor at that time. After running one lap, I would have stomach aches and feel out of breath or exhausted. I understood that if I wanted to improve my badminton skills, it was important to strengthen my fitness level. That was why I would get out of bed at around five or six in the morning and join the athletics team before classes started. I would do long distance running training three times per week. To further improve my strength, I would run twenty-six floors to reach to get home and also do skipping exercises.
When I reached Form four, my coach contacted me directly. He wished that I would consider becoming a fulltime athlete later. He felt that a fulltime athlete can totally devote his or her time into training. If you need to manage your studies, you may find it difficult to reach your potential. After hearing my coach’s words, I felt very delighted because my hardwork from the past paid off: I got a chance to finally dedicate myself to badminton. I may even be able to represent Hong Kong at games. I also wanted to commit myself to walking this path. My coach suggested that I spoke to my family before getting back to him. But I was terrified of making such a suggestion to my family because they really wanted me to go to university and find an ideal job in the future.
After around a week, my coach asked me what the result was after my discussion with my family. After understanding my situation, he arranged to meet with my family. I never thought that after a discussion between my coach and my family, my family would support me and give me a chance to try things out. Although they supported me, my teachers, classmates and friends did not feel the same way because I had to quit my studies. Their thinking was very normal but at that time, no matter how people reacted, nothing was able to change my mind. I understood that not everyone had such a chance. That was why I had to grasp it. The life of a sportsman is very short. I can continue with my studies in future. After completing Form four, I became a fulltime athlete.
When I first started training, I was considerably young. My skills were also not high. At that time there were a lot of mentees and also Wang Chen who ranked highly in the world. I was very happy that there were a lot of high-achievers among my teammates. They were also competition to me. Whenever I trained, I would think of this motto: ‘In order to exceed your opponent, you must work much harder than him or her’. As I really wanted to beat my opponents, aside from normal daily training, sacrificed a lot of time on self-training. Those days were tough. I never thought I could survive those times. I was clear when it came to my personal badminton skills. I required speed and strength. As I also played like a male, I burned more energy than others. In terms of strength, I dedicated a lot of hardwork into it. To never quit and to have persistence motivated me the most. Anyone can come across difficulties and hard times and would feel like quitting but I feel that if it is something that you enjoy doing, you will not easily give up. You do not want to regret it in future. As long as you think positively, you will always find ways to solve your problems.
At every stage, I would plan a goal. The first goal was to beat high-tiered competitors in little time. Whenever I achieved my goal, I would come up with a new one. I would not lose direction because I had no goal. It was like my thoughts in the past. I thought that I would retire, whether I can make it to the Rio Olympics or not. When many people learned of the news, they asked me why I had such a thought. Actually, it was because I had too many experiences and had some achievement in previous games. For example, I won a gold medal in the Asian Games held in Hong Kong in 2009. In the 2012 London Olympics, I made it into the quarterfinals. I was once ranked the top eighth in the world, too.
To be able to represent Hong Kong for the third time at the Olympic Games is not easy. After my game, my teammates told me encouragingly that ‘no woman in the individual criteria has been able to make it into the Olympic Games three times in a row except for you.’ My teammate’s words touched me deeply. It got me thinking that I can continue competing and that I should not take winning and losing so heavily. I should not be sad because I could not further my game at this year’s Olympic Games. I should not think of quitting.
I feel that I could no longer play at the level I used to. I also think that I am losing my edge a little. I take winning and losing seriously. Although having high standards is not necessarily a bad thing, I still feel upset whenever I lose. I feel like I’ve tumbled and consequently, had thoughts of quitting. Fortunately, I later received encouragement from my teammates and coach. In addition to my positive thinking, I have found a new goal. I was able to stand up again.
My ability to continue with this sport is already a blessing in disguise. Some people who want to do the same are unable to because they need to make a living. Or they may have a disability which defers them from playing badminton. But I already have things that are better than others. At least I do not have any injuries and is still fit. I can still play badminton. I should not quit because I take winning and losing seriously. I am twenty-nine years old this year. I have played badminton professionally for thirteen years. I am getting older. After a number of years, when I am in my thirties, I will officially retire.
As of now, I should enjoy the joys of competing. I do not know whether I would excel or gain better results in the future. I also do not want to think or guess too much. I will try my best to enjoy the process of competing. My goal is to make it to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games but I do not know whether I will meet the requirements by then. If I can make it to the Olympic Games for the fourth time, it will be like marching towards an impossible goal. To be able to participate in the Olympic Games for three times is already remarkable enough. I just want to reach another impossible milestone. There are always highs and lows in life. We must all go through them. You must be able to stand up while you are down and keep your head up. It does not matter whether I win or lose. What matters most is that I will continue to enjoy my badminton life.
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杜氏數學 國際官方網站 http://www.hermantomath.com
舉例說,若賽馬(Horse Racing)賭局中出現1.1倍大熱門,「阿刀」是不會看得上眼的,因為下注$100才只能搏得$10,就算是馬王也不值得投注。相反,「阿密」不會介意賠率,因為只有勝出才有盈利,若然不中,縱使有99倍也沒有意思。
承接上一課的大數法則(Law of Large Number),也許你會這樣回答:「能於長期博弈中獲得較高盈利,就更可取。」
想透過大數法則,權衡賠率和機率,可以計算期望值(Expected Value),簡稱「EV」。
EV = 淨贏注 × 贏錢機率 - 淨輸注 × 輸錢機率
以骰寶(Sic Bo/「買大細」)投注大為例,賠率是1賠1,即淨賺1注,而勝出的機率是48.6%;換言之,輸錢的機率這樣計算: 。因此,買大的EV = ,即長賭平均輸賭本的2.8%。
現在以Microsoft Excel電腦實驗,驗證長買大輸掉2.8%的下場……
繼續以骰寶為例,阿刀主張買圍骰,而阿密主張買大。圍骰1賠24,勝出機率2.78%,因此買圍骰的EV = ,比買大或買小的EV還要低,更不值搏。
現在以Microsoft Excel電腦實驗,驗證長買圍骰輸掉30.5%的下場……
賭局 賠率 機率
賭場遊戲 己知 己知
足球博彩 己知 未知
賽馬博彩 未知 未知
杜氏數學 Herman To Math 考試戰績:
A ── 會考 Math 數學
A ── 會考 Additional Math 附加數學
A ── 高考 Pure Math 純粹數學
A ── 高考 Applied Math 應用數學
5** ── DSE Math 數學
5** ── DSE M1 數學延伸部分(一)
5** ── DSE M2 數學延伸部分(二)
A ── IAL Core Math 1 2
A ── IAL Core Math 3 4
A ── IAL Further Pure Math 1
A ── IAL Mechanics 2
A ── IAL Mechanics 3
A ── IAL Statistics 1
A ── IAL Statistics 2
number excel比較 在 EVALIN Youtube 的最佳貼文
嗨大家好,今天是分享2015年十二月最愛的東西們!分享了隱形眼鏡,好吃的東西跟好聽的音樂們,希望你們喜歡囉!歡迎你們留言跟我分享你們的每月最愛如果比較害羞的話可以在instagram上用 #showevalin tag我唷
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VLOGMAS: https://goo.gl/yygo1T
Korean v.s. American MAKEUP STYLE: https://goo.gl/zkRGmn
////// What I Mentioned //////
1.隱形眼鏡 帝康日拋臻亮-褐金/ 帝康日拋-咖啡 /愛能視-透明
2.起司 cheese
3.師大夜市-師園 (鹹酥雞)
4.東區頂好名店城- B1 美景川味炒手+擔擔麵
5.紙膠帶 gummed paper tape
6.免治馬桶 washlet
7.FB貼圖 邪惡牡蠣
Justin Bieber - Love Yourself - (Cover by Kyson Facer) https://goo.gl/UQ5Jm1
back number - 「クリスマスソング」https://goo.gl/njrbLj
11.Maybelline氣墊唇彩 coral/pink1/orange
12.Excel眉筆PD01/05/13 https://goo.gl/4AeIBr
14. 阿原肥皂漱口精油
Business Inquiries► eva800526@gmail.com
------ MUSIC ♫------
Air Zaïre - Sanibel feat. Patrick Baker :https://goo.gl/zixq57
FTC: This video is NOT sponsored.
number excel比較 在 Numbers 表格——每个人都能做自己的统计学家 的推薦與評價
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number excel比較 在 MiniExcel/README.zh-Hant.md at master - GitHub 的推薦與評價
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number excel比較 在 請問numbers可以完全取代excel嗎? - Mobile01 的推薦與評價
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