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電影 神偷軍團!- Tower Heist, 10 句精彩對話 Part 9
Here comes some interesting conversation between Josh(Ben Stiller) and FBI Agent Claire (Téa Leoni)
1. Either that or you got no balls.
或者說是你沒膽 (got no balls, 很通俗的說法)吧!
2. I'm out of line. I'm sorry.
我太過份了(越權了), 我道歉
3. I'm just saying the guy stole from everyone who works in your building and it looked like you gave him a free pass.
(free pass在這裡是指員工的退休金都被Mr. Shaw給坑了, 卻還讓他為所欲為)
4. And most girls from Forest Hills don't end up in the FBI.
而且大部份來自Forest Hills的女孩最終都不會進FBI (end up是這個意思嗎? 還是指不會待在FBI一輩子?)
5. This is where most white-collar crimes are solved, the garbage.
這就是大部份白領罪犯被定罪 (solved) 的地方, 垃圾堆!
6. I'm not really allowed to discuss the case with you. But you're allowed to clothesline me?
我並未被允許與你討論這個案子。 難道你就可以把我絆倒在地嗎?
(clothesline = Someone's arm straight out to their side, and knocks you straight across the head. 原本 clothesline 是晒衣服的繩子)
7. I was apprehending a fugitive.
8. Please step away from the platform edge, especially when trains are entering and leaving the station.
請勿靠近月台邊緣 (platform edge) , 尤其是當火車駛入和駛離車站時
9. An off-duty traffic cop was there and pulled him back at the last second.
一位未值班 (off-duty) 的交警正好在要出事的前一刻 (at the last second) 把他拉回來!
10. They have him on a 48-hour hold.
他們把他暫時拘留48小時 (on hold)
Lester tried to step in front of a subway train and almost killed himself. This makes Josh think of doing something to seize their money back from Shaw.
To be continued...