明報英文 | 毛孟靜
//一些新聞,看了後會永誌不忘,在腦海中深深烙印: lodged in one's mind 、 burned into one's memory。
像最近就一名15歲少女裸屍在海中被發現的死因研訊 death inquest,結論既非自殺 suicide,也非被殺 homicide,那是不是意外呢?不知道,因為沒有證據,裁決死因存疑。問題是,這宗案件本來就疑點重重。
· The case has been ingrained in the psyche of this city. 案件已根深蒂固栽進這個城市的精神中。
· Why Hong Kong is fixated on the death of a teenage girl whose body was found at sea.
Fixated ?這個字泛指「沉迷於一套想法而不能自拔」,含意頗為負面。一翻手頭的牛津字典, 解說為 having an abnormal emotional attachment to someone or something ;中文是「迷戀某人某事,異常依戀」。
Fixated ,也就是附帶一點病態。不用這字,改用 keen 着緊、focused 聚焦,也許會比較好。
那篇報道的副題形容學生陳彥霖的死亡個案,是 the subject of wild conspiracies and unsubstantiated rumours ,游談無根的陰謀論和謠言皆從中取材。雖然報道內容也不過是把事件始末敘述一遍。
· The report didn't actually reject the conspiracies nor dispel the rumours. 報道並未駁回有關的陰謀論,也沒有闢謠。
案件的重重疑點,已有眾多的報道及評論,在此不贅。回說 fixated 一字,視乎上文下理,當然也可以有正面肯定的意思。譬如說,會用來形容激情、矢志要達到目標:passionately motivated to achieve one's goal。
· They are fixated to win the championship.他們一心一意要贏得冠軍。這句的 fixated ,就等同 unwavering 堅定不移、 dedicated 專心一意。
但仍要小心,fixated 改用名詞 fixation,就幾乎等同負面及批評的話。看以下新聞標題:
· Airport Authority's fixation with third runway is blinding it to other options. 機管局對第三跑道的盲戀,令其看不見其他選項。
· Singapore is right to question university rankings fixation. 新加坡對沉迷大學排名的質疑,是對的。
· I fail to understand your fixation with donuts. They are so grossly sweet. 我不明白你對「冬甩」的迷戀,它們甜得怕人。//
「on one's mind中文」的推薦目錄:
on one's mind中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
★ 為什麼比爾蓋茲、Steve Jobs、Sheryl Sandberg 的畢業演說都用 collocations (搭配字)? ★
to drive innovation, phenomenal innovation, to guard one's heart, to throw a tantrum, to put out an issue, to know one's limitations, take a risk, stick to a routine, to voice concerns.....
[1] 取自比爾蓋茲和其夫人Melinda 2014年在Stanford U 的演講
“The world of science and technology is driving phenomenal innovations – and Stanford stands at the center of that, creating new companies, prize-winning professors, ingenious software, miracle drugs, and amazing graduates. We're on the verge of mind-blowing breakthroughs in what human beings can do for each other.”
[2] 取自力克胡哲振奮人心的一系列 videos
I also threw tantrums saying “I can’t do this” “I can’t do that” when I was a kid.
[3] 取自2010 年 Amazon 創辦人Jeff Bezos 在Princeton U 的演講
“Will you guard your heart against rejection, or will you act when you fall in love?”
[4] 取自 Steve Jobs 2005 年在Stanford U 的演講
“Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue.
[5] 取自 Natalie Portman 2015 在 Harvard U 的演講
“The point is, if I had known my own limitations, I never would have taken the risk, and the risk led to one of my greatest personal and professional achievements”
[6] 取自 Sheryl Sandberg 2014 年在Harvard U 的演講
“When I joined, I asked Mark for a commitment that he would give me feedback every week so that anything that bothered him would be aired and discussed quickly. Mark not only said yes but immediately added that he wanted it to be reciprocal. For the first few years, we stuck to this routine and met every Friday afternoon to voice concerns big and small.”
Answer:不是他們都用collocations, 而是要講英文要他們不用到collocations是非常困難的。但中文的思維會阻撓collocations的建立,加上學生不知道怎樣最正確的學習,口說和寫作能力才會停滯不前。
創勝文教 X 王梓沅老師看英語雜誌學搭配詞課程,第一梯已超收額滿,第二梯與第三梯踴躍報名中!
★ 第二梯 11/29-1/17 (每週日 9:00-12:00,共八堂課)
上課地點: 創勝文教(NTE) 總部 (台北市朱崙街60號2F, MRT南京復興站三分鐘處)
上課費用 10,000
★ 第三梯 (新開週二班) 11/3-12/22
(每週二 19:00-22:00,共八堂課)
上課地點: 創勝文教(NTE) 總部 (台北市朱崙街60號2F, MRT南京復興站三分鐘處)
上課費用 10,000
第二梯和第三梯享有「團報優惠」: 兩人同行九折、三人同行85折。
on one's mind中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
★ 你還只會用「國中英文單字」說英文、寫英文作文嗎?★
常常有英文程度已經很不錯的人跟我說覺得英文寫作很難。通常診斷這樣的人(如同在面試英文老師般),我會跟他說「你計時寫一篇英文作文讓我改看看。這樣的人,通常文法會錯很多口說因講話速度快偵查不出的小錯誤、用詞因為缺乏海量collocations (搭配詞)的學習導致很多「中文邏輯/思維湊出的合文法用法」、一句一句間的邏輯關係不夠緊密外,最常見的狀況,也是台灣學生普遍有的現象 (a pervasive/ubiquitous phenomenon) 就是只會用國中英文單字寫作,偶爾跑出一個最近從外語雜誌/新聞背的單字,但 因為缺乏在「有充分語境下的搭配字/用法」學習,而用得生硬無比。下面50個TOEFL/GRE字的用法,全部以這些字常出現的語境而呈現,希望大家能將他們抄下來記下來,這樣的學習,長年累積一定程度會大有增進。
[1] An imaginary adversary 假想敵
[2] To play the connoisseur 充當行家
[3] to be bigoted to one's opinion 堅持己見
[4] a deluge of fire 火海 a deluge of rain 傾盆大雨
[5] to do sth with a sense of detachment 以超脫的心態做~
[6] to get the ascendancy 佔上風
[7] to constitute a barrier to progress 造成進步的阻礙
[8] an economic calamity 經濟上的大災害
[9] reactionary elements 反動份子
[10] to be on the horns of a dilemma 面對進退維谷的情勢
[11] to be at enmity with sb 和~不和
[12] to win by a fluke 僥倖地獲勝
[13] to bring sb into disrepute 使~聲譽掃地
[14] to be against one's inclination 違背~的本意
[15] to make a scrutiny into 仔細徹查
[16] a speech full of banal platitudes 一充滿陳腔濫調的演講
[17] the vicissitudes of life 人生的起起伏伏
[18] to be at the zenith of sth 在~的全盛時期
[19] the potential pitfalls of sth ~所隱藏的危機/危險
[20] a reconnaissance airplane 偵察機
[21] arbitrary arguments 強詞奪理的議論
[22] an ambiguous answer 模棱兩可的回答
[23] to be adamant in opposition 反對立場堅定
[24] to be abstinent from alcohols 節制喝酒
[25] an abstruse theory 深奧難懂的理論
[26] a circumlocutory excuse 迂迴的藉口
[27] an inclement weather 惡劣的天氣
[28] a bleak prospect 前途黯淡
[29] an arduous employee 勤奮的員工
[30] a brusque refusal 斷然無禮的拒絕
[31] a boisterous commercial area 喧鬧的商業地帶
[32] a benign tumor 良性的腫瘤
[33] a chronic grumbler 一天到頭在埋怨發牢騷的人
[34] to give a compendious presentation 做簡明簡短的報告
[35] an avid reader 喜歡看書的人
[36] an acrimonious denunciation 辛辣的譴責
[37] a canny politician 精明的政客
[38] to be avaricious of wealth 貪財
[39] a compelling / convoluted argument 有說服力/複雜難懂的論據
[40] ephemeral pleasures/joys 轉瞬即逝的歡樂
[41] a discursive speech 散亂沒有重點的演講
[42] a conspicuous error 明顯的錯誤
[43] a fertile mind 想像力豐富的頭腦
[44] to have an exuberant imagination 擁有豐富的想像力的
[45] the fickle world of fashion 多變的時尚世界
[46] complimentary tickets 免費贈送的票
[47] three hours of feckless negotiations 三小時毫無結果的談判
[48] a foolhardy decision 有勇無謀的決策
[49] exacting terms 嚴苛的條件
[50] a curt reply 唐突草率的回應