onstatechange 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to get property 'plaintext' of non-object
Filename: models/Crawler_model.php
Line Number: 228
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/models/Crawler_model.php
Line: 228
Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
Line: 336
Function: get_dev_google_article
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to get property 'plaintext' of non-object
Filename: models/Crawler_model.php
Line Number: 229
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/models/Crawler_model.php
Line: 229
Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
Line: 336
Function: get_dev_google_article
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
无论我如何看待它以及所做的更改,我都无法让onStateChange做任何事情。 我该如何解决这个问题? 最佳答案. iFrame Player API(已于2013年6月修复)存在一个临时问题, ... ... <看更多>
#1. ServiceWorker.onstatechange - Web API 接口参考| MDN
ServiceWorker.onstatechange. Experimental: 这是一个实验中的功能此功能某些浏览器尚在开发中,请参考浏览器兼容性表格以得到在不同浏览器中适合使用的前缀。
#2. YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds - Google ...
'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange } }); } // 4. The API will call this function when the video player is ready.
#3. DbConnection.OnStateChange(StateChangeEventArgs) 方法
引發StateChange 事件。Raises the StateChange event.
#4. [蚊子的Day23]記錄上次關閉前的畫面~React Native
在<NavigationContainer>標籤有個參數名為 onStateChange ,每當進行頁面切換之後,React Native會在 onStateChange 輸出目前的導覽頁面參數,利用此參數就可恢復上次 ...
#5. Javascript addEventListener onStateChange not working in IE
I simply did ytplayer.attachEvent("onStateChange", onytplayerStateChange); right below addEventListener, I didn't put in a condition, figured it ...
onStateChange. fires when the user changes the state of a two-state button item. void onStateChange(string|number id,boolean state){ ... }; ...
#7. ServiceWorker.onstatechange - DOM - W3cubDocs
ServiceWorker.onstatechange ... Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. An EventListener property called whenever an ...
#8. System.Actions.TContainedActionList.OnStateChange
property OnStateChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnStateChange write FOnStateChange;. C++. __property System::Classes::TNotifyEvent OnStateChange ...
#9. Java OnStateChange類代碼示例- 純淨天空
Java OnStateChange類代碼示例,com.vaadin.client.annotations.OnStateChange用法.
#10. react-native-ble-plx.BleManager.onStateChange JavaScript ...
componentWillMount() { const subscription = this.manager.onStateChange(state => {
#11. ServiceWorker API: onstatechange | Can I use... Support ...
ServiceWorker API: onstatechange. Usage % of. all users, all tracked, tracked desktop, tracked mobile ? Global. 94.49%. Current aligned. Usage relative
#12. OnStateChange (vaadin-all 8.14.0.alpha1 API)
Annotation Type OnStateChange ... Marks a method in Connector classes that should be used to handle changes to specific properties in the connector's shared state ...
#13. TDataSource.OnStateChange - Free Pascal
OnStateChange. Called whenever the state of the dataset changes. Declaration. Source position: db.pas line 1935. published ...
#14. onstatechange - Kotlin Programming Language
kotlin-stdlib / org.w3c.workers / ServiceWorker / onstatechange. onstatechange. JS. 1.1. open var onstatechange: ((Event) -> dynamic)?
#15. OnStateChange() - NinjaScript - NinjaTrader 8
SetDefaults in OnStateChange(), as this logic will be processed each time the script is initialized. For example, opening the Indicators window will trigger ...
#16. Screen tracking for analytics | React Navigation
Get the root navigator state and find the active route name. To get notified of state changes, we can use the onStateChange prop on NavigationContainer . To get ...
#17. javascript - YouTube iframe播放器API-OnStateChange不触发
无论我如何看待它以及所做的更改,我都无法让onStateChange做任何事情。 我该如何解决这个问题? 最佳答案. iFrame Player API(已于2013年6月修复)存在一个临时问题, ...
#18. ConnectionObserver (reactor-netty 1.0.13-SNAPSHOT)
Event listeners for connection lifecycle. A normal event cycle is as follow : onUncaughtException; onStateChange. Since: 0.8; Author: Stephane Maldini ...
#19. OnStateChange typedef - uts_sidemenu library - Dart API
OnStateChange = void Function(AnimationStatus status). Implementation. typedef void OnStateChange(AnimationStatus status);.
#20. YouTube API - iframe onStateChange events | Newbedev
YouTube API - iframe onStateChange events. This example listens to every play/pause action the user makes, using onPlayerStateChange with its different ...
#21. RobotCallback - ASUS Zenbo
Called when a robot command returns. void, onStateChange(int cmd, int serial, RobotErrorCode err_code, RobotCmdState state). Called when command state change in ...
#22. OnStateChange in Event Log - FlexSim Community
There are other things you can do to listen to the OnStateChange trigger. For example, you could write to the Output Console or change a Global ...
#23. InstantSearch.js | API parameters - Algolia
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, const search = instantsearch({ // ... onStateChange({ uiState, setUiState }) { // Custom logic setUiState(uiState); }, }); ...
#24. YouTube iframe player API - OnStateChange not firing
Make sure to remove the onStateChange event from the YT.PLAYER constructor (see the jsfiddle). Also, as someone mentioned on the Google Code Issue Thread, you ...
#25. javascript嵌入iframe onReady和onStateChange事件未触发
但是在IE 中,事件onReady和onStateChange不觸發。 如果我手動點擊播放器中的播放控制項,但我沒有得到預期的onStateChange事件,視頻將會播放。
#26. downshift-js/downshift - GitHub
(see onStateChange for more info on stateAndHelpers ). selectedItem : The item that was just selected. null if the selection was cleared. stateAndHelpers : This ...
#27. Class: LinkerClient - Finsemble Documentation
onStateChange. (cb). The Linker API has been deprecated! Old documentation: Use this method to register a callback which will be called whenever the state ...
#28. IActiveScriptSite::OnStateChange
HRESULT IActiveScriptSite::OnStateChange( SCRIPTSTATE ssScriptState // new state of engine );. Informs the host that the scripting engine has changed states ...
#29. onstatechange · WebPlatform Docs
onstatechange. Summary. Handles the statechange event for when the readyState property is changed, i.e. with a call to setLocalDescription() or ...
#30. onStateChange - dva 帮助文档 - GitBook
Powered by GitBook. onStateChange. This page is empty. Previous. onAction · Next. onReducer. Last updated 3 years ago. Search Placeholder.
#31. RTCIceTransport.onstatechange - Runebook.dev
RTCIceTransport.onstatechange. 该 onstatechange 事件处理程序 RTCIceTransport 接口是指定一个函数作为一个属性 EventHandler 的 statechange 被解雇每当运输的活动 ...
#32. AudioContext.onstatechange - dom - CodeProject Reference
The onstatechange property of the AudioContext interface defines an event handler function to be called when the statechange event fires: this occurs when ...
#33. YouTube iframe player API - OnStateChange not firing - Pretag
YouTube iframe player API - OnStateChange not firing,Make sure to remove the onStateChange event from the YT.PLAYER constructor (see the ...
#34. UGauntletTestController::OnStateChange - Unreal Engine 4 ...
virtual void OnStateChange ( FName OldState, FName NewState ). Remarks. Called when a state change is applied to the module. States are game-driven.
#35. Photon C++ Client API: Listener Class Reference
Public Member Functions. virtual void, debugReturn (int debugLevel, const Common::JString &string)=0. virtual void, onStateChange (int state)=0.
#36. reactor.netty.ConnectionObserver.onStateChange java code ...
@Override public void onStateChange(Connection connection, State newState) { for (ConnectionObserver observer : observers) { observer.
#37. SpaceStateListener.OnStateChange Method - TIBCO Product ...
SpaceStateListener.OnStateChange Method ... void OnStateChange( string spaceName, SpaceDef. SpaceState spaceState ). Sub OnStateChange ( spaceName As String ...
#38. player.addEventListener('onStateChange ... - SitePoint
So, this is definatly one of the worst times i ever had with javascript and the blatent incompitancy of IE, below is my code, i realise that ...
#39. javascript YoutubePlayer OnStateChange不触发 - 码农家园
javascript YoutubePlayer OnStateChange not firing我对youtube播放器OnStateChange无法启动有问题。我看过其他帖子,但它们与我的情况不太吻合, ...
#40. Youtube嵌入式iframe onReady和onStateChange事件未在 ...
【javascript】Youtube嵌入式iframe onReady和onStateChange事件未在Internet Explorer中觸發. 阿新• • 發佈:2020-11-25. 我幾乎逐字複製了YouTube嵌入式播放器演示 ...
#41. OnStateChange - MDrivenWiki
OnStateChange (attrib:String; oldstate:String; newstate:String) . Any class with this method signature will get called for each trigger-call ...
#42. Random MDN on Twitter: " Random MDN: MIDIAccess ...
The onstatechange Event Handler of the MIDIAccess interface processes statechange events. #webdev. 4:10 PM - 8 Oct 2021. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes.
#43. 載入youtube視訊並收聽onPlayerStateChange - 程式人生
Player('player',{ height:'100%', width:'100%', videoId:tubeID, events:{ 'onReady': onPlayerReady, 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange } ...
#44. YouTube iframe player API - OnStateChange not firing - Code ...
Make sure to remove the onStateChange event from the YT.PLAYER constructor (see the jsfiddle). Also, as someone mentioned on the Google Code Issue Thread, you ...
#45. Java AtmosphereHandler.onStateChange Examples
Java AtmosphereHandler.onStateChange - 2 examples found. These are the top rated real world Java examples of AtmosphereHandler.onStateChange extracted from ...
#46. Does onstatechange actually mean onconnectionstatechange?
In How does WebRTC (the API) work section in the above URL, it mentions onstatechange . Although threre's onconnectionstatechange property in ...
#47. OnStateChange Method - yWorks
protected virtual void OnStateChange( State s, State oldState ). Visual Basic. Protected Overridable Sub OnStateChange ( _ s As State, _ oldState As State _ ) ...
#48. Ajax.js - OpenLayers - of /carto
onStateChange. setRequestHeaders. success, {Boolean} -. getStatus. respondToReadyState. getHeader. dispatchException, If the optional onException function ...
#49. OnStateChange Event
procedure OnStateChange( Sender: TComponent; oldstate, newstate: string; waiting: Boolean );; Purpose: The purpose is to be able to detect when the ...
#50. 【筆記】Youtube與網頁互動的好幫手- YouTube IFrame Player ...
'onStateChange': function(event) {. if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) {. alert('hello!'); //這邊是當開始播放後,需要做的動作. }.
#51. jQuery簡單的應用YouTube IFrame Player API - ucamc
onStateChange ":這個事件對我們非常熟悉,而且我們經常這樣做。 ... 你的Youtube 影片ID events: { onStateChange: function(event) { if ...
#52. using youtube movie onStateChange - Sencha Forum
Hi, youtube javascript api explains how to use onStateChange to listen to events several events on the video: function ...
#53. YouTube iframe player API - OnStateChange not firing
RAW Save Code. function onReady() { player.addEventListener('onStateChange', function(e) { console.log('State is:', ...
#54. $ui/components/my-master-app - Documentation - Gitee 更新 ...
(inner) onStateChange(callback, fireImmediatelyopt). Source: my-master-app/src/Master.vue, line 68. 侦听状态改变事件 ...
#55. TDataSourse OnStateChange - delphi
Does the OnStateChange EV from TDataSource works the same in ADO as it does in the BDE vers ?. I'm getting very strange behaviors .
#56. BaseAudioContext.onstatechange - Web APIs - 知识库- 文江博客
The onstatechange property of the BaseAudioContext interface defines an event handler function to be called when the statechange event fires: this occurs ...
#57. BaseAudioContext.onstatechange | Web API - 中文文档编制 ...
onstatechange 特性为 BaseAudioContext interface defines an event handler function to be called when the statechange event fires: this occurs ...
#58. Understanding NinjaScript Lifecycle and How to ... - YouTube
This video provides an overview of NinjaScript Lifecycle and the use of the OnStateChange() method within ...
#59. ServiceWorker.onstatechange
ServiceWorker.onstatechange = function(statechangeevent) { ... } ServiceWorker.addEventListener('statechange', function(statechangeevent) { ...
#60. YouTube API events like onReady onStateChange are not ...
YouTube API events like onReady onStateChange are not firing in FF as of 1292014. 2. Here's my webpage: http://badmofo.wadasia.com/game_mw2.html
#61. OnStateChange() | VB.NET Developer Community
Can someone tell me why I can't get an event to fire under OnStateChange? Here's my code. Private Sub MyEncoder_OnStateChange(ByVal enumState As ...
#62. YouTube Iframe API - OnStateChange вдруг не работает
YouTube Iframe API - OnStateChange вдруг не работает. Примерно до 6 вечера EST этот код ниже работал бы нормально, но теперь по какой-то причине ...
#63. Web/API/ServiceWorker/onstatechange - Get docs
ServiceWorker.onstatechange = function(statechangeevent) { ... } ServiceWorker.addEventListener('statechange', function(statechangeevent) { ... } ) Examples.
#64. youtube api - Why is the onStateChange event not getting fired?
Yup, you want to add an event listener using the API's player.addEventListener() method and listen for the onStateChange event. It broadcasts a number (0 ...
#65. YouTube JavaScript API,onStateChange没有被触发 - 小空笔记
YouTube JavaScript API,onStateChange没有被触发,没有自动播放。 withpy 2021-08-08. 简介我有一个培训程序,在这个程序中,我试图在iFrame中显示一个YouTube视频, ...
#66. DataChannelThroughputTester.ReceiverObserver - Oracle ...
onStateChange. public void onStateChange(). Specified by: onStateChange in interface org.webrtc.DataChannel.Observer. Skip navigation links.
#67. Infinite loop when setting state in `onStateChange` - downshift
Ask questionsInfinite loop when setting state in `onStateChange`. <!-- Thanks for your interest in the project. I appreciate bugs filed and PRs submitted!
#68. YouTube iframe player API - OnStateChange not firing - OStack
Make sure to remove the onStateChange event from the YT.PLAYER constructor (see the jsfiddle). Also, as someone mentioned on the Google Code ...
#69. Does it bother anybody else that there is no OnStateChange ...
Does it bother anybody else that there is no OnStateChange() for tabletop scripting. I was trying to make a card that will execute a script ...
#70. Drawable | Android Developers
boolean, onStateChange(int[] state). Override this in your subclass to change appearance if you recognize the specified state.
#71. YouTube API - iframe onStateChange events - StackGuides
This example listens to every play/pause action the user makes, using onPlayerStateChange with its different states, and prints (records) them.
#72. Youtube iframe api: 'onReady', 'onStateChange' not firing in IE 8
I just was checking my youtube player in IE 8 and noticed the 'onReady', 'onStateChange' events are not firing. The initPlayer method is being called and ...
#73. FetchObserver.onstatechange - Web APIs | MDN
The onstatechange property of the FetchObserver interface is an event handler invoked when a statechange event fires, i.e. when the state of ...
#74. react-redux 杂谈- 设计结构变迁 - 知乎专栏
index.js 中import 的HelloWorld 组件是一个被Connect 包裹的HelloWorld。 Connect 组件拥有onStateChange 方法,当实例化的时候,会从context 上找上一级 ...
#75. AudioContext.onstatechange
The onstatechange property of the AudioContext interface defines an event handler function to be called when the statechange event fires: ...
#76. onStateChange - Alpha Anywhere Documentation
onStateChange. Description. Fires when the component changes state from dirty to clean, or visa versa. Fires when a data bound, ...
#77. The OnState Change event - Database Application - Delphi ...
OnStateChange is called whenever the mode (state) of a data source's dataset changes. A dataset's State property records its current state.
#78. While checking, the onStateChange event of youtube iframe ...
While checking, the onStateChange event of youtube iframe API is not working. I guess that event is blocked by the google tag manager.
#79. Support a state change handler for all control props | egghead.io
... increase the complexity and repetition of our component. Instead, let's make an onStateChange that's called when any state changes.
#80. JSDoc: Global - Apache Portals
The onStateChange callback function that each portlet client participating in the portlet hub Ajax support must implement.
#81. Scripting API: CullingGroup.onStateChanged - Unity - Manual
Sets the callback that will be called when a sphere's visibility and/or distance state has changed. Did you find this page useful? Please give it a ...
#82. 如果播放是由postMessage觸發的,則不會觸發YouTube的 ...
如果youtube playVideo是由postMessage觸發的,則onStateChange將不會被觸發。 (http://jsfiddle.net/nedvedyy/smx92nq0/)。任何人都會遇到它?
#83. State and Lifecycle - React
Add a single empty method to it called render() . Move the body of the function into the render() method. Replace props with this.props in ...
#84. OnChanges - Angular
A lifecycle hook that is called when any data-bound property of a directive changes. Define an ngOnChanges() method to handle the changes.
#85. How to run some code when state changes using onChange()
SwiftUI lets us attach an onChange() modifier to any view, which will run code of our choosing when some state changes in our program. This is ...
#86. Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.0 Unleashed - Google 圖書結果
Peek( ); //Unregister the event for this state OnStateChange = oldState.StateChanged; //remove the state from our game components Game.Components.
#87. Pro JavaScript with MooTools - 第 335 頁 - Google 圖書結果
It then attaches the readystatechange handler for the XHR object: a method called onStateChange, which we'll discuss in a second.
#88. 精通Cocos2d-x游___(__卷) - Google 圖書結果
CHANGE_STATE_EVENT, from = event.from, to = event. to} self:dispatchEvent(event) end HeroView将onStateChange_()方法注册为Actor.
#89. Quarkus async method
The onStateChange method (Figure 1) will be invoked by Atmosphere when: a broadcast operation occurs and an action needs to be taken. eventbus The method ...
#90. React prevent state change on refresh
[01:55] We get both of those rendering there. To be able to persist the navigation state, we can use the onStateChange and initialState props of the container.
#91. React persist component state
onStateChange - function notifies of any state changes. This is a package to easily handling global-state across your react-native-components No-redux, ...
#92. YouTube API-iframe onStateChange事件 - Dollingerco
#93. 在Mechanical Turk人群表單中使用Youtube Player API不會 ...
我正在嘗試將YouTube iframe放入亞馬遜機械式Turk中。但是,如果YouTube播放器 放置在內部不會觸發事件“ onStateChange”。這是一個...
#94. Woman performs Rajasthani folk dance in traditional clothes ...
... 'controls': 1 , events: 'onStateChange': function(event) onPlayerStateChange(event.target.a.id);. ); $("#video-"+vid).show();.
#95. YouTube API - iframe onStateChange events - DebugCN
The example creates iframe and defines onReady and onStateChange as well. How would I do same when I've only iframe on page?
#96. मेट्रो में सफर करने वाले यात्री कृपया ध्यान दें! DMRC ने जारी किया ...
... events: { 'onStateChange': function(event){ onPlayerStateChange(event.target.a.id); } } }); $("#video-"+vid).show(); } var rtitle = "zee ...
#97. UK records more than 50,000 new COVID-19 cases, PM Boris ...
... 'controls': 1 }, events: { 'onStateChange': function(event){ onPlayerStateChange(event.target.a.id); } } }); $("#video-"+vid).show(); } ...
onstatechange 在 YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds - Google ... 的推薦與評價
The IFrame player API lets you embed a YouTube video player on your website and control the player using JavaScript.
Using the API's JavaScript functions, you can queue videos for playback; play, pause, or stop those videos; adjust the player volume; or retrieve information about the video being played. You can also add event listeners that will execute in response to certain player events, such as a player state change.
This guide explains how to use the IFrame API. It identifies the different types of events that the API can send and explains how to write event listeners to respond to those events. It also details the different JavaScript functions that you can call to control the video player as well as the player parameters you can use to further customize the player.
RequirementsThe user's browser must support the HTML5
feature. Most modern browsers supportpostMessage
.Embedded players must have a viewport that is at least 200px by 200px. If the player displays controls, it must be large enough to fully display the controls without shrinking the viewport below the minimum size. We recommend 16:9 players be at least 480 pixels wide and 270 pixels tall.
Any web page that uses the IFrame API must also implement the following JavaScript function:
– The API will call this function when the page has finished downloading the JavaScript for the player API, which enables you to then use the API on your page. Thus, this function might create the player objects that you want to display when the page loads.Getting started
The sample HTML page below creates an embedded player that will load a video, play it for six seconds, and then stop the playback. The numbered comments in the HTML are explained in the list below the example.
The following list provides more details about the sample above:
tag in this section identifies the location on the page where the IFrame API will place the video player. The constructor for the player object, which is described in the Loading a video player section, identifies the<div>
tag by itsid
to ensure that the API places the<iframe>
in the proper location. Specifically, the IFrame API will replace the<div>
tag with the<iframe>
tag.As an alternative, you could also put the
element directly on the page. The Loading a video player section explains how to do so.The code in this section loads the IFrame Player API JavaScript code. The example uses DOM modification to download the API code to ensure that the code is retrieved asynchronously. (The
attribute, which also enables asynchronous downloads, is not yet supported in all modern browsers as discussed in this Stack Overflow answer.The
function will execute as soon as the player API code downloads. This portion of the code defines a global variable,player
, which refers to the video player you are embedding, and the function then constructs the video player object.The
function will execute when theonReady
event fires. In this example, the function indicates that when the video player is ready, it should begin to play.The API will call the
function when the player's state changes, which may indicate that the player is playing, paused, finished, and so forth. The function indicates that when the player state is1
(playing), the player should play for six seconds and then call thestopVideo
function to stop the video.Loading a video player
After the API's JavaScript code loads, the API will call the
function, at which point you can construct aYT.Player
object to insert a video player on your page. The HTML excerpt below shows theonYouTubeIframeAPIReady
function from the example above:The constructor for the video player specifies the following parameters:
The first parameter specifies either the DOM element or the
of the HTML element where the API will insert the<iframe>
tag containing the player.The IFrame API will replace the specified element with the
element containing the player. This could affect the layout of your page if the element being replaced has a different display style than the inserted<iframe>
element. By default, an<iframe>
displays as aninline-block
element.The second parameter is an object that specifies player options. The object contains the following properties:
(number) – The width of the video player. The default value is640
(number) – The height of the video player. The default value is390
(string) – The YouTube video ID that identifies the video that the player will load.playerVars
(object) – The object's properties identify player parameters that can be used to customize the player.events
(object) – The object's properties identify the events that the API fires and the functions (event listeners) that the API will call when those events occur. In the example, the constructor indicates that theonPlayerReady
function will execute when theonReady
event fires and that theonPlayerStateChange
function will execute when theonStateChange
event fires.As mentioned in the Getting started section, instead of writing an empty
element on your page, which the player API's JavaScript code will then replace with an<iframe>
element, you could create the<iframe>
tag yourself. The first example in the Examples section shows how to do this.Note that if you do write the
tag, then when you construct theYT.Player
object, you do not need to specify values for thewidth
, which are specified as attributes of the<iframe>
tag, or thevideoId
and player parameters, which are are specified in thesrc
URL. As an extra security measure, you should also include theorigin
parameter to the URL, specifying the URL scheme (http://
) and full domain of your host page as the parameter value. Whileorigin
is optional, including it protects against malicious third-party JavaScript being injected into your page and hijacking control of your YouTube player.For other examples on constructing video player objects, see Examples.
OperationsTo call the player API methods, you must first get a reference to the player object you wish to control. You obtain the reference by creating a
FunctionsQueueing functionsYT.Player
object as discussed in the Getting started and Loading a video player sections of this document.Queueing functions allow you to load and play a video, a playlist, or another list of videos. If you are using the object syntax described below to call these functions, then you can also queue or load a list of a user's uploaded videos.
The API supports two different syntaxes for calling the queueing functions.
The argument syntax requires function arguments to be listed in a prescribed order.
The object syntax lets you pass an object as a single parameter and to define object properties for the function arguments that you wish to set. In addition, the API may support additional functionality that the argument syntax does not support.
For example, the
function can be called in either of the following ways. Note that the object syntax supports theendSeconds
property, which the argument syntax does not support.Argument syntax
Object syntax
Queueing functions for videos
Argument syntax
Object syntax
This function loads the specified video's thumbnail and prepares the player to play the video. The player does not request the FLV until
is called.The required
parameter specifies the YouTube Video ID of the video to be played. In the YouTube Data API, avideo
property specifies the ID.The optional
parameter accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the video should start playing whenplayVideo()
is called. If you specify astartSeconds
value and then callseekTo()
, then the player plays from the time specified in theseekTo()
call. When the video is cued and ready to play, the player will broadcast avideo cued
event (5
).The optional
parameter, which is only supported in object syntax, accepts a float/integer and specifies the time when the video should stop playing whenplayVideo()
is called. If you specify anendSeconds
value and then callseekTo()
, theendSeconds
value will no longer be in effect.loadVideoById
Argument syntax
Object syntax
This function loads and plays the specified video.
The required
parameter specifies the YouTube Video ID of the video to be played. In the YouTube Data API, avideo
property specifies the ID.The optional
parameter accepts a float/integer. If it is specified, then the video will start from the closest keyframe to the specified time.The optional
parameter accepts a float/integer. If it is specified, then the video will stop playing at the specified time.cueVideoByUrl
Argument syntax
Object syntax
This function loads the specified video's thumbnail and prepares the player to play the video. The player does not request the FLV until
is called.The required
parameter specifies a fully qualified YouTube player URL in the formathttp://www.youtube.com/v/VIDEO_ID?version=3
.The optional
parameter accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the video should start playing whenplayVideo()
is called. If you specifystartSeconds
and then callseekTo()
, then the player plays from the time specified in theseekTo()
call. When the video is cued and ready to play, the player will broadcast avideo cued
event (5).The optional
parameter, which is only supported in object syntax, accepts a float/integer and specifies the time when the video should stop playing whenplayVideo()
is called. If you specify anendSeconds
value and then callseekTo()
, theendSeconds
value will no longer be in effect.loadVideoByUrl
Argument syntax
Object syntax
This function loads and plays the specified video.
The required
parameter specifies a fully qualified YouTube player URL in the formathttp://www.youtube.com/v/VIDEO_ID?version=3
.The optional
parameter accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the video should start playing. IfstartSeconds
(number can be a float) is specified, the video will start from the closest keyframe to the specified time.The optional
parameter, which is only supported in object syntax, accepts a float/integer and specifies the time when the video should stop playing.Queueing functions for lists
functions allow you to load and play a playlist. If you are using object syntax to call these functions, you can also queue (or load) a list of a user's uploaded videos.Since the functions work differently depending on whether they are called using the argument syntax or the object syntax, both calling methods are documented below.
Argument syntax
Queues the specified playlist. When the playlist is cued and ready to play, the player will broadcast a
video cued
event (5
).The required
parameter specifies an array of YouTube video IDs. In the YouTube Data API, thevideo
property identifies that video's ID.The optional
parameter specifies the index of the first video in the playlist that will play. The parameter uses a zero-based index, and the default parameter value is0
, so the default behavior is to load and play the first video in the playlist.The optional
parameter accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the first video in the playlist should start playing when theplayVideo()
function is called. If you specify astartSeconds
value and then callseekTo()
, then the player plays from the time specified in theseekTo()
call. If you cue a playlist and then call theplayVideoAt()
function, the player will start playing at the beginning of the specified video.Object syntax
Queues the specified list of videos. The list can be a playlist or a user's uploaded videos feed. The ability to queue a list of search results is deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020.
When the list is cued and ready to play, the player will broadcast a
video cued
event (5
).The optional
property specifies the type of results feed that you are retrieving. Valid values areplaylist
. A deprecated value,search
, will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020. The default value isplaylist
.The required
property contains a key that identifies the particular list of videos that YouTube should return.If the
property value isplaylist
, then thelist
property specifies the playlist ID or an array of video IDs. In the YouTube Data API, theplaylist
property identifies a playlist's ID, and thevideo
property specifies a video ID.If the
property value isuser_uploads
, then thelist
property identifies the user whose uploaded videos will be returned.If the
property value issearch
, then thelist
property specifies the search query. Note: This functionality is deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020.The optional
property specifies the index of the first video in the list that will play. The parameter uses a zero-based index, and the default parameter value is0
, so the default behavior is to load and play the first video in the list.The optional
property accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the first video in the list should start playing when theplayVideo()
function is called. If you specify astartSeconds
value and then callseekTo()
, then the player plays from the time specified in theseekTo()
call. If you cue a list and then call theplayVideoAt()
function, the player will start playing at the beginning of the specified video.loadPlaylist
Argument syntax
This function loads the specified playlist and plays it.
The required
parameter specifies an array of YouTube video IDs. In the YouTube Data API, thevideo
property specifies a video ID.The optional
parameter specifies the index of the first video in the playlist that will play. The parameter uses a zero-based index, and the default parameter value is0
, so the default behavior is to load and play the first video in the playlist.The optional
parameter accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the first video in the playlist should start playing.Object syntax
This function loads the specified list and plays it. The list can be a playlist or a user's uploaded videos feed. The ability to load a list of search results is deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020.
The optional
property specifies the type of results feed that you are retrieving. Valid values areplaylist
. A deprecated value,search
, will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020. The default value isplaylist
.The required
property contains a key that identifies the particular list of videos that YouTube should return.If the
property value isplaylist
, then thelist
property specifies a playlist ID or an array of video IDs. In the YouTube Data API, theplaylist
property specifies a playlist's ID, and thevideo
property specifies a video ID.If the
property value isuser_uploads
, then thelist
property identifies the user whose uploaded videos will be returned.If the
property value issearch
, then thelist
property specifies the search query. Note: This functionality is deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020.The optional
property specifies the index of the first video in the list that will play. The parameter uses a zero-based index, and the default parameter value is0
, so the default behavior is to load and play the first video in the list.The optional
property accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the first video in the list should start playing.Playback controls and player settings
Playing a video
Plays the currently cued/loaded video. The final player state after this function executes will be
(1).Note: A playback only counts toward a video's official view count if it is initiated via a native play button in the player.
Pauses the currently playing video. The final player state after this function executes will be
) unless the player is in theended
) state when the function is called, in which case the player state will not change.player.stopVideo():Void
Stops and cancels loading of the current video. This function should be reserved for rare situations when you know that the user will not be watching additional video in the player. If your intent is to pause the video, you should just call the
function. If you want to change the video that the player is playing, you can call one of the queueing functions without callingstopVideo
first.Important: Unlike the
function, which leaves the player in thepaused
) state, thestopVideo
function could put the player into any not-playing state, includingended
),video cued
) orunstarted
).player.seekTo(seconds:Number, allowSeekAhead:Boolean):Void
Seeks to a specified time in the video. If the player is paused when the function is called, it will remain paused. If the function is called from another state (
,video cued
, etc.), the player will play the video.The
parameter identifies the time to which the player should advance.The player will advance to the closest keyframe before that time unless the player has already downloaded the portion of the video to which the user is seeking.
parameter determines whether the player will make a new request to the server if theseconds
parameter specifies a time outside of the currently buffered video data.We recommend that you set this parameter to
while the user drags the mouse along a video progress bar and then set it totrue
when the user releases the mouse. This approach lets a user scroll to different points of a video without requesting new video streams by scrolling past unbuffered points in the video. When the user releases the mouse button, the player advances to the desired point in the video and requests a new video stream if necessary.Controlling playback of 360° videos
Note: The 360° video playback experience has limited support on mobile devices. On unsupported devices, 360° videos appear distorted and there is no supported way to change the viewing perspective at all, including through the API, using orientation sensors, or responding to touch/drag actions on the device's screen.
Retrieves properties that describe the viewer's current perspective, or view, for a video playback. In addition:
This object is only populated for 360° videos, which are also called spherical videos.
If the current video is not a 360° video or if the function is called from a non-supported device, then the function returns an empty object.
On supported mobile devices, if the
property is set totrue
, then this function returns an object in which thefov
property contains the correct value and the other properties are set to0
.The object contains the following properties:
A number in the range [0, 360) that represents the horizontal angle of the view in degrees, which reflects the extent to which the user turns the view to face further left or right. The neutral position, facing the center of the video in its equirectangular projection, represents 0°, and this value increases as the viewer turns left.
A number in the range [-90, 90] that represents the vertical angle of the view in degrees, which reflects the extent to which the user adjusts the view to look up or down. The neutral position, facing the center of the video in its equirectangular projection, represents 0°, and this value increases as the viewer looks up.
A number in the range [-180, 180] that represents the clockwise or counterclockwise rotational angle of the view in degrees. The neutral position, with the horizontal axis in the equirectangular projection being parallel to the horizontal axis of the view, represents 0°. The value increases as the view rotates clockwise and decreases as the view rotates counterclockwise.
Note that the embedded player does not present a user interface for adjusting the roll of the view. The roll can be adjusted in either of these mutually exclusive ways:
Use the orientation sensor in a mobile browser to provide roll for the view. If the orientation sensor is enabled, then the
function always returns0
as the value of theroll
property.If the orientation sensor is disabled, set the roll to a nonzero value using this API.
A number in the range [30, 120] that represents the field-of-view of the view in degrees as measured along the longer edge of the viewport. The shorter edge is automatically adjusted to be proportional to the aspect ratio of the view.
The default value is 100 degrees. Decreasing the value is like zooming in on the video content, and increasing the value is like zooming out. This value can be adjusted either by using the API or by using the mousewheel when the video is in fullscreen mode.
Sets the video orientation for playback of a 360° video. (If the current video is not spherical, the method is a no-op regardless of the input.)
The player view responds to calls to this method by updating to reflect the values of any known properties in the
object. The view persists values for any other known properties not included in that object.In addition:
If the object contains unknown and/or unexpected properties, the player ignores them.
As noted at the beginning of this section, the 360° video playback experience is not supported on all mobile devices.
By default, on supported mobile devices, this function sets only sets the
property and does not affect theyaw
, androll
properties for 360° video playbacks. See theenableOrientationSensor
property below for more detail.The
object passed to the function contains the following properties:Properties
See definition above.
See definition above.
See definition above.
See definition above.
Note: This property affects the 360° viewing experience on supported devices only.A boolean value that indicates whether the IFrame embed should respond to events that signal changes in a supported device's orientation, such as a mobile browser's
. The default parameter value istrue
.Supported mobile devices
When the value is
, an embedded player relies only on the device's movement to adjust theyaw
, androll
properties for 360° video playbacks. However, thefov
property can still be changed via the API, and the API is, in fact, the only way to change thefov
property on a mobile device. This is the default behavior.When the value is
, then the device's movement does not affect the 360° viewing experience, and theyaw
, andfov
properties must all be set via the API.Unsupported mobile devices
property value does not have any effect on the playback experience.Playing a video in a playlist
This function loads and plays the next video in the playlist.
is called while the last video in the playlist is being watched, and the playlist is set to play continuously (loop
), then the player will load and play the first video in the list.If
is called while the last video in the playlist is being watched, and the playlist is not set to play continuously, then playback will end.player.previousVideo():Void
This function loads and plays the previous video in the playlist.
is called while the first video in the playlist is being watched, and the playlist is set to play continuously (loop
), then the player will load and play the last video in the list.If
is called while the first video in the playlist is being watched, and the playlist is not set to play continuously, then the player will restart the first playlist video from the beginning.player.playVideoAt(index:Number):Void
This function loads and plays the specified video in the playlist.
The required
parameter specifies the index of the video that you want to play in the playlist. The parameter uses a zero-based index, so a value of0
identifies the first video in the list. If you have shuffled the playlist, this function will play the video at the specified position in the shuffled playlist.Changing the player volume
Mutes the player.
Unmutes the player.
if the player is muted,false
if not.player.setVolume(volume:Number):Void
Sets the volume. Accepts an integer between
Returns the player's current volume, an integer between
. Note thatgetVolume()
will return the volume even if the player is muted.Setting the player size
player.setSize(width:Number, height:Number):Object
Sets the size in pixels of the
that contains the player.Setting the playback rate
This function retrieves the playback rate of the currently playing video. The default playback rate is
, which indicates that the video is playing at normal speed. Playback rates may include values like0.25
, and2
This function sets the suggested playback rate for the current video. If the playback rate changes, it will only change for the video that is already cued or being played. If you set the playback rate for a cued video, that rate will still be in effect when the
function is called or the user initiates playback directly through the player controls. In addition, calling functions to cue or load videos or playlists (cueVideoById
, etc.) will reset the playback rate to1
.Calling this function does not guarantee that the playback rate will actually change. However, if the playback rate does change, the
event will fire, and your code should respond to the event rather than the fact that it called thesetPlaybackRate
method will return the possible playback rates for the currently playing video. However, if you set thesuggestedRate
parameter to a non-supported integer or float value, the player will round that value down to the nearest supported value in the direction of1
This function returns the set of playback rates in which the current video is available. The default value is
, which indicates that the video is playing in normal speed.The function returns an array of numbers ordered from slowest to fastest playback speed. Even if the player does not support variable playback speeds, the array should always contain at least one value (
).Setting playback behavior for playlists
This function indicates whether the video player should continuously play a playlist or if it should stop playing after the last video in the playlist ends. The default behavior is that playlists do not loop.
This setting will persist even if you load or cue a different playlist, which means that if you load a playlist, call the
function with a value oftrue
, and then load a second playlist, the second playlist will also loop.The required
parameter identifies the looping behavior.If the parameter value is
, then the video player will continuously play playlists. After playing the last video in a playlist, the video player will go back to the beginning of the playlist and play it again.If the parameter value is
, then playbacks will end after the video player plays the last video in a playlist.player.setShuffle(shufflePlaylist:Boolean):Void
This function indicates whether a playlist's videos should be shuffled so that they play back in an order different from the one that the playlist creator designated. If you shuffle a playlist after it has already started playing, the list will be reordered while the video that is playing continues to play. The next video that plays will then be selected based on the reordered list.
This setting will not persist if you load or cue a different playlist, which means that if you load a playlist, call the
function, and then load a second playlist, the second playlist will not be shuffled.The required
parameter indicates whether YouTube should shuffle the playlist.If the parameter value is
, then YouTube will shuffle the playlist order. If you instruct the function to shuffle a playlist that has already been shuffled, YouTube will shuffle the order again.If the parameter value is
, then YouTube will change the playlist order back to its original order.Playback status
Returns a number between
that specifies the percentage of the video that the player shows as buffered. This method returns a more reliable number than the now-deprecatedgetVideoBytesLoaded
Returns the state of the player. Possible values are:
– unstarted0
– ended1
– playing2
– paused3
– buffering5
– video cuedplayer.getCurrentTime():Number
Returns the elapsed time in seconds since the video started playing.
Deprecated as of October 31, 2012. Returns the number of bytes the video file started loading from. (This method now always returns a value of
.) Example scenario: the user seeks ahead to a point that hasn't loaded yet, and the player makes a new request to play a segment of the video that hasn't loaded yet.player.getVideoBytesLoaded():Number
Deprecated as of July 18, 2012. Instead, use the
method to determine the percentage of the video that has buffered.This method returns a value between
that approximates the amount of the video that has been loaded. You could calculate the fraction of the video that has been loaded by dividing thegetVideoBytesLoaded
value by thegetVideoBytesTotal
Deprecated as of July 18, 2012. Instead, use the
method to determine the percentage of the video that has buffered.Returns the size in bytes of the currently loaded/playing video or an approximation of the video's size.
This method always returns a value of
. You could calculate the fraction of the video that has been loaded by dividing thegetVideoBytesLoaded
value by thegetVideoBytesTotal
value.Retrieving video information
Returns the duration in seconds of the currently playing video. Note that
will return0
until the video's metadata is loaded, which normally happens just after the video starts playing.If the currently playing video is a live event, the
function will return the elapsed time since the live video stream began. Specifically, this is the amount of time that the video has streamed without being reset or interrupted. In addition, this duration is commonly longer than the actual event time since streaming may begin before the event's start time.player.getVideoUrl():String
Returns the YouTube.com URL for the currently loaded/playing video.
Returns the embed code for the currently loaded/playing video.
Retrieving playlist information
This function returns an array of the video IDs in the playlist as they are currently ordered. By default, this function will return video IDs in the order designated by the playlist owner. However, if you have called the
function to shuffle the playlist order, then thegetPlaylist()
function's return value will reflect the shuffled order.player.getPlaylistIndex():Number
This function returns the index of the playlist video that is currently playing.
If you have not shuffled the playlist, the return value will identify the position where the playlist creator placed the video. The return value uses a zero-based index, so a value of
identifies the first video in the playlist.If you have shuffled the playlist, the return value will identify the video's order within the shuffled playlist.
Adding or removing an event listener
player.addEventListener(event:String, listener:String):Void
Adds a listener function for the specified
. The Events section below identifies the different events that the player might fire. The listener is a string that specifies the function that will execute when the specified event fires.player.removeEventListener(event:String, listener:String):Void
Removes a listener function for the specified
. Thelistener
is a string that identifies the function that will no longer execute when the specified event fires.Accessing and modifying DOM nodes
This method returns the DOM node for the embedded
Removes the
containing the player.Events
The API fires events to notify your application of changes to the embedded player. As noted in the previous section, you can subscribe to events by adding an event listener when constructing the
object, and you can also use theaddEventListener
function.The API will pass an event object as the sole argument to each of those functions. The event object has the following properties:
The event's
identifies the video player that corresponds to the event.The event's
specifies a value relevant to the event. Note that theonReady
events do not specify adata
property.The following list defines the events that the API fires:
This event fires whenever a player has finished loading and is ready to begin receiving API calls. Your application should implement this function if you want to automatically execute certain operations, such as playing the video or displaying information about the video, as soon as the player is ready.
The example below shows a sample function for handling this event. The event object that the API passes to the function has a
property, which identifies the player. The function retrieves the embed code for the currently loaded video, starts to play the video, and displays the embed code in the page element that has anid
value ofembed-code
This event fires whenever the player's state changes.
property of the event object that the API passes to your event listener function will specify an integer that corresponds to the new player state.Possible values are:
(video cued).When the player first loads a video, it will broadcast an
) event. When a video is cued and ready to play, the player will broadcast avideo cued
) event. In your code, you can specify the integer values or you can use one of the following namespaced variables:YT.PlayerState.ENDED
This event fires whenever the video playback quality changes. It might signal a change in the viewer's playback
environment. See the YouTube Help Center for more
information about factors that affect playback conditions or that might cause the event to fire.
property value of the event object that the API passes to the event listener function will be a string that identifies the new playback quality.Possible values are:
This event fires whenever the video playback rate changes. For example, if you call the
function, this event will fire if the playback rate actually changes. Your application should respond to the event and should not assume that the playback rate will automatically change when thesetPlaybackRate(suggestedRate)
function is called. Similarly, your code should not assume that the video playback rate will only change as a result of an explicit call tosetPlaybackRate
property value of the event object that the API passes to the event listener function will be a number that identifies the new playback rate.The
method returns a list of the valid playback rates for the currently cued or playing video.onError
This event fires if an error occurs in the player.
The API will pass an
object to the event listener function. That object'sdata
property will specify an integer that identifies the type of error that occurred.Possible values are:
– The request contains an invalid parameter value. For example, this error occurs if you specify a video ID that does not have 11 characters, or if the video ID contains invalid characters, such as exclamation points or asterisks.5
– The requested content cannot be played in an HTML5 player or another error related to the HTML5 player has occurred.100
– The video requested was not found. This error occurs when a video has been removed (for any reason) or has been marked as private.101
– The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players.150
– This error is the same as101
. It's just a101
error in disguise!onApiChange
This event is fired to indicate that the player has loaded (or unloaded) a module with exposed API methods. Your application can listen for this event and then poll the player to determine which options are exposed for the recently loaded module. Your application can then retrieve or update the existing settings for those options.
The following command retrieves an array of module names for which you can set player options:
Currently, the only module that you can set options for is the
module, which handles closed captioning in the player. Upon receiving anonApiChange
event, your application can use the following command to determine which options can be set for thecaptions
module:By polling the player with this command, you can confirm that the options you want to access are, indeed, accessible. The following commands retrieve and update module options:
The table below lists the options that the API supports:
This option adjusts the font size of the captions displayed in the player.
Valid values are
, and3
. The default size is0
, and the smallest size is-1
. Setting this option to an integer below-1
will cause the smallest caption size to display, while setting this option to an integer above3
will cause the largest caption size to display.captions
This option reloads the closed caption data for the video that is playing. The value will be
if you retrieve the option's value. Set the value totrue
to reload the closed caption data.onAutoplayBlocked
This event fires any time the browser blocks autoplay or scripted video playback features,
collectively referred to as "autoplay". This includes playback attempted with any of the
following player APIs:
functionMost browsers have policies that can block autoplay in desktop, mobile, and other
environments if certain conditions are true. Instances where this policy may be triggered
include unmuted playback without user
interaction, or when a Permissions Policy
to permit autoplay on a cross-origin iframe has not been set.
For complete details, refer to browser-specific policies
(Apple Safari / Webkit,
Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox)
and Mozilla's autoplay guide.
objectsExample 1: Use API with existing <iframe>
In this example, an
element on the page already defines the player with which the API will be used. Note that either the player'ssrc
URL must set theenablejsapi
parameter to1
or the<iframe>
attribute must be set totrue
function changes the color of the border around the player to orange when the player is ready. TheonPlayerStateChange
function then changes the color of the border around the player based on the current player status. For example, the color is green when the player is playing, red when paused, blue when buffering, and so forth.This example uses the following code:
Example 2: Loud playback
This example creates a 1280px by 720px video player. The event listener for the
event then calls thesetVolume
function to adjust the volume to the highest setting.Example 3: This example sets player parameters to automatically play the video when it loads and to hide the video player's controls. It also adds event listeners for several events that the API broadcasts.
Controlling 360° videos
This example uses the following code:
Android WebView Media Integrity API integration
YouTube has extended the
Android WebView Media Integrity API
to enable embedded media players, including YouTube player embeds in Android applications, to
verify the embedding app's authenticity. With this change, embedding apps automatically send an
attested app ID to YouTube. The data collected through usage of this API is the app metadata (the
package name, version number, and signing certificate) and a device attestation token generated by
Google Play services.
The data is used to verify the application and device integrity. It is encrypted, not shared with
third parties, and deleted following a fixed retention period. App developers can
configure their app identity
in the WebView Media Integrity API. The configuration supports an opt-out option.
Revision history
June 24, 2024
The documentation has been updated to note that YouTube has extended the
Android WebView Media Integrity API
to enable embedded media players, including YouTube player embeds in Android applications, to
verify the embedding app's authenticity. With this change, embedding apps automatically send an
attested app ID to YouTube.
November 20, 2023
The new
event API is now available.This event notifies your application if the browser blocks autoplay or scripted playback.
Verification of autoplay success or failure is an
established paradigm
for HTMLMediaElements, and the
event now provides similarfunctionality for the IFrame Player API.
April 27, 2021
The Getting Started and Loading a Video Player sections have been updated to include examples of using a
object to customize the player.October 13, 2020
Note: This is a deprecation announcement for the embedded player
functionality that lets you configure the player to load search results. This announcement affects
the IFrame Player API's queueing functions for lists,
.This change will become effective on or after 15 November 2020. After that time, calls to the
functions that set thelistType
property to
will generate a4xx
response code, such as404
(Not Found
) or410
). This changealso affects the
property for those functions as that property no longersupports the ability to specify a search query.
As an alternative, you can use the YouTube Data API's
method to retrieve searchresults and then load selected videos in the player.
October 24, 2019
The documentation has been updated to reflect the fact that the API no longer supports functions for setting or retrieving playback quality.
As explained in this YouTube Help Center article, to give you the best viewing
experience, YouTube adjusts the quality of your video stream based on your viewing conditions.
The changes explained below have been in effect for more than one year. This update merely aligns
the documentation with current functionality:
, andgetAvailableQualityLevels
functionsare no longer supported. In particular, calls to
will be no-op functions, meaning they willnot actually have any impact on the viewer's playback experience.
The queueing functions for videos and playlists --
, etc. -- no longer support thesuggestedQuality
argument.Similarly, if you call those functions using object syntax, the
field is no longer supported.If
is specified, it will be ignored when the request is handled. It will not generate anywarnings or errors.
event is still supported and might signal achange in the viewer's playback environment. See the Help Center article
referenced above for more information about factors that affect playback conditions or that might cause the event to fire.
May 16, 2018
The API now supports features that allow users (or embedders) to control the viewing perspective for 360° videos:
function retrieves the current orientation for the video playback. The orientation includes the following data:yaw - represents the horizontal angle of the view in degrees, which reflects the extent to which the user turns the view to face further left or right
pitch - represents the vertical angle of the view in degrees, which reflects the extent to which the user adjusts the view to look up or down
roll - represents the rotational angle (clockwise or counterclockwise) of the view in degrees.
fov - represents the field-of-view of the view in degrees, which reflects the extent to which the user zooms in or out on the video.
function modifies the view to match the submitted property values. In addition to the orientation values described above, this function supports a Boolean field that indicates whether the IFrame embed should respond toDeviceOrientationEvents
on supported mobile devices.This example demonstrates and lets you test these new features.
June 19, 2017
This update contains the following changes:
Documentation for the YouTube Flash Player API and YouTube JavaScript Player API has been removed and redirected to this document. The deprecation announcement for the Flash and JavaScript players was made on January 27, 2015. If you haven't done so already, please migrate your applications to use IFrame embeds and the IFrame Player API.
August 11, 2016
This update contains the following changes:
The newly published YouTube API Services Terms of Service ("the Updated Terms"), discussed in detail on the YouTube Engineering and Developers Blog, provides a rich set of updates to the current Terms of Service. In addition to the Updated Terms, which will go into effect as of February 10, 2017, this update includes several supporting documents to help explain the policies that developers must follow.
The full set of new documents is described in the revision history for the Updated Terms. In addition, future changes to the Updated Terms or to those supporting documents will also be explained in that revision history. You can subscribe to an RSS feed listing changes in that revision history from a link in that document.
June 29, 2016
This update contains the following changes:
The documentation has been corrected to note that the
method provides access to thecaptions
module and not thecc
module.June 24, 2016
The Examples section has been updated to include an example that demonstrates how to use the API with an existing
element.January 6, 2016
function has been deprecated and removed from the documentation. The function no longer has any effect in the YouTube player.December 18, 2015
European Union (EU) laws require that certain disclosures must be given to and consents obtained from end users in the EU. Therefore, for end users in the European Union, you must comply with the EU User Consent Policy. We have added a notice of this requirement in our YouTube API Terms of Service.
April 28, 2014
This update contains the following changes:
The new removeEventListener function lets you remove a listener for a specified event.
March 25, 2014
This update contains the following changes:
The Requirements section has been updated to note that embedded players must have a viewport that is at least 200px by 200px. If a player displays controls, it must be large enough to fully display the controls without shrinking the viewport below the minimum size. We recommend 16:9 players be at least 480 pixels wide and 270 pixels tall.
July 23, 2013
This update contains the following changes:
The Overview now includes a video of a 2011 Google I/O presentation that discusses the iframe player.
October 31, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The Queueing functions section has been updated to explain that you can use either argument syntax or object syntax to call all of those functions. Note that the API may support additional functionality in object syntax that the argument syntax does not support.
In addition, the descriptions and examples for each of the video queueing functions have been updated to reflect the newly added support for object syntax. (The API's playlist queueing functions already supported object syntax.)
When called using object syntax, each of the video queueing functions supports an
property, which accepts a float/integer and specifies the time when the video should stop playing whenplayVideo()
is called.The
method has been deprecated. The method now always returns a value of0
.August 22, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The example in the Loading a video player section that demonstrates how to manually create the
tag has been updated to include a closing</iframe>
tag since theonYouTubeIframeAPIReady
function is only called if the closing</iframe>
element is present.August 6, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The Operations section has been expanded to list all of the supported API functions rather than linking to the JavaScript Player API Reference for that list.
The API supports several new functions and one new event that can be used to control the video playback speed:
– Retrieve the supported playback rates for the cued or playing video. Note that variable playback rates are currently only supported in the HTML5 player.getPlaybackRate
– Retrieve the playback rate for the cued or playing video.setPlaybackRate
– Set the playback rate for the cued or playing video.Events
– This event fires when the video's playback rate changes.July 19, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The new
method replaces the now-deprecatedgetVideoBytesLoaded
methods. The new method returns the percentage of the video that the player shows as buffered.The
event may now return an error code of5
, which indicates that the requested content cannot be played in an HTML5 player or another error related to the HTML5 player has occurred.The Requirements section has been updated to indicate that any web page using the IFrame API must also implement the
function. Previously, the section indicated that the required function was namedonYouTubePlayerAPIReady
. Code samples throughout the document have also been updated to use the new name.Note: To ensure that this change does not break existing implementations, both names will work. If, for some reason, your page has an
function and anonYouTubePlayerAPIReady
function, both functions will be called, and theonYouTubeIframeAPIReady
function will be called first.The code sample in the Getting started section has been updated to reflect that the URL for the IFrame Player API code has changed to
. To ensure that this change does not affect existing implementations, the old URL (http://www.youtube.com/player_api
) will continue to work.July 16, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The Operations section now explains that the API supports the
methods. ThesetSize()
method sets the size in pixels of the<iframe>
that contains the player and thedestroy()
method removes the<iframe>
.June 6, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
We have removed the
status from the IFrame Player API.The Loading a video player section has been updated to point out that when inserting the
element that will contain the YouTube player, the IFrame API replaces the element specified in the constructor for the YouTube player. This documentation change does not reflect a change in the API and is intended solely to clarify existing behavior.In addition, that section now notes that the insertion of the
element could affect the layout of your page if the element being replaced has a different display style than the inserted<iframe>
element. By default, an<iframe>
displays as aninline-block
element.March 30, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The Operations section has been updated to explain that the IFrame API supports a new method,
, which returns the DOM node for the IFrame embed.March 26, 2012
This update contains the following changes:
The Requirements section has been updated to note the minimum player size.
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