你已經比上不足 比下有餘了
Shifu spoke these words some time ago. There were more but I only managed to take these down.
2600 years ago, Buddha expounded on the Eight Sufferings that every sentient being has to go through, one of which is the devastating suffering of Illness.
It tears apart the person undergoing it and pains the loved ones of the patient.
It doesn't have to be a terminal illness. It doesn't only strike the old.
The mother who grapples with her baby running a 39 °C fever that refuses to go away.
The teenager who has severe acne that ruined her porcelain skin.
The professional whose allergies always act up.
I think the most torturous illness isn't what I wrote above.
But the illness of the mind.
There is no physical medication to cure that.
The young man who masturbates everyday to pornography, exhausting the life essence in his body.
(The quality and quantity of Qi in our bodies have a very direct impact on our fortune in life.)
The woman who sees no wrong in one-night stands with married men.
The old auntie who hoards a roomful of trash.
The amateur who refuses to learn from a virtuous teacher but instead opt to go into Darkness, destroying all possible chances of liberation.
(Or think that one can learn without a teacher.)
My Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, 蓮生活佛, once said that all of us are mentally sick. Just that we have yet to drop below the clinical standards of "mentally healthy".
I so agree.
If you look around, and look deep inside, the attachments we have within us are all manifestations of sicknesses.
Greed, hatred, ignorance, jealousy, arrogance, suspicion.
Depression, anxiety, anger, obsession, spaced out, suicidal tendencies.
These manifestations can ruin a perfectly healthy body over time.
Only the teachings from the Buddha can transform these attachments into Dharma medication that heal us over time.
I met this middle-aged client for a Bazi consultation in March. During my analysis, she was crying and crying almost non-stop, so much that the waiter came over to serve us a plate of serviettes.
The consultation almost never took place.
Firstly, she contacted me with a dummy FB account.
My mum's advice to the little girl me: never talk to unknown strangers. 😂
Secondly, one day, she did not address me by my name, but just sent me a message.
You know I'm particular about manners when it comes to my client work. I'm not obliged to help you just because you can pay for my time. No one is.
But she was conscientious enough to send me another properly-addressed message.
She told me several times how thankful she was for my advice.
When I asked for her permission to share this text, she hesistated for a long while, but still agreed in the end.
This is one reason why I am especially grateful to clients and readers, who never shy away from Liking my posts with their real FB accounts.
I have this group of clients or readers who never Like anything. They revel in my writings secretly and tell me it is inconvenient/sensitive. Some of them worry what their FB friends, colleagues or family will think of them, if they Like a Feng Shui/Buddhist practitioner's posts.
One guy told me he didn't want to offend his previous Feng Shui master, a FB Friend, despite my advice bringing him more money than the Master's.
I am like their secret lover they hide in a golden mansion.
If not for those who have Liked my posts, I may not have written so much and so consistently.
So thank you.
#按讚真的是美德 #分享更是功德 😂
Don't get me wrong. I still appreciate the silent readers. 😍
If you suffer from depression and anxiety for a long time and do not know what else to do, I have this free but very effective advice.
1. Don't kill lives.
Be it an ant, a baby or yourself. Saying hurtful words counts. Forbidding another person to learn the Dharma or any good religious teaching counts too.
Every living being has a Buddha nature.
No one wishes to be killed. A killed spirit bears much grievances and will haunt you.
I see too many people with too many black shadows trailing behind them, and these people tend to get emotional/angry easily due to the Yin energy surrounding them.
2. Don't steal.
Whatever that is not yours, don't take.
Don't snatch the spouse of another person.
Don't bring home paper from the company for your son to draw.
Don't swindle money from the company.
Don't sell inferior products for a high price.
Don't sell counterfeits.
Don't do fake accounts to evade taxes.
3. Don't engage in sexual misconduct.
Sex before marriage often leads to abortions or children who are especially hard to teach.
Masturbation isn't a release but often leads to more sexual fantasies, that accumulates negative karma of the body and mind.
Adultery is never okay. Sleeping with married ones is just as dumb.
Don't flirt when you already have a partner or if the other party has. You are not a butterfly nor queen bee.
Do not behave like a wild animal. Or you plant the karmic seed to be reborn as one.
Also, a man who cheats on his wife is very likely to be a bad choice as a business partner. Vice versa.
4. Don't lie.
You are gifted with the ability of speech and writing, not to slander, deceive, gossip, spread rumours or talk nonsense.
When is the last time you use your speaking and writing skills for good?
White lie is still a lie.
Empty promises are also lies.
"Ji Qian! I will contact you for a Feng Shui audit when I come back in May."
I never ask for that. And I don't care when you want to find me. You don't have to lie and get your painfully accumulated merits slashed.
5. Don't drink.
Alcohol can cause a person to commit all the sins above.
Bad Feng Shui, failing business, or a turbulent destiny happen when you break the rules of karma.
Repent consistently to undo what you have done wrong. Go spread the word to tell people not to make the same mistakes as you did.
A person who sincerely abides by these 5 precepts will naturally evoke the protection of virtuous gods. Their Yang presence will help drive away the Yin energy enveloping you.
It may take years for some sins to be rectified, so start now.
There are people who pay good money to wear all kinds of protection amulets, but even the most powerful amulet can not fight against Karma.
So learn how to protect yourself from the root.
I can help you, but first you got to help yourself.
Then again, if you have no guilt over what you have done, there is nothing I can do.
The best Feng Shui works most effectively only for the virtuous.
Translation of client's message:
Ms Ji Qian
Today is Mother's Day.
May you be healthy and beautiful forever.
And that everything will go your way.
I have no flowers or present for you
But only my best wishes!
Thank you Ms Ji Qian for your teachings.
My mood and emotions are much calmer now.
My brain is clearer now.
I have been doing what you taught and advised.
And I hope to do it better.
Thank you.
one day i wrote her name analysis 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
"Does your child have an irregular heartbeat or a hole in his heart?"
I asked my client, after glancing at her son's Bazi.
Back in July, I wrote a post on the terrifying Kawasaki disease among young children. It got 75 shares.
That post attracted more parents with children of various health issues, to contact me in the past months.
My client replied, no abnormality was detected at birth.
3 weeks later, when I was analysing her Bazi, she told me her son's recent echocardiogram revealed a hole in his heart.
The doctor said it was very likely due to a birth defect, and not the Kawasaki disease that the son was recovering from.
When I heard it, gratitude and admiration for my Shifu rose in my heart.
He was the teacher, who showed me how to identify if a Bazi had heart issues.
Shifu often chided me for having it too easy when it comes to learning Chinese Metaphysics. #Shifusostrict #wheregoteasy
After Shifu's father, a well-respected geomancer & TCM practitioner, passed away, Shifu had to go the rocky route of verifying everything he learnt and discovered on his own.
In his late 20s, he spent a good 2 years knocking on doors of HDB flats, to read people's Bazi and audit home Feng Shui for free, in Yishun, Chong Pang, Woodlands, Khatib, Admiralty, Tanjong Pagar and Ang Mo Kio estates.
Cladded in jeans and a T-shirt, with a backpack and a box file, Shifu would painstakingly analyse any Bazi and Chinese name given to him.
Doors slammed on his face, dogs barked at him, old people shunned him, threats of calling the police were hurled at him.
There were also kind-hearted souls who gave Shifu an angpow as a token of their appreciation, or offered him dinner.
Every time Shifu reached home, he would be starving and perspiring like a polar bear.
One guy student (my senior) went door knocking with Shifu once, and was scared to go again the next day.
Shifu sometimes misses those days, and thinks none of us would do it with him. He said it was excellent on-the-ground training for you never know what you are going to get.
I volunteered myself.
I used to do door-to-door surveys for a market research company in my undergrad days.
But Shifu said I'm cotton candy soft and would run away the next day like his student. 😟
Till this day, Shifu still has clients from his HDB knocking days.
Behind every good Feng Shui master, there are many untold stories of pain and sacrifice for him to achieve that level of mastery.
Few people cared about that.
Too many people waste too much time looking at us up and down suspiciously, and disregarding Chinese Metaphysics as old wives' tale.
They do not have the patience and scientific intelligence to suss out the real from the fakes. So they take one bamboo pole and whack the whole boat upside down.
The opportunity cost for them, however, is the chance to turn around their children's lives.
Many parents tell me: As a parent, I naturally want the best for my child.
True for some of them. Lying through the teeth for others. #連自己都騙
Not all parents love their children. Not all parents make sensible decisions.
Sometimes, wanting the best and doing their best mean two different universes.
There are clients who wanted me to read their children's Bazi, but their spouse object. Despite the clients having positive results.
A workshop participant was experiencing a problem during her pregnancy. I peeked into her family future, and I realise the problem at hand is just the tip of the iceberg.
I told her to look for my Shifu. He would have the merits to bail her family out from their difficult future, before it is too late.
She didn't.
She was confident about Shifu's skills in Wealth Feng Shui, read that he had helped a client's father recover from cancer but she had never read anything of his abilities in helping an unborn child from his testimonials.
#facepalm #whydidntsheask
Another lady didn't want to implement my Feng Shui recommendations for her child. She told it would be difficult.
I looked into her eyes as she spoke. Liar. She didn't want to spend money on the mini renovation for her least favourite child.
(By looking at the parent's and child's Bazi, it is easy to tell which child the parent favours.)
I spent a good 20 minutes, explaining again the adverse effects the room Feng Shui had on her child's future. It was already rearing its ugly head. Her disciplinary action had never worked and will never work, given such Feng Shui.
I reminded her the duty of a responsible parent. I didn't mince my words. You know me.
I could have just taken my fees and go. Who care what you want to do with your child's future? It's your child, your problem, not mine.
But coming from a single-parent family, not only do I care about children development, I am deeply concerned about what my motherland will become when these children grow up.
We already have a plummeting birth rate.
Every child's future saved, is one less problem for our society, and one more superhero for Singapore.
Let's not have too many broken adults, when we can build strong and compassionate children.
The moment the child is conceived, with both parents' Bazi on hand, a competent Chinese Metaphysics practitioner can foretell the development of the foetus.
E.g. will the foetus have Down syndrome or other medical condition?
Will the mother experience miscarriage?
Will the foetus grow healthily?
How difficult will the pregnancy be for the mother?
How will the family fortune change?
What can the parents do?
If the practitioner had audited the home Feng Shui, more potential problems will be identified early in time, and resolved before it manifest in the pregnancy.
We are what we live in.
Some home Feng Shui problems handicap the couple from having a faithful and fulfilling marriage, including the lack of children.
Some Bazi, on the other hand, experience a downturn in their fates, after having children.
In cases I have seen where parents have sickly children, some causes are parents who committed much killing.
E.g. running a puppy mill, a fishing farm, a prawning facility.
The other day, I had a client who had a Down syndrome child. I applauded her determination in giving birth to the child. Her husband, however, wanted to abort.
My advice to any parent who want to kill their flesh and blood, because it's not up to their standard:
Don't even think about it.
Some children are our karmic debtors. When they come as sickly offspring, it means the debt you owe them require a long and intensive effort to repay.
If you kill your child, the karmic debt you owe your child will escalate. It will NOT disappear.
An aborted baby stays around to haunt his parents. For as long as the parents live. Or until the baby had taken vengeance.
No such thing as the killed baby vanishing into thin air after some time.
Violence never bring permanent peace.
"When should we do a Bazi reading for our child?"
As soon as possible.
It is already difficult enough to raise a child, with both parents working.
Money is never enough. Time is never sufficient. Sleep is always lacking.
When we know how to help our children with their Bazi needs, the mutual understanding strengthens. We solve the problem right at the root, in the quickest time possible.
No more second guessing. No more quarrels.
Better performing children, happier parents.
As a mother, if I wish to get our child's Bazi read, my husband would have no chance to obstruct me from planning our child's future. (Not that my darling would.)
Because I'm also a 50% stakeholder, and I sacrifice my figure to carry our child in my uterus for freaking 9 months, shouldn't I have some say too? Not like I would blindly choose any Tom, Dick or Harry to read our child's Bazi. At most, I use my own money. 😄
Any loving parent would wish to live to a ripe old age, to take care of the Down syndrome child.
From a Chinese Metaphysics point of view, if the child is at a very tender age, it is easier to minimise the impact of the extra chromosome, through Bazi analysis and Feng Shui.
What do we hope to achieve?
Better temperament. Better health. Improved social skills. Able to articulate better. Able to function as independently as possible. Attract more benefactors. Etc.
Aiming to live to 100 years old to take care of the child may be noble.
If you ask me, giving the child a positive environment to change his destiny is a wiser and more practical move.
But first, let's start with educating the parents on the wisdom behind Chinese Metaphysics.
one day i wrote her name analysis 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
If you have been thinking of learning Chinese Metaphysics 玄學, I need to be honest with you.
Training to be a competent Metaphysics practitioner is not for the weak-minded, or those in for a quick buck.
Sorry for bursting your bubble of fallacies.
You can choose to specialize in one or a few genres. If you have a very brilliant and dedicated Shifu as your teacher, you are expected to be competent in many areas. And I mean, M-A-N-Y.
When I was about 13 years old, I came up with this game of adding up the numbers in a car plate. So in the many car rides I had with my younger sister, we would be competing to see who got the answer first, of any car that passed us by.
I always have an edge over her, being five years older. It takes me only two seconds or less to get the total sum of four random numbers.
I now think that was Divine Intervention preparing me for my inevitable future.
During my painful training as a Metaphysics practitioner, my mental dexterity was stretched wider than capabilities of the Elastic Girl. The homework was endless. The pressure was forever mounting.
In my bookshelves, I have easily 200 or more books on Metaphysics and Buddhism, mainly from Taiwan and Hong Kong. 90% are read. 70% of them are read more than once. Or even thrice.
Shifu believes that an able practitioner is one who has many real-life experiences, not just from reading books.
For starters, he wanted us to go out there and with whatever knowledge we have at that time, consult people for free and solve their problems. Master that ability to read people as if they are naked, so that they don't need to tell you their Bazi or Chinese names, and you would know their past, present and future.
When you can read a person very well, you can already read their living environments, without being physically there. Hence the saying, 人如其屋,屋如其人.
I now take about 10 seconds to read a person completely inside out. But Shifu does it in a split second. #姜還是老的辣 #oldgingeristhespiciest
My early years of training were very harsh.
When I go for my flight, during those long lull periods, I have to talk to a colleague, be it my junior or senior, about Metaphysics. It usually starts off with me analyzing my colleague's Chinese name and the conversation will flow from there. Love life problems, career choices, children issues, etc. Sure there were many awkward starts, embarrassing pauses but these interactions sure honed my skills and confidence fast.
When we dine at a restaurant, right after the waitress takes our order and leaves Shifu would turn round and ask us, so what is the most distinguishable feature on the waitress' face? What problem is she facing now? What does that mole on her face signify?
Insert *Blank looks all round the table.*
Got mole meh?
One of our most memorable impromptu training comes from cab rides. Taxi drivers are notorious for being opinionated, especially the older ones. Learning how to talk to them about Metaphysics and Buddhism was a nerve-zapping challenge for many of us.
If we shun away, we get scolded by Shifu. And gentle isn't exactly an adjective you would use to describe his chiding.
If we have the courage of a lion, as novices at that time, we fall short in the confidence and knowledge department, and the conversation usually ends with the taxi driver having the final (wrong) say.
Insert *bang head against wall*.
Once, we were at Uniqlo Suntec. Shifu wanted us to go up and advised the mother of a young male teenager, about a particular facial feature he has.
The mother was none other than Pan Lingling. She was at the store together with Rebecca Lim, Belinda Lin, Chew Chor Meng, Chen Han Wei, her husband and her son. Intimidated by their celebritity status, my Dharma Brother shook his head and did not dare to approach them.
I took a deep breath, walked up to the group and said what I should, pretending that I did not know who they were. Turned out that another practitioner had once told Pan Lingling about her son's feature too. #gladItried
It wasn't lead conversion that Shifu wanted us to learn. It was the willingness to help people and the guts to stand by the ancient knowledge of our sages, that Shifu hopes for us to master. A good doctor will never back away from treating a patient, just because the patient is very famous, right?
I used to write many lengthy Bazi reports, using the Bazi of famous people and people around me as case studies. I wrote countless reports analyzing Chinese names of people I know and people I don't know.
None of my reports passed Shifu's scrutiny on the first round. So there were often many, many, many rounds of correction...
I used to spend many late nights poring through the modern Chinese dictionary and the Kang Xi Chinese dictionary, coming up with suitable Chinese names for a fictitious Bazi. I figured it is that kind of nightmare that will wake me up if one day I slip into a coma.
I had to learn to write in traditional Chinese, as the art of 姓名學 Name Analysis is built on the foundation of traditional Chinese characters, not the simplified form that we are writing now.
The first time I wrote a 2-pager in traditional Chinese, it took me four hours.
I have sat in for hundreds and hundreds of Bazi consultations and Feng Shui audits.
Every time Shifu finished a Feng Shui audit or any consultation, we have to tell him what we had learn from the audit and explain why he did what he did. Without looking at our notes. Eloquence, memory power and solution suitability are the key points he is looking for. If any one of us screws up, never mind, just go home and write a report, detailing everything. 😱😱😱
Formulas for Bazi and Feng Shui (Yin House and Yang House) to memorize run as long, if not longer, as the Oxford Dictionary.
What I have shared is probably only 30% of what I had gone through as a Metaphysics apprentice.
Is it easy to learn to be a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner?
That depends on what caliber you aim to be.
To be continued.