This is Marina Adra when she is about starting to walk,starting to giggles and very playful all the time. But, somehow she will cried at night. Most of the kidding tho ..Fuhhh thank god, Allah gave me strength to lullaby her every night and everytime she sleep till now ( 1 year and 10 months old) I always kissed her forehead and cheek more than twice. Cant believe she gonna turns 2 years old soon 🥳 To all mummies, embrace the moments between you and your daughter, because we cant turn back the time. Believe in yourself and appreciate your little one. Thank you for choosing me as your Mama, sayang. ❤ #bloggermom #lifestyleblogger #blue #pink #ootdmama #goldchain #kids #babygirl #mamaloveyou #wifey