🎉 [快訊] 陳怡孜醫師團隊,使用動態植牙導航系統,以保留下齒槽神經之個案報告,獲 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 刊登!
譬如急迫需要參加一些國內外的學術活動,不管是 poster 或 oral presentation 的情況下,也要盡可能讓自己轉化成文字投出去,目標不用太大,有標的就有機會成功。
➡ 平時保存素材,回顧時找到發表機會。
➡ 瞭解自己的優劣勢,挑選適合的期刊。
➡ Revision 過程波折,總算順利以影片投稿。 」
🚩 2020 / 4 / 12(日)臨床研究與發表工作坊
✓ 國際期刊 editor 與資深 reviewer 教你投稿重點,有!
✓ 成敗關鍵 revision,怎麼做才最好,有!
✓ 提供頂尖期刊範例論文,原作者讓你問,有!
✓ 提供範例論文的 revision letter 讓你學習參考,有!
✓ 資源稀少時代起步,給年輕伙伴的務實建議,有!
✓ 初學者最常用的統計,互動實作,有!
立即報名 ☛ http://clip2014.innovarad.tw/event
👤 課後學員回饋
「老師在課堂上一一跟我們分析跟傳授破關秘訣,每個建議都非常實用,可以趨吉避凶。在做實驗跟手術,最喜歡的就是好的 protocol,而這次,老師不只是教怎麼寫論文這麼基本的事情,而是如何一步一步建立自己的學術殿堂,真是太精彩了!」
oral and maxillofacial surgery 在 新思惟國際 Facebook 的最佳解答
#發表快訊 #臨床研究與發表工作坊
(中山附醫 口腔顎面外科 陳怡孜醫師)
團隊將這個案例的相片、影片跟臨床流程整理成個案報告,並闡明其臨床意義,登在 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 的 perspective 專欄,提供具有開創意義的應用觀點。(詳細的案例說明請見內文)
這是個很不錯的策略,雖然本質是一個病例,但藉著能帶給臨床工作者啟發,以 perspective 類別刊登,作者群成功發表、讀者認識新知、期刊社也獲得廣泛注意與可能的引用,達到作者、讀者、期刊三贏的局面!
🎉 [快訊] 陳怡孜醫師團隊,使用動態植牙導航系統,以保留下齒槽神經之個案報告,獲 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 刊登!
📍 2020 / 4 / 12(日)臨床研究與發表工作坊
馬上報名 ☛ http://clip2014.innovarad.tw/event
☛ 課程內容
✓ 國際期刊 editor 與資深 reviewer 教你投稿重點,有!
✓ 成敗關鍵 revision,怎麼做才最好,有!
✓ 提供頂尖期刊範例論文,原作者讓你問,有!
✓ 提供頂尖期刊範例論文,過去的 revision letter,讓你學習參考,有!
✓ 資源稀少時代起步,給年輕伙伴的務實建議,有!
✓ 初學者最常用的統計,互動實作,有!
☛ 學員匿名回饋
👤「直接命中初學論文寫作的人想 / 該知道的東西,課程精準度、精緻度讓人驚艷!」
☛ 講者陣容
國際學者陣容,由神經外科頂尖期刊 Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 現任唯一亞洲 editor #吳昭慶醫師,與曾登過外科第一名雜誌 Annals of Surgery 的 #吳青陽醫師,搭配曾獲放射科知名期刊 American Journal of Roentgenology 邀請撰寫 Radiology in Taiwan 的 #蔡依橙醫師,共同指導!
oral and maxillofacial surgery 在 Dr. Kayla Teh Facebook 的精選貼文
“Dentist also need to be on call?”
That’s probably the question I got most during my surgical posting.
We had the opportunity to tag along and learn from the dedicated team of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons and Dental surgeons at the hospital for the past month, and it has been one of the best learning journey that I wish could’ve been longer.
Assisting and observing how they treat patients who are different from what we usually see in our clinic, really makes me think that they deserve more credit.
And why does dental surgeons need to be on call?
When someone got into a car accident at 2am and got their face badly injured (facial bone fracture/teeth broken off/big cut on the lips or tongue etc), the dental team have to come in to manage immediately.
The specialists also carry out surgeries for oral cancer patient, where major surgeries can go up to 10 hours...and that’s considered short. Sometimes it can go up to 6am next day!
A lot of people don’t seem to know that being a dentist/dental surgeon means that we have to provide comprehensive care to not just the teeth, but the entire oral and facial structures, and most importantly the overall well being of the patient. That includes their mental health, and their ability to carry out daily function at the optimum quality with minimal discomfort.
Of course, what I’ve learned and shared is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so much more to explore in this amazing field, and this is a simple sharing to the general public on what is going on in a dental surgeon’s life. I am still relatively new and have a lot to learn, but if you want to know more about the life of a specialist in the Oral Surgery department, feel free to check out Dr. @firdaus_hariri ! (He’s one of the people who inspired me in my journey in dentistry!)😁