想認識這項重要的美台關係進展嗎? 想一站了解關於TIFA的知識嗎? 精彩基礎TIFA懶人包來了:
✅TIFA 會議何時召開?
✅TIFA 會議誰將參與?
AIT is pleased to announce the upcoming 11th Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) Council meeting. Learn more here:
✅What is TIFA and TIFA Talks?
TIFA is the U.S.-Taiwan "Trade and Investment Framework Agreement." This is an important platform for the United States and Taiwan to discuss and try to resolve trade and investment issues, and also to coordinate on regional and multilateral matters. TIFA Talks refer to high-level talks that happen under the terms of the TIFA.
✅When are TIFA Talks?
The U.S and Taiwan signed the TIFA in 1994. Since then, the U.S. and Taiwan have hosted 10 high-level talks alternately from 1995 to 2016. The 11th Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) Council Meeting will be held via digital video conference on Wednesday June 30th, Taipei time.
✅Who attends TIFA Talks?
The 11th TIFA Council meeting will include the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) and Taiwan’s Office of Trade Negotiations (OTN), the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), and other U.S. government and Taiwan government agencies.
✅Why is TIFA important?
The TIFA provides the principal mechanism for bilateral high-level economic and trade consultations. The TIFA hopes to advance U.S. and Taiwan mutual interests, and strengthen the strategic trade and investment partnership that exists between our two economies.