我以前有睡眠的困擾,主要是白天工作用腦過度時,晚上會感覺思緒還在腦袋裡衝來衝去,沒辦法把它們抓住,整個頭冷靜不下來。後來我用Insight Timer,是一個有很多冥想療程的APP,才慢慢懂得控制這些暴衝的思緒,每次邊聽也會邊想說,哇這真的很好練英文聽力耶!(職業病發作哈哈)因為:
1. 這些音檔的聲音都非常清晰
2. 講話非常緩…慢……
3. 其實聽久了就抓得到脈絡,同樣的字會一直重複,頂多是不同的老師會有不同用字,但整體來說內容很接近,就算聽不懂也很好猜,聽久了自然而然就會了
剛開始若怕全英文聽不懂的話,可以找15~20分鐘的療程,因為老師在這20分鐘內只會講最重要的內容(也就是等一下會教的英文部分),若找30分鐘以上的,可能會帶個奇幻旅程的故事(走入青草地或在雲朵中翻滾之類的🤣 ),每個老師說的故事都不一樣可能會讓初學者緊張。
以下是幾個 improve your sleep系列的療程裡,很常出現的脈絡和用字,先有個概念後,再猜一猜應該也可以聽懂七成。
1. 找個舒服的地方躺好
🧘♀ Let’s begin by coming into a comfortable position lying down.
position: 位置
🧘♀ Please find comfort in a soft spot. Bring your eyes to a close.
comfort: 舒服、舒適
2. 放鬆心情
🧘♀ Gently close your eyes.
🧘♀ Allow yourself to come into a state of complete stillness.
stillness: 靜止不動的狀態
🧘♀ Remind yourself that there’s nowhere else you need to be. Nothing you need to do or think about. (提醒自己跟自己說,現在哪裡都不需要去了,什麼也不需要想了。)
🧘♀ Allow your body to rest a little more deeply, simply letting go.
let something go/let go of something 這用法幾乎每個療程都會出現,冰雪奇緣的主題曲那首 “Let it go~let it go~~”就是要叫Elsa放掉那些包袱、壓力,讓它走吧不要管了的意思。
3. 專注呼吸
🧘♀ Bring your attention to your breathing. Notice the gentle rise and fall of your belly as you breathe in and out. (專注在你的呼吸,感覺吸氣呼氣時,你的肚子微微往上、往下。)
bring your attention to... 把你的注意力帶到...
🧘♀ Just simply experience the air as it flows in and out of your body.
flow (液體/氣體) 流動
4. 引導各個部位有意識的放鬆:
🧘♀ Guide your awarenee to your face.
awareness: 意識
🧘♀ Notice your jaw. Notice if you’re holding onto any tension or tightness in your jaw. Let that go.
tension: 緊張、焦慮 tightness: 緊繃
🧘♀ Allow your entire mouth to soften.
soften: 使柔軟
🧘♀ Release any tension in your brow.
release: 釋放、鬆開
🧘♀ 其他常被點名要放鬆的部位:
cheeks 臉頰
the crown of your head 頭頂
scalp 頭皮
throat 喉嚨
neck 脖子
elbows 手肘
forearms 前臂
wrists 手腕
the back of your hands 手背
fingers 手指頭
upper back 上背
lower back 下背
hips 屁股
pelvis 骨盆
thigh 大腿
calves 小腿
ankles 腳踝
feet 腳
knees 膝蓋
toes 腳趾
legs 腿
🧘♀ peaceful 平和的
🧘♀ comfortable 舒適的
🧘♀ calm 沈穩安靜的
我最近比較常聽的是一位叫Meg James的Relax Into Deep Sleep,不算是最好的但還是有成功讓我入睡,之前我很愛一位老師的冥想療程,但中間一度太久沒用,我現在竟然找不到那個音檔了,我那時真心覺得那個老師有魔力,他用斬釘截鐵又帶有磁性的聲音說 let go and fall asleep時,我真的就整個睡翻了😂 😂
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅DREAM清醒夢LUCID,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello everyone, I know it's been a while. I just thought I would put together some of my old Taiwan clips on my hard drive and try to make something ...
「out of something意思」的推薦目錄:
- 關於out of something意思 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於out of something意思 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於out of something意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於out of something意思 在 DREAM清醒夢LUCID Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於out of something意思 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於out of something意思 在 Mr. JD Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於out of something意思 在 out of something意思在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的 ... 的評價
- 關於out of something意思 在 out of something意思在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的 ... 的評價
- 關於out of something意思 在 out of something意思在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的評價
- 關於out of something意思 在 out of something意思在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的評價
out of something意思 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
電影《沙丘瀚戰》評價兩極,我沒有閱讀過原著小說,完全是一張白紙的狀態入場觀看,說不上很喜歡,但如果推出續集的話是一定願意入場的,畢竟Part One只是序章,用了不少篇幅去建構架空而龐大的迷人世界觀,不至於複雜到難以消化,只是剛步出新手村因此還未沉迷到通宵解任務的地步,不過絕對願意課金買個新手包上路的那種程度。
我比較想談談的是導演Denis Villeneuve最近批評Marvel電影公式化,只是不斷的複製和貼上:
There are too many Marvel movies that are nothing more than a cut and paste of others. Perhaps these types of movies have turned us into zombies a bit.
我不認為Denis Villeneuve是單純的吃不到的葡萄是酸的,他的Arrival是我非常喜歡的作品,看過電影之後還特意去找姜峯楠的原著來讀,也因此更加佩服Denis Villeneuve的能耐。
Arrival的原著《妳一生的預言》算是較難改編成電影的小說,一來它是篇幅只有不到90頁的短篇故事,要擴展成兩小時的電影就需要相當大程度地改寫,二來小說採非線性敘事方式,第一與第二人稱不斷交插敘述,是本像詩篇一樣的科幻小說,但Arrival不止補完小說省去的部分,變成一個結構更完整的故事,也成功用影像呈現出小說溫柔而哀傷的調子。加上《沙丘》也是被稱為史上最難改編的小說,這兩部作品也並非copy and paste可以了事,因此Denis Villeneuve確實一而再地證明了他的才華,也許他的確有批評的資格。
Denis Villeneuve不齒的Marvel曾經瀕臨破產,而其中一個挽狂瀾於既倒的人是在Iron Man飾演Happy的Jon Favreau。
Jon Favreau作為Iron Man的導演,力薦當時因吸毒而事業低迷的Robert Downey Jr.擔綱男主角,結果為Marvel殺出一條血路,也為The Infinity Saga揭開序幕。
Jon Favreau如今沒有再執導Marvel電影,他在Netflix上有一個烹飪節目叫The Chef Show,每集到不同地方邀請名人或廚師一邊煮食一邊聊天,美食固然是賣點,但Jon和每集嘉賓流露的創作甚至人生態度才是這個節目最值得一看的地方。例如其中一集緬懷首位憑食評獲得普立茲獎的傳奇美食評論家Jonathan Gold,Jon回想自己在籌備電影Chef之前曾經拜訪過他,當時Jonathan Gold說了一番頗有意思的話。
Jonathan Gold說他常常到沒有名聲的小餐廳,如果他不喜歡那裡的菜式,他從來不會公開批評一句,因為他不想傷害那些還在努力當中的小店,他之所以比較喜歡幫助一些有潛力的好餐廳吸引更多人注意,全因為「He knew what his spotlight would do」。
Marvel的確有些爆谷電影,但優秀的作品也有不少,不說鋪排了十一年的Endgame,就算是我早幾天翻看的Doctor Strange,說的是一個自負好勝的smart ass,在最後甘願放下自我用「不斷輸」的方式來救世,也是相當可敬的不是嗎?
最後,Doctor Strange的導演也retweet了自己以前一則Tweet作為對Denis Villeneuve的回應:
As a director I don’t slag on the work of other directors even when I don’t like something they’ve made. This job is hard enough for all of us, and nobody ever sets out to make a bad movie.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
out of something意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
最近疫情再次高升,駐台灣的Bloomberg 記者寫了一篇文章:
Complacency Let Covid Erode Taiwan’s Only Line of Defense
自滿讓 COVID 侵蝕了台灣唯一的防線
📌 結構:當調查故事寫
1. Opening line: 戲劇性開場,不要無聊
2. Background: 然後再給簡短背景
3. Key moment: 影響後續發展最關鍵的事件
4. Outcome: 這個決定的後果
5. What to do: 國際專家建議應該怎麼做
6. But.....: 可惜,可能做不到
7. Details: 後面的部分,再進入細節
📌 最好的開頭 = 簡短有力、抓住注意力、又可以做結論
All the virus had to do was get through the border.
Until this week, Taiwan’s Covid-19 containment appeared to be so effective that virtually no other defenses were put in place: few tests, no local surveillance to pick up undetected infection and close to zero vaccination.
Lauded as one of most successful places in the world at containment, a high level of complacency about the risks had set in among both the public and authorities. Covid-19 seemed to be something happening only in the outside world.
All the virus had to do was get through the border.
📌 給一點背景後,馬上提到關鍵一個決定
記者們解釋背景的篇幅,就只有三段。他們很快就鎖定關鍵的一個 (錯誤) 決定:
The virus’s opening was an ill-fated decision on April 15 to shorten quarantine for airline crew to just three days, as carriers struggled to operate their cargo lines with staff undergoing 14-day isolation periods. Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact tracing more difficult.
如果他們再花 1-2 段解釋背景,文章就會變得有點無聊,會流失讀者。
📌 Note:寫作語氣相對正式
這幾位記者,也許是受 Bloomberg 整體風格影響,還算正式。
The virus's opening was an ill-fated decision...
輕鬆口語化的文章,絕對不會用 "ill-fated" (ill 就是生病/不好嘛,fate 就是命運,所以就是「之後的命運不好」的一個決定。這是一個很不錯的字就是了。
Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact tracing more difficult.
哇噻,尤其 "reluctant to be associated with",好。。。委婉啊
Infected pilots carried a more transmissible U.K. variant, which then spread quickly through a network of "hostess bars". This also made contact tracing harder — because staff and customers didn't want to admit that they worked at or visited these bars.
📌 強調嚴重性
Taiwan reported 267 new infections Wednesday, bringing the total over the past few days to 1,291 -- a small number in global terms but an astonishing one in a place that, before May 1, had posted just 1,132 cases during the entire pandemic.
The surge from zero to quadruple digits signals that undetected spread has been occurring for months, and concern is now growing that Taiwan will go the way of other cautionary tales, from the outbreak last year in Australia’s Victoria state that took a brutal three-month lockdown to quell, to Thailand’s ongoing surge driven by prison clusters.
"The surge from zero to quadruple"
這邊,寫的非常好,因為雖然不是真正的 rhyme,還是聽起來很近,所以有節奏感。
"Go the way of other cautionary tales" 又是一個文筆很好的寫法,就是「變得跟那些拿來警惕大家的故事一樣」的意思。
這邊他們把最壞的可能性帶進來:就是台灣可能變得跟那些 cautionary tales 一樣。
但因為他們寫 "concern is now growing...",又沒有說「誰的 concern」,所以應該要馬上帶具有可信度的 source 進來:
“If they have 300 diagnosed cases, they have 3,000 cases in the community -- they just don’t know it.” said Gregory Poland, a virologist and director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. “It’s going to require a hard lockdown, what’s called a circuit-breaker approach, and then getting the vaccine out as quickly as they can.”
這樣就比較有可信度了,也指出一個解決的可能性:lock down,然後疫苗。
需要完整分析的同學請留言「看 Bloomberg學資深記者如何寫文章」。
我們每天都在看跟英文溝通/寫作有關的東西,如果想要透過這些「閱讀筆記」跟我們一起看,可在 FB 追蹤我們:https://www.facebook.com/presentality/
📌 看貝佐斯致亞馬遜股東的最後一封信,學一些英文寫作小撇步
📌 英文演講實用的結構與技巧
📌 在演講中的四種敘述角度
📌 詩人Amanda Gorman的英文演講技巧
📌 從 Most Dangerous Place 文章,看經濟學人寫作邏輯
📌 寫作的終極目標是「提供價值」
out of something意思 在 DREAM清醒夢LUCID Youtube 的最佳貼文
Hello everyone, I know it's been a while. I just thought I would put together some of my old Taiwan clips on my hard drive and try to make something to help everyone relax, a little like an ASMR video. No deep meaning or profound points made, just a chill out video. It was fun to play with a bit of animation. How is Taiwan now? I hope everyone is staying at home and not getting infected! I am preparing some new Line stickers. The bird character that you saw in the video will feature and so will the Taiwan monkey. I may make some short animations about things that happened to me in Taiwan if you you would like know about my life when I was living there, leave some question in the comments section. Remember to Dream Lucid!
大家好, 我知道清醒夢好久沒有po影片,最近很多事在忙。
Dr34mlucid Links:
▶ Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/dr34mlucid
▶ Paypal是一次性的,連結在此:https://www.paypal.me/dr34mlucid
▶ FB: https://www.facebook.com/dr34mlucid
▶ IG: dr34mlucid
#dr34mlucid #asmr #taiwan

out of something意思 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文
#日本網吧收費 #窮遊北海道 #北海道札幌2020
Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone.
今日同大家介紹是日本窮遊的其中一個方法 Today I will talk about 1 way of budget travel
就是網吧啦, 300 yen入會費, 即是21.5港元 Internet cafe, 300 yen membership fee, which is 21.5 HKD
過夜一晚, 我選擇住了九個小時, 2145 Yen連税, 即是174HKD Overnight, I chose to stay for nine hours, 2145 Yen with tax, which is 174HKD
加起來200HKD有找, 住在札幌狸小路市中心一晚 Stay one night in downtown Sapporo Tanukikoji for less than 200HKD
其實我機場附近是有酒店住的,不過我在狸小路如果行到得太夜返酒店 In fact, I stayed in hotel near the airport, but I traveled quite late at Tanukikoji
在狸小路一帶, 其實最少有五、六間網吧可以給大家選擇 In Tanukikoji, there are actually at least five or six Internet cafes for you to choose from.
我上了三間, 最後選擇了一間在狸小路4丁目入面 I went to 3 internet cafes, and finally chose one at the 4th street of Tanukikoji.
24小時開放的驚安之殿堂隔離, 半夜肚餓還可以留下有幾間便利店 Next to 24-hour open Donki n a few convenience stores downstairs of this internet cafe
網絡咖啡室,簡稱網咖,在90年代興起,在日本已經非常普遍, Internet cafes have emerged in the 1990s and have become very common in Japan.
香港人身嬌肉貴, 好少會到網吧過夜, 不過我覺得這些都是日本生活體驗之一 HK pals are rarely overnight in Internet cafes, but I think these are one of the Japanese life experiences
狸小路酒店收費最平三百多HKD都有 There are hotels charge 300plus in HKD at Tanukikoji
不過網吧收費還要平一半 However, Internet cafe charges are still half price cheaper
而且它有最少三個小時的收費,假如你女人去附近shopping And it has a charge of at least 3 hours, if your woman goes shopping nearby
男士們就可以上來這間網吧休息一下,一邊等 Men can come to this internet cafe and rest while waiting
所以不一定要來這裏過夜的, 但是網吧24小時營業, So not a must to stay overnight, but Internet cafes are open 24 hours,
任何時間想去都可以, 不用做booking, 話上就上 No need to book in advance, u can come here at anytime
我拍片回來給大家看看, 等大家窮遊的時候又多一個選擇 I just want to show u more option for budget travel
這種網吧的形式, 幾乎全日本都是這樣做法 This format of Internet cafe is widely used in almost all in Japan.
我廿幾歲的時候, 曾經上過台灣網吧過夜 I overnight an internet cafe in Taiwan when I was 20 something
亦去過其他國家的網吧, 但是沒有過夜 Also visited Internet cafes in other countries, but did not stay overnight
食落真是非常之好味喎, 入面除了有一塊豚肉之外 Very yummy with the pork inside
還有相當多的醬料, 味道一流 Taste is superb with different sauces inside
這裏上網嘅速度, 亦都好快, 睡不著可以睇片打機都得 The internet speed here is also very fast. If you can't sleep, many things to entertain.
到你check out之後, 亦可以行一行驚安之殿堂 After you check out, you can also go to the Donki next door
我就在驚安買了一對鞋墊, 非常之舒服透氣 I bought these insoles in Donki very comfortable and breathable.
因為我還有好多地方要去, 大家睇完我條片之後 As I had many places to go that day
以後去北海道, 就可以更加精明消費 Going to Hokkaido in the future can make smarter consumption after watching my video
網吧的運作收費模式, 全日本通用 Internet cafe operating formats are similar throughout Japan
昨天我跟一班junior傾計, 有個junior話 Yesterday I talked with my juniors, one said:
援交女part time girlfriend post上網 Part time girlfriend post online
話一是给錢、一是给口罩找數, 一篤一個口罩 Customers can either pay in cash or in surgical(anti virus) mask
我當然不知是什麼意思啦, 不過我平日都有睇新聞 I don't clearly know how they charge. But I've heard from news somehow
我就問番佢, 咁顏射幾多個口罩呀?成班junior笑到死下死下 Then I asked him back for how many masks do they charge bukkake? The juniors LMAO.
非常時期要注意個人衛生, 召妓這麼埋身肉搏的活動 Attention should be paid to personal hygiene during recent times.
大家都時要注意健康啦, 我在這裏講這些,都是開下玩笑輕鬆下啫 Everyone must pay attention to your well-being, I am just joking for saying BS here for relax.
睇咗當去咗, 又可以和朋友同事親戚多個話題 DO u enjoy my video tour? Share with people u know for more topics.
記得按通知制, 睇完影片留個表情符號以示支持 Remember to press the notification bell, leave an emoji to show support before u leave
功德無量, 我們下一條片再見,88 Thx a million n with that said until next time.88!

out of something意思 在 Mr. JD Youtube 的最佳貼文
1. I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.
2. Everything negative — pressure, challenges — is all an opportunity for me to rise.
每件負面的事 – 壓力、挑戰 – 都是一個讓我提升的機會。
3.There’s a choice that we have to make as people, as individuals. If you want to be great at something, there’s a choice you have to make. We all can be masters at our craft, but you have to make a choice. What I mean by that is, there are inherent sacrifices that come along with that. Family time, hanging out with friends, being a great friend, being a great son, nephew, whatever the case may be. There are sacrifices that come along with making that decision.
【2019聖誕節特別企劃 】偷偷摸摸喬裝打球 到陌生人的球場 打到褲子都破了#14
【2019得恩街頭素人組合單元第二彈 】人稱小飛人 跳豆 『 只有打球 我才能快樂 』#13
【2019 第十二部 當然要獻給我們偶像 】沒看過他 別說你打過台灣街頭 野獸12號 林志傑#12
喜歡我們的影片的話 ,記得幫我們『 按讚 』『 分享 』及『 追蹤 』呦。
感謝各位觀看 MR.JD Channel ~
ANDY Instagram‣https://reurl.cc/gv7ZRp
EASON Instagram‣https://reurl.cc/Yl18Y4
Music from : Hall of Fame by: The Script
剪輯片段引用:https://reurl.cc/A15O4e 『 BI52 Youtuber 』。

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out of something意思 在 out of something意思在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的 ... 的推薦與評價
關於「out of something意思」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. 【問題】want意思- 加拿大打工度假攻略-20200913YouTubewww.youtube.com › hl=zh-TW › TW2 天前· ... ... <看更多>