各位, 新年快樂! 美國也正式2021年啦! 可以順利的過完2020年就已經是菩薩保佑了! 希望大家2021年只會更順利!
超好價Hogan, Max Mara新品, Moose Knuckles羽毛衣 + 美國好用的衛生棉推薦 + Tory Burch實穿照 + 醉象Babyfacial面膜終於可寄台灣 + 便宜又好質感的毛衣大全 + Acne特價款
今天寫的醉象Babyfacial終於可以寄台灣, 大家都買了沒? 免運費又退16%的稅, 趕快買來試試看吧!
本篇還有我的Tory Burch實穿照, 跟好穿又便宜的毛衣總整理.
√ https://amzn.to/2JA39Y9 Always Infinity Feminine Pads, Size 2 這是2號, 適合流量比較多的時候使用. 現在買一組(裡面有32塊X三盒), 加買第二組打五折, 總共有192塊棉片, 我覺得價格還不錯又很方便, 跟amazon買兩天就寄到了, 推薦給大家!
√ https://amzn.to/3rRMBMP Always Radiant Feminine Pads for Women, Size 1 這是1號適合流量少的時候使用, 也是Flexfoam那種好用的材質, 同樣是買第二組五折, 總共會有180塊棉片
√ https://amzn.to/3b0e74y Always Infinity Feminine Pads for Women, Size 5 這是五號適合流量很大的時候使用的夜用型 同樣買第二件五折
大家是不是早就對粗糙的美國衛生棉心灰意冷? 話說我一直都覺得美國的衛生棉很糟糕耶, 非常不舒服的觸感, 如果有機會回台灣就帶一些回美. 不過去年沒回台灣, 只好一直忍耐使用美國衛生棉, 我就不相信美國沒有好用的衛生棉(握拳)!
有一天努力的Google了一下, 找一找到底美國最好用的衛生棉是哪一款? 結果還真的給我找到了, 就是這款 Always Infinity, 是特別的flexfoam材質, 比我用過的所有其他美國衛生棉都柔軟太多了, 而且不太容易變形, 立刻覺得每個月好朋友來的時候也沒那麼難受了! 可以趁著打折試試看!
@ https://bit.ly/3aViaz6 (再提醒一次, 醉象最有名的產品Sukari Babyfacial 寶貝換膚面膜, 不但免國際運費, 而且寄台灣地址還有退16%稅(按CONTINUE TO PAYMENT之後會看到退稅), 這是醉象家的招牌, 一個禮拜只要膚20分鐘再洗掉, 皮膚立刻光滑的像小寶寶一樣, 裡面有25% AHA / 2% BHA, 總共五種不同酸類混合的強效面膜, 第一次使用可以在下巴一小角試試看會不會過敏, 敏感的人一次敷10分鐘就好, 還是會很有效果, 我很久以前就有買了, 真的效果超卓越, 敷完皮膚亮亮的會反光!)
@ https://bit.ly/2Lag5o2 美國網友請注意: 我們只能在sephora買喔!
Ssense的折扣區1/2號關閉 寄美國滿300美金免運費 寄台灣要運費 結帳價格已經包括全部稅費
https://slooks.top/4ukm/63 Acne女款點這裡
https://slooks.top/4ukl/63 Acne男款點這裡
@ https://slooks.top/4ukr/63 (這帽子男女都可以用啊! 就是他家的經典圖騰 我覺得不錯)
@ https://slooks.top/4ukt/63 (圍巾顏色太好看了! 男女都可以用)
@ https://slooks.top/4uks/63 (圍巾還有這條也有打折 因為稅費關係 寄美國通常都會比寄台灣便宜一些)
@ https://slooks.top/4ukw/63 (格子款也有打折)
@ https://bit.ly/3n3UoDv (Moose Knuckles的毛球長板羽毛衣 不輸大鵝的保暖度喔 通常要找到寄國外的很難得)
@ https://bit.ly/3aXK7WV (這件Moose Knuckles很便宜才五百多耶! 也是羽毛衣)
@ https://bit.ly/34ZX7I2 (這款3Q之前Olivia Palermo有穿過 也很可以買!)
@ https://bit.ly/3aZ2cEc 'S Max Mara Belted Wrap Coat (最新款的S Max Mara的Pauline版型大衣 超級便宜啊! 美國這款定價1550 這裡特價只要736 寄美國還完全無稅!)
@ https://bit.ly/3rDr22a 'S Max Mara Belted Wrap Coat (超好價的Pauline版型還有駝色可選)
@ https://bit.ly/34ZO6yl 'S Max Mara Elisa Belted Coat (這款也是最新款 S Max Mara的Elisa版型 美國定價1745喔! 這裡只要831是低於對折啊)
@ https://bit.ly/2KHZVTb (MM6的托特包 美國定價520 這裡326還免運費!)
@ https://bit.ly/3rHfPO5 (MM6的數字卡片夾也好便宜啊!)
@ https://bit.ly/3hKfK81 (想買Hogan的看過來 超多運動鞋尺碼齊價格好啊!)
@ https://bit.ly/3o4vNjj (銀色的Logo)
@ https://bit.ly/2MoUOaV (焦糖色皮革款Hogan)
@ https://bit.ly/353kxMC (這雙是Hogan的男款 只要兩百多塊耶!)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,140的網紅Mama College,也在其Youtube影片中提到,媽媽和寶寶產後護理包括什麼呢? 有什麼要買? 什麼要做? 什麼不應該做呢? Watch this video to find out what to do and not do and how to care for you and your baby when your baby is out!...
pads 卡 住 在 林炳存 Facebook 的最佳解答
動物緊急安置中心 👍
【 安 置 中 心 成 立 目 的 】
Taiwan SPCA成立近八個年頭,因許多民眾支持故逐年成長中,我們也持續並盡力的替動物們發聲。而近年動物虐待事件層出不窮,協會年度受理虐待案件之數量更高達近千件,在每個個案中我們都會看到深陷各種痛苦的小生命,無論是生理上的疼痛亦或是心靈上的折磨...。幾年之中協會承辦了許多案件,替生命找到出口對我們而言無非是最欣慰的事,因此我們於2016年底成立了動物緊急安置中心,希望能在幫助受虐動物的這條路上給予更多、做得更完善。緊急安置中心希望可以提供這些受虐動物一個暫時的庇護所,讓動物能夠社會化,學習如何與其他動物及人相處,透過協會寵物保姆團隊的照顧以及行為訓練師的互動,我們希望動物們都可以在未來找到適合的中途家庭或是認養人,畢竟讓動物回歸到家庭的環境是最理想的目標。
【加 入 定 期 定 額 捐 款,讓 愛 長 久 遠】
【捐 款 用 途】
【了 解 更 多 - 動 物 緊 急 安 置 中 心】
【了 解 更 多 - 動 物虐待案件調查】
1.ATM轉帳- 國泰世華瑞湖分行 (013) 269-03-500245-5
3.PayPal 線上捐款support@spca.org.tw
4.郵局劃撥 - 社團法人台灣防止虐待動物協會: 50198373
5.愛心發票捐贈碼:1772 (一起去愛)
[每筆捐款協會都可提供抵稅收據:請附上您的聯絡方式: 郵寄地址、Email、聯絡電話與抬頭名稱] support@spca.org.tw, 02-2738-2130, 02-2738-2131
【SPCA’s Emergency Animal Holding Center Needs Your Help !】
Become a regular monthly donor to help abused animals
【The Purpose of the Holding Centre】
Taiwan SPCA has been established for nearly eight years; we try our best to help stop and prevent animal cruelty and animal suffering, and because of the public’s support we’ve managed to investigate over 700 cases of reported animal cruelty in 2016. We set up the new emergency animal holding center last year in order to accommodate for animals that we rescue and take in during cruelty investigations. We hope that the center can be a temporary shelter for these animals and be a place where they can learn to socialize, trust, and interact with other animals and humans, while we search for suitable fosters or adopters.
【Become A Monthly Donor】
There are currently five holding rooms at the holding center; one for cats and four for dogs, along with a small area for animals to run and play in. The costs of running the center are high; therefore we are reaching out to the public to help us maintain the center’s operations by becoming a regular monthly donor. Your donation will help these rescued animals, ensuring that they receive the best medical treatments, nutritious food, and much needed love and attention. Your donations will make a difference!
【How We Use Your Donations】
Your donations are tax deductible and will go towards:
1. Medical expenses: including vet fees, costs for surgery, medicine, preventative treatments (heartworm and flea prevention)
2. Pet food
3. Pet supplies: toys, towels, cat litter, pee pads…
4. Grooming costs
5. Cleaning supplies
6. Utility bills for the center
7. Staff costs
8. Adoption event costs
【Find Out More About the Center 】
*We hope that you can join us and become a monthly donor!
*Adopt. Don’t Buy! A lot of animals are waiting to find their forever homes!
*If you want to adopt animals, please contact us to arrange a meet and greet!
【Find Out More About Animal Cruelty Cases】
【Become a Donor】
1.ATM: Cathay United Bank RuiHu Branch (013) 269-03-500245-5
2. Monthly Credit Card Donation
3.PayPal Online Donation support@spca.org.tw
4. Postal transfer - Taiwan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: 50198373
5. Receipt Donation #:1772
[Each donation is tax deductible, so please include your name, phone number, home and email address] support@spca.org.tw, 02-2738-2130, 02-2738-2131
Fundraising #號:衛部救字第1051363691號函
pads 卡 住 在 Mama College Youtube 的精選貼文
媽媽和寶寶產後護理包括什麼呢? 有什麼要買? 什麼要做? 什麼不應該做呢? Watch this video to find out what to do and not do and how to care for you and your baby when your baby is out!
子宮復舊: 給予子宮底「環形按摩」可以有效促進子宮收縮
子宮重量, weight of Uterus:
After birth: 產後初期為1000〜2000 grams,
week 1週後將降為500 g,
week 2週後約300 g
week 4週後約50〜70 g (恢復到未懷孕重量 back to original weight)
可刺激分泌催產素, 誘發排乳反射使乳汁能順利排出, 也會促進子宮收縮.
Breast pads & lotion available
生產後保持個人衞生,有助減低細菌感染風險. 順產孕婦在產後數小時或翌日, 當回復體力後,已可沖涼洗頭.
剖腹生產則在產後約四天, 傷口癒合後也可洗澡.
For baby
Contact Bonding
1) stimulate breast milk
2) keep baby warm
3) provide security for baby
4) begin brain development
Breast Feeding
For a New born baby
Baby Weight
Normal range: 2.5-3.99 kg
=- any thing over or under the normal range, your baby may require extra check up!
If fed well and regularly, you can see increase of Baby Weight
0.5 kg increase in weight / month
Bottle Feeding
Buy suitable bottles/teats for infant
Buy the formula for infant
Pay attention to Best Before Date
Remember to sanitize everything
Bottle Feeding Steps
1) boil water to 100 degree
2) cool to 70 degree
3) add powder to water
4) let it cool to body temperature
5) feed when baby and formula is mixed well and temp is ready
Test the temperature with your wrist!
It should be body temperature,
It should feel warm, but not hot.
At the hospital
if body weight (water weight)
shrink under 7% of original weight = You can go home
shrink over 7% of original weight = Require extra check up
shrink up to 10% of original weight = Cannot leave hospital yet
At Home
To clean umbilical cord
use 70% alcohol + soft cotton ball
Gently wipe in one direction
The umbilical cord should fall off around 5-10 days.
Baby should bath at 37-38 degrees Celsius which is close to our body temperature.
Don't forget to wash
- folds of the baby
(neck, thigh, chubby areas)
Remember to use nail clippers for infant because baby nails are super delicate and fragile
Available online: http://bit.ly/2ajS88y
Pay attention to Jaundice Baby in the first week:
嬰兒黃膽(Neonatal Jaundice)
Get your baby vaccinated:
2 types Vaccination + 1 shot!
卡介苗 Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
乙型肝炎疫苗 Hepatitis B
Vitamin K shots
I hope these tips will help you and your baby in the first week of birth!
Good luck!
Please leave me comments if I am forgot anything!
Kayi Cheung
Mama College