[snaps] cake deco & food photography exercise / 蛋糕裝飾與食物攝影練習(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
When your good friend who's also a talented pastry chef is testing her cake recipe, you get a chance participating in the deco and documenting the process. This afternoon, Claire Lin, the chef of Bonheur Bonne Heure Pâtisserie made a really delicious exotic fruits mousse cake, and I was really lucky to join her decorating it and to shoot some interesting videos. Click the photos to see the details and don't miss out the video at the end!
颱風來臨之前的下午,Bonheur Bonne Heure Pâtisserie by Claire L.的主廚Claire測試了一個熱帶水果蛋糕以巧克力裝飾,我則獲邀參與蛋糕裝飾與食物攝影。我們拍攝了pastillage糖花裝飾的影片,也從糖花、巧克力米、真花、金粉銀粉、新鮮水果、奶餡與金箔銀箔中選出合適的元素,一步一步試驗完成。別忘了點最後的影片看這個蛋糕如何一步一步華麗變身🤗
這個慕斯蛋糕的主要口味包括芒果、百香果、綠檸檬與香蕉,喜歡的朋友記得去Bonheur Bonne Heure的粉絲頁留言敲碗,請他們正式列入新品名單吧😉