講題 Title:預設醫療指示與預設照顧計劃 Advance Directive and Advance Care Planning
報名鏈接Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3tE9RgE
日期 Date:12/6/2021(Sat)
時間 Time:3:00-4:30pm
地點 Venue:沙田澤祥街12號香港中文大學鄭裕彤樓地下演講廳1A (LT1A)
Lecture Theatre 1A, Level 1, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, N.T.
講者 Speaker:陳裕麗教授 Prof Helen Chan / 鍾一諾教授 Prof Roger Chung
主持 Moderator:伍桂麟先生 Mr Pasu Ng
講座內容 Synopsis:
現今醫療科技發達,很多疾病均可治癒或受控制。當疾病到了末期,醫療科技有時只能提供維持生命治療,但延長死亡過程對病人可能沒有意義,甚至增加痛楚。面對這情況,病人、家屬和醫護人員可以商討是否中止對生活質素沒有幫助的維持生命治療,讓病人安詳離世。香港中文大學醫學院那打素護理學院副教授陳裕麗博士和香港中文大學公共衛生及基層醫療學院助理教授鍾一諾博士會在由中大公共衞生及基層醫療學院主辦的公眾「生死教育」四講系列的第三講和大家分享『預設醫療指示』 (Advance Directive)和『預設照顧計劃』(Advance Care Planning)的概念與應用。這兩種健康護理選擇不但可以免卻家屬決定病者死時所受到的困難和壓力,減少作出決定後感到矛盾和內疚的機會,亦體現對病者生命和意願的尊重。
Thanks to the advancement of medical technology, most diseases can be cured or subsided. However, there are times that medical technology could only prolong one’s life but could not cure the terminal illness. Facing such situation, patients, family members, and medical staff can discuss whether to withhold or withdraw from life-sustaining treatments that may not help improve patients’ quality of life so that they can die peacefully. Professor Helen Chan, Associate Professor from The Nethersole School of Nursing and Professor Roger Chung, Assistant Professor of the School of Public Health and Primary Care of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, will share with us the concepts and values behind Advance Directive and Advance Care Planning in the third public seminar of the four-lecture series on life and death education organized by the School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK. These two health care options aim not only to reduce the pressure faced by patients’ family when making end-of-life healthcare decision, but also show respect to patients’ will.
Professor Helen Chan’s research interests focus on end-of-life care, gerontology as well as care ethics. She has conducted a number of research projects on promoting palliative and end-of-life care, especially advance care planning, among older adults and people with advanced progressive diseases.
Professor Roger Chung’s research aims to empirically inquire into the social determinants of health inequalities, as well as aging‐related issues on multimorbidity and long‐term/end‐of‐life care, and to utilize such evidence to inform health services and policy, domestically and beyond.
生死教育 X 伍桂麟
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《Monster Hunter Stories 2: 破滅之翼》據點‧原野介紹
-夏口洛島:聳立著神聖高山的盛夏小島。 溫馴的魔物於草原上棲息,過著平靜安穩的生活。
-馬夏那村:位於夏口洛島中心地帶的村莊。是主角和烈度的故鄉。 由長老格拉帶領,琪娜等騎士都在此生活。
-艾卡拿大陸:廣大高原上林立著岩石的大陸。 有很多未曾改變的遠古森林。
-汝途村:位於青蔥蓊鬱的森林深處的村莊,只有龍人在此生活。是艾娜的故鄉,烈度亦曾經到訪。 村莊充滿綠意,不同的魔物共存於此。 由長老矛羅帶領,阿爾瑪、紫白和其他龍人都在這條村莊生活。
《Monster Hunter Stories 2: 破滅之翼》將於7月9日Nintendo Switch和Steam,提供亞洲版,支援繁簡中文字幕。
Hakolo Island: A tropical island known for its sacred mountain. Large monsters graze peacefully among the grasslands.
Mahana Village: The central village of Hakolo Island.This is your hometown. Red once called this his home, as well. In this area, you will meet Chief Gara, Kayna, and other Riders.
Alcala: A vast region with rocky terrain. This area contains many primeval forests unchanged since ancient times.
Rutoh Village: A village located in the middle of a forest, populated by only Wyverians. Ena's hometown, and one that Red often visited during his travels. The villagers live in harmony among lush greenery and various monsters. Elder Maolo, Alwin, and Zellard are some of the Wyverians who live here.
MONSTER HUNTER STORIES 2: WINGS OF RUIN coming 9 July on Nintendo Switch/Steam.
몬스터헌터 스토리즈 2 파멸의 날개 - 필드 소개
하콜로섬: 성스러운 산이 우뚝 솟은 한여름의 섬. 초원에는 온순한 몬스터들이 평온한 삶을 살고 있다.
마하나 마을: 하콜로섬의 중심부에 있는 마을. 주인공과 레드의 고향. 장로인 갈라가 이끄는 케이나와 라이더들이 생활하고 있다.
알칼라 대륙: 광대한 고원에 바위가 늘어선 대륙. 고대의 모습 그대로 변함없는 숲이 많이 있다.
루투 마을: 울창한 숲속에 있으며, 용인만 살고 있는 마을. 에나의 고향이며, 레드도 가본 적이 있다. 마을 안에는 초록이 넘치고, 다양한 몬스터들과 공존하고 있다. 장로인 마올로가 이끄는 알마와 제라드, 용인들이 생활하고 있다.
몬스터헌터 스토리즈 2 파멸의 날개는 Nintendo Switch와 Steam에서 7월 9일에 전 세계 동시에 발매됩니다.
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