#1. 大腸直腸肛門外科Division of Colon & Rectal Surgery - 長庚醫院
廔管依走向位置不同分為: (1) 皮下型(Subcutaneous Fistula):廔管走向在皮下。 (2) 括約肌間隙型(Intersphincter Fistula):廔 ...
#2. 肛周膿腫和肛瘺是一回事嗎?Is perianal abscess and anal ...
肛周膿腫和肛瘺是一回事嗎?Is perianal abscess and anal fistula the same thing? 2,889 views2.8K views. Sep 16, 2018.
#3. 肛瘺| 悉尼大腸外科醫生
Johnson E, Gaw J, Armstrong D. Efficacy of anal fistula plug vs. fibrin glue in closure of anorectal fistulas. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 49(3): 371-6, ...
#4. 肛門瘻管-臨床表現與治療現況
繁體中文DOI: 10.6666/ClinMed.202003_85(3).0026 DOI ... Piazza DJ, Radhakrishnan J. Perianal abscess and fistula-in-ano in children.
#5. 肛管直肠瘘_百度百科
肛管直肠瘘(anorectal fistula)是发生在肛管或直肠下端与会阴皮肤相通的慢性感染性管道,主要侵犯肛管,很少涉及直肠,故常被称为肛瘘(anal fistula),中医称为“肛 ...
中文 病名:. 圍肛?管,犬隻肛門癤瘡病. 英文病名:. Perianal fistula, canine anal furunculosis. ‧疾病病名‧疾病說明‧動物種類‧疾病症狀. 疾病說明:.
#7. 肛門瘻管 - 醫學百科
Anorectal Fistula. 2016年7月8日擷取自Merck Manual: ...
#8. rectal fistula - 直腸瘻管 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 獸醫學, rectal fistula, 直腸瘻管. 學術名詞 航空太空名詞, rectal fistula, 直腸廔管. 學術名詞 機械工程
#9. 肛門周圍膿瘍(Perianal abscess and fistula)_兒童外科 - kenkon ...
肛門周圍膿瘍在小男性身上比較常見,肛門周圍膿瘍是因為肛門周圍皮膚有破皮常受到感染所造成的,大部份在肛門指狀凹陷內的感染一直延伸到周圍皮膚,感染厲害時會化膿, ...
#10. [直肛外科]Anal fistula - 白袍恐懼症
Blockage of anal glands permits the growth of bacteria, which may ultimately lead to an abscess. (2). Anal abscess分類. 1. perianal abscess: ...
#11. 肛瘘- 症状与病因- 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic
登录患者账户 · 简体中文 ... Anorectal fistula: Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management ... Anorectal fistula (fistula in ano).
#12. 肛門手術
Hemorrhoids and anal Fistula ... 膿瘍:肛門周圍(Perianal),擴約肌間(Intersphincteric),坐骨直腸窩(Ischiorectal),提肛肌上(Supralevator),直腸後 ...
#13. 肛周脓肿的外科治疗
Correct treatment of the internal opening and extent of deep anorectal abscess is the key to success. Treating the fistula and the abscess ...
#14. perianal fistula 中文 - Fmcafe
“fistula” 中文翻譯: n. (pl. fistulas, -lae ) 1.【 “perianal” 中文翻譯: 肛周的“perianal abscess” 中文翻譯: 肛門周圍膿腫; 肛旁膿腫; 肛周膿腫“perianal ...
#15. Instructions after Peri-anal Abscess & Fistula Surgery 肛門膿瘍 ...
Everyone has 7 to 8 anal glands, each anal gland has an internal opening, located in the anus about 1.5cm from the anal verge.
#16. 一個新的有效且安全的治療方法歐金俊1,3 徐弘1,3 麥振銘2,3 林 ...
Video-Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment (VAAFT): a safe and effective ... treat complex anal fistula ... such fecal incontinence or perianal infection.
#17. 肛門膿瘍之照護
Postoperative management with wound Irrigation in large perianal abscesses: ... Impact of smoking on anal abscess and anal fistula diseases.
#18. perianal fistula 中文Anal - Dlouz
trauma,perianal abscess的中文, ya sea a nivel bajo o … [直肛外科]Anal fistula @ 白袍恐懼癥:: 痞客邦. Anal fistula (1).Cause. Major: abscess (30–40% of ...
#19. FiLaC for the treatment of perianal fistulas | CEG - Dove ...
This narrative review assesses the evidence reported to-date of radially emitting laser fistula surgery in the treatment of perianal ...
#20. 复杂肛瘘联合保留括约肌手术(LIFT + VAAFT + FiLAC)的前瞻 ...
Successful treatment of complex perianal fistula continues to be a challenging problem. Various new techniques have evolved such as ligation ...
#21. Fistulotomy with marsupialization, 开放性易管切开术的临床试验
Perianal Fistula · 经括约肌简单易懂. 介入. 干预类型: Procedure. 干预名称: Fistulotomy with marsupialization. 描述: A probe is placed in the fistula tract ...
#22. Surgery for anal fistula | healthdirect
An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the lining on the inside of your anal canal (back passage) and the skin near your anus.
#23. 期刊篇目查詢-詳情
中文 摘要, 結核菌引起肛門周圍感染屬於罕見,不過偶而還是會碰到這些特殊的病例。 ... diagnosis and management of 5 patients with tuberculous perianal fistula ...
#24. Anorectal Fistula - Digestive Disorders - MSD Manuals
(Fistula in Ano) · Anorectal fistulas are common among people who have an anorectal abscess, Crohn disease, or tuberculosis. · Anorectal fistulas can cause pain ...
#25. 臀部化膿性大汗腺炎-大腸直腸外科 - 三軍總醫院
Perianal fistula,7. Pilonidal disease 8. Perianal Crohn's disease,9. Infected sebaceous cysts,10. Dermoid cysts,11. Granuloma inguinale (鼠蹊部肉芽腫) 12.
#26. Anal Fistula | Johns Hopkins Medicine
An anal fistula is an abnormal opening in the skin near the anus that leads to the inside of the anal canal in the colon.
#27. About Us - 雙和醫院
Hemorrhoids and fistula minimally invasive surgery ... tumor of colorectum, anorectal abscess, inflammatory bowel disease, rectal vaginal fistula, etc.
#28. Perianal fistula: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
Perianal fistula : 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语 · 发音和转录 · 文字翻译 · 句子与«perianal fistula» ...
#29. Significant medical and surgical morbidity in perianal Crohn's ...
香港中文大學研究人員 ... The presence of perianal fistulas denotes a distinct and more aggressive disease course in patients with Crohn's disease (CD).
#30. Fistula in Ano and Anorectal Abscess - DynaMed
anorectal abscesses may occur in the perianal, ischiorectal, intersphincteric, ... perianal fistula; perinanal abscess; anorectal fistula; perianal sepsis.
#31. perianal fistula 中文perianal - YNF
Anal fistula and perianal abscess in infants : features and surgical management 男性嬰幼兒肛瘺和肛周膿腫的特點及外科治療perianal的中文,perianal的 ...
#32. Anal fistula
The term “perianal fistula” refers to the presence of a tunnel that connects the anorectal canal with the soft tissues of the perianal area having a ...
#33. 隐腺肛周瘘管发病机理的最新概念 - X-MOL
2021年2月17日 — Cryptoglandular perianal fistula is a common benign anorectal disorder that is managed mainly with surgery. A fistula is typically defined ...
#34. PERIANAL ABSCESS @ 急診小醫師 - 隨意窩
In two small trials, not packing the wound after draining anorectal abscesses resulted in similar rates of recurrence and fistula formation and similar healing ...
#35. perianal fistula的中文意思- perianal fistula中文翻譯- perianal fistula ...
perianal fistula 中文 意思是什麼 · perianal : 肛周的 · fistula : n. (pl. fistulas, -lae )1. 【動物;動物學】細管,喙管。2. 【醫學】瘺(管)。adj. -r.
#36. 大腸直腸外科各類手術適應症 - 萬芳醫院
適應症: □Anal fistula. □Sphincterotomy. 適應症: □Anal fissure. □I&D, debridement. 適應症: □Perianal abscess. 以上手術之必要檢查項目如下:. 1. □CBC.
#37. Crohn's Disease - TSIBD台灣發炎性腸道疾病學會
腸病灶(anorectal lesions)、縱向潰瘍 ... P-Perianal disease modifier. A2-17-40 years ... 肛門廔管(active perianal fistula) 的克.
#38. Division of Colon and Rectal - 衛生福利部雙和醫院
Anal diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fistula, anal abscess, anal fissure, anal stenosis, and anal incontinence. Colorectal disease: benign or malignant tumor of ...
#39. perianal fistula 中文– 動靜脈廔管英文 - Tsukaiend
perianal fistula 中文 – 動靜脈廔管英文. A fistula plural: fistulas or fistulae /-li, -laɪ/; from Latin fistula, “tube, pipe” in anatomy is an abnormal ...
#40. 高雄榮民總醫院兒童外科-English
Anal fissure and fistula, perianal abscess ... Esophageal atresia and TE fistula. Gasstroesophageal reflux, esophageal achalasia, caustic esophageal burn, ...
#41. 中文意思| 肛门直肠瘘英文怎么说| 消化系统医学名词-词汇翻译
fistula -in-ano following anorectal suppuration. Dis Colon Rectum. 1984;27:126–130. ... Related articles - All 2 versions. [HTML] Why do we have so much trouble ...
#42. What is Perianal Fistula: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and ...
Perianal fistula is an abnormal tract that breaks through the skin around the anus. It can form when anal glands are infected and have abscess.
#43. A Study of a Stem Cell Fistula Plug to Treat Cryptoglandular ...
... is to assess the safety of autologous mesenchymal stromal (stem) cell transfer using a biomatrix (the Gore Fistula Plug) to treat perianal fistula.
#44. fistula"的中文翻译- 医学词典
〔复fistulas,fistulae〕瘘,瘘管:一种异常的通道或交通,通常位于两个内脏器官之间,或从一内脏器官通向身体表面;常依其交通的器官或部分而命名,如肛门阴道瘘、 ...
#45. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Fistula-in-ano - Hong Kong ...
options is the key for proper MRI assessment of perianal fistula. ... Key Words: Magnetic resonance imaging; Rectal fistula. 中文摘要.
#46. 外科
中文. 英文. 日文. 印尼文. 越南文. 泰文. 復位. Reduction. 整復. Reduksi. (tulang/sendi). Bó xương. การจัดกระดูกให เข าที่.
#47. Incision and drainage of perianal abscess with or without ...
A third of perianal abscesses may manifest a fistula‐in‐ano which increases the risk of abscess recurrence requiring repeat surgical drainage.
#48. Fistula - Wikipedia
Anovaginal or rectovaginal fistulas occur when a hole develops between the anus or rectum and the vagina. Colovaginal fistulas occur between the colon and ...
#49. Association Between Steroid-Sparing Therapy and the Risk of ...
Key Points español 中文 (chinese) ... The most common site for fistula development is in the perianal region, including perianal fistulas, ...
#50. Travelling with Crohn's Disease | IBD Passport
If you are a Crohn's disease patient with known perianal disease, either having a perianal fistula and/or if you have had perianal abscess ...
#51. F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in an ...
At surgery, an anorectal fistula with actinomycosis and abscess formation were found. FDG PET provided information on the functional status of the fistula.
#52. Anorectal Disease DCR Publications
Chinese Abstract Translation 中文摘要翻译 ... Persistent Fistula After Anorectal Abscess Drainage: Local Experience of 11 Years.
#53. anal fissure-翻译为中文-例句英语
Anal and perianal diseases such as anal fissure, rectal abscess, anal fistula, hemorrhoids prolapse. 肛门及肛周疾病如肛裂、直肠周围脓肿、肛瘘、痔脱出等。
#54. anal fistula - Chinese translation – Linguee
An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the back [...] passage and the opening to the outer skin surrounding the anus.
#55. Anal Fistula - Colon and Rectal Conditions - SCL Health
Testing for anal abscesses or fistulas. To check for an anal abscess or a fistula, your doctor or nurse will look at your anus and do a “digital rectal exam.” ...
#56. 第七節手術 - 醫聖診療系統
Excision of cervical fistula, cervical cyst ... 註:直腸瘻管修補(Repair of Rectal fistula)比照申請。 ... 註:肛門周圍與直腸周圍腫瘤(including Perianal.
#57. Anal Fistula - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment - Samitivej
Hemorrhoids, however, involve swollen veins in the anus and rectal area, causing a soft lump to protrude from the anus. There may be some pain from time to time ...
#58. 醫療服務給付項目
診療項目代碼 健保支付點數 價格參考起日 價格參考迄日 59976116 73046B 22514 2013/1/1 2910/12/31 59976117 73047B 23617 2013/1/1 2910/12/31 59976118 73048B 28220 2013/1/1 2910/12/31
#59. Anal Fistula and Abscess - 博客來
He is actively involved in research on: colorectal cancer anal cancer, anorectal physiology (concerning anorectal manometry, electrophysiology studies, ...
#60. 汐止國泰綜合醫院護理科9B 常見診斷及檢查縮寫【耳鼻喉科】 一
Preauricular fistula. 耳前廔管. OSAS. Obstruction sleeping apnea syndrome ... Hemorrhoid、Anal fistula、Perianal. Abscess. 痔瘡、肛門瘻管、肛門周圍膿瘍.
#61. Peri-Rectal Abscess & Anal Fistula Treatment - CSA Surgical ...
Peri-Rectal Abscess and Anal Fistula Treatment services are available at CSA Surgical Center. To find out more, please call us at 573-443-8773 and schedule ...
#62. The anal fistula plug treatment compared with the mucosal ...
Patients: Sixty patients with perianal fistulas were randomly assigned to receive an anal fistula plug or a mucosal advancement flap and were blinded for the ...
#63. A Case of Perianal Fistula Presented with Deep Soft ... - Gale
It is important to consider perianal fistulas as a differential diagnosis for this type of wounds and the application of silver nitrate solution often produces ...
#64. Stem Cell Therapy in Perianal Fistula Associated with Crohn's ...
Perianal fistula which is a common complication of Crohn's disease can now be treated with Darvadstrocel injection for faster healing.
#65. What are Fistulas? Fistulas Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis
Anal fistula (a small tunnel with an internal opening in the anal canal and an external opening in the skin near the anus). What are the causes of fistulas? The ...
#66. Postoperative treatment of perianal abscess cavities ...
A perianal abscess is an infection close to the back passage (anus). ... Hospital admissions for fistula-in-ano and perianal abscess recurrences str ...
#67. Characteristics of anal fistula|Official Brand Site
An anal fistula is a tunnel that goes between the rectum and skin near the anus. An anal abscess filled with pus develops around the anus, which turns into ...
#68. 解剖學-肛周膿腫 - 高點醫護網
肛周膿腫(Perianal abscess)全身感染症狀不明顯,肛周持續、跳動性疼痛,在排便、受壓及咳嗽時加重。 類型, 臨床特點. 肛門周圍膿腫, 1. 肛門周圍皮下膿腫最常見; 2.
#69. 学术搜索
小提示:只搜索中文(简体)结果,可在学术搜索设置指定搜索语言. 我的图书馆 ... anesthesia for evaluation of Crohn's perianal fistulas. 时间不限.
#70. Perianal abscess, anal fistula, and anal fissure - The Surgery ...
Three common conditions that can affect the anus are an anal fissure, perianal abscess, and anal fistula. Consult a physician for a correct diagnosis.
#71. perianal翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
肛周的。英漢詞典提供【perianal】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... Purpose:To explore the value of body surface coil MRI in diagnosis of perianal fistula.
#72. How Do You Treat Perianal Fistulas in Dogs? - PetPlace
Perianal fistulas are painful lesions that can reduce your dog's quality of life. Here are symptoms & treatment measures for this chronic ...
#73. Anorectal Atresia/Stenosis | NCBDDD | CDC
31, panel C – rectovaginal fistula in a girl; ... The diagnosis of rectal atresia or stenosis is confirmed through direct imaging of the ...
#74. Efficiency of tacrolimus therapy for perianal Crohn's disease
This prospective randomized trial enrolled 20 patients with perianal CD as anal fissures and rectal fistulas. The inclusion criteria were rectovaginal or ...
#75. 单中心139例克罗恩病肛瘘的临床特征分析 - 中国地质图书馆
... with Crohn's disease combined with perianal fistula in a single center ... 英文关键词:Crohn's disease;perianal fistula;clinical characteristic; 中文刊 ...
#76. Anorectal Malformations | Children's Hospital Colorado
This is known as rectal atresia. The rectum may connect to part of the urinary tract or the reproductive system through an abnormal opening called a fistula, ...
#77. SuperSeton - NLC Health
Current knotted setons used in perianal fistula drainage cause pain and discomfort for patients, leading to complications requiring additional treatment.
#78. Anorectal Surgery - Heritage Surgical Group
Treatment of anal fistula. Once the acute infection or abscess is treated and healed, fistulas are treated electively with surgical disruption of the tract to ...
#79. Proctology | KARL STORZ Endoskope
VAAFT Set – Video-Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment ... the range of indications to complex minimally invasive procedures such as transanal rectal surgery.
#80. Advocate Aurora joins study of stem cell treatment for Crohn's ...
“A perianal fistula is an abnormal channel that forms between the perianal tissue and the rectum/anus and frequently gets infected and ...
#81. 肛门瘘管_搜狗百科
肛管直肠瘘(anorectal fistula)是发生在肛管或直肠下端与会阴皮肤相通的慢性感染性管道,主要侵犯肛管,很少涉及直肠,故常被称为肛瘘(anal ... 中文名称肛门瘘管.
#82. Fistula
Most information available on obstetric fistula relates to fistulas ... the anus and vagina) or perianal (between the perianal skin and the rectum).
#83. Anal Fistulas and Crohn's Disease | Cigna
Crohn's disease may cause sores, or ulcers, that tunnel through the intestine and into the surrounding tissue, often around the anus and rectum.
#84. European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis ...
... Maria Stella Rocchis, about the major findings of the survey ' The impact of perianal fistula in Crohn´s disease on quality of life".
#85. Imperforate Anus/Anorectal Malformation - Children's Hospital ...
Illustration of rectum with prostatic fistula In anorectal malformations, the anus, rectum, surrounding nerves and muscles (the lower end of ...
#86. 廔管英文
英文詞彙學術名詞醫學名詞動靜脈瘻管arteriovenous fistula 學術名詞醫學名詞動 ... 結果出處/學術領域中文詞彙英文詞彙學術名詞航空太空名詞直腸廔管rectal fistula ...
#87. Fistula-in-Ano: Background, Anatomy, Etiology - Medscape ...
A fistula-in-ano is an abnormal tract or cavity with an external opening in the perianal area that is communicating with the rectum or anal ...
#88. 肛門膿瘍與廔管的治療許詔文醫師treatment for perianal abscess fistula
膿用噴的超嚇人深部肛門膿瘍引流Drainage Of Deep Seated Perianal Abscess. تشغيل download تحميل. Anal Fistula 中文三生有幸肛瘘FULL mp3. Anal Fistula 中文三生 ...
#89. Anal Fistula | Cedars-Sinai
An anal fistula is an abnormal opening in the skin near the anus. It leads to the inside of the anal canal in the colon.
#90. 結腸直腸癌照護網
在外括約肌以外之區域稱為坐骨直腸空間(ischio-rectal space),而在提肛肌以上之區域稱為提肛肌上空間 ... 四型中以perianal abscess最常見,ischiorectal abscess次 ...
#91. Brasil - A necktie fashion vascular loop seton tie may simplify ...
ABSTRACT. Seton for treatment of perianal fistula can be of the cutting or a loose type. We adopted a simple technique for tighten the seton by applying a ...
#92. Horseshoe perianal abscess | Radiology Case - Radiopaedia
Promoted articles (advertising). Japanese Practice Guidelines for Anal Disorders II. Anal fistula. Tetsuo Yamana, ...
#93. Seton Placement
An anal fistula is an abnormal tunnel that forms between the anus and the surrounding skin. The fistula's internal opening is in the anus and the external ...
perianal fistula中文 在 肛周膿腫和肛瘺是一回事嗎?Is perianal abscess and anal ... 的推薦與評價
肛周膿腫和肛瘺是一回事嗎?Is perianal abscess and anal fistula the same thing? 2,889 views2.8K views. Sep 16, 2018. ... <看更多>