Pesanan keramat utk anak2 kita, bacakan..
Selalunya ketika kita dah tua dan rasa tempoh di dunia hampir ke penghujungnya, kita akan pesan kepada anak dengan pesanan-pesanan baik.
- nanti abah dah takde korang jangan gaduh-gaduh,
- harta pusaka tu bahagikanlah baik-baik ikut wasiat,
- bila raya balik jenguk rumah pusaka...
Itu pesanan stereotaip. Tapi bagi saya, pesanan itu hanya bermanfaat di alam sini (dunia). Lebih baik kita pesan sesuatu yg lebih bermakna utk kita di alam sana.
Bermakna sebab, di sana kita ni hidup lagi, cuma bertukar alam je.
Ramai yg tak perasan perkara ni. Mungkin kita fikir apabila meninggal dunia, everything disconnect. Maaf, sebenarnya ada lagi connectionnya.
Lebih baik kita pesan begini kepada anak, utk kebaikan our own future:
Nanti jangan lupa bersedekah utk abah setiap hari.
Sebab dulu abah tak sempat nak sedekah banyak kerana besarkan korang.
- jangan lupa bacakan Surah Mulk utk mak setiap malam.
Nanti ada juga peneman mak di kubur.
Doakan kebaikan utk mak-abah setiap hari
Ini yg lebih penting utk kita pesan & wasiatkan sebab, tak tentu lagi kita selamat dgn amalan sendiri.
Kalaulah amalan sedekah pahala tak cukup, boleh juga anak yg masih hidup tolong 'top-up'kan.
Dan doa, bacaan Quran & sedekah ni jangan minta mereka buat setahun sekali masa hari raya je. Ingatkan mereka, jika benar sayang mak-abah, buat setiap hari.
Sebab dulu, kita jaga anak careful everyday. Kita bagi mereka makan-minum everyday, bukan seminggu sekali.
Ingatkan anak anda. Sebab, jarang anak yg ingatkan ibu-bapa mereka yg dah meninggal. Masa meninggal je anak menangis seminggu.
Lepas tu mereka enjoy dgn harta-pusaka. Mereka fikir kita di alam sana pun selamat & gembira.
Then setahun sekali baru nak jenguk kubur baca Fatihah masa raya.
Saya kira, bukan begitu relationshipnya. Saya fikir, antara tanda anak benar-benar sayangkan ibu-bapanya,
ia berpanjangan setiap hari tak kira kita masih hidup ataupun dah kembali ke alam sana.
Ia bantu kita setiap hari dengan doa, bacaan Quran & sedekah yg ikhlas yg BERMANFAAT utk kita di alam sana.
Dan semua kesedaran ini bermula dengan kita, ibu-bapanya yg mendidik dan mengingatkan mereka.
Apa yg kita ingatkan mereka, itulah yg kita dapat.
Kematian bukan penutup segalanya. Kita masih hidup. Cuma berpindah medium (alam lain) sahaja.
Sekian, ingatan utk diri sendiri, seorang ibu yg ada anak2 dan, seorang anak yg Ibunya telah kembali ke Rahmatullah .
Setiap hari saya cuba yg terbaik utk sambungkan kasih-sayang kepada arwah Mak dgn bacaan Al-Quran, sedekah dan doa kerana percaya janji Tuhan :
"dan orang beriman yg diikuti zuriat keturunannya dlm keadaan beriman juga, Kami hubungkan (himpunkan) mereka & zuriatnya di syurga" - (Surah Thur, 21)
Semoga. Tolong sama-sama doakan ibu-bapa kita yg telah pergi,
Tuan-puan, antara sebab mengapa saya minta kita betul-betul perlu pandai kuasai bacaan Quran adalah kerana asbab SYAFAAT.
Quran ni ada syafaat di alam kubur & hari kiamat.
Syafaat bermaksud, jika kita susah nak masuk syurga, nanti Quran akan datang sebagai pembantu utk backup & topup mana yg tak cukup, di hari tiada sesiapa pun boleh bantu.
Kita perlu berfikir jauh. Invest our time & effort utk dapatkan bantuan yg bersifat longlasting ini. Mulakan sekarang, jom pesan kat anak2 kita.
#pesanankeramat #jikaakutiadalagi #likepagekami #onlinecoway
Usually when we are old and feel the period in the world is almost to the end, we will order to the children with good orders.
For example:
- later abah no one don't be rowdy,
- the treasure is better to follow the will,
- When Raya comes back to visit the heirloom house...
That's the order of stereotype. But for me, the order is only useful in the nature here (world). It's better for us to order something more meaningful for us in the world.
It means because, there we are still alive, just changing nature.
A lot of people don't notice this. Maybe we think when we die, everything is disconnect. Sorry, actually there is more connectionnya.
It's better for us to order this to our children, for the good of our own future:
Don't forget to give charity for dad every day.
Because Dad didn't have time to give a lot of charity because of raising you all.
- don't forget to read Surah Mulk for mom every night.
Later there will be a companion of mother in the grave.
Pray for the goodness for parents every day
This is what is more important for us to order & given because, we are not necessarily safe with our own practices.
If only the practice of charity is not enough, it can also be a child who is still alive, please help 'Top-up' right.
And pray, Quran & charity reading don't ask them to do it once a year during Hari Raya. Remind them, if you really love your parents, do it every day.
Because we used to take care of our children every day. We feed them everyday, not once a week.
Remind your child. Because, it's rare that the child who thought their parents were dead. When the child died, the child cried a week.
After that they enjoy with the treasures. They think we are safe & happy in the world.
Then once a year, just about to visit the grave, read the fatihah during eid.
I guess, not so relationshipnya. I think, among the signs that the child really loves his parents,
It lasts every day it doesn't matter if we're still alive or back to the world.
It helps us every day with prayer, Quran reading & sincere charity that is beneficial for us in the world.
And all this awareness begins with us, his parents who educate and remind them.
What we remind them, that's what we get.
Death is not the cover of everything. We are still alive. Just moving medium (other nature) only.
So, memories for yourself, a mother who has children and, a child whose mother has returned to rahmatullah.
Every day I try the best to connect the love to my late mother with the reading of the Quran, charity and prayer for believing the promises of God:
"and the believer who followed his offspring in faith also, we connect ( gather ) them & his in heaven" - (Surah Thur, 21)
Hopefully. Please pray for our parents who have gone,
Ladies, among the reasons why I ask that we really need to master the reading of the Quran is because of the asbab of intercession.
This Quran has a blessing in the grave & the day of resurrection.
Intercession means, if we are hard to enter heaven, the Quran will come as a helper for backup & topup which is not enough, in the day no one can help.
We need to think far. Invest our time & effort to get this help help. Start now, let's order to our children.
#pesanankeramat #jikaakutiadalagi #likepagekami #onlinecowayTranslated