#月旦民商法雜誌第72期 📌從廣明案看美國反托拉斯法私人訴訟之爭點與因應策略/顏雅倫(成功大學法律系副教授)
依據廣明光電股份有限公司於美國之反托拉斯民事訴訟Hewlett-Packard Co. v. Quanta Storage Inc.一案之判決,廣明應賠償HP共計美金438,650,000元,此一甚至超過廣明公司總資產的鉅額損害賠償,在我國迅速引發熱議。雖然廣明在上訴法院判決出爐後十數天,已迅速與HP達成和解,但這樁舉國關注的案件對我國企業帶來的啟示與教訓,仍值深究。
本文擬以廣明光電股份有限公司於美國之反托拉斯民事訴訟Hewlett-Packard Co. v. Quanta Storage Inc.一案出發,觀察美國反托拉斯私人執行(private enforcement)的特殊性,包括美國反托拉斯法被告連帶損害賠償責任、被告間無求償權,以及三倍損害賠償整體作用對訴訟風險及和解與否暨時間的影響與特殊性。本文並以廣明案為基礎,進一步剖析臺灣企業在美國最常涉及的國際卡特爾(特別是價格操縱)行為如引發相關反托拉斯私人執行訴訟時,應特別注意之核心議題,包括在美國卡特爾案件中反托拉斯公執行與私執行間之互動關係、美國聯邦反托拉斯法之間接購買人原則與部分州法允許間接購買人請求損害之衝擊與影響,以及臺灣零組件製造商就其所生產之零組件為跨國卡特爾(特別是價格操縱)行為且相關零組件組成之終端產品銷售至美國時,是否有美國反托拉斯法之適用等。
依據廣明案上訴法院判決與廣明案一審修正判決起始對本案發展之簡述,廣明係電腦光碟機(optical disk drives)製造商,其從2003年至2009年間,參與其他光碟機製造商之操縱價格共謀。而HP與其子公司於該段期間自廣明與其他參與此卡特爾之成員處購買光碟機並將該等光碟機整合入HP品牌的電腦中。而此一價格操縱共謀經包括美國在內之反托拉斯主管機關調查後,HP於2013年10月24日於美國德州南區地方法院對廣明、廣明美國子公司(Quanta Storage America Inc.,下稱「廣明美國」)與其他光碟機供應商起訴請求損害賠償。該訴訟因屬光碟機產品反托拉斯多州訴訟(Optical Disk Drive Products Antitrust Multidistrict Litigation)之一部分而被移轉至美國加州北區地方法院。而除廣明以外的光碟機供應商最後均和解,美國加州北區地方法院遂將HP對廣明之訴訟移轉回美國德州南區地方法院。2019年10月,歷經6天的陪審團審判,期間陪審團聽取了HP的損害賠償專家即經濟學家Dr. Debra Aron證言,Dr. Aron證稱依據其損害賠償計算模型,HP就光碟機被超額取價共計176,300,000元。而陪審團無異議裁決廣明參與光碟機卡特爾,且該價格操縱行為造成HP為光碟機多支付了176,000,000元。而美國德州南區地方法院於三倍損害賠償額再扣除HP與其他光碟機供應商和解之金額後,為准許HP之損害賠償請求共計438,650,000元的最終判決。
廣明於廣明一審修正判決出爐時,第一時間以公開聲明表示,廣明過去7年面對包含HP在內的7件美國聯邦民事訴訟案件,多以具象徵意義之金額和解,並曾在加州聯邦地方法院針對「間接購買者集體訴訟」原告取得勝訴。惟因廣明僅是索尼(新力)及飛利浦公司的代工廠,由其直接銷售與HP全球各地之分公司,並未直接與HP有任何交易,廣明亦無能力操縱價格。且美國司法部(U.S. Department of Justice, DOJ)及我國公平交易委員會均在事實上認定廣明與廣明美國並未違法而無任何處分行為。鑑於HP要求之和解金額高於向其他原告要求金額之數十倍,廣明亦依據2014年Motorola Mobility LLC v. AUOptronics Corp.乙案(以下稱「Motorola Mobility案」)中美國聯邦第七巡迴上訴法院之見解,主張廣明並無直接銷售與HP之交易行為,美國法院對於廣明之製造與銷售行為欠缺管轄權。廣明並表示此案縱使經美國第五巡迴上訴法院二審審理後仍判決廣明敗訴,仍有上訴至美國最高法院的可能性。且縱令此案經美國司法程序確認,HP仍需親自至我國法院執行,我國法院仍可依民事訴訟法第402條規定,以美國法院無管轄權或美國法院判決內容或訴訟程序違背我國公共秩序、善良風俗等為由不承認該美國判決。故廣明仍將透過美國與我國司法程序捍衛其自身與股東權益。
廣明就廣明一審修正判決之損害賠償金額提出上訴,但並未就其責任認定為上訴。原亦為廣明案一審修正判決之敗訴被告廣明美國,則並未提出上訴。而如前述,廣明案上訴法院判決於2020年6月初駁回廣明對廣明案一審修正判決之上訴,但部分廢棄美國德州南區地方法院之執行命令。廣明於2020年6月7日就此發布重大訊息,廣明重申依Motorola Mobility案理由,依據美國外國貿易反托拉斯改進法(Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvement Act, FTAIA),「由HP美國境外子公司採購,於美國境外組裝,再由HP美國公司購買售給美國消費者之光碟機」並不適用美國反托拉斯國內法,但美國第五巡迴上訴法院僅以證據法之理由判定HP專家證人之證詞可信度足令陪審團作出判決,而認為毋庸就本案是否適用Motorola Mobility LLC v. AU Optronics Corp案提出解釋。廣明不認同美國第五巡迴上訴法之判決理由,以及該判決與其他巡迴上訴法院見解差異造成美國法令遵循之無所適從,故將向美國第五巡迴上訴法院提交「複審請願書」(Petition for Rehearing)與「聯席更審」(Rehearing En Banc),亦會針對上訴本案之美國最高法院之程序與委任律師進行討論。(本文未完…)
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「petition for justice」的推薦目錄:
- 關於petition for justice 在 元照出版 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於petition for justice 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於petition for justice 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於petition for justice 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於petition for justice 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於petition for justice 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於petition for justice 在 CCJ SETS JULY 19 FOR ARGUMENTS IN ELECTION ... 的評價
petition for justice 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
[Remember 12 names. Save 12 HK Youths.]
Retweet: https://twitter.com/joshuawongcf/status/1310545929699647488
Global petition: https://bit.ly/save12youthspetitions
It has been 37 days since 12 Hongkongers were arrested by the China Coast Guard in the name of illegal entry - contacts with family members lawyers are still rejected while no information has been received from the detainees.
They are a group of young people who love Hong Kong; while their detainees. Your attention on the issue, though might not be able to necessarily bring them back to Hong Kong immediately, can at least protect them, bringing a glimpse of hope to their family members.
喬映瑜 (Qiao)
Despite a lack of related information, she is a girl who loves Hong Kong. Under severe depression, hardly can we imagine how she could endure 33 days without the assistance of medicine, alone.
張俊富 22歲 (Cheung, 22)
Being a student form the Open University of Hong Kong, he should have been similar to other people, leading a simple life. Instead of opting for pleasant university life, he chose to stand up for Hong Kong. We hope that he can safely return home, together with 11 of the others.
嚴文謙 21歲 (Yim, 21)
He is also a student. It was alleged that he was in Yantian, ShangShen China. At that time, his hair had been totally shaved and his eyes dully glazed over – could anyone imagine what had he experienced?
黃臨福 16歲 (Hoang, 16)
Wong is a 16-year-old secondary school student, the youngest among the 12 detainees. Supposedly, as a teen under 18 (the legal age in Hong Kong), he cannot entrust a lawyer on his on device. John Lee Ka-Chiu, the Security for Security, however, claimed that Wong voluntarily did so. Wong’s family lawyers afterwards requested for a meeting with Chinese officials but were forced to withdraw.
鄧棨然 30歲 (Tang, 30)
Suffering from asthma and skin disease, 30-year old Tang might not have medicine since related information was not found. Worrying, his mother’s every single word in the press conference was heartbreaking to many.
李宇軒 29歲 (Andy Li, 29)
He is a 29-year old youngster who has a strong interest in Manga. As a computer engineer, he endeavoured on the career path with self-study. But if he was to choose between personal interest and the future of Hong Kong, he undoubtedly chose the latter. Nevertheless, due to the possible retrospective period of the National Security Law, his trust in the legal systems vanished, having no choice but to escape.
張銘裕 20歲 (Cheung, 20)
As a youngster in his twenty, Cheung originally was similar to other young people, having hobbies ranging from playing football, rock climbing to diving. Since he is relatively more mature, he takes care of himself well. Such an active youngster was however arrested during the Anti-extradition Law movement, being entitled with a criminal charge.
Cheung had once told his father that he needs to “fight for democracy and freedom”, which was questioned by his father as to for what he was fighting for. “For the next generation”, Cheung answered resoundingly. Such a firmed belief continued to glow upon the moment he was on board. He understood that to fight for the next generation, he should first stay alive.
李子賢 29歲 (Lee, 29)
Lee is a 29-year old cat lover - going to sleep with the two cats he adopted was the most valuable moment in his life. Attempting to leave Hong Kong, he took the initiative to take a photo with his mother. Before going on board, he took out the photo, thinking about his mother who was always proud of his helpfulness and filial piety. Tracing back to his mother’s birthdays on which he made cheesecake and sang a song, he hoped that his mother would know he loves Hong Kong, too.
郭子麟 18歲 (Kok, 18)
Apart from his family, Kwok, an HKU Engineering Student who loves drama, was also thinking about a girl whom he knew from the Drama Club. Perhaps she is, indeed, the main cast of his life.
Before leaving his homeland, he plucked up all his courage to confess to the girl, echoing to one of HKU students’ sayings - “striving all your effort and leaving no regrets (BJMF)”. Life is like a play. Contemplating on the rippling waters, was he wondering whether this his affection would simply be buried, like a pearl sinking into in the vast ocean?
鄭子豪 17歲 (Cheng, 17)
Bringing with him a fishing rod and bucket; claiming that he was going to fishing – it was the way Cheng waved goodbye to his family; it was the white lie Cheng told in order to leave without notice, protecting his family from worrying.
Before leaving, Cheng used his pocket money to purchase a phone for his mother as a birthday gift. The phone is still here while the receiver has been so distant away. Cheng loves Hong Kong no less than his family. He was willing to bear the burden and go away, taking all the fishing equipment and leaving overnight.
廖子文 17歲 (Liu, 17)
Liu will become 18 after less than one week. To celebrate his birthday, he used to dine outside with his family – such usual practice, however, became a memory. Nevertheless, he actually has already participated in the Rites of Passage Ceremony – because what he experienced was much more than any other others.
Liu is a tough guy, hiding most of the emotions.
When he was small, knowing his older brother being bullied, he would directly ride on a bicycle to drive away the bullies. Most probably, his insistence on justice was what drives him to embark on the journey of the Movement.
黃偉然 29歲 (Wong, 29)
“Forgive my selfishness. In face of the parting of life and death, millions of words inside my throat can only be expressed between written lines.” – this was what written by Wong, a 29-year old motor mechanic, who left in his room the letter written with wordings like “I’m so sorry”, “sorry, mom” and “forgive my selfishness”.
Even since being released from Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre, Wong had been more distant to his friends and family. Rarely did he have dining with his family, but often did he lock himself inside the room. He even reduced contacts with two of his favourite cats. Probably, he was paving the way for the departure with his family who may be more accustomed to living a life without Wong.
petition for justice 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最佳貼文
More than 15,000 people have signed a petition for a statue of Chadwick Boseman to replace a Confederate monument in the late actor's hometown of Anderson, South Carolina.
Boseman was 43 years old when he died of colon cancer, his representative announced last Friday. Throughout his career, the actor developed a reputation for playing towering real-life figures, including Ernie Davis in "The Express: The Ernie Davis Story," Jackie Robinson in "42," James Brown in "Get on Up" and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall in "Marshall."
上周五,查德威克鮑斯曼的經紀人宣布,他在43歲時因大腸癌過世。回顧查德威克鮑斯曼的演藝經歷,他因卓越地演出真實人物形象而倍受肯定,作品包括講述黑人足球員厄尼戴維斯的《生命快車》(飾演Floyd Little)、《傳奇42號》中飾演首位黑裔大聯盟球員傑基羅賓森、《激樂人心》裡飾演美國靈魂音樂教父詹姆士布朗,以及《黑白正義》中飾演美國首位黑裔法官馬歇爾。
However, he is best known for starring as King T'Challa in "Black Panther" — a role that finally allowed Black children to see themselves represented on the big screen in a super-heroic way. To his "Black Panther" co-star Michael B. Jordan, Boseman was just as much a hero off-screen as the one he played in the Marvel movies.
Confederate monument (紀念美國南北戰爭)同盟紀念碑
petition (N.)請願書
colon (N.)結腸
representative (N.)代理人、經紀人
reputation (N.)聲望
represent (V.)作為……的代言人
petition for justice 在 CCJ SETS JULY 19 FOR ARGUMENTS IN ELECTION ... 的推薦與評價
The current court term for the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) ends on July ... an appeal regarding an already dismissed election petition. ... <看更多>