最後一日係Pfalz行完山上城堡之後,再行山去山腰Zeter Baughaus餐廳食BBQ!嘩!個無敵境勁靚!食完又行約半小時落山,幫助消化!德國係森林入面行山聞到好多樹味好心擴神怡!
Last day in Pfalz hiking up to the castle and then hiking in the forest to enjoy a BBQ dinner! Wow! The view is awesome! Then, we also need to hike for about 30 mins after dinner to go back & it's good for digestion! It's really nice to hike in the forest and the scenery is gorgeous with v nice tree aromas!
#winesofgermany #pfalzwine #wine #winetravel #riesling #rieslingweekshk #winetasting #winetrip #wineanddine #pflazwinetour Wines of Germany
pflazwinetour 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的精選貼文
第一次見到全世界最老嘅400歲老樹膝,係Oberhofer 酒莊嘅樹膝,我問女莊主Heidi 400年Gewürztraminer 樹會多d咩味,佢話比新樹多d香料同層次!跟住去咗Mebmer酒莊以光同音樂去改變你對支酒嘅感覺,顔色真係會令同一支酒變咗唔同味!神奇!然後行山上Hambach城堡,參加一年一度嘅城堡試酒會,有90個莊約300款葡萄酒試,仲可以同Pfalz German Queen見面!我好鍾意Siegrist酒莊嘅Riesling GG 2015 (grand cru), 每年只生產少於2千支,層次複雜而帶優雅果香,釀酒師Bruno話放10年都冇問題!
1st time meeting the oldest vine from 400 years old vine from Obwehofer Winery! I asked the Winery owner Heidi how's the difference between the taste of 400 years old vine & the new vines, she said it's definitely more spicy & more complex! then I went to Mebmer Winery to have a blind tasting and see how aromas & flavors can be changed from light & music! It's so magical that it does make a difference! Then I walked up to Hambach castle to attend the annual tasting with 90 wine growers & 300 wines! I also met the German Pfalz wine queen there! I really like the Siegrist Winery Riesling GG (grand cru) a lot! They only produce less than 2000 bottles a year & the winemaker Bruno said it's easy to keep it for 10 years! Wow, can I wait that long before I open it?😆
#winesofgermany #pfalzwine #wine #riesling #rieslingweekshk #winetasting #winetrip #pflazwinetour Wines of Germany
pflazwinetour 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳貼文
早餐呷一口Riesling有氣酒,然後跟住3個酒莊莊主Gies-Duppel、Siener及Okonomierat Rebholz 上山行葡萄園,邊行山邊試酒,爽到冇朋友😆!🥂跟住再去另一精品酒莊Vogeli午餐兼試酒,有興趣仲可以係到住同開結婚派對!然後去咗Friedeich Becker酒莊試酒,佢有一半葡萄國係法國Alsace境內,但仍然叫德國酒,d Pinot Noir好Burgundy style! 晚上試咗由Bollinger Cellar Master 做嘅Von Buhl Riesling 有氣酒(香檳做法)好有層次!仲食咗米芝蓮推介餐廳1718😋😋!
What's better than sipping Riesling Sekt to kickstart your morning and then go hiking with 3 wine makers including Gies-Duppel, Siener & Okonomierat Rebholz, and trying their wines while hiking! It's super fun! 🥂😆Lunch at Vogeli Winery & u can stay at their hotel or host your wedding there if u like! After that, we visited Friedeich Becker Winery, which 1/2 of his vineyards r in the Alsace region, but still called German wines. The Pinot Noir is very Burgundy style! I also tried Von Buhl Riesling Sekt that is produced by the ex-Bollinger Cellar Master, it's really very elegant & complex (just like champagne)! Also tried the Michelin restaurant 1718 at night! 😋😋
#winesofgermany #pfalzwine #wine #winetravel #riesling #rieslingweekshk #winetasting #pflazwinetour Wines of Germany