[ASML Recruiting] IC Design Engineer
The job is located in Hsinchu/Tainan that could work on the advanced analog and mixed signal ASIC for next generation electron detection channel for the leading edge e-beam inspection and metrology systems with work life balance.
The following are the Job Descriptions for this opportunity
• Develop the functional blocks of high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and/or Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) in ASIC for the detection channel of electron beam inspection tools, including:
• Define the design specifications of the Read-Out Integrated Chip (ROIC) or chipset based on product roadmap and System Performance Specifications (SPS) defined by system engineer.
• Develop new circuit architecture and technical solutions for next generation ASICs in detection channel, including feasibility study, schematic design, pre-layout simulation, layout design, and post-layout simulation.
• Cooperate with Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designer to design Evaluation Board (EVB) and with test engineer to test and characterize the ASICs.
• Create Element Design Specifications (EDS) and Test Performance Specifications (TPS) based on detail ASIC design and chip test/verification.
• Cooperate with IC design partner to develop the ASICs for detection channel of of electron beam inspection tools, including:
• Review the detail schematic and layout design, TPS, and test results from our partner during the ASIC industrialization phase.
• Together with the engineering team from the partners, identify design solutions to achieve the specifications of the module/function. Review the design details and simulation results from our partner.
• Support module level and sub-system level integration
• Generate and / or review related IP documents
Provide with more information about the position: D&E - IC Design Engineer - Tainan/Hsinchu - Jobs | ASML
「phase locked loop」的推薦目錄:
phase locked loop 在 feversound.com Facebook 的最讚貼文
Aqua La Voce S3 Discrete R2R DAC
意大利Aqua推出最新款La Voce S3 Discrete DAC,技術源自旗艦解碼器Formula xHD、次旗艦解碼器La Scala MKII Optologic。以廠方擅長的R2R解碼技術,利用經過精密配對的電阻組成梯形列陣,聲音更勝常見的Delta Sigma技術。
La Voce S3 能夠解讀最高PCM 384kHz、 DSD128。 廠方利用FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)可編程晶片,寫入Aqua獨家的數碼處理程式,令數碼音頻訊號得以在沒有任何數碼濾波(NOS) 的情況下,直達D to A程序,訊號在傳輸過程中不被改變,原原本本地轉換成模擬訊號,對於追求極致原音的發燒友來說,必定會喜歡aqua這項獨家技術。
同一時間,La Voce的數碼接收階段,經已設置了光學電氣隔離 (AES/SPDIF) 措施,排除來自訊源的各種雜訊,同時在此處應用PLL(phase locked loop)技術,精確鎖定時脈訊號,解決jitter問題。當然,假如以品牌獨有的AQlink(I²S in RJ45)介面連接同廠La Diva CD轉盤,jitter將杜絕得更為澈底。
S3 內置一對低噪音變壓器,加上兩組以MOSFET、J-FET、BJT建構獨立穩壓,分別為數碼、模擬部分供應電力,避開互相干擾。
採用全離散式(Discrete ) 模擬放大線路,沒有採用任何OP-Amp! 而各項設計細節上,與放大線路同樣毫無妥協,例如挑選各種優質元件,包括長壽命電容、高精度金屬箔(Metal Foil) 電阻、高質素薄膜電容等等;堅固機殼配合厚身鋁合金面板, 機箱噴上Nextel 阻尼物料塗層 ,抑制各種EMI ,在可行範圍內精益求精!
模組式設計,方便日後升級之餘,在應用上亦更為靈活。現時已備有多款輸入模組可供選擇 (Input 2) ,包括AT&T光纖(ST Fiber), Toslink ,AES 等.
Aqua 的模組化設計. 現有La Voce S2 內家也可以升級S3 版 . 請聯絡本地VOLENT Audio 進行升級.
Aqua La Voce S3 100% 意大利設計及在生產.
Aqua La Voce S3 已到VOLENT Audio 陳列室.
phase locked loop 在 鎖相迴路(PLL)基本原理| 设计资源| 亚德诺半导体 - Analog ... 的相關結果
摘要:鎖相迴路(PLL)電路存在於各種高頻應用中,從簡單的時脈淨化電路到用於高性能 ... phase-locked loop (PLL) and voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) products. ... <看更多>
phase locked loop 在 什麼是鎖相環Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)? - Support 的相關結果
一個鎖相環(PLL)是一個設計用於同步板子時脈與外部的時脈訊號的電路。鎖相環電路會比較外部訊號與電壓控制的石英震盪器(VCXO) ... ... <看更多>
phase locked loop 在 锁相环- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 的相關結果
鎖相迴路(PLL: Phase-locked loops)是利用反馈(Feedback)控制原理实现的频率及相位的控制系統,其作用是将电路输出的信號与其外部的参考信號保持同步,当参考信號 ... ... <看更多>