此刻納悶ing:You can't even 譯對簡淺的內容,why?
看到 [1] 引述兩段譯文,內容談到一個人的 primary tongue 和 mother tongue,頗有意思,便下意識「腦饞手癢」找出《此刻》原文來瞧瞧,結果真令人大失所望,卻也司空見慣。短短兩段話的翻譯(相信未經引述者刻意刪減或改動,故能準確反映紙書原譯),就有好幾處文意遺漏或譯不到位,嚴重的「欠額翻譯」(under-translation),最後還來一個大錯,顛倒文意的輕重次序。(提示藏在此文標題中。這類錯誤,不諳英語者並不罕見。)這些遺漏和錯誤暫時不一一指出,留給有興趣的讀者從以下的英中對照自行探一探究竟,歡迎留言。
\\ I think I am at odds with you over the question of mother tongue (though I note that you tend to eschew that rather feeling-laden phrase in favor of “first language”). I agree that one’s weltanschauung is formed by the language that one speaks and writes most easily and, to a degree, thinks in. But it is not formed so deeply that one can never stand far enough outside that language to inspect it critically—particularly if one speaks or even just understands another language. That is why I say that it is possible to have a first language yet nonetheless not feel at home in it: it is, so to speak, one’s primary tongue but not one’s mother tongue.
This phenomenon is more widespread than one might think. In Europe, for instance, before the arrival of the nation-state and the triumph of national languages, Latin—which was no one’s mother tongue—was the currency of intellectual life. The same situation exists in Africa today vis-à-vis English and (to a lesser extent) French and Portuguese. In Africa it is not practically possible to be an intellectual in your mother tongue; you can’t even be much of a writer. In India and Pakistan, where it is the home language of only a minuscule minority, English is the medium of much of literature and all of science.
──保羅.奧斯特、柯慈《此刻》,頁八十九 //
Here and Now: Letters
作者:J.M. Coetzee, Paul Auster