明信片 Vol.4 已被訂購及寄出過百份了 🙏🤗 感激已經支持了的朋友們。
目前還有少量能提供給大家,也是最後訂購的時間了(7月就會暫停接受訂購了) 如果還有興趣的朋友們,請這兩天跟我短信聯絡和確認吧~ :)))
今天內,首十位跟我通訊下單的朋友們,會多送Vol.3 的版本2張 ^_^
相隔接近一年,終於能夠抽空製作新系列的明信片了,一套12 張讓有興趣的朋友整套訂購 :) 照片如以往一樣大部份選了2016-17年在各英倫城市+大自然拍的照片;加插本年最新遊歷德國+台灣的畫面。更第一次嘗試把全景照一分為二,讓它們做成「合拼卡」。歡迎有意訂購收藏的朋友們 PM 私信查詢及下單 ^_^ 越早下訂的朋友們更會加送過往版本的明信片乙張的。 限量200套,售完即止,歡迎各個國家及地區的朋友們訂購 :)
A whole new series of postcards made of Sunny photography is finally made, with 12 different images captured in 2016-17. Just like old times I picked most of pictures shot in England cities and nature, plus 2 new shots from Germany and Taiwan this year. Also this is the 1st time to make mergeable panorama postcards with 2 sliced images of this amazing scenario last year at Westminster Bridge. Welcome everyone who is interested to order and collect this series, please do PM me for enquiry and purchasing ^_^ The earliest supporters placing orders will be given an extra postcard from the last version of 2016.
This series is limitedly printed with 200 groups (12 images each group), you are very welcome to order whichever countries / cities you are in ^_^
#英倫光影 #SunnyPhotography #Postcards #England #UK #London #BigBen #York #Bibury #Germany #Taiwan