中研院農生中心 #施明哲特聘研究員,與生化所 #何孟樵助研究員 合作,找到水稻偵測、啟動對抗淹水逆境的機制,並發現其中的 #關鍵蛋白質─SUB1A-1如何不被氧化分解,進而 #保護水稻挺過淹水逆境。此研究成果有助進一步掌握水稻的抗淹水機制,並已於今(2019)年2月初刊載於《#美國國家科學院院刊》(PNAS)。
Rice can be drowned! 🌧🌧
🌾Although rice is a semi-aquatic plant, the seedlings will die if they are submerged completely under water and oxygen is depleted.
Dr. Ming-Che Shih, a distinguished research fellow from Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center and Dr. Meng-Chia Ho, an assistant research fellow from the Institute of Biological Chemistry, led a team to investigate the rice oxygen sensing mechanism and submergence response and discover how SUB1A-1 avoids being degraded using plant physiology and biophysics approaches. Their result was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States.
pnas if 在 Kristie Lu Stout Facebook 的最讚貼文
A new report warns the Earth is at risk of becoming a "hothouse" if global temperatures continue to rise.
I recently spoke to Johan Rockström, executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre and one of the co-authors of the report about our planetary path ahead.
It's a dire future.
"We are already at 1°C warming and are seeing extreme events like droughts, floods, fires," Rockström tells me.
"If we pass 2°C, most indications are we can still adapt.
"But if we reach 3-4°C warming... it would mean a planet that cannot serve the modern world as we recognize it.
"There will be large tracts of arid lands that will be uninhabitable, massive movements of people, difficult producing food, pandemics, no more ice sheets, people moving up into the Polar regions... this would be a different planet entirely."
And yet, Rockström remains hopeful (!!). He says, "the path to success is there" but it will require high-tech innovation, policy rethinks, behavioral change and the transformation of social values.
Can we steer our planet away from a "hothouse" future? There's no choice.
The scientists have sounded the alarm. Now we must take action on ALL fronts...
#earth #earthsystem #hothouse #hothouseearth #globalwarming #PNAS #climatechange #climatescience #nscnn #NewsStream #CNN
pnas if 在 Kristie Lu Stout Facebook 的精選貼文
"Hothouse Earth."
A new report warns the Earth is at risk of becoming a "hothouse" if global temperatures continue to rise.
I'll be talking to Johan Rockström, executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, about the report and our planetary future.
News Stream. 8:20p HK, 1:20p London. CNN.
#earth #earthsystem #hothouse #hothouseearth #globalwarming #PNAS #nscnn #NewsStream #CNN