To me, teaching a #yogateachertraining is a very intimate coaching experience. As a yoga teacher training, it is my job to ensure my students to improve on their asana practice and learn how to teach authentically and confidently. But it is my calling and mission to see their growth and empowerment from the inside, to lead them the way to change - not because of me, but the desire for self betterment. This is how sacred a yoga teacher training is to me.
That is why in #empoweredflow teacher training, I insist on a smaller class size (15-20), so I know your names individually.
That is why I ask you to attend classes inside the training period, not in the existing schedule in @yogaroomhk .
That is why I work with @reebiesw who teaches from the most honest of hearts.
That is why I work with @tee.nan , who not only perfects his inversions but is also passionate and scientific with his teaching methods.
That is why I work with @hema.mirpuri who tirelessly impart her knowledge in pre and #postnatalyoga to her students.
You will be give a set sequence and a script to teach, with variations offered for various levels. You will learn how to use the power of social media to promote your classes, so you’re ready to teach right off the bat. You will finish the teacher training with clear sense of purpose and goal, instead being left with uncertainty of how, where and why you should teach yoga.
It’s not an easy journey. If you want an easy ride and just want to deepen your asana practice and get a certificate, this training might not be for you. But if you want to embark on a journey that is worthy of your energy, time and focus that will truly empower you and the people you will encounter in the near future, then I’ll welcome you with open arms.
Got any questions? Leave them in comments or DM me.
同時也有123部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅capcomasia,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Ena A Wyverian girl who knew your grandfather, Red. Hoping to work together to uncover the truth behind recent environmental abnormalities, she entrus...
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[江湖從此多事]FT 出咗篇Big Read,多人想我寫我就寫。不過等我Patreon寫埋篇日本股先
已經2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
1. 基本上,歐洲足協(UEFA)就示範咗咩叫前門狼 後門進虎。以為粉碎咗歐超聯後,嚟個更加惡搞嘅國際足協(FIFA)(有話歐超聯都係國際足協背後搞鬼,難以證實,但我係信仩哋的)。
2. 我見網上普遍講法,都係講為錢。錯了,「權力都好重要的」。人類四大發明,名利權色。一般都痴埋一齊。
3. 你諗下,啲企業高管之類,點解要性騷擾?最表面嘅講法,因為佢地鹹濕,管唔好自己下面。
4. 差矣。
5. 你諗真啲,嗰啲企業高管,唔係咩搵四五皮嘅嘢VP,講幾四五千萬甚至四五億。To be honest,我地生活在一個極度金融化嘅社會,佢地要拎錢去滿足性慾(aka「出火」),或者古怪嘅癖好,有幾難?完全唔難。
6. 名句:Sexual harassment is not about sex. It's about power。
7. 正係咁,唔係性唔性慾嘅問題,而係權力。陶傑好早已經講過,咩係權力?就係我可以將我嘅意志強加於你身上。你想睇動畫,但你老母拎住個搖控一定要睇環珠格格(當年佢係用呢個例),呢個就係權力。
8. 你睇性騷擾,甚至各種職場上面嘅濫權(老細食飯唔夾錢之類),都係權力。就係「我唔妥你,我可以𢭃你;我唔鍾意你,我可以𢱕你。」。我鍾意嘅可以今日你入嚟摸兩嘢,你只能啞忍。我唔鍾意嘅,你以為自己得寵,我聽日就摸第二個。呢啲就係權力。
9. 咁足球嘅嘢,sorry,一樣。我地生活在一個極度金融化嘅社會,it’s not about football, it’s about money and power.得罪講句,歐超聯鬧劇,我見我識嘅球迷,兩邊都各有支持者,球會亦兩種取態。但,假使你捧嘅球會球星同你立場完全唔同,反對嘅球迷,有冇去杯葛唔睇?目測係冇嘅。
10. 表面上係國際足協貪得無厭,但,呢個不用講啦。Whataboutism話齋,難道歐洲足協就唔貪得無厭?
11. 更重要嘅係,邊個話事先?雙辦事人?唔得嘅。
12. 世界盃兩年搞一次,就係正面挑戰歐洲足協嘅權力。
13. 最正嘅係,你可以見到除咗國際足協主席Infantino外,仲有我年紀球迷好熟悉嘅三大推手
14. Namely:雲爺爺雲加,丹麥門神舒米高(老豆),同埋大哨仙童朗拿度(而家大肚腩嘅R9,唔係曼聯嘅C朗C7)
15. 見到呢個畫面,我即時諗起細個睇聖鬥士星矢!女神雅典娜嘅黃金聖鬥士倒戈幫冥王咁(放心,C朗美斯尼馬應該唔會出雅典娜感歎號)
16. 背後呢幾位仁兄收咗幾多錢,或者事成點榮華富貴畀個警務署長你做,就大家心照了。
17. 又,提提你,當然理論上球迷可以杯葛,歐洲球會可以杯葛,球星可以杯葛,歐洲同南美足協嘅國家都可以杯葛。但至少程序上要投票,「球迷球星球會都冇票」,歐洲同南美國家當然有票,但夾埋65票,而國際足協有211個會員國。你懂的,瓦努阿圖又一票,托布Wakanda又一票(聽講好先進,但寶寶不說),Ta Lo大羅又一票,法國又一票,德國又一票,民主真好(?)。「仲嘈?英國畀咗四票你啦喎」
18. 唔少人自動就諗,「中國卒之可以入世界盃」。差矣。首先2002年咪入咗。二來,即使世界盃維持舊制,都好快會到中國主辦。有(啲)錢,本土市場大,動員力強(你懂的),合理過唔合理。至於你話極權國家云云,卡塔爾俄羅斯都係咁主辦啦。
19. 真正大贏家係誰?係……孟加拉!Bangladesh World Cup,Anyone?
20. 本人不是玩膠,係講真的。孟加拉足總講明支持國際足協新計劃(雖然冇話會主辦世界盃,但你慌唔會?)。同時聯合聲明嘅,仲有尼泊爾(*),斯里蘭卡— 同埋麥兜至愛,藍天白雲,椰林樹影,水清沙白,坐落於印度洋的世外桃源馬爾代夫(唔係墨心,但,到時陸沉未?)。馬爾代夫世界盃,真係諗下都興奮。
21. 係喎,呢篇只係引子。夠多人想我譯,我就譯。當然照舊用我自己鍾意嘅方法譯,原本唔會同你講聖鬥士星矢。不過等我Patreon寫埋篇日本股先
(*)原本想講,嘩,尼泊爾個高原主場咪好勁?後來查下,加德滿都海拔1400米啫,甚至低過喀布爾德黑蘭墨西哥城,同坡利維亞La Paz 3640米爭好遠。諗真啲都估到,尼泊爾踢亞洲區賽事,都冇乜聽聞有乜優勢。係喎,我冇去過尼泊爾,但我識FC.
已經2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
power honest 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
Be honest to yourself, when was the last time?🙏
Time to schedule one session like that within this week, and benefit from the impartation of wisdom and God’s life-giving power.
Make it a twice-weekly habit, slot in time to pray in tongues daily, and see what it does for your life!! 🤩
Our Patreon community receives God’s word daily in a patron WhatsApp chat group, in the form of themed Bible Studies that I write for them each day.
The chat group is called “God Every Morning” (GEM), designed to help them start the day with God’s word, to tune the focus onto Jesus, and to enjoy a daily mind renewal, like a much-needed shower after a long day out.
As a community, we love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and also praying for each other. Some of the most wonderful people around are in here. Join as a patron on Patreon at the following link (the GEM chat group reward begins at God Every Morning tier and above):
power honest 在 capcomasia Youtube 的精選貼文
A Wyverian girl who knew your grandfather, Red.
Hoping to work together to uncover the truth behind recent environmental abnormalities, she entrusts you with a Rathalos egg supposedly containing a legendary monster fated to destroy the world. You embark on your journey together.
She is honest about her feelings.
A young Hunter in pursuit of the legendary Rathalos. He distrusts the way Riders live alongside monsters, and he is determined to capture Ratha. Since you are protecting a monster with catastrophic power, he sees you as an enemy. He is straightforward and has a strong sense of justice. His Palico is Tsukino and his weapon of choice is a bow.

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