【澳洲醫院】生產已過二十天了!還是覺得我們意外在家產子的故事很 WTF 🤣
這次懷孕及生產我們是走私人醫院,總共住了四晚🏥 朋友們都說這間醫院的食物很好,沒想到真的很澎湃!夠兩個人合吃!很適合我們不想額外點餐的個性😂
午餐跟晚餐都是前菜(幾乎主菜份量)、主菜、點心,外加酒飲🍷 外國人覺得哺乳媽媽喝一杯酒無傷大雅,只要你喝的量還可以開車,那麼就可以哺乳😅 當然我的啤酒都是給 York 啦!畢竟經過那麼瘋狂的生產/ 接生,他需要啤酒收收驚🤣🍻
我們住的房間是單人房,伴侶是睡單人沙發床,但可以花每晚 AUD$75(台幣$1500) 變成雙人房含老公的早餐🥞 幸好我們兩人夠小隻,可以擠一張單人床😂 就這樣睡了四晚,晚上也方便讓 York 顧嬰兒(這邊是母嬰同室...🥺)
幸好 Baby Zara 很給面子,在醫院都至少睡四至五小時😌 聽說寶寶剛出生還沒發現自己來到地球,幾天後「醒來」才會開始鬧🤣
Ps. 話說救護車帳單是 AUD$1265(約台幣兩萬五)還好有保險🚑 另外保險費不是保最貴,所以入院費用是 AUD$750(約台幣一萬五)而私人婦產科醫生看診費用是台幣十萬初,保險只保接生費(剖腹或是自然產)但後來沒有真正用到啦...😅
*️⃣ 產前憂鬱症記錄 ➡️ https://bit.ly/38uyyUH
*️⃣ 備孕紀錄 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3dEcXgB
*️⃣ 懷孕1-3月紀錄 ➡️ https://bit.ly/2Nh1vN7
*️⃣ 懷孕後期記錄 & 舒緩分享 ➡️ https://bit.ly/38v2ikp
*️⃣ 爸爸產前教育課心得 ➡️ https://bit.ly/38v2ikp
#澳洲懷孕 #澳洲醫院
Back home for 20 days and still WTF about what happened at our birth story 🤣
For other babies it would've been their first time coming home🏡 but for Zara it was more like she's BACK HOME AGAIN🤣
Just documenting our life in Epworth hospital for the past 4 nights🚑
York and I were too cheap to upgrade ourselves to a double room for AUD$75 a night, so we snuggled up together in a single hospital bed 😂
We were also too cheap to pay for extra food, so York shared my portions🙈 Luckily this hospital is famous for their food🍴 3 course meal + alcohol 🍷Main size entrées, life was good😋
Baby Zara was able to sleep 4 hours in the hospital between feeds, so we weren't too tired 😆 Obviously we hope she can stay this way 🤞
Ps. Paid for a year's worth of pregnancy cover, didn't made full use of the obstetrician, got an ambulance bill of AUD$1265 instead 🚑😂
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同時也有110部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,290的網紅Miss Tam Chiak,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[PREGNANCY JOURNEY] Eating healthy throughout pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby. Besides having a healthy diet...
pregnancy food 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
白麵包 — 「無味」的白麵包加入鹽及酸度調節劑乙酸鈉等製作
麵條 — 杯麵鈉含量高,有些乾麵條鈉含量也不少
燒味 — 燒味製作時加入大量調味料
醬料 — 豉油、蠔油、雞粉、鹵水汁、魚露、蝦醬等都是高鈉調味料
罐頭 — 為延長罐頭保質期製作時添加鹽分
湯 — 湯底味道越濃郁,鈉含量就越高
醃製食品 — 火腿、香腸、午餐肉、榨菜、泡菜、鹹蛋等都是高鈉食物
零食 — 薯片、蝦片、餅乾、魷魚絲等小小一片鈉含量都很高
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Beware of high-sodium foods
Hypertension is a chronic disease related the pressure of blood pushing against the arteries. There are two types of hypertension — primary and secondary. Secondary hypertension has apparent causes, for instance, pregnancy, endocrine disorders, and kidney problems. On the other hand, primary or essential hypertension is associated with hereditary, age, and weight.
If both parents suffer from hypertension, their children have a 60% chance of inheriting it. Chances of having hypertension would also increase with age. If you are at risk, do observe and adjust your lifestyle and dietary habits to keep hypertension at bay.
People always tell us that eating extremely salty food can cause hypertension. The main culprit of hypertension is actually sodium, which does not only exist in salt, but also foods that are not even salty. Therefore, keep an eye on the nutritional label of foods before buying them. The World Health Organization suggests that an adult should consume less than 2000mg of sodium per day. This is equivalent to less than one teaspoon of salt.
Foods that are high in sodium:
White bread — contains salt and acidity regulator like sodium acetates
Noodles — cup noodles and some dried noodles have high sodium content
Roasted foods — spices and seasonings are ingredients used to enrich the flavor of roasted foods
Sauces — soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken stock powder, braised and brined sauce, fish sauce, and shrimp paste are all high in sodium
Canned foods — sodium is added to canned foods to extend their shelf life
Soup — soup that is rich in flavor normally contains a lot of sodium
Pickled foods — ham, hot dog, luncheon meat, pickled mustard, and salted egg are high-sodium foods
Snacks — potato chips, prawn crackers, biscuits, and even dried shredded squid are high in sodium
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pregnancy food 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
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Clear toxins during pregnancy to prevent eczema?
“I’m 32 weeks pregnant now, and my friends advised me to clear toxins by eating watermelon and drinking sweet soup made from lotus’ stamen. This is to prevent the baby from getting eczema.”
CheckCheckCin: Many pregnant women think the heat in their bodies is due to ‘toxins in the fetus’. Since fetuses are ‘body of the primordial yang, it is common for pregnant mothers to have excessive heat.
If you are over-nourished during the pregnancy, always consuming hot, spicy, and deep-fried foods excessively, and staying up late, and if you develop symptoms such as dry throat, persistent thirst, canker sore, bad breath, acne, yellow urine, and bad temper, then you probably have excessive heat. Hence, you should clear the heat and fetal toxins accordingly. Please note that it is important to consume the right medicine that the doctor prescribed because every pregnant woman has different body constitutions.
Rumors have it that Nelumbinis stamen, or the stamen of the lotus, is good for the heart and kidneys and can strengthen the essence of the body, and it is often used to treat nocturnal emission, hematemesis and metrorrhagia, and diarrhea. Nevertheless, pregnant women should seek professional medical advice before consuming it. If an individual’s body is cold and weak, the act of ‘clearing the fetal toxins’ would only cause more harm than good to both the mother and the fetus.
Eczema is a common skin problem. If both parents have this problem, their children would have 70% chance of getting it too. Moreover, the environment around us, the air we breathe, dust mites, and food allergies are also among the non-hereditary causes. Instead of focusing on ‘clearing the fetal toxins’, we should adjust our lifestyle and dietary habits, avoid over-nourishing our body, and cut down on hot, spicy, and heavily flavored foods.
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pregnancy food 在 Miss Tam Chiak Youtube 的最讚貼文
[PREGNANCY JOURNEY] Eating healthy throughout pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby. Besides having a healthy diet, I have also been drinking MADAM PARTUM's Pre-Partum Collagen Nourishing soup to improve my body constitution.
Watch how we prepare the soup! Purchase from https://www.madampartum.com/product/pre-partum-collagen-soup/

pregnancy food 在 The Meatmen Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
Check out the rest of our confinement recipes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYOBHxuy1wS03hl8um6X2XFh1OfhHCWAZ
Confinement, a common practice in Asia, is a period of time for women to recuperate from childbirth. The confinement period focuses largely on food, with its diet intended on supporting the mother’s recovery and protecting both mother and child from falling ill.
This Red Glutinous Rice Wine Chicken Mee Sua recipe has sesame oil, ginger and rice wine, which are all rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that support the wellbeing and recovery of mothers.
Didn’t give birth? It’s completely okay to have this! This recipe cooks a rich and comforting meal, perfect for a cold day or if you’re feeling a little under the weather.
Recipe at: http://themeatmen.sg/red-wine-chicken-mee-sua/
We’ve got a whole series of confinement food recipes lined up for you, so turn on your notifications and stay tuned!
P.S. We’ve got recipes for all your Singaporean and Asian favourites on our channel. Hit subscribe and share them with your friends.
P.P.S. Can’t find a recipe you like? Drop us a comment or ping us on our socials.
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pregnancy food 在 Keikei Chang Youtube 的最讚貼文
很多妈妈说孩子不爱喝牛奶,怕营养跟不上,其实牛奶除了用来喝之外,还可以像我这样,做成小点心给孩子吃哟❤️ 口感很鲜嫩,营养更是丝毫不差!
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