大家好,我是CJ,昨天很開心受到 CATCHPLAY 邀請,去參加 9/21 即將在台灣上映的電影《盲點》的試片。第一次收到這種邀請,感到有點不好意思。
實際上,《盲點》是一部在討論種族刻板印象的電影,而饒舌在片中,只是導演選擇的一個手法去呈現,在電影裡比例佔得相當小,卻顯得非常重要。故事大綱是主角 Collin 在緩刑處分的最後幾天,和好友 Miles 之間發生的事。劇情並沒有任何灑狗血的橋段,但卻很成功的透過相當寫實而不浮誇的片段,把本片最主要的兩大議題「種族刻板印象」以及「警察暴力」描繪得相當深刻。以我身為台灣人的背景,卻能透過這部電影,體會到對於這兩個幾乎是美國黑人專屬、而其他背景的人很可能沒有過的經驗,令我對這部電影相當佩服和喜愛。
回到主題上,「種族刻板印象」以及「警察暴力」,正因為是美國黑人一直以來所面臨的壓迫,所以也在嘻哈文化中相當常見的主題。例如近年來很厲害的 Kendrick Lamar,就在《To Pimp A Butterfly》以及《DAMN.》兩張專輯裡對此做了很多討論,也都相當精彩。在觀影的時候,我時常想起〈Alright〉裡面提到的:
"Wouldn't you know
We been hurt, been down before
N***a, when our pride was low
Lookin' at the world like, "Where do we go?"
N***a, and we hate po-po
Wanna kill us dead in the street fo sho'
N***a, I'm at the preacher's door
My knees gettin' weak, and my gun might blow
But we gon' be alright"
"I got, I got, I got, I got—
Loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA
Cocaine quarter piece, got war and peace inside my DNA
I got power, poison, pain and joy inside my DNA
I got hustle though, ambition flow inside my DNA
Sex, money, murder—our DNA"
最後回到自己身上,其實寫饒舌歌或是做專輯,對我來說一直都認為很像是在拍電影。找到了自己想談論的主題,然後透過文字和音樂去把它傳遞給聽眾。在這過程中,你會去考量,要怎麼去說這件事,或許會以第一人稱書寫、又或是第三人稱來描述。也可能不會寫成故事,而是透過一些片段的描述,去搭建起一個氛圍----關於你所想傳遞的事情的氛圍。看完這部電影後,對於我們的下一張專輯,又多了些想法,很開心 CATCHPLAY 這次邀請我們去看,在這邊非常誠心的推薦給大家!
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This is an English cover of "Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana" (The Only Flower in the World), a well-known song performed by Japanese boy band SMAP (fou...
pride and joy歌詞 在 PiA吳蓓雅 Facebook 的最佳貼文
01 噁心 咬字刻意、唱歌起伏掌握不順
02 成全 vocal感覺沒有練習,重心都在AG上又編太難
03 Sugar vocal不順暢忽大忽小、彈唱亂亂的
04 想自由 咬字糊、很急、沒唱出來、重心都在彈
05 Don't break my heart 有想說故事的感覺、對mic要練習
06 紅豆 很會編,但vocal駕馭不了自己的編曲
07 匆匆那年 有說故事的感覺,咬字跟呼吸都可以再更開更好
08 燈光 編太難、vocal沒有跟著編曲走、高音沒練
09 凡人歌 彈唱比例控制需要再練習,段落接縫處不順暢
10 When we were on fire vocal節奏不夠tight(沒跟著編曲
11 pride and joy vocal共鳴可惜,AG輕重好像不穩定
12 年 口氣有跟著編曲走、但共鳴沒加強到,殘念
13 天黑 vocal共鳴控制需要加強、咬字不佳聽不懂、拍子亂
14 分享寂寞 vocal可惜、伴奏good(整天下來最喜歡的伴奏
15 下個街角 vocal可惜細節不穩定、AG急、歌曲不適合比賽
16 lost 低音ok、高音找不到明確共鳴,高音飄
17 我愛你 拍子忽快忽慢、vocal偏油
18 夢一場 尾音沒收、編曲不順但vocal有潛力
19 不將就 彈唱比例不優、細節不夠(太粗糙)
20 希亞的歌 AG粗糙太急、vocal控制不佳
21 種樹 女版特別、嗓音共鳴good、胸腔可以再練練
22 愛是懷疑 vocal粗糙、撐不住編曲
23 brooklyn baby 口氣像Waa、有潛力但基本功還要加強
24 孤獨的總和 AG穩定但vo咬字與力道都不夠、音域不適合
25 流著淚說分手 穩定,控制佳,但小油,氣音危險(感冒
26 回家 嘴巴都不張開、尾音不收、高音沒到。太急
27 山丘 共鳴可惜,原唱的影子太重
28 生活需要多一點樂觀 vocal乾淨、彈唱都可以再更細緻
01 夏夜白日夢 兩隻AG solo的部分不細緻
02 寒假的願望 vocal很像盧廣仲,呼吸沒整理、不順可惜
03 貓奴 有像謝和弦(歌詞像對話但唱歌詮釋上不清楚)
04 黑色的海 歌詞邏輯怪怪,不理解
05 順著時代低頭的人們 其實前面不用加OS,團有默契
06 泊 主唱聲音很像張韶涵
07 即使這個世界令人絕望 好聽好看
08 一言帶過 情緒起伏平
10 台語歌 西洋歌曲式寫法
11 如癮 唱歌像lala
12 英文歌 知道想做什麼、但東西太多太雜亂不夠明確
13 奔 唱歌跟寫曲是兩回事
14 想家 最後的橋段不理解,邏輯上怪怪
15 沒有對錯的世界 塞太多東西
3/07 Wed. 台北 揚聲堡 20:00-22:00
3/09 Fri. 桃園 弦音木吉他 19:30-21:30
3/10 Sat. 新竹 夢想音樂 13:00-15:00
3/10 Sat. 台中 大鼻子樂器 19:00-21:00
3/11 Sun. 嘉義 柏林樂器 15:00-17:00
3/16 Fri. 高雄 暮色森林 19:30-21:30
3/18 Sun. 台南 鼓的樂器 15:00-17:00
3/24 Sat. 花蓮 森律音樂 15:00-17:00
3/25 Sun. 宜蘭 搖滾阿明 15:00-17:00
pride and joy歌詞 在 Miss Valen's Story and Music Facebook 的最佳貼文
今天是5/1 Labor's Day! 大家都辛苦了
Valen覺得全世界最辛苦的"勞工"就是媽媽了, 媽媽是個365天, 24小時不打烊的工作, 不管孩子多大了, 是否在身邊, 媽媽的心永遠和孩子緊密相聯者, Valen也有一個好媽媽, 她單純,可愛,直率又感性, 她就是我心裡世界最棒的媽媽:)
下週日就是母親節了, 跟大家分享一首2011發行的歌曲" Butterfly Baby", 是一位澳洲的音樂人也是母親" Angelina Perete和女兒Estee一起合唱的歌曲,整首歌曲的旋律好溫柔cozy, 哼唱的感覺也很像大家都喜歡的音樂人Jason Morz的歌曲, 而且這首歌曲背後還有很多美麗的故事, Butterfly Baby不但只是一首歌曲, 他們還致力於"預防母親懷孕前後造成的病發症" 的研究, 希望讓大家了解baby在母親母體發展的每一個珍貴的進程, 這首歌曲也是為了推動這項計劃! How beautiful song
( With your help we can better understand how our precious babies devel-op and why some babies recover better than others when tragedies occur. Every year the Butterfly Ball supports research being performed by the Perinatal Research Centre (PRC—link to PRC website). )
Butterfly Baby By Angelina Perete
(sang by Angelina Perete and her daughter Estee)
Fly,fly little butterfly,
got me curious when you fly by
where you're from, and where you're going
Did anyone ask Why?
Mommy loves me That's Forever
Daddy's worry When I get older
I'm just wondering' How far i'll see
How clever i could be...
Mommy. mommy look what I can do
I can dance and sing real loud for you
how i move now... you can see..
Oh I hope you'll be proud of me
oh baby, baby...You're my pride and joy,
you make me feel..Like I'm the Queen of troy
When you're happy... sun will shine
Oh we're wrapped up in this moment of time
Here you are, my darling little girl,
There are joy and pain in this world
When you're ready, the truth you will be told,
I'll let you know
but for now, you and your brothers
Fill you lives with love for each other
One you've grown you're flying together,
My love protects you dears
Mommy. mommy look what i can do
I can dance and sing real loud for you
how i move now...you can see..
oh I hope you'll be proud of me
oh baby, baby...You're my pride and joy,
You make me feel..Like I'm the Queen of troy
When you're happy...sun will shine
Oh we're wrapped up in this moment of time
dooo, dooo, dooo, doo , doo~
oh baby, baby, oh baby, baby ~
Mommy. mommy look what i can do
I can dance and sing real loud for you
how i move now...you can see..
oh i hope you'll be proud of me
Oh baby, baby...You're my pride and joy,
You make me feel..Like I'm the Queen of troy
When you're happy...sun will shine
Oh we're wrapped up in this moment of time
la, la, la, la, la, la~~
Oh we're wrapped up in this moment of time..
Oh we're wrapped up in this moment of time...
pride and joy歌詞 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的最佳解答
This is an English cover of "Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana" (The Only Flower in the World), a well-known song performed by Japanese boy band SMAP (founded in 1988 and disbanded just last year in 2016), with lyrics by singer-songwriter Noriyuki Makihara.
While I usually create my own translations, there was already a fantastic English version of this song by Hiromi De Young (YouTube linked below in the credits), and a great translation of the chorus by Nelson Babin-Coy (channel also linked). I used my favorite parts of each of these and made a few of my own changes.
I hope this song's message of acceptance and uniqueness reaches a larger audience through my cover.
*Note: As usual, most of the translation is very close to the original meaning, but the second pre-chorus (the verse starting with "I saw a small flower...") is actually quite different from the original. However, I loved these lyrics so much that I kept them :)
The original meaning of the verse in Japanese is:
I didn't even know his name
But he gave me a smile that day
Just like a flower that was blooming
In a place where nobody would notice it
今回の英語詞はいつもと違って他人の訳詞を使わせていただきました。Hiromi De Youngによる素晴らしい英訳とNelson Babin-Coyによるサビ部分の素敵な英訳に、自分の変更を少し入れて歌わせていただきました。(お二人のYouTubeチャンネルへのリンクは下記のクレジットに記載しました。)
※ちなみに、この英訳はいつものようにかなり原曲の歌詞に近いのですが、2番目のBメロ(「I saw a small flower」から始まるところ)だけが原曲の意味とかなり離れています。それでも、ここの英語詞があまりにも素敵だったのでそのままにしました(^^)/
I saw a small flower as I walked by
It stretched from the shadows to reach for the sky
I thought to myself, what if I was that way
そして思った 私もその花と同じように
Reaching for my own dream and saying...
自分の夢に手を伸ばして こう言おう
英語詞: Hiromi De Young、ネルソン・バビンコイ、渡辺レベッカ
SMAP / Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana (The Only Flower in the World)
Released 2003
Music/Lyrics: Noriyuki Makihara
English Lyrics: Hiromi De Young, Nelson Babin-Coy, Rebecca Butler Watanabe
リンク / LINKS
■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai
(Coming soon)
No. 1にならなくてもいい
(No. 1 ni naranakute mo ii)
もともと特別なOnly one
(moto-moto tokubetsu na "Only one")
I saw all the flowers lined up on display
The shop full of colors with their scented embrace
We all have a blossom we like more than the rest
But I think, with flowers, they all are the best
No fighting or envy, they never contend
But smile in the sunlight and sway in the wind
They all know their mission, it fills them with pride
Everyone is different yet all are alike
I wonder why people must always compare
And judge one another it seems so unfair
To place color, status, and looks to the test
For how can these show us who’s the best?
Just like these flowers
In the whole wide world, you are one of a kind
Cherish your uniqueness, no, you don't need to hide it
Each one of us holds our own special seed
So just be true to you, that's all you'll ever need
A man stood beside me and peered with a sigh
He puzzled and pondered but could not decide
With so many flowers and various hues
All were so pretty, which one should he choose?
Suddenly, a big smile broke out on his face
Flowers in all different colors and shapes
He gathered up a bouquet with one of each kind
Hugging them softly with joy in his mind
I saw a small flower as I walked by
It stretched from the shadows to reach for the sky
I thought to myself, what if I was that way
Reaching for my own dream and saying...
そうさ 僕らも世界に一つだけの花
(sou sa bokura mo sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana)
(hitori hitori chigau tane wo motsu)
(sono hana wo sakaseru koto dake ni)
(isshou-kenmei ni nareba ii)
Small flowers, big flowers, all kinds of flowers
You will never find one that’s just like any other
So you don’t need to struggle to be number one
Just be yourself because there’s only one
La la la la...

pride and joy歌詞 在 旺福 WONFU Youtube 的最佳解答
WONFU 2014 single "Have Some Fun" available now :
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/have-some-fun/id828241040?i=828241131
Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/track/3haBRmWkulxHcF2prHFCpN
indievox: https://www.indievox.com/disc/6600
Have Some Fun
Stevie my man,
We have to stop the rain.
The crying sky can't drive out Mary's little lamb.
I got a new song.
You got a new friend.
Why don't you jam with me and twang the Milky Way.
I wanna have some fun.
Have some fun.
Have some fun with you.
Put on my new strings.
I think I'm ready.
Everything change but we can keep the melody.
We keep on dancing.
We keep on shouting.
We keep on singing our pride and joy with clapping hands.
I wanna have some fun.
Have some fun.
Have some fun with you.
旺福首支英文單曲《Have Some Fun》3/3全球數位發行
成軍15年的旺福樂團, 連續四年獲邀美國南方音樂節(SXSW)演出, 並同步舉辦2014全新巡迴演唱會《Have Some Fun》, 首次錄製全新同名英文單曲, 主唱兼吉他手姚小民說:「期望將旺福的歡樂與熱血, 還有台灣人的熱情展現給全世界的觀眾們!」
該曲錄音採用樂團同步錄音, 創作靈感來自美國天才藍調吉他大師Stevie Ray Vaughan (SRV), SRV是旺福小民非常喜愛的吉他手, 某次小民透過youtube看他的現場演出影片, 在開始演奏前, SRV開心的和觀眾大喊「Let's have some fun!」, 直率而鼓舞人心的一句話, 讓小民有了創作這首歌的想法,。《Have Some Fun》的英文歌詞除了向自己的偶像致敬, 也希望藉此分享及時行樂活在當下的理念。
旺福最新英文單曲《Have Some Fun》將於3/3全球數位發行, 首波巡迴演唱會自美國休士頓起跑, 美國及加拿大巡迴演出詳情請上官方網站www.wonfu.com
Wonder Music Co., Ltd © 2014