在2005年,或許你根本沒注意到《為你鍾情》(Walk the Line)這部電影,但是,這肯定是部值得一看的好電影。
《為你鍾情》是個音樂家傳記浪漫電影,關於60年代的著名鄉村歌手 Johnny Cash 的人生起伏、家庭愛情、以及音樂成就。而影響 Cash 一生最深刻的女性,不是他的第一任妻子,而是後來陪伴他後半生的 June Carter,也是位著名鄉村女歌手。
《為你鍾情》在隔年的奧斯卡獲得五項提名,男女主角都獲得最佳演員的提名,男主角 Johnny Cash 是由瓦昆·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)飾演,女主角 June Carter 則是由瑞絲·薇斯朋(Reese Witherspoon)飾演。
Phoenix 和 Witherspoon 分別獲得2006的金球獎的電影音樂劇或喜劇最佳男女主角,而 Witherspoon 則是2006奧斯卡的最佳女主角。相信很多人都忘記 Witherspoon 是因為這部電影獲得最佳女主角獎,反而比較容易記得她在2001年的《金髮尤物》(Legally Blonde)。
這是個相當悲傷的事情。許多人認得菲尼克斯的哥哥瑞凡·費尼克斯(River Phoenix),他是位優秀演員,曾經在1991年的《男人的一半還是男人》(My Own Private Idaho)獲得威尼斯影帝,但是在23歲時,因為用藥而意外去世。
《為你鍾情》的歌手 Cash 也有位哥哥,在 Cash 十二歲時,也因為機械使用的意外而離世,讓 Cash 一家人陷入悲傷。歌手與演員的身世重疊,讓人不禁唏噓。
在 Cash 還沒成名之前,就已經知道 Carter 這位著名鄉村女歌手。後來自己也逐漸成名之後,才有機會接近。
不過,Carter 雖然對 Cash 充滿愛慕,卻很理智地保持距離,因為過去她曾經有過兩段婚姻,育有兩個孩子,而她的兩次離婚,都讓她飽受流言困擾。於是,明明 Carter 也喜歡 Cash,仍舊必須保守自己內心的熱情,隱藏內心的感受,小心翼翼地與 Cash 保持在彬彬有禮卻又能夠改變與引導他的距離(當時 Cash 有毒癮困擾)。
Carter 與 Cash 的愛情,比較不是小三介入家庭的故事,比較像是個只能遠觀不能褻玩的誠懇愛情。
電影名稱 Walk the Line,取自 Cash 在 1956 年發表的作品 “I Walk the Line”,當時與前妻新婚兩年,仍舊恩愛。其中最著名的幾句歌詞是:
You've got a way to keep me on your side
You give me cause for love that I can't hide
For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide
頭文字D、《馬達加斯加》(Madagascar)、《納尼亞傳奇:獅子、女巫、魔衣櫥》(The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)、《機器人歷險記》(Robots)、《金剛》(King Kong)、《巧克力冒險工廠》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)。
private idaho 在 Gucci Facebook 的最讚貼文
In this first episode of the seven-part film collaboration between award-winning director Gus Van Sant (Drugstore Cowboy, My Own Private Idaho, Elephant) and Gucci creative director Alessandro Michele, we follow main character Silvia through her eccentric morning routine at home in Rome, including a scene where she throws a dress—from Alessandro Michele's first Gucci women's show Fall Winter 2015—off her balcony, to a song by Billie Eilish. Silvia is seen sifting through her post, which reveal colorful Gucci show invitations, as well as a mysterious flyer, and then she becomes lost in a television lecture performed by writer and philosopher Paul B. Preciado, until the arrival of an unexpected visitor, while a band in another room rehearses a piece of music Kim Gordon wrote for the mini-series.
private idaho 在 Gucci Facebook 的最佳貼文
In this first episode of the seven-part film collaboration between award-winning director Gus Van Sant (Drugstore Cowboy, My Own Private Idaho, Elephant) and Gucci creative director Alessandro Michele, we follow main character Silvia through her eccentric morning routine at home in Rome, including a scene where she throws a dress—from Alessandro Michele's first Gucci women's show Fall Winter 2015—off her balcony, to a song by Billie Eilish. Silvia is seen sifting through her post, which reveal colorful Gucci show invitations, as well as a mysterious flyer, and then she becomes lost in a television lecture performed by writer and philosopher Paul B. Preciado, until the arrival of an unexpected visitor, while a band in another room rehearses a piece of music Kim Gordon wrote for the mini-series.