(English Below)
REGISTER NOW👉 https://www.accupass.com/event/2009090552249525954010
⚡第二部分:Founder to Founder 小組討論
再以小組討論,進行 Brainstorming,從創業家彼此經驗得到回饋,挖掘最佳解。
經過 8 年的時間,產品做了 3 次轉型,以線上問卷服務起家發展至提供企業級解決方案,目前累積的會員數突破 50 萬人,企業客戶數量已經超過100家,每月業績以5%~10%的成長率持續上升,而團隊規模也從 2 位創辦人擴大至 75 人。
|Unipapa | 小團隊幹大事創造影響力
有聽過潮拎阿嘛好神拖嗎?Jimi 自工業設計出身有感於生產端與設計行銷的斷裂,利用免費設計協助傳統品牌轉型,以「D2B2C」、 Unipapa自身也推出火紅的基礎生活用品,如延長線、電蚊拍,以及銷售百萬包以上的衛生紙。
|Cinnamon AI|跨階層跨部門溝通 &OKR績效掌控全體目標一致
Cinnamon AI Taiwan Inc. 是來自日本的 AI 公司,成立於日本東京,陸續在美國、台灣、越南等地設有營業據點或研發中心,員工總計約175人,兩年前在台灣設立研發團隊,目前已有 15 位正職員工,利用 OKR 每季同步跨國員工績效,達成公司總績效目標,並舉辦 Global Day 解決跨國溝通的障礙!
Entrepreneurs Assemble: Supercharge Your Team
Do you find your team getting bigger but don’t know how to navigate this change smoothly so everyone stays motivated and efficient? Or the team is bigger but is becoming less efficient? 🤷♂
Calling all startup CEOs with a growing team to join us in this intensive workshop where you get to tackle real problems that startups face as their team grows with other startup CEOs.
Come join TSS’s Exclusive Entrepreneurs Assemble
-- You don’t have to face this alone 🦸♂
🤘🏻 Retain Good Talent & Motivate Your Team
😎 Solve Conflicts & Reach Common Goals
💪🏻 Supercharge Your Team & Grow Your Business
Company Health Check
You will receive a company health check questionnaire from us to help you better understand yourself and your team.
Founder to Founder
We will select common problems that founders face when they submitted their application to be solved by each startup founder team in the workshop
⚡Solve your startup problem
⚡Learn & work with founders of different startups
⚡Get immediate feedback from other startup founders
Startup Panel: Building a Team from the Ground Up
We will invite 25sprout, Cinnamon AI, and Unipapa founders to share their experiences on how they grew their team from the ground up!
⚡Get insights on how established startups acquire their talent
⚡How they build a strong company culture
⚡The do’s and don’ts of managing a team
(Apply Now, Limited Slots Available)⚡⚡