加拿大溫哥華 第三屆國際傳統醫學大會暨中醫大會 – 日程更新
语言: 中英双语同声翻译
时间: 2019年8月24日(周六)-25日(周日)上午9点到晚上9点
地点: Hilton Vancouver Metrotown, 6083 McKay Ave, Burnaby, BC V5H 2W7, Canada
举办单位: Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research
电话: 1-604-6201908
邮箱: [email protected]
网站: https://www.ictmhw.com
微信: qingcheng545445
2019年8月24日(星期六)活动详细议程 Agenda on Day 1 August 24th 2019
第一会场 (A&B Ball Rooms)
09:00-11:00 1. 頭針治療腦出血,腦血栓,眩暈,耳鳴,老年癡呆等症 Systematic application of scalp acupuncture in clinical treatment 焦顺发教授 Prof. Shunfa JIAO
11:00- 11:02 开幕式 Opening Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr.Peggy Yu
11:03- 11:08 致开幕词
Opening & Welcome Remarks 王福麟教授 Prof. Fuling Wang
11:09- 11:30 嘉賓致辭 VIP Speech 宣读贺信 Greeting Letters 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
11:30- 12:30 1. 頭針治療腦出血,腦血栓,眩暈,耳鳴,老年癡呆等症 Systematic application of scalp acupuncture in clinical treatment 焦顺发教授 Prof. Shunfa JIAO
12:30- 13:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
13:00- 16:00 2. 針灸在美容減肥等方面的特殊方法與技法,針灸除雙下巴,皺紋,眼袋,面部緊 緻,減肥,瘦臀等 Special acupuncture methods and techniques for beauty and weight loss, etc. 崔兰英医生 Dr. Lanying CUI
16:00- 17:30 3. 中醫舌診在臨床診斷治療不孕不育等疑難 雜症 New principles and methods in application of TCM tongue diagnosis in clinical practice 熊旻利医生 Dr. Minli XIONG
17:30- 18:00 晚餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Poster Presentation
18:00- 21:00 4. 飛經走氣針法及針氣療法治療子宮肌瘤, 內膜增生,乳腺增生等 Miracle effect of Feijingzouqi and Zhenqi acupuncture techniques for intractable diseases 吴泓德医生 Dr. Hung- Te Wu
2019 年 8 月 25 日(星期日)活动详细议程 Agenda on Day 2 August 25th 2019
第一会场 (A&B Ball Rooms)
09:00-12:00 1. 骨盆與健康(全身關節錯位引起的急慢性內外病痛治療) Pelvis and Health (treatment of acute and chronic external and internal diseases caused by joint disorder) 徐星凱醫生 Dr. Xingkai Xu
12:00-13:30 2. 中醫舌診在臨床診斷治療不孕不育等疑難 雜症 New principles and methods in application of TCM tongue diagnosis in clinical practice 熊旻利医生 Dr. Minli XIONG
13:30-14:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
14:00-17:00 3.中醫經方治疗重症、急症及特殊复杂疾病的临床病例討論 Clinical case discussions of classic Chinese medicine applications on severe and urgent health conditions 李宗恩医生 Dr. Andy Lee
17:00-17:30 闭幕式 Closing Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
16:45 – 17 :30 闭幕感谢词 Closing & Thank you Remarks 程霞院长 Dr Xia Cheng
17:30-18:00 晚餐及请教午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展 示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
18:00-21:00 4.針靈技法及針灸治療各種有形包塊,糖尿 病,高血壓,皮膚病等 Dao of TCM — Zhenling of Needle conscious technique and Pingmai of Pulse normalization demonstration 潘晓川教授 Dr. Xiaochung Pan
第二会场( Ball Room C)
09:00-11:00 1. 針灸美容,瘦臉,減肥,祛黃褐斑等 Treatment of facial defect with acupuncture 刘宁教授 Prof. Ning Liu
11:00-12:00 2. 中醫治療抑鬱,狂躁,躁鬱症,焦慮症 Clinical effects of TCM in treating emotional and mental disorder 杨常青医生 Dr. Changqing Yang
12:00-13:00 3. 迷你刃針治療偏頭痛,血管性頭痛,足底足跟痛 The potential and value of Microblade acupuncture in clinical treatment 黄国健博士 Dr. Guojian Huang
13:00-13:30 4. 脊柱相關問題的有效診斷和條理方法 黃偉醫生 Dr. Wei Huang
13:30-14:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
14:00-15:00 5. 針灸與芳療精油治療頭,眼,耳,鼻,口痛 Application of aromatherapy essential oil to acupuncture treatment 梅和詠医生 Dr. Heyon Mei
15:00-16:00 6.針灸與埋線治療肥胖症,胸膜痛,手臂痛 Obesity & embedding techniques Dr. Amir Hooman Kazemi
16:00-17:00 7.燒山火透天涼治療男性不育,鼻敏感,中風 Clinical application of feeling point, Burning Mountain Fire, and Cooling Sky needing techniques in reinforcing and reducing method 陆飚医生 Dr. Biao Lu
17:00-17:15 闭幕式 Closing Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
17:15 – 17 :30 闭幕感谢词 Closing & Thank you Remarks 程霞院长 Dr. Xia Cheng
17:30-18:00 晚餐及请教午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
18:00-19:00 8. 針藥結合靶向治療乳腺癌,腦腫瘤,膀胱 癌等 Diagnosis of three-level targets and on-target treatment of cancers using Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine 刘金洪教授 Prof. Jinhong Liu
19:00-20:00 9. 夏桂成老師治療不孕症,子宮肌瘤,更年 期綜合症 Typical successful cases of infertility and other gynecological diseases treated with the TCM principles: sharing from my supervisor, Dr. Guichen XIA 谈勇教授 Prof. Yon Tan
20:00-20:30 10. 頭針成功治療兒童自閉症和腦癱疾病的臨床經驗分享 Scalp acupuncture for autism and other developmental disorders in children 史灵芝医生 Dr. Lingzhi Shu
20:30-21:00 11. 近視眼,乾眼症,眼底出血,黃斑水腫,葡萄膜炎等眼疾的中醫治療 Treatment of eye diseases such as myopia with TCM 王育良教授 Prof. Yuliang Wang
Events are subject to changes, will be verified and confirmed as required.
pulse tcm 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
有病就要去看醫生,大家當然期望醫生夠專業,而你有沒有想過如何做一個稱職的病人?因為看病的過程其實是雙向的,中醫師會通過「四診」 ── 望、聞、問、切,以瞭解病情及收集病史,作出相應的診斷及治療;而作為病人,看中醫前避免做會影響醫師判斷病症的事,就可以加快痊癒!
望診 ── 觀察病人的身體狀況,包括精神狀態、面部色澤、五官、皮膚、舌苔等。
聞診 ── 通過聽覺及嗅覺了解病人的呼吸、語言、咳嗽、口氣、體臭等,判別是否有異常氣味。
問診 ── 通過詢問病人或陪診者,了解疾病的發生、發展過程,以及過往病史等。
切診 ── 包括脈診及按診兩部份,脈診是中醫師運用手指感覺脈搏跳動,按診是運用雙手對病人進行觸摸按壓,以感受冷熱、軟硬、壓痛、包塊等異常變化。
- 避免刷牙時刷走舌苔
- 避免化濃妝,讓中醫師能準確看出你的臉色、唇色。
- 避免飲用橙色、咖啡、奶茶等顏色較深的飲品,因為會難以觀察舌色及舌苔的原來狀況。
- 避免噴香水或止汗劑,以及食用喉糖或香口膠,因為會掩蓋病人原本的氣味、聲音。
- 避免看診前進行劇烈運動、吃太飽或飲酒,因為會影響切診把脈結果,建議提早到診所坐一回才看診。
Important Notes When Visiting a TCM Practitioner
If you are sick, you should see a doctor. Naturally you can expect the doctor to be professional, but have you ever thought about how you can be a competent patient? The process of seeing a doctor is two-way. The Chinese medicine practitioner will use the "four diagnostic methods" – inspection, listening & smelling, inquiring, palpation, to understand your body condition and collect medical history, and make corresponding diagnosis and treatment. As a patient, avoid doing below actions before seeing a Chinese medicine practitioner so to not skew his/her judgment of the symptoms, and it will speed up recovery!
First, let's learn about the "four diagnoses method" of Chinese medicine practitioners:
Inspection - Observe the patient's body condition, including mental state, complexion, facial features, skin, tongue coating and so on.
Listening & Smelling - Through listening and smelling the patient's physical being such as breathing, dialogue, cough, breath, body odor, to determine whether there is any abnormalities.
Inquiring - talk to the patient or the accompanying perskm to understand the occurrence, development, and past medical history of the symptoms.
Palpation – Includes feeling the pulse and pressing examination. When feeling the pulse, the Chinese medicine practitioner uses the finger to feel the pulse beat. Pressing examination involves using the hands to touch the patient to feel abnormalities such as hot and cold, soft and hard, tenderness and blockage.
Notes before seeing Chinese medicine practitioner:
- Avoid brushing the tongue coating when brushing your teeth
- Avoid heavy makeup, so that Chinese medicine practitioners can accurately see your complexion and lip color.
- Avoid drinking dark colour drinks such as orange juice, coffee, and milk tea, as it is difficult to observe the original color of the tongue and the tongue coating.
- Avoid applying perfume or antiperspirant or eating cough drops or chewing gum as it will cover the patient's original smell and sound.
- Avoid doing strenuous exercise, eating too much or drinking alcohol before going to see Chinese medicine practitioner because they will affect the palpation. It is recommended to go to the clinic and sit for a while before meeting your Chinese medicine practitioner.
#男 #女 #平和
pulse tcm 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
Sir Isaac Newton's 1st Law of Motion:
"An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line, unless compelled to change its state by an external force."
This reminds me of a how a vacant house has no Feng Shui influence to speak of. Unless a person comes in to stay.
The energy field from the human will stir up the energies dormant in the house.
This interaction will give rise to a good or bad pattern Feng Shui, that subsequently affects the occupant's life.
My job is to create good patterns and disrupt bad patterns.
People and their home Feng Shui cannot start, stop, or change direction all by themselves. It requires some force from the outside to catalyse a change.
I am like the external force as stated in the 1st Law.
But one of the greatest forces that I was taught early by Shifu to deal with...
Is the mental blocks in people.
I sometimes hear these from clients and readers.
"I am a logical person, so I am unsure what to think of Chinese Metaphysics."
This sounds like all geomancers are illogical people. 😄
No, we are thinking people too. Our parents didn't raise us up to be mystical beings like unicorns who poo rainbow.
The years we spend mastering our skills are in no way less comparable to your time in schools.
"I want to keep an open mind, and hear what you have to say."
I have mixed feelings about this phrase, open mind.
Are we getting too westernised in our education, that anything not taught in school is considered unorthodox?
And to understand Chinese Metaphysics, something that's unique to our Chinese culture, needs an open mind?
Must be stifling to live with a closed mind like that.
It sometimes sound like they are doing me a favour when they need to open their minds to listen to me speak. 😄
When I probe further to ask what lead to their clamped minds, I get different answers.
Some blame it on their bad experiences with certain Feng Shui practitioners.
Some had parents/friends/spouses who learnt Chinese Metaphysics, yet these people aren't successful in any way for them to look up to.
A bad student doesn't always mean the teacher is lousy or the school sucks.
Others couldn't give me a logical answer. They just follow-the-herd.
In other words, it was an emotional decision for them to disregard our ancestral ancient wisdom.
Nothing logical about it.
"I am a scientific person, but I believe there is more to Science in this universe. So I'm somewhat curious about what Feng Shui can do for me."
I'm happy that you are making space to take in new knowledge. But some questions.
What Science did you study?
Only those developed by the Western civilisations?
How long and how much did you study?
How about the science that is developed by our ancestors?
Or are you so Ang-Mohdified that you only accept science from the Western world and not those from our roots?
If you formulate a hypothesis that Chinese Metaphysics is woowoo talk, what experiments have you carried out, how many and under what conditions?
Who monitors the experiments and how qualified is the person? Who are your test subjects? What is your sample size?
Or you assume your hypothesis stands as a well-established theory, without all these testing?
That would be disgracefully illogical, my Friend, and no way will you qualify to declare yourself as a scientific person.
Modern science is only about 400 years old.
Chinese Metaphysics spans over 5000 years.
How can a 400-year-old understand something as dense and complex as a 5000-year-old?
I hail from a pure Science background.
If you had spent the same effort as I did, learning from the right Teachers, you too would realise the Science in Chinese Metaphysics, instead of saying "there is more to Science".
Chinese Metaphysics is more scientific than modern Science in so many ways.
If only you know the experiments our ancestors did on themselves to establish this great vault of knowledge to benefit humanity.
My advice: don't be too quick to label others as unscientific or superstitious, when you know and did nothing.
I particularly like this example quoted by a well-known TCM professor and physician, 樊正倫教授, Prof Fan Zheng Lun. He is from China and has about 40 years of clinical experience. He has also appeared in several TV shows to talk about his experience.
He used this simple example to illustrate the difference in TCM and Western Medicine, to students in Beijing University:
My translation:
"When I was lecturing to the students in Beijing University, they asked me what the difference in Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine is.
Simply put, when you buy a watermelon in summer, you want to get a good one. Whether you know how to do it or not, you will hold the watermelon up, and knock on it. You will listen to the sound and examine it.
What are you looking at? You are looking, listening, questioning and feeling the pulse (TCM four ways of diagnosis), aren't you?
I say, if it's a very experienced and veteran watermelon farmer, he would not even need to knock on the watermelon. With a single look, he can tell you that this melon is raw and that melon is ripe. Why? He observes its appearance, and he knows it in his mind.
What does Western medicine do?
They will either cut it up to examine, or extract some liquid from the stem, the top, and the middle part of the melon. The liquids will be sent to the laboratory for analysis, and then they will tell you this melon is ripe and this melon is sweet.
If you ask him whether the melon flesh is firm or mushy, he will need to do an X-ray to know.
But not the veteran watermelon farmer. When he figures out the production place of the watermelon and the climatic weather of this year, he will dare to tell you that this melon has firm and crunchy flesh.
That is the difference between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine."
A western approach is not always the best way to understand everything.
It is also not the ONLY way to make sense of the world around us.
If you have been misunderstanding our Chinese ancestral wisdom, I say it's high time to build new neural pathways.
We have high brain plasticity.
Live like you own it.
Don't look down on the wisdom of our Chinese ancestors.
I don't subscribe to nonsense like things are fated.
It is always the people that refuse to change.