puncture wound中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

【看影片學英語】數萬部YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學這些英文用法:傷口,清洗, ... ... <看更多>
在中文中翻译"puncture wounds". 动词. 刺伤. 刺穿伤. ... <看更多>
我下班開車回來時輪胎被紮了個洞。 She had a puncture wound in her arm, from a wasp sting. 她的手臂被黃蜂蜇傷了。
#2. 如何處理傷口(First Aid Tips : How to Treat a Puncture Wound)
【看影片學英語】數萬部YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學這些英文用法:傷口,清洗, ...
#3. puncture wounds-翻译为中文-例句英语
在中文中翻译"puncture wounds". 动词. 刺伤. 刺穿伤.
puncture wound中文 意思::刺傷;咬傷…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋puncture wound的中文翻譯,puncture wound的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#5. puncture wound - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"puncture wound" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#6. puncture wound是什麼意思 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供puncture wound的在線翻譯,puncture wound是什麼意思,puncture wound的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#7. puncture wound - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. puncture wound n, (injury: perforation), SCSimplified Chinese 刺伤cì shāng. The detective noticed a small puncture wound on the neck ...
#8. puncture wound翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
puncture wound中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:刺傷,穿刺傷。英漢詞典提供【puncture wound】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#9. "a puncture wound"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(英國)(英文)的 ...
a puncture wound的意思The place where somebody was stabbed or shot, etc.
#10. puncture wound 的中文含义- dute.org - 在线词典
病因和病理刺伤(puncture wound)是由锐器戳刺所致的人体损伤。常见的锐器有针、玻璃、刀、剪、钉子、铁丝和木刺等。 穿刺伤 ... flesh wound 轻伤,皮肉之伤;皮肉 ...
#11. 傷口- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
傷口(英語:wound)是相對快速發生的創傷引發的皮膚撕裂、割傷和刺穿以及相應的 ... 穿刺(puncture):也稱穿透(penetration),指由尖銳物體(刀具、針頭、尖刺 ...
#12. 刺伤:急救- 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic
Thompson DA. Puncture wound. In: Adult Telephone Protocols. Office Version. 4th ed. Itasca, Ill.: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2018. Briggs JK. Puncture ...
#13. puncture wound的中文释义_用法 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选puncture wound是什么意思、英语单词推荐、puncture wound的用法、puncture wound的中文释义、翻译puncture wound是什么意思.
#14. Puncture wound 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
She suffered lacerations and puncture wounds to her legs. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. 包括 ...
#15. Wounds - Injuries and Poisoning - MSD Manuals
Although any wound can become infected, infection is particularly likely in deep scrapes, which grind dirt into the skin, and in puncture wounds ...
#16. 重建整形外科工作手冊 - 台中榮總
燒傷學會出版的”燒傷的治療原則”及McCarthy第一冊有關thermal injury的部分 ... Puncture wound — evaluate underlying damage, possibly explore wound for foreign ...
#17. ICD 10 總表 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
代碼, 英/中文名稱. S00, Superficial injury of head. 頭部表淺損傷 ... S0103xA, Puncture wound without foreign body of scalp, initial encounter.
#18. PUNCTURE - 汉语翻译 - bab.la在线词典
The most common route of infection is the introduction of spores to the body through a cut or puncture wound in the skin. more_vert.
#19. Puncture Wound - Children's Hospital Colorado
The skin is punctured by a pointed narrow object. Causes of Puncture Wounds. Metal: nail, sewing needle, pin, tack; Pencil: pencil lead is actually graphite ...
#20. Emergency Wound Management for Healthcare Professionals
Puncture wounds can carry bits of clothing and debris into wound resulting in infection. Crush injuries are more susceptible to infection than wounds from ...
#21. Puncture Wound - Fairview
Because of this, puncture wounds are at high risk of becoming infected. X-rays may be done to check the wound for objects stuck under the skin. You may also ...
#22. Puncture wound: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句 ...
查看«Puncture wound»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«Puncture wound»的同义词、反义词和发音。
#23. Care of Child with Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
Patient must lie in supine position for 1-2 hours after examination, and pressurize the puncture wound until there is no bleeding.
#24. 心導管/冠狀動脈攝影檢查及介入性治療 - 三軍總醫院
the puncture wound. 3.導管穿刺部位若有瘀青或血腫,顏色會隨時間逐漸變淡,約1〜2 個星. 期內會被身體組織吸收。若瘀青或血腫情形逐漸變大或出現分泌物、. 檢查部位.
#25. Taiwan CDC announces this year's first tetanus death in 75 ...
One week later, her puncture wound became infected, red and swollen. Subsequently, when she developed swallowing difficulty, neck stiffness and ...
#26. Goshen Health | Treating Puncture Wounds - Goshen Health
Goshen Hospital Emergency Department provides puncture wound care to find any internal damage & prevent complications like infection.
#27. Types of Wounds | Kindred Hospitals
A wound is an injury that breaks the skin or other body tissue. ... Puncture wounds; Surgical wounds and incisions; Thermal, chemical or electric burns ...
#28. 改善胃腸肝膽科病房腹腔放液操作流程正確率專案
繁體中文DOI: 10.6530/YYN.202007_14(2).0005 DOI ... Deficits noted included contamination of puncture wound, exposure of ascites fluid to ...
#29. 髓鞘內藥物注射檢查護理指導- 兒童血液腫瘤科 - 馬偕紀念醫院
Once the injection is completed, the puncture wound is wrapped in a gauze bandage fastened with tape.髓鞘注射結束後,傷口以紗布覆蓋及膠布固定。
#30. Should You Go to an Urgent Care for Puncture Wounds
One of the most common wounds that people suffer from is a puncture wound. This is where an object pierces your skin and goes all or part way ...
#31. 第六節治療處置Therapeutic Treatment - 醫聖診療系統
二、創傷處置Wound Treatment (48001-48035) ... Deep complicated facial wound debridement - 5-10 cm. v v v v ... Other abscess puncture or drainage.
#32. Dog, cat and bat bites - Healthdirect
a deep wound; a puncture injury; crush wounds; wounds on your hands. These can lead to infection and scarring. Cat bites. Cat bites usually ...
#33. 原檔 - 長庚醫院
1, 收費編號, 管制代號, 收據代碼, 收費金額, 英文名稱, 中文名稱, 健保點數 ... 45, M21-063, 101, 1224, ORGAN PUNCTURE, 臟器穿刺, 1224.
#34. puncture是什么意思puncture的翻译、中文解释 - 出国留学
例句:Sustained multiple lacerations and puncture wounds. 翻译:多处裂伤和刺穿。 来源:英汉百科词典. 3.刺破. 例句:What about the puncture ...
#35. Puncture Wounds in Foot in Horses | VCA Animal Hospitals
Most puncture wounds to the sole are associated with accidentally misdirected shoeing ... What should I do if my horse has a puncture wound to the foot?
#36. Puncture Wound | Spotify
తెలుగుTelugu ภาษาไทยThai TürkçeTurkish УкраїнськаUkrainian اردوUrdu Tiếng ViệtVietnamese 简体中文Simplified Chinese 中文Traditional Chinese
#37. puncture - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
puncture · 查看更多. KK[ˋpʌŋktʃɚ]; DJ[ˋpʌŋktʃə]. 美式. n. 刺,穿刺[U];刺痕;刺孔[C] ... 牛津中文字典. puncture. 刺痕,穿刺刺穿,刺,揭穿被刺穿 ...
#38. 全民健康保險牙科門診常見疾病分類表
中文 疾病名稱. 國際分. 類代碼. ICD-10. 中文疾病名稱 ... Puncture wound without foreign body of lip, initial encounter. S01.551A 唇開放性咬傷之初.
#39. Puncture Wounds - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
A puncture wound is a deep wound made by a sharp object. This type of wound may become infected easily because dirt and germs are carried deep into the ...
#40. 1239 Puncture Wound Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Closed up wound of dog bite injury, dirty wound possible to cause infection · Foot stepping on rusty metal nail outdoors · Various types of skin wound.
#41. First Aid For Cuts and Puncture Wounds - Society Insurance
Having a proper first aid kit with first aid supplies is crucial in the workplace to assist injured people before professional help can be given.
#42. Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation | ID: k930c309h | 蹄兔
This study takes a look at radiation wounds by modelling a puncture wound to the hand using Microshield software.
#43. Liver Biopsy 肝切片檢查| 衛教單張 - 中國醫藥大學附設醫院
The patient will also need to lie on his or her right side to compress the puncture wound with sandbag after the procedure to prevent internal bleeding.
#44. Fatal penetrating iliac wound: A case report with ... - X-MOL
A case of fatal left iliac penetrating wound in a thirty-year-old man, ... left iliac vein and a puncture wound on the left iliac artery.
#45. 外傷傷口處理- 常見陷阱
All traumatic wounds are contaminated ... The ideal pressure for routine wound irrigation is 5–8 psi - ... Puncture. ○ Do not suture. ○ 28-80 % ...
#46. wound 四级高考考研 - 欧路词典
『欧路词典』为您提供wound的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的wound的中文意思 ... puncture wound 伤,穿 伤 ... The river wound its sinuous way across the plain.
#47. Podiatric Puncture Wounds - Massapequa Podiatry
What could happen if I leave a puncture wound in my foot untreated? Stepping on a sharp or pointed object that breaks the skin can leave you with a painful ...
#48. The Puncture Wound I Got for Christmas - WSJ
This Christmas, Reena Russell treated herself to a new hand-held computer. After that, she treated herself for the nasty cut that she got ...
#49. Cuts, grazes and puncture wounds | Ministry of Health NZ
How to care for cuts, grazes or puncture wounds. If you have a wound that won't stop bleeding, see your doctor or go to the emergency department.
#50. Wound cd 醫學中文
Wound cd 醫學中文 一品蔬菜羊肉台北市大安區. ... 联想词bandage 绷带; ulcer 溃疡; stab; gunshot 射击; puncture 穿; bleeding 出血; ...
#51. Medical Procedure Preparation and Aftercare - 奇美醫院
Change wound dressing daily after proper cleaning and removal of buildup and ... If the puncture site is over the groin area, do not bend flex the hip or ...
#52. punctured 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
Puncture \Punc"ture\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Punctured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Puncturing}.] To pierce with a small, pointed instrument, or the like; to prick; ...
#53. Imetic - Apple Music
在Apple Music 中畅听Imetic的音乐。查找Imetic的热门歌曲和专辑,包括《Puncture Wound (2Gross Remix)》和《Puncture Wound (Hyper Remix)》等作品。
#54. Woman Found Dead From Possible Pet Snake Puncture Wound
Coroner's Investigators responded to the scene, and discovered that the victim received a puncture wound consistent with a snake bite.
#55. Attention: Injection injury - LinkedIn
The injury caused by high-pressure injection of working oil, water, ... The injury is characterized by a small puncture wound that is often ...
#56. Puncture Wound (@puncturewounddeathmetal) • Instagram ...
926 Followers, 126 Following, 403 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Puncture Wound (@puncturewounddeathmetal)
#57. Negative pressure wound therapy for open traumatic wounds
Injuries caused by road traffic accidents, stab and gunshot wounds, and animal bites are common types of traumatic wound. NPWT is a treatment ...
#58. 01family medicine
2, ICD-9-CM代碼, ICD-9-CM代碼英文名稱, ICD-9-CM代碼中文名稱 ... 46, S61031A, Puncture wound without foreign body of right thumb without damage to nail, ...
#59. Traumatic Aortic Injury - UCLA Health
Penetrating Trauma. Penetrating trauma happens when the aorta is directly punctured or cut. These injuries often cause extensive bleeding. · Blunt Trauma. Blunt ...
#60. Home wound care do's and don'ts - UCI Health
Cut, scrape or puncture the skin and our bodies immediately begin to heal the wound. When it comes to animal bites, cuts deeper than a ...
#61. 台灣急診醫學會外傷急救醫療委員會
「Injury-to-Stop-the-Bleeding」. • 「Injury-to-Decompression」. • 盡快送至有辦法提供適當治療的醫院 ... Puncture site - 2th ICS.
#62. Self-Care for Cuts, Scrapes, and Burns
A puncture wound is deep or wide or was caused by a dirty or rusty object. You have signs of infection: fever, pus, pain, or redness. It has ...
#63. Chapter 2: Traumatic Injuries and Complications
Most puncture wounds do not contain venom and are, therefore, a traumatic injury. Bleeding is the most common acute complication to trauma, while infections ...
#64. 一、對應情形之欄位格式
ICD-9-CM代碼中文名稱, ICD-10-CM代碼, ICD-10-CM代碼英文名稱, 對應 ... S11024A, Puncture wound with foreign body of trachea, initial encounter, 10122 ...
#65. PUNCTURE WOUNDS in Chinese Translation
Each goat had at least four puncture wounds on its neck. · 有四个女人,每个都有明显的穿刺伤口在她的脖子上。
#66. Tetanus Shot is a Key Safeguard During Post-Hurricane ...
Medical attention should be sought for puncture wounds and lacerations. As a result of widespread immunization, tetanus is a rare disease in ...
#67. Puncture wound synonyms, puncture wound antonyms
Synonyms for puncture wound in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for puncture wound. 82 synonyms for wound: injury, cut, damage, hurt, harm, slash, trauma, gash, ...
#68. Animal Bites and Rabies | Johns Hopkins Medicine
For deeper bites or puncture wounds from any animal, or for any bite from a strange animal: If the bite or scratch is bleeding, apply pressure to it with a ...
#69. 盲肠结扎穿刺过程 - JoVE
Michel wound clips 7mm, Roboz Surgical Instruments Co. ... of age on mortality and antibiotic efficacy in cecal ligation and puncture.
#70. 手術 - 醫院管理局
... Atlanto-occipital joint block; Cisternal puncture; Coeliac plexus block : ... Ligation of thyroid vessels; Reopening of wound of thyroid field.
#71. High-pressure injection injury - VisualDx
Causes / typical injury mechanism: High-pressure injection injuries are caused by ... 733245000 – Puncture wound of hand with foreign body ...
#72. Health: Tetanus - IN.gov
Tetanus bacteria are usually introduced into the body through a puncture wound contaminated with soil or feces (stool) of animals or humans.
#73. Cardiology
Language : 中文 ... trans-radial approach for coronary intervention, which alleviates the patient's suffering and facilitates the healing of puncture wound.
#74. Animal Bites Fountain Valley - Hand Surgeon Orange County
Infections occur more frequently in cat bites, because they have extremely sharp, pointed teeth that can cause deep puncture wounds. These bites are often ...
#75. 彰基腎臟科暨慢性腎臟病衛教中心- 病人動靜脈瘻管照護
Avoid getting punctured in the same area each time, as this will cause vascular endothelial injury, leading to fibrosis and vascular stenosis.
#76. Urgent Care - Mercy
Come to nearest Mercy Urgent Care clinic for treatment of: Minor burns and broken bones; Simple cuts, puncture wounds; Animal or insect bites.
#77. Lacerations and Puncture wounds Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How is a puncture wound classified?, What are the 3 phases of wound healing, and what ...
#78. Exploratory Laparotomy - SCL Health
Exhibit penetrating abdominal trauma (gunshot wound, stab, or puncture wound); Have evidence of a ruptured diaphragm muscle; Have persistent, significant ...
#79. 血管通路介紹
和現在比起來, 就是不必puncture 血管啦!! •But, 自殺比較方便. Scribner shunt ... pass the catheter, bleeding, nerve injury, and great vessel injury.
#80. Puncture Wounds - First Aid and Emergency Treatment Guide
Puncture wounds are injuries caused by sharp objects · These wounds carry dirt and germs deep into the tissues · Increases the risk of infection ...
#81. Wound Care Clinics Near Me - CHI St. Vincent
Find a wound care clinic nearby at CHI St. Vincent - Hot Springs and Little ... Skin Tears; Gangrene; Severe Blisters; Puncture Wounds; Red/Weeping Skin ...
#82. Health Department Offers Guidance for Tetanus Shots
Tetanus is a serious disease the causes painful muscle spasms and can lead to death. The bacteria enter the body through cuts or puncture wounds ...
#83. Man who died on Adelaide footpath had puncture wound to ...
Matthew Scott Bristow, 43, had a puncture wound to his chest and was found lying on the footpath on Alabama Avenue, near Prospect Road, ...
#84. Before You Bandage: How to Properly Clean a Wound
Cleaning & Caring for Puncture Wounds · Keeps bleeding after a few minutes of direct pressure. · Is the result of an animal or human bite. · Is deep and dirty. · Is ...
#85. Wound Care | Brooks Rehabilitation
Puncture wound : caused by long, sharp, and pointy objects puncturing the soft tissue to cause a hole; It commonly affects only the outer layers of skin, ...
#86. Wound Care - Green Bay - Aurora BayCare
More than 2.5 million Americans have wounds that won't heal. ... Traumatic wounds; Cuts and puncture wounds may contain debris which complicates the healing ...
#87. Fish skin acellular dermal matrix: potential in the treatment of ...
They then undertook a study with 81 healthy volunteers in which 162 acute 4 mm forearm punch model wounds were treated with SIS or AFS.
#88. Should I Go to the ER or Not? A Look at Wound Care
Wounds will come in all shapes and sizes, under both mundane and bizarre circumstances. From. ... Is a deep puncture wound (especially if through a shoe) ...
#89. Emergency care and management of patients with stab wounds
A stab wound is a penetrating trauma or injury caused by a sharp object, such as a knife, blade or broken glass. The sharp object pierces the ...
#90. Puncture Wound - Seattle Children's
Is this your child's symptom? The skin is punctured by a pointed narrow object. Causes of Puncture Wounds. Metal: nail, sewing needle, pin, ...
#91. Whatsapp 條款- 2023 - busman.wiki
Travel hk. 3 日本卡. Puncture wound. 青云. Motorola products. Ipad cap 圖. 支數針數. Naked bliss. Uae 中文. Spain time zone ...
#92. Cardinal Health: Healthcare Solutions, Logistics & Supplies
中文. India flag ... Skin and Wound Management ... Bone marrow biopsy tray · Lumbar puncture tray · Myelogram tray · Paracentesis / thoracentesis trays.
#93. Southold Town Police Department Archives - The Suffolk Times
Police saw a puncture wound... 04.11.2023 Government · Candidate for county Legislature says he was threatened by a fellow Republican days after ...
#94. Suture 中文 - Rideet
大量翻译例句关于surgical suture 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索So, how do you know if your illness or injury ... Cut needing stitching, puncture wound.
puncture wound中文 在 puncture中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
我下班開車回來時輪胎被紮了個洞。 She had a puncture wound in her arm, from a wasp sting. 她的手臂被黃蜂蜇傷了。 ... <看更多>