(English is belowed)
最近翻照片翻到了2017年,我最愛的鼓手 Antonio Sánchez 帶著他的樂團 Migration 來台灣 河岸留言 演出,想起了之前我曾經翻譯過他的DVD "Master Series"的一段話,非常感動且給我很大的能量,但之前有被盜過帳號都不見了,於是決定再找出來聽打一次重新翻譯分享給大家。
也再次謝謝 河岸留言可以邀請這麼棒的樂團來台灣!!
如果不知道Antonio Sanchez是誰的,他是Pat Metheny band的鼓手,葛萊美獎得了好幾座,同時已經得了奧斯卡等N個獎項的電影 Birdman 「鳥人」,這部整部電影配樂只有鼓聲,所有鼓也都是他錄的。
一些來自 Antonio Sanchez 對鼓手們的金玉良言 (出自他的 “Master Series” DVD )
嗯,當我還在成長時,我總是夢想著可以在很棒、高聳、最大的場館,跟著大型樂團,以及最棒的音樂家們一起演出。 這夢想當然很棒,但你總是要從某些名不經傳的小地方當作你的起點。
突然之間,我意識到我正在小酒吧、小俱樂部、或是某家餐館、某個婚禮場演出 — 而且沒有人在專注聽你演奏,那時我覺得很沮喪而且覺得被冒犯了,舉例來說。我以前做很多婚禮場,而且在上面演奏「熱愛105度C的你」(註一) 上百次,演奏時心裡想「我在這邊銃三小?」、「快讓我離開這吧,殺了我吧,我可以演比這個帥一百倍以上的曲目!」於是,我在演奏時只想打卡下班,就沒有把我的專注放在音樂上面。
又或者某天,我在某間小酒吧演出,正在演奏搖擺樂,或者一些我真的很喜歡的音樂風格,但沒有人在注意聽我們演奏,大家都在看大銀幕上的棒球比賽。 我就想說「好吧,反正沒人在聽,我就把我昨天練功的招式都丟進去音樂吧。」而那時我只是胡亂的丟我練過的招式,並沒有在那個音樂裡面,我也沒有在聽其他音樂家演奏了什麼,不過也許其他音樂家有聽到我做的事情。
舉例來說,當我在九零年代晚期開始跟Niels Pedersen一起做巡迴,那是個非常高強度的演奏,它是個三重奏,每次演出的晚上,我的腦袋好像快爆炸一樣,因為我並不習慣如此需要長時間專注程度的高難度演出,我才了解到我浪費了太多時間以前演奏的時候沒有把專注力放在音樂上。
註一:原文是說演奏「La Mecarena」,90年代的當紅歌曲。這邊為了年輕讀者,使用較貼近現在的105度C的你。
註二:Niels Pedersen 全名是 Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen (N.H.O.P.),是從70-90年代活躍的傳奇的低音提琴手,演奏速度可以超級超級快又具備非常豐富的音樂性。
Recently I found a picture that my favorite drummer
Antonio Sanchez and his band "Migration" touring in Taipei in 2017. And few years ago I've seen his DVD and felt so inspired from these words. I decided to translate it into Chinese to share with other Chinese drummers.
There's maybe little mistakes because English is not my mother language.
Some wise words from my all-times favorite drummer Antonio Sanchez from his DVD - "Master Series".
And the last things I wanna said, hmm, has a lot to do with attitude to work with music and musicianships. Hmm, When I was growing up, I was always dreaming of playing in a nice, tall, the biggest stadium and the biggest band with the greatest musicians in this world. And that’s great except that we all have to start somewhere. And I, all of a sudden, I was playing in a little bar, or small pub, or some restaurant, or a wedding where nobody was paying an attention. And I really felt depressed and I felt violated. And for example, I’ve been played for a wedding gig, and I would be playing “La Marcaena” for a hundred times , and I would be like “What am I doing here ?”, “Get me out of here, shoot me, this is not for me, I’m so much better than this !”
And I was not putting my heart into it at all. When the next day, I would play in some small bar, I was playing maybe swing or something that I really like, but nobody was paying an attention. Everybody was looking at the screen, the baseball game. And I would be like “Well, nobody is paying an attention, then I just gonna playing practice whatever I was working on yesterday.” And I was NOT in the moment, I was not listening to what the other guys were playing. And maybe the other guys were listening to me.
So, when I luckily started getting better and better opportunities music-wise, and the situations start getting a little more the manling. I realized that I did not have the concentration I took for me to be able to deal with some of the situations. Uh, for example when I started to play with Niels Pedersen in the late 90s, it was a very tense gig , it was just a trio, and every night I would end would headache , because I was not used to have a lot of concentration and focusing that much, for that amount of time.
I realize that I’ve wasted a lot of time not being into the music not putting my heart into it. Because, I mean I really feel like if a, you have two arms, two legs, and you are able to play , you are lucky already. And I think if you are playing in some small restaurant, or wedding, or whatever. You treat that situation like the best gig in the world in the most beautiful opera house or the biggest stadium, and you treat you felt the musicians like the greatest musicians you could play with. I think you are on the right path. You put your heart into it, and you give the music and musicians the respect they deserved. Then I can assure you really good things are gonna happen to you. So that’s it for me, thank you so much for coming, hope see you next time.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅關東主,也在其Youtube影片中提到,粉絲專頁: 關東煮 http://www.facebook.com/G.leader1027 UNDER LOVER https://www.facebook.com/UNDERLOVERBABY 逆流音樂 http://www.facebook.com/flow.com.tw ----------...
put out棒球 在 無國界·旅行·故事Travel Savvy Facebook 的最讚貼文
Cuban Dragon Quest
請原諒我用詼諧的語調來講述一個英雄的傳奇。 如不是這樣,這文章會顯得太批判且爭議。這個故事是有關於古巴英雄Che Guevara。Che Guevara 古巴式西文發音接近「謝•給巴喇」。謝一輩子多數的時間都在扮演鬥惡龍的勇者。那麼我們就姑且稱呼他為「勇者謝」吧!
Forgive me for describing a hero’s legend in a comic style. If it is done otherwise, this article would appear too critical as well as controversial. The story begins with a dragon slayer whose name was Che Guevara. Most of his life was spent on trying to slay an evil dragon. So, let’s tentatively call him Che the Dragon Slayer.
勇者謝本名叫Ernesto Guevara。結過兩次婚。第一任妻子生了一個女兒,第二任生了4個孩子。他曾有個美夢想要生一個棒球隊的孩子。後來甚至希望要一個足球隊。
Che the Dragon Slayer’s actual name is Ernesto Guevara, who was married twice with one daughter from the first marriage and four children from the second. He once had a dream of wanting to have a baseball team of kids and a football team for later.
Che was born into a well-to-do Argentinian family. After graduating from medical school and before taking on his dragon slayer title, Che spent nine months touring countries in Latin America with his friend (please refer to the excellent movie The Motorcycle Diaries). Latin America during that time was under the looming shadow from an evil dragon. Like the Indian prince who became Buddha after witnessing all the worldly suffering, Che’s idea to start a revolution to free Latin America became fully developed while he saw many injustices during his trip.
旅程結束後的隔年,謝就加入了革命的行列成為一位真正的勇者,發誓讓中南美洲免於惡龍的威脅。坊間相傳他在墨西哥時三訪卡斯楚,想要加入古巴革命軍。但前前兩次都被拒絕了,第三次他透過卡斯楚的一位阿根廷好朋友跟卡斯楚推薦。第三次卡斯楚終於說:好吧,謝(Che )你來吧。從此他在秘密行動中開始使用謝這個化名。甚至在給本國人使用的3 CUP上放上了自己勇者謝(Che)的簽名和肖像。
In the year following the end of his journey, Che joined the ranks of the revolution and became a genuine dragon slayer, swearing to free Latin America from the threats of the evil dragon. According to one of Che the Dragon Slayer’s stories among Cubans, he visited Fidel Castro in Mexico three times, each time intending to join the Cuban revolution force. He was turned down the first two times. The third time, Che the Dragon Slayer had a good Argentinian friend of Fidel Castro recommend that Che be allowed to join the force. Finally, Fidel Castro nodded his approval, and said “Che, come and join us!”. Ever since that moment, this dragon slayer adopted the name Che for all his covert operations. He even allowed the name Che and his portrait to be used on the three-dollar CUP bill used by the locals.
前往Santa Clara路上,座落著勇者謝的衣冠塚紀念館。紀念館建築上方豎立了一尊著軍裝的勇者謝雕像。其中值得注意的是他的左手打著石膏。石膏的由來是他在這附近打游擊戰時,為了翻過一道高牆而摔斷了左手臂。因此立在這裡的雕像如實表現勇者鬥惡龍的狀況。在給外國人用的3 CUC的鈔票上的雕像就是這個Che的雕像。
On the way to Santa Clara sits the Che Guevara Mausoleum. A bronze statue of Che the Dragon Slayer in his military uniform was erected on top of the building. When looking carefully, you will notice that the left arm of the statue is in a cast. The story goes that Che the Dragon Slayer was in a battle in this area and broke his left arm when he tried to flip over a wall. Therefore, the statue with the cast reflects truthfully how he fought against the dragon. You can also find an image of this statue printed on the 3-CUC bill that foreigners use.
After Che the Dragon Slayer won the Revolutionary War, he thought the evil dragon had been slayed. He then accepted the position as the president of the National Central Bank. His family immigrated to Cuba, and he was set to pursue his dream of having a baseball team of kids. However, Che looked around the world and realized that the dragon was making people in other countries suffer. He decided to put on his armor once again to help the people in the Congo fight the dragon. He told the Cuban people that he had to leave and asked that Cuba look after his family for him. And, Fidel Castro and Cuba looked after his family indeed.
Che the Dragon Slayer was murdered while leading a guerrilla war in Bolivia.
In Bolivia, some comrades recruited by Che the Dragon Slayer were bought out by the evil dragon’s intelligence service and leaked his whereabouts. Plus, some guerrilla groups were also hired by the evil dragon to hunt him down. He and 38 other guerrilla members were captured. The officer who gave the order to execute Che the Dragon Slayer regretted his actions and mentioned later that he became notorious for executing the dragon slayer. One person present when Che and 38 members were executed revealed on his death bed the location of Che the Dragon Slayer’s burial ground. A Belgian researcher worked together with Cuban researchers and found the burial site at what had become an airport. They spent approximately one month unearthing the remains of the 39 bodies. The remains were then shipped back to Cuba and received with the nation’s highest honors by Fidel Castro. It was a heartfelt scene for the entire nation.
總而言之,這一路過關斬將的勇者謝,有著無比堅定的信念及行動力。如果勇者謝的思想可以被視為一種信仰,那麼他就是信仰中的救世主了。可惜與小說裡的結局不同的是,勇者在半途中倒下,也沒有電玩中的三條命可以回魂。然而在他倒下時所發出的巨響,卻震撼了全世界。 勇者謝身前的一張照片(在3 CUP紙鈔上)被義大利來的記者從古巴的資料庫中給取走,在歐洲媒體刊出並在世界各地造成一股旋風。各地許多嬉皮響應並認同勇者謝想要讓美洲和非洲免於惡龍控制的的革命志向。勇者謝著名的照片於是在世界各地成為了正義與勇氣的象徵。~完結~
All in all, Che the Dragon Slayer, who crossed many hurdles, had an extremely strong faith and success in carrying out his ideals. If his ideology were a religion, he would then be considered its Savior. Unfortunately, unlike happy endings in some novels, the dragon slayer bit the dust along the way. And, he didn’t have three lives either like some of the dragon-slaying video games. However, the enormous sound made by his body falling on the ground shocked the world. The photo portrait of Che Guevara on the three-CUP bill was copied by an Italian journalist and then published in some European media, which created a whirlwind across the world. Over the years following Che the Dragon Slayer’s death, many people have answered Che’s call to free Africa and Latin America from the evil dragon. Che the Dragon Slayer’s famous photo has become a symbolic icon of courage and justice.
#cuba #trinadad #santaClara #古巴 #哈瓦那 #旅遊 #千里達 #歷史 #無國界旅行故事
put out棒球 在 滅火器 Fire EX. Facebook 的最佳貼文
豬扒包 凍檸茶~
2017 滅火器 世界進擊- Hong Kong 香港站
演出:滅火器 Fire EX.、小紅帽 Silhungmo
※早鳥門票只在 thepointofsale.hk 發售,限時限量,售完即止!
※預售門票在觸STUDIO 好景店、節奏生活 各分店、Drummer’s Ark、thepointofsale.hk有售,https://thepointofsale.hk/tickets/fireex
🚨🚨🚨滅火器 Begin The Second half 巡迴演唱會 - 香港站🚨🚨🚨
來自台南高雄,台灣最具代表性的龐克樂團 滅火器 Fire EX.
近年來除了每年不同主題的Live house tour 與國內外各大音樂季之外,滅火器更從2013年開始舉辦年度大型的專場演唱會,並與來自日本的"MONOEYES"共籌辦Far east union 台日韓三國巡迴,通過音樂的凝聚,串起亞洲的文化交流。
從一兩百人的Live House 唱起,沒有主流媒體的包裝,憑着誠懇直率的演出一步一步唱遍全台灣,甚至向世界邁進。
2016年滅火器於日本發行專輯,並與細美武士,磯部正文等傳奇音樂人共同創作,迅速的在日本累積人氣,再度登上日本最大音樂季 Summer Sonic。
[2016 On Fire Day] 成為台灣史上第一場在棒球場舉辦的演唱會,一萬張的票房,更創下了台灣獨立音樂史上的最高紀錄。
立下里程碑後,滅火器繼續前進,於2017年發行成軍十七年來的首張"新歌+精選輯" 並籌備年度世界巡迴,當然不少得香港站!
滅火器將空降蒲吧, 為樂迷送上熱血及煽動性的演出!
日期: 2017年5月13日 (星期六)
時間: 晚上8:15
地點: 西灣河蒲吧
地址: 香港西灣河聖十字徑2號
暖場嘉賓: 小紅帽 Silhungmo
票價 (全場企位):
$200 (早鳥,限時限量,售完即止!)**
$280 (預售)
$320 (即場)
**早鳥門票只在 thepointofsale.hk 發售,限時限量,售完即止!
預售門票將於4月16日中午12時起在觸STUDIO 好景店, 節奏生活 各分店 , Drummer’s Ark及 thepointofsale.hk有售,
或於本專頁上"Buy Tickets"購買 (https://thepointofsale.hk/tickets/fireex)
Fire EX., iconic Punk Rock band from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, was formed in 2000. Their songs are full of enthusiasm and dreams. The band is well known for political activism and their lyrics reflect the current society. Popular tracks such as ‘Good Night! Formosa!’, ‘A Man on the Sea’, and ‘Island’s Sunrise’ made Fire EX. the representative Punk Rock band of the modern times, which they also earned the name of ‘Band of the Taiwanese folks’.
Apart than participating in various tours and major domestic and international music festivals, Fire EX. puts up concerts annually since 2013. The band toured with MONOEYES, a Japanese Punk Rock band for the Far East Union Tour, spanning Taiwan, Japan and Korea, promoting cultural exchange within Asia through the uniting effects of music.
The band started performing at live houses with around one to two hundred people in the audience, with no mainstream media attention and gaudy performance attires, Fire EX. worked their way up, towards the success they have today among Taiwan. Next, they are moving on to take on the world.
In 2015, Fire EX.’s ‘Island’s Sunrise’ was chosen as the theme song for the Sunflower Movement, bagging the much-coveted ‘Golden Melody Awards – Best Song of the Year’ award.
In 2016, Fire EX. released their album in Japan. They collaborated with legendary musicians such as Takeshi Hosomi and Masafumi Isobe, and quickly increased their fame and popularity in Japan. In the same year, they once again performed in Summer Sonic, largest music festival in Japan.
Next year, they released their album ‘REBORN’, and put up a total of 15 domestic tours. Tickets sold out fast, which Fire EX.decided to put up a outdoor concert ‘2016 On Fire Day’ at a baseball arena that holds ten thousand people. All tickets were sold, which they made a successful history that no other independent music bands have ever done before and created a whole new chapter. After achieving this significant milestone, Fire EX. has decided to move forward. After being around for 17 years, they are going to release their first ‘new songs + best collection album’. At the same time, they are getting ready for their annual world tour. Stay tuned for their tour in Hong Kong!
Date: 13 May 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 20:15
Venue: The Hangout Sai Wan Ho
Address: 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
Opening Act: Silhungmo
Ticket (All Standing):
$200 (Early Bird, Available while Tickets last!)**
$280 (Advance)
$320 (Door)
**Early Bird tickets only available at thepointofsale.hk (Internet Ticketing). Available while Tickets last!
Advance Tickets available from 12:00pm on 16 April at Zuk Studio Ho King Branch, My Rhythm Journey and Drummer’s Ark, thepointofsale.hk or "Buy Tickets" button on our Facebook page. (Link: https://thepointofsale.hk/tickets/fireex)
put out棒球 在 關東主 Youtube 的精選貼文
關東煮 http://www.facebook.com/G.leader1027
UNDER LOVER https://www.facebook.com/UNDERLOVERBABY
逆流音樂 http://www.facebook.com/flow.com.tw
我已經不想太多那些fuck y'all anything 流言蜚語堆積像是棒球引來爭議
我不是寫饒舌的機器 但精進 的是我累積好久沒有爆發出來的積蓄
yo 我一直在應付 像在玩腦力激盪靈感要求我進步
把自己練得更壯試著讓自己浮出 檯面在這過程中你看不到我服輸
put on my swag 你看漫天烽火 我太邪門他們把我身體半邊封鎖
踹爆你的家門帶著拘票 搜索 我讓你站不穩像地表波濤洶湧
yo from hcc you watch out 這風爆像退不掉的浪潮
keep my fast fresh anything 我包辦 我是HCC的種 如假包換
Yo bitch 我在HCC晃 你們知道HCC的風大
上個層次技巧早被風化 風乾的結晶體 行家搶著收藏
欸同學你的帽子帶幾度 我斟酌的點是我又往前跨幾步
義無反顧 運腳反覆任我擺布 擺出了連畢卡索都讚賞的一張圖
不怕被你看穿水平線 你們知道我的嘴型賤
我飛在亂流最多的航線 你們都在找的遍佈在我字裡行間
有點太癡情 我愛偷偷冒出來讓大家太吃驚
是要妳唱饒舌不是背詩經 你問戰情 我在你地盤架戰旗
不怕被誰搶走飯碗 不是來打棒球的但我帶球棒上場
瞬間讓你躺 在你後腦杓給一棒 你看我說話超婉轉 我幹妳媽一身汗
Yo bitch 我在HCC晃 你們知道HCC的風大
上個層次技巧早被風化 風乾的結晶體 行家搶著收藏
鎮定 我知道我天生下來就感覺 臭屁 誰問我到底從哪裡來扛的 自信
別問我到底在想什麼 懶得跟你解釋 左耳進右耳出 你的話當 放屁
我玩的的遊戲速度之快 像開超跑 那停不下的腳步 跟本沒在怕那跌倒
我不管誰拿誰的利益 反正我靠得是我自己 誰繼續玩著八逼 賤人通常比較嬌情
那遊戲誰win 我像開金手指根本就不需等級 誰別再繼續 沒活在夢境
那種lv我根本沒放在眼裏 我武裝 all day 你愛的馬子照虧 誰根本太淺生活在虛擬世界
我像在兜風 每天 SWAG ON A M 你真的超糗 在我車尾燈後面聞屁味