昨天在Netflix上看「Marriage Story(婚姻故事)」這部電影,
關掉字幕一句一句聽打出內容 ->對照英文看有沒有錯,順便用自己的話理解 -> 對照中文,加深裡面出現的idioms / slang 的印象 -> 抄寫其中很愛的幾句在英文筆記本裡(因為聽打的階段我是用電腦打字)
She always knows the right thing to do when it comes to difficult family shit.
difficult family shit – 翻譯是翻「嚴重的家庭危機」,但我更喜歡自己的詮釋「跟家庭/家人有關的鳥事」
很多人看到「家庭危機」一定直白想到什麼crisis / issue 甚至 problem之類的,是也可以啦,但family shit就更口語表達這種”shitty things”,滿可愛的耶!
She’s always inexplicably brewing a cup of tea that she doesn’t drink.
Inexplicable / inexplicably – 中文解釋是「無法解釋、令人費解的(地)」,之前一直覺得這個字好像都用在比較文鄒鄒的地方,沒想到在這裡可以當做「她總能神奇地泡好一杯茶,雖然她自己不喝」,有點這種「我真的搞不懂她欸」的感覺。
I get stuck in my ways, and she knows when to push me and when to leave me alone.
Get stuck in my ways – 翻譯雖然是翻「裹足不前」,但平常我們講話真的很少用這個成語呀!所以我自己詮釋是「我自己卡關、猶豫不決很想逃避的時候」
Leave me alone – 字面上解釋是「不要管我讓我一個人獨處或是你走開啦」,但語氣比較平和地講的時候也可以表達「可以讓我靜一靜嗎?/ 給我一點時間冷靜好不好?」
She always says when she doesn’t know something, or hasn’t read a book, or seen a film or a play, whereas I fake it and say something like “I haven’t seen it for a while”.
(這段是Charlie 講 Nicole 的部分,若對於 Nicole 講 Charlie 的部分也有興趣的話,
What I love about Nicole…
she makes people feel comfortable about even in front of embarrassing things. She really listens when someone is talking. Sometimes she listens too much for too long.
She’s a good citizen.
She always knows the right thing to do when it comes to difficult family shit. I get stuck in my ways, and she knows when to push me and when to leave me alone.
She cuts all our hair.
She’s always inexplicably brewing a cup of tea that she doesn’t drink. And it’s not easy for her to put away a sock, or close a cabinet, or do a dish, but she tries for me.
Nicole grew up in LA around actors, and directors, and movies and TV, and is very close to her mother, Sandra and Cassie, her sister.
Nicole gives great presents.
She is a mother who plays, really plays. She never steps off playing or says it’s too much. And it must be too much some of the time.
She’s competitive.
She’s amazing at opening jars because of her strong arms, which I’ve always found very sexy.
She keeps the fridge over-full. No one is ever hungry in our house.
She can drive a stick.
After that movie, All Over The Girl”, she could’ve stayed in LA and been a movie star, but she gave that up and do theater with me in New York.
She’s brave.
She’s a great dancer, infectious. She makes me wish I could dance.
She always says when she doesn’t know something, or hasn’t read a book, or seen a film or a play, whereas I fake it and say something like “I haven’t seen it for a while”.
My crazy ideas are her favorite things to figure out how to execute.
She’s my favorite actress.
read someone like a book中文 在 台灣Phyphy feat. 土耳其Emre l 世界旅行 l 異國的那些故事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Hello Everyone,
Emre is talking!
Snow, snow, snow...So pretty, shiny and make everyone feel so relax and happy. It also makes air so fresh...
Lets check how snow makes your life attractive.
-If your noise is stucked, you better go out and take a walk and feel the fresh air.
-If you are a instagram lover, you can take a ''cool'' photo. Let me tell you how to do that in Turkey. Mostly Turkish girls fall in love to do this.
First cook coffee, sit next to the window and read a book. When you take the photo you can throw the book! I don't know if there are some people in your country do the same thing but here you can find so many people :) They buy books for only to take photos! (I don't know they drink coffee or not:)
-Anyway I am getting far from the topic... Yeah snow. Third thing you can do is snow fighttt of course.
You can do whatever you want when it snows in outside but you must remember one important thing and it is not to forget animals who lives in outside.
I like Turkish people's behavior about animals. Even some poeple is so asshole for everyone but they all care about animals. Everyone try to do something so small to feed and make them comfortable.
Me & Phyphy did also something so small as you can see from the photo. (I checked 2 days and they ate more than half! Yeyyy)
Also another small photo you will see a small road someone did for cats to go eat so safe and easily.(You can see paws on the road :)
***By the way our cats don't treasure their lifes!! One is sleeping on the box like dead, another even doesn't care about snow!, just eat like pig..They even didn't thank to us 1 time. Only MEOWWW MEOWWW. But problem is ''WHAT is MEOWW mean dude. If i know what does it mean, I will answer you :(''
Protect the animals sisters & brothers,
Have a good day!
#istanbul #kedi #turkey #snow
read someone like a book中文 在 EN English Facebook 的最佳貼文
see, watch, look, read 的不同
1. see用在眼睛自然而然進到你的視線的,也可以是故意看的。比方說在教室裡面,潔西問What do you see? 你視線範圍所看到的都是see,所以可以說I see ten students, twenty chiars, a teacher, a fan, and a whiteboard.
I saw a beggar on the street last night. 我昨天在街上晚上看到一個乞丐
Did you see Paul? 你有看到Paul嗎?(你知道Paul在哪嗎?)
注意!see 可以與watch通用的是用在看電視節目,電影,戲劇,演唱會等時。
He saw a movie with his girlfriend yesterday. 他昨天跟女友去看電影
I see. 我明白了。
I’ll see what I can do. 我在看看還有什麼我可以做的。
Is she seeing anyone at the moment? 她現在有在交往的對象嗎?
2. watch用在刻意地看某件事情一段時間。比方說你在上課時偷偷在手機上看電影,潔西叫了你。你可以說I was watching a movie on my cell phone when Jessie called my name.
They went to Tamsui to watch the sunset. 他們去淡水看日落
He watched three movies yesterday. 他昨天看了三部電影
注意!只有在表達看電視節目,電影,戲劇,演唱會等時,watch跟see可以通用。但是只會說watch TV看電視,不用see TV。
watch a movie=see a movie 看電影
watch a concert=see a concert 看演唱會
We saw the basketball game on TV. 我們看電視上的籃球賽
Watch out! 小心,注意。
I have to watch my weight. 我必須要留意我的體重。
3. look用在刻意轉移視線去看某個東西,盯著某件事物。比方說潔西要你們看課本的圖片時:Please look at the picture on page 15 in your book. 請看你書上十五頁的圖。通常只用一個字Look! 是要某人看,注意某件事物。假如後面有對象或事物的時候,就必須要用look at這個片語。look常跟其他介系詞結合成片語。look up to someone尊敬某人,look down on someone輕視某人,look for尋找,look out小心,look forward to期待。
“We’re going to be late,” Jane said, looking at her watch. 我們快遲到了,Jane看著她的手表說
Don’t look at me like that. 不要那樣看著我
It looks like it’s going to rain. 看起來好像要下雨了
You look great! 你看來很不錯
4. read在英文是閱讀,用來閱讀有文字的書雜誌等等。所以看報紙要用read the newspaper。也可以是說的意思,read it out loud大聲念。
Read the instructions carefully before you start. 在開始前小心地閱讀指示。
My dad used to read me bedtime stories when I was a kid. 我爸爸小時候念床邊故事給我聽。
Can anyone here read Chinese? 這裡有人懂中文嗎?
He’s reading a history book. 他在讀一本歷史相關的書
He’s studying history. 他在唸歷史
More examples:
I saw a funny picture on Facebook. 我在Facebook 上看到一張好笑的照片
I usually watch a movie on my computer instead of going to a movie theater. 我通常在我的電腦上看電影,而不是去電影院
Look at the funny guy over there What’s he doing? 你看那邊那個好笑的人。他在做什麼?
I read online news every morning. 我每天早上看線上新聞