自Nintendo Switch版本發售以來,《Capcom Arcade Stadium》深受眾多玩家喜愛,有見及此,我們決定將會追加更多膾炙人口的遊戲!
在留言中盡情分享你對Capcom街機遊戲的回憶吧!開發團隊好可能會以你發佈的內容作為參考,把你喜愛的街機遊戲帶到《Capcom Arcade Stadium》上唷!
官方網站: https://www.capcom-arcade-stadium.com/hk/
《Capcom Arcade Stadium》Nintendo Switch版現正好評發售中!PlayStation 4、Xbox One及Steam版將於5月25日發售!
Since its release on Nintendo Switch, Capcom Arcade Stadium has been played by many and garnered great reception. That’s why, more games are being added!
To celebrate, we’re asking you to share your favorite Capcom arcade classics in Comment. Our development teams might be taking notes.
Also, we’re sharing the developers’ arcade memories. Be sure to follow and check it out.
Capcom Arcade Stadium is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam on 25 May 2021! Nintendo Switch version is available now!
Official Website: https://www.capcom-arcade-stadium.com/en-asia/
※Supported Languages: English, Japanese and Chinese.
※Download Only.
「Capcom Arcade Stadium」이 Nintendo Switch에서 출시된 후, 많은 플레이어 분들께서 본 작품을 즐겨주시고 있습니다! 여러분의 사랑에 보답하고자, 더 많은 타이틀을 추가하기로 결정하였습니다.
이를 기념하여, 캡콤 클래식 타이틀에 관련된 개발 팀의 소소한 추억 이야기를 앞으로 나눠볼 예정이니 놓치지 마세요!
또한 여러분의 최애 캡콤 클래식 타이틀이 무엇인지도 함께 공유해 보세요!
「Capcom Arcade Stadium」은 2021년 5월 25일에 PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam에서 발매 예정이며, Nintendo Switch 버전은 현재 절찬 판매 중입니다!
공식 사이트 보기: https://www.capcom-arcade-stadium.com/kr/
※지원 언어: 영어, 일본어, 중국어
※다운로드 버전만 출시됩니다.
「reception to follow中文」的推薦目錄:
reception to follow中文 在 台灣光鹽生物科技學苑 Facebook 的最佳解答
今年的藥物安全系列課程來啦‼️ 熱騰騰的消息小編趕快告訴大家👍 機會難得千萬要把握呀‼️
2019/12/3 (二)【藥物安全系列 】-新藥臨床開發及上市後之國際藥物安全監視實務
【Drug Safety Series 】- International Pharmacovigilance Practices from New Drug Clinical Development to Post-Marketing
報名方式On-line Registration :
主辦單位:台灣光鹽生物科技學苑Taiwan Salt and Light Biotech Institute
課程地點:光鹽會議中心Salt and Light Conference Center
課程日期:108年12月3日(二) 3rd Dec. 2019 (Tue.) 09:00-17:00
一、國際安全監視查核/稽核實務International Pharmacovigilance Audits/Inspections
1.如何進行國際藥物安全監視查核/稽核前準備(英文授課) Preparation prior to the audit/inspection (Dr. Meik Helmut Behrens)
2.國際藥物安全查核/稽核之應對(英文授課) Reception/reaction during audit/inspection (Dr. Meik Helmut Behrens)
3.藥物安全查核/稽核之應對演練(中英文進行)audit/inspection role-plays -稽/查核員、被訪談人、第三者觀察員 (伍亮霓召集人-Liang-Ni Wu)
4.國際藥物安全查核/稽核缺失處置與追蹤 (英文授課) Management and follow-up of the findings (Dr. Meik Helmut Behrens)
二、藥物安全數據資料庫(英文授課) Safety database (Dr. Meik Helmut Behrens)
三、新藥開發合作廠商之臨床試驗藥物安全數據交換要求(英文授課) Safety data exchange requirements in clinical trials for clinical development partnership (伍亮霓召集人-Liang-Ni Wu)
四、Panel Discussion (中文進行):
How do the Taiwanese health authority and industry regulate and execute
pharmacovigilance/drug safety in line with international standards
The experts will discuss from the below perspectives:
o 從衛生主管機關執行單位的角度Taiwanese health authority/agency
o 從台灣生技藥業進行新藥開發臨床試驗的角度Taiwanese biotech/pharma companies conducting new drug development clinical trials
o 從與國際藥廠合作之台灣代理經銷商的角度Taiwanese distributors/ sales agents for international pharma companies
o 從國際藥廠的角度International pharma company
*Panel Discussion 與談人:台灣光鹽生技學苑 蔡佩珊執行長、財團法人藥害救濟基金會藥物安全組 黃薇伊組長、安成生物科技股份有限公司臨床研究處 林宜瑩處長、台灣光鹽生技學苑國際合作組 伍亮霓召集人Liang-Ni Wu
*Dr. Meik Helmut Behrens (來自德國任職於國際藥廠之藥物安全專家)
Pharmacovigilance Expert from Germany, with more than 13years of industrial experience of global drug safety /pharmacovigilance within a pharmaceutical company and contract research organization.
*伍亮霓Liang-Ni Wu(任職德國國際藥廠之藥物安全專家,台灣光鹽生技學苑國際合作組)
Pharmacovigilance Alliance Manager from Taiwan (based in Germany), with 6 years of industrial experience in medical writing / regulatory affairs and 10years of drug safety/ pharmacovigilance experience within a pharmaceutical company and contract research organizations.
課程費用Registration Fee: 4500 NT/person( Lunch and coffee/tea breaks included in registration fee)
學苑信箱:bioschool@biotech-edu.com 學苑電話:02-2545-9721