Bergedil daging
300 gram kentang
100 gram daging kisar @ daging burger
sudu teh lada sulah
Serbuk perasa
Setangkai daun bawang - hiris
Garam secukup rasa
bawang goreng
Minyak masak untuk goreng terendam
kulit popia
bahan salut:
2 biji telur - pukul
Cara Penyediaan:
Rebus kentang hingga empuk klo nak goreng dlu pun boleh..goreng nty begedil tak.lembik sangat..
Setelah sejuk, lenyek hingga halus.
Campurkan kentang yang telah lenyek dengan daging kisar, daun bawang dan garam ke dalam mangkuk.
Gaul hingga rata. balut dgn kulit popia..
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali.
celup dalam telur dan goreng hingga masak.
Sedia untuk dihidangkan dgn sambal hitam..😊
#popiabegedil #resepipopiabegedil #ceksalresepi
Nak viralkan bisnes anda? Sekarang dibuka iklan pakej terendah hanya RM30. Iklan boleh pilih tarikh dan masa sendiri. Whatsapps admin :
Bergedil meat
300 grams of potatoes
100 grams of grind meat @ burger meat
teaspoon of sulah pepper
Flavor powder
Onion leaves - slice
Salt is enough
Fried onions
Cooking oil for fried submerged
Popiah skin
Salute material:
2 eggs - hit
Ways of Preparation:
Boil the potatoes until it's soft if you want to fry it first.. can you fry it if you don't want to Very sissy..
After cold, flattened to smooth.
Mix flattened potatoes with grind meat, onion leaves and salt into a bowl.
Gaul to the flat. Wrap it with spring rolls..
Heat the oil in the pan.
Dip in the egg and fry until cooking.
Ready to be served with black sambal.. 😊
#popiabegedil #resepipopiabegedil #ceksalresepi
Want to make your business viral? Now open the lowest package advertisement for only RM30. Ads can choose your own date and time. Whatsapp admin: