"Knowledge is only a rumor until it lives in the muscle"
-Proverb from Asaro Tribe of Indonesia
Thanks @brenebrown for introducing us to this proverb in your brilliant book "Rising Strong".
YUプロジェクト @youunlimitedproject にて詳しく「実践力」について書きました✨💪🏼✨是非フォローしてYUプロジェクトの次回投稿もお見逃しなく!🌈
You are Unlimited!
#brenebrown #risingstrong #proverbs #asarotribe #importanceoftakingaction
#行動力 #実践力 #知識 #常識 #可能性は無限大 #ブレネー ブラウン #YUプロジェクト #YUサロン #オンラインサロン #ブロードウェイ #ブロードウェイミュージカル #由水南 #演劇 #ミュージカル #俳優 #舞台俳優
risingstrong 在 劉明湘 Rose Liu Facebook 的最佳解答
我剛剛訂一張飛機票去義大利,四月!! 而且會是一個人旅行 😆 我打算去米蘭,威尼斯,可模糊,和佛羅倫薩/比薩/托斯卡納!有去過的朋友請留任何推薦或提示!很多人說一個人旅行會改變你的人生。熟的朋友知道我不習慣一個人,也對一個人旅行有點怕怕,但~~~,我的2017年就是想迎接改變,有更多突破,活出最真實的我 😆 超級興奮啦!
Just booked a ticket to ITALY in April! I'll be visiting Milan, Lake Como, Venice and Florence/Pisa/Tuscany!! If you have any advice or recommend any spots to eat/lodge please leave a comment!! It'll be my first time there AND I'll be traveling SOLO!
Everyone talks about how traveling solo will change your life. And those who know me well know i'm not used to being alone and i've always been super apprehensive about traveling alone. Well, my 2017 is gonna be all about change, more breakthrough and coming into my truest self ❤ so excited to find what I'll discover!!! Ahhh time to brush up on my Italian! Spaghetti~~~! Pepperoni!! Mozzarelllllaaaaa! LOL, CIAO!
#easter #easterinitaly #solotravel #northernitaly #milan #lakecomo #venice #florence #tuscany #pisa #yolo #firsttime #facingyourfears #bebrave #beyou #enjoythejourney #liveloveeat #livelovepray #seetheworld #eurotrip #wouldbecoolifibumpedintojesus #Godisgood #risingstrong #authenticity #daringgreatly #劉明湘
risingstrong 在 潔絲的享吃吧 Foodie Fitness with Jess Facebook 的最佳貼文
中秋長假一過,我跟Rose Liu 劉明湘 @rose.music 一起在 @core_space 提起重量,揮灑汗水!
做完了一個人絕對做不到killing workout circuit, 好多吼叫,好多汗水,好為彼此驕傲!
好感恩生命中有願意鞭策自己多走一里路,勇敢挑戰極限,並且在妳跌倒,軟弱,甚至灰心時給予彼此安慰跟鼓勵的好姐妹!Thank you for being such an incredible support, dear!
#corespace #funtaipei #workoutdual #girlspower #twoisbetterthanone #pusheachothertobebetter #fitnessgoal #Godisgood #risingstrong #embracelife #becourageous #keepourloveon #bethebetteryou #享吃吧精神 #善待身體