Superman, Batman AND Antman ain't got nothing on my Tiger spirited Fishgurl (one day she will be a great fisherman like her Father)!!!
#throwback to when she was 6 months old (Yes I'm one of those #rookiemoms who take pics of their kids monthly… totally #awesome to help forgetful moms like me keep track ;)
#theboss #rockstarbaby #chloecc saved my life as soon as she entered my world, she just doesn't know it yet. She has shown me the world through her eyes, the beauty and awesomeness that most of us take for granted cuz we're too busy working or are just preoccupied with stuff
Your chance to share a pic of YOUR hero is here. U never know, RM100,000 worth of prizes could be waiting for you! I’m in the running for it! #MoreBehindAPhoto