我和大家一樣,不過是這個城市的小小一份子。和大家一樣,都抱著沈重心情面對著最近世間發生的種種。 但我還感恩每一天還能有東西吃、有家住、而家人牛牛和朋友們都安全。我的家從哪時開始變成負能量蓋過一切的地方了....我不知道,但我只知道我心很痛。 我心裡不想要有怪責的人,而我也不能要求誰做出改變。憑什麼? 我能做的只是改變自己,做更好的自己,修身之後再齊家。我知道罵人和修身之間,罵人其實很簡單。 我也不是沒有想罵醒的人。但我知道我也不完美。 不過,不完美的人也能一步一步改變世界,由自己開始。這個我是一直相信的。
或許我思想過份簡單。不過我真的很希望如其互相指責,不如一起去為世界各種的事情去祈禱和作出實在一點的支持,不要分你我了。我們都一樣的。我們都不過是有七情六慾的人類。 好嗎?
#向前線消防員致敬 #SalutetoOurFirefighters #salutetoeveryonethatkeepsussafe
Join me, in prayer.
Our Father in heaven,
I don't know why it is that people are dividing upon how to help the deceased heroes, but all I know is that they have glorified You and Your love for us for being selflessly brave. I pray for strength and emotional recovery for their families and close friends, and that they are now safe in Your arms. I pray that divisions will eventually subside within this beloved city of mine, and that those in power will further understand those in distress, so that they don't fuel more hatred within them. May You diffuse the negative energy and anger in this city. May You teach us how to grow out of this mess and be bigger and better. I know sometimes, when all we see is darkness, it's only because You have planted us as seeds... and You wish for us to grow. May You shower and water us with Your wisdom, and give us the sunlight to open our eyes to a new vision. May You let us remember that we are supposed to have different views and free will.... But that doesn't mean we ought to hate on whoever opposes us. That we can agree to disagree in a civil manner. May You spread love and peace all around this city and cleanse our hearts. I don't have the answers, and I never know what to say, risking being yelled at. But I know You know it all. May You listen to my desperate plea. While we are physically "safe", emotionally, we are all at war, walking on egg shells, censoring ourselves, paranoid about stepping on someone's toes. It shouldn't be this way. We ought to love one another. Lord save us.
Romans 15:7