香港研究學院轄下嘅民調中心,將正式定名為「社會科學調查研究室」(Social Science Data Laboratory)。我哋同其他大學民調中心嘅最大唔同,係除左做電話民意調查外,亦會做大數據、社交媒體分析、網上調查、街頭訪問、內容分析、小組訪問等等 ── 即係話乜嘢研究都會做。
經過左一輪測試後,研究室已經全面投入運作,各方朋友不論左中右、政府政黨企業定係智庫NGO大專院校,如果有任何研究調查想做,都歡迎搵我哋傾下。只要簡單填張查詢表格( https://goo.gl/b8rCE7 ),我哋就會有專人同你聯絡跟進㗎喇。
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(1) 大數據及社交媒體分析
(2) 電話調查
(3) 郵遞調查
(4) 網上調查
(5) 街頭訪問
(6) 內容分析
(7) 小組訪問
(1) 中學生電話調查工作坊
(2) 本科生及研究生統計及抽樣調查教學
(3) 自選應用研究訓練
李家文博士 (研究統籌主任)
電話:(852) 2948 8564
Social Science Data Laboratory
The Social Science Data Laboratory (SSDL) is a self-financed research unit of The Academy of Hong Kong Studies (AHKS). Operated by a team of experienced researchers, the SSDL provides a wide range of state-of-the-art research services and trainings on social science data collection. We are ready to offer customized services to clients from different sectors of the community such as academic institutions, government departments, public organizations, private enterprises, non-government organizations and secondary / primary schools.
Research services (from research design, data collection to data analysis and report writing)
(1) Big data and social media analysis
(2) Telephone survey
(3) Postal survey
(4) Online survey
(5) Street intercept survey
(6) Content analysis
(7) Focus groups
Training services (from training design to training delivery)
(1) Polling workshops for secondary students.
(2) Classes for undergraduate and postgraduate students on statistical and survey research skills.
(3) Customized research trainings based on clients’ needs.
Enquiry and consultation:
Dr. LEE, Ka-man, Dominic (Research Coordinator)
E-mail: kml@eduhk.hk
Tel: (852) 2948 8564
*Please complete this enquiry form: https://goo.gl/b8rCE7