【JOMO's Tseung Kwan O. Arrive by MTR Tseung Kwan O 🚇, walk 10 mins】
•Burnt Basque Cheesecake 🥧 was very good! It's not the rustic type, but a cleaner almost Japanese lighter cheesecake option, it's also on the other spectrum of what I'd bake myself. HKD $58
•Fig's Scone with Jam & Clotted Cream $38. I love this here, this time it was a tad drier and more crumbly, but the flavors are still good. To me a must order at JOMO ~!
•Double Espresso & Caffe Latte were also really good this visit, confirming my experiences at SYP JOMO. Well made & soothing, no weird drop offs or dirtiness, burntness, great base for Milk based coffees or as clean morning espresso.
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scones made with milk not cream 在 開動with貓-奧地利生活札記-Kaidong With Kat Facebook 的最佳解答
好懷念英式下午茶的傳統茶點『司康scone』小圓餅。在奧地利的超市跟麵包店幾乎沒有它的蹤影!既然買不到乾脆自己來,其實司康的做法很容易,需要的食材也非常基本,貓兒特別喜歡原味的司康加上凝脂奶油clotted cream與果醬,特別是剛烤好熱呼呼暖暖的餅皮剝開兩半夾上奶油配果醬實在是太完美了!Mr.櫻一次吃掉好多個,看來下次得多烤一點才夠吃啊😉 ❤️
這次特別感謝住在德國的朋友小飛Phaedra自己做的手工果醬小飛的任性食堂 🤗她研發許多市面上沒有的獨家口味。讓貓兒非常驚豔的是『玫瑰佐酸櫻桃與草莓』這款花果醬。在甜中帶微酸的果肉又飄著淡淡玫瑰花香,而且還吃得到花瓣呢!這讓我印象實在太深刻🌹🍒🍓口感與味覺極有層次,非常有亮點的組合🐱開動囉!
I remember a few years ago I had some scones in a cafe in London. They were so tasty! Recently, I missed this British dessert very much, but it's hard to find in bakeries or supermarkets in Austria. Therefore, I decided to make scones by myself. Actually, baking this dessert is not so complicated, requiring just a few simple ingredients - like baking powder, butter, sugar, flour, milk, egg, and a bit of salt.
The tastiest scone for me is just right after baking. Eating it with delicious jam, which made by Phaedra from Germany, was the perfect combination, that you can't find in a supermarket. Thanks a lot to Phaedra! I love her rugosa-rose cherry & strawberry jam so much! It's sweet with a slight acidly taste, and I can even smell the rose fragrance, as well as see the flower petals in her jam! It's so delicious! Kaidong! #奧地利 #薩爾斯堡 #餐桌日記 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Austria #Salzburg #KaidongWithKat #cooking